Пример #1
async def auth_verify_login(openid, access_token, platform):
    ''' 验证accesstoken合法性数据'''
    if '1' == platform:
        success, result = await auth_verify_weixin(openid, access_token)
    elif '2' == platform:
        success, result = await auth_verify_weibo(openid, access_token)
    elif '3' == platform:
        success, result = auth_verify_apple(openid, access_token)
        return True, 1011, '未知平台类型', None

    access_token = access_token[:100]
    # success = True
    if success:
        # 认证通过
        db_res = await check_openid_exists(openid, platform)  # 查询openid是否已存在
        if db_res is False:
            # 未添加过的openid,直接插入
            insert_sql = "INSERT INTO auth_info (`openid`, `access_token`, `platform`, `updatetime`, `createtime`)" \
                                       " VALUES (?,         ?,              ?,          ?,           ?)"
            sql_result = await dbins.execute(
                (openid, access_token, platform, curDatetime(), curDatetime()))
            if sql_result is not None:
                return True, 0, '认证添加成功', None
                return False, 3089, '添加失败,请重试', None
            # 已存在openid,更新accesstoken,并登录系统返回管饭token
            userid = db_res.get("userid")
            recordid = db_res.get("id")
            update_accesstoken_sql = "UPDATE auth_info set access_token=? WHERE id=?"
            update_result = await dbins.execute(update_accesstoken_sql,
                                                (access_token, recordid))
            if update_result is None:
                return False, 3089, '更新失败,请重试', None
                # 创建token 登录成功并返回
                if userid == 0:
                    ''' 认证成功,未绑定的用户 '''
                    return True, 0, '认证更新成功', None

                success, token = await login_create_token(userid)
                if success:
                    return True, 1, '登录成功', {
                        'token': token.replace('token:', '')
                    return False, 3099, token, None
        # 认证失败
        return False, 2088, '认证失败', result
Пример #2
async def campaign_join(myid, campaignid, jointype, joinid):
    ''' 参加活动
    myid 用户ID, campaignid 主题ID, 
    jointype 参与类型(动态 主题 菜谱 等), 
    joinid 参与ID(动态 主题 菜谱 等)
    exists_id_status = await check_campaign_real(campaignid)
    if exists_id_status == None:
        return False, 1662, '错误的活动内容,请核对后重试', None
    elif exists_id_status == 0:
        return False, 1668, '活动尚未开始, 谢谢参与!', None
    elif exists_id_status == 2:
        return False, 1669, '活动已结束, 谢谢参与!', None
    elif exists_id_status != 1:
        return False, 1667, '未知活动状态,请核对后重试!', None

    join_sql = '''
    INSERT INTO campaign_join ( `campaignid`, `userid`, `jointype`, `joinid`,`createtime` )
        ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
    add_like_res = await dbins.execute(
        join_sql, (campaignid, myid, jointype, joinid, curDatetime()))
    if add_like_res is None:
        return False, 3668, '活动参加失败,请重试', None
    return True, 0, '活动参与成功', None
Пример #3
async def cancel_collection(userid, itemid, itemtype):
    ''' 取消收藏 '''
    # 判断是否已收藏
    exists_sql = 'select id,status from collection_info where userid=? and `type`=? and itemid=? limit 1'
    exists_res = await dbins.selectone(exists_sql, (userid, itemtype, itemid))
    if exists_res:
        # 取消收藏已存在
        if exists_res.get('status') == -1:
            # 有记录,但本身就是取消收藏的
            return True, 0, '已取消收藏', None

        coid = exists_res.get('id')
        up_collection_sql = 'update collection_info set `status` = -1, createtime=? where id=?'
        cancel_collection_res = await dbins.execute(up_collection_sql,
                                                    (curDatetime(), coid))
        if cancel_collection_res is None:
            return False, 3010, '取消收藏失败,请重试', None
            if itemtype == 2:
                # 食谱 收藏-1
                up_recipe_sql = 'update recipe_info set collectionCount = collectionCount - 1 where id=? and isenable=1 and `status` in (1,0)'
                up_res = await dbins.execute(up_recipe_sql, (itemid))

            if itemtype == 3:
                # 主题 收藏-1
                up_topic_sql = 'update topic_info set collectionCount = collectionCount - 1 where id=? and isenable=1 and `status` != -1'
                up_res = await dbins.execute(up_topic_sql, (itemid))
            return True, 0, '取消收藏成功', None
        return False, 1021, '错误的收藏数据', None
Пример #4
async def cancel_like(userid, itemid, itemtype):
    ''' 取消点赞 '''
    # 判断是否已点赞
    exists_sql = 'select id,`status` from like_info where userid=? and `likeType`=? and itemid=? limit 1'
    exists_res = await dbins.selectone(exists_sql, (userid, itemtype, itemid))
    if exists_res is None:
        return False, 3018, '取消点赞失败,请重试', None

    if exists_res.get('status') == -1:
        # 已存在
        return True, 0, '已取消点赞', None

    if exists_res.get('status') == 0:
        # 已存在
        # 动态likeCount 点赞数字+1
        if itemtype == 1:
            likes_num_result = await likes_num_update(itemid, -1, itemtype)
            if likes_num_result is False:
                return False, 3010, '点赞失败,请重试', None
        coid = exists_res.get('id')
        up_collection_sql = 'update like_info set `status` = -1, createtime=? where id=?'
        cancel_like_res = await dbins.execute(up_collection_sql,
                                              (curDatetime(), coid))
        if cancel_like_res is None:
            likes_num_result = await likes_num_update(itemid, +1, itemtype)
            return False, 3011, '取消点赞失败,请重试', None
            return True, 0, '取消点赞成功', None
        return False, 1021, '错误的点赞数据', None
Пример #5
async def add_hotkeyword(keyword):
    ''' 添加热词 '''
    up_key_sql = '''
    update hot_keyword set visitcount = visitcount + 1, updatetime = ? where keyword = ?
    curtime = curDatetime()
    result = await dbins.execute(up_key_sql, (curtime, keyword))
    if result is None:
        return False, 3001, '热词更新异常,请重试', None

    if result == 1:
        return True, 0, '更新成功', None

    if result == 0:
        # 新词
        ins_key_sql = '''
        INSERT INTO hot_keyword
        (keyword, visitCount, updateTime, createTime, sort, status)
        (?,         ?,          ?,          ?,          ?,          ?)
        ins_res = await dbins.execute(ins_key_sql,
                                      (keyword, 1, curtime, curtime, 0, 0))
        if ins_res is None:
            return False, 3002, '添加搜索词异常,请重试', None
            return True, 0, '添加成功', None
Пример #6
async def add_collection(userid, itemid, itemtype):
    ''' 添加收藏 itemid 收藏ID, itemtype的类型: 1 动态,2 食谱,3 主题'''
    res_exists = await item_exists(itemid, itemtype)
    if res_exists is False:
        return False, 3006, '收藏的数据不存在或不合法,请核对后重试', None

    # 判断是否已收藏
    exists_sql = 'select id,status from collection_info where userid=? and `type`=? and itemid=? limit 1'
    exists_res = await dbins.selectone(exists_sql, (userid, itemtype, itemid))
    if exists_res:
        # 已存在
        if exists_res.get('status') == 0:
            # 有记录,但本身就是收藏专题的
            return True, 0, '已收藏', None
        coid = exists_res.get('id')
        up_collection_sql = 'update collection_info set `status` = 0, createtime=? where id=?'
        add_collection_res = await dbins.execute(up_collection_sql,
                                                 (curDatetime(), coid))
        if add_collection_res is None:
            return False, 3009, '收藏失败,请重试', None
            if itemtype == 2:
                # 食谱 收藏+1
                up_recipe_sql = 'update recipe_info set collectionCount = collectionCount + 1 where id=? and isenable=1 and `status` in (1,0)'
                up_res = await dbins.execute(up_recipe_sql, (itemid))

            if itemtype == 3:
                # 主题 收藏+1
                up_topic_sql = 'update topic_info set collectionCount = collectionCount + 1 where id=? and isenable=1 and `status` != -1'
                up_res = await dbins.execute(up_topic_sql, (itemid))

            return True, 0, '收藏成功', None

    # 添加收藏
    add_collection_sql = '''
    insert into collection_info(userid, `type`, itemid, `status`)
                        values(?,       ?,          ?,      ?)
    add_collection_res = await dbins.execute(add_collection_sql,
                                             (userid, itemtype, itemid, 0))
    if add_collection_res is None:
        return False, 3008, '收藏失败,请重试', None

    if itemtype == 2:
        # 食谱 收藏+1
        up_recipe_sql = 'update recipe_info set collectionCount = collectionCount + 1 where id=? and isenable=1 and `status` in (1,0)'
        up_res = await dbins.execute(up_recipe_sql, (itemid))

    if itemtype == 3:
        # 主题 收藏+1
        up_topic_sql = 'update topic_info set collectionCount = collectionCount + 1 where id=? and isenable=1 and `status` != -1'
        up_res = await dbins.execute(up_topic_sql, (itemid))

    return True, 0, '收藏成功', None
Пример #7
async def create_video_id(myid, videoid, filename, filesize):
    ''' 新建阿里云视频ID,以及相关信息 '''
    insert_video_sql = "INSERT INTO video_info (`userid`, `videoid`, `filename`, `filesize`, `updatetime`, `createtime`)" \
                                 "VALUES(?,          ?,        ?,         ?,     ?,            ?)"
    curtime = curDatetime()
    video_result = await dbins.execute(
        (myid, videoid, filename, filesize, curtime, curtime))

    if video_result is None:
        log.warning("视频记录失败,userid:{}, videoid:{}".format(myid, videoid))
        return False, "视频记录失败"
        return True, "ok"
Пример #8
async def add_like(userid, itemid, itemtype):
    ''' 添加点赞 itemid 收藏ID, itemtype的类型: 1 动态,2 食谱,3 主题'''
    res_exists = await item_exists(itemid, itemtype)
    if res_exists is False:
        return False, 3006, '点赞的数据不存在或不合法,请核对后重试', None

    # 判断是否已点赞
    exists_sql = 'select id,`status` from like_info where userid=? and `likeType`=? and itemid=? limit 1'
    exists_res = await dbins.selectone(exists_sql, (userid, itemtype, itemid))

    if exists_res:
        if exists_res.get('status') == 0:
            # 已存在
            return True, 0, '已点赞', None

        if exists_res.get('status') == -1:
            # 已存在
            # 动态likeCount 点赞数字+1
            if itemtype == 1:
                likes_num_result = await likes_num_update(itemid, 1, itemtype)
                if likes_num_result is False:
                    return False, 3010, '点赞失败,请重试', None

            coid = exists_res.get('id')
            up_collection_sql = 'update like_info set `status` = 0, createtime=? where id=?'
            add_like_res = await dbins.execute(up_collection_sql,
                                               (curDatetime(), coid))
            if add_like_res is None:
                likes_num_result = await likes_num_update(itemid, -1, itemtype)
                return False, 3009, '点赞失败,请重试', None
                return True, 0, '点赞成功', None

    # 添加点赞
    if itemtype == 1:
        likes_num_result = await likes_num_update(itemid, 1, itemtype)
        if likes_num_result is False:
            return False, 3010, '点赞失败,请重试', None

    add_collection_sql = '''
    insert into like_info(userid, `likeType`, itemid, `status`)
                        values(?,       ?,          ?,      ?)
    add_like_res = await dbins.execute(add_collection_sql,
                                       (userid, itemtype, itemid, 0))
    if add_like_res is None:
        return False, 3008, '点赞失败,请重试', None

    return True, 0, '点赞成功', None
Пример #9
async def message_read(myid, msgid):
    ''' 将消息设置为已读 '''
    msg_exists_sql = '''
select id from reply_info
id = ?
and haveRead=0
and status=0
and userid!=?
and ((beUserId=? ) or (itemUserID=? and beuserid=0)) limit 1;
    msg_exists_res = await dbins.selectone(msg_exists_sql,
                                           (msgid, myid, myid, myid))
    if msg_exists_res is None:
        return False, 1022, '消息数据异常,请核对后重试', None

    up_msg_sql = 'update reply_info set haveRead = 1, updatetime=? where id=?'
    up_msg_res = await dbins.execute(up_msg_sql, (curDatetime(), msgid))
    if up_msg_res is None:
        return False, 3019, '消息已读失败,请重试', None
        return True, 0, '消息已读', None
Пример #10
async def message_del(myid, msgid):
    ''' 将消息设置为删除, haveread 标记为 -1'''
    msg_exists_sql ='''
select id from reply_info
id = ?
and haveRead!=-1
and status=0
and userid!=?
and ((beUserId=? ) or (itemUserID=? and beuserid=0)) limit 1;
    msg_exists_res = await db_ins.selectone(msg_exists_sql, (msgid, myid, myid, myid))
    if msg_exists_res is None:
        # 不属于你的消息或者异常的数据
        return False, 1102, '消息数据异常,请核对后重试', None

    up_msg_sql = 'update reply_info set haveRead = -1, updatetime=? where id=?' 
    up_msg_res = await db_ins.execute(up_msg_sql, (curDatetime(), msgid))
    if up_msg_res is None:
        return False, 3102, '消息删除失败,请重试', None
        return True, 0, '消息已删除', None
Пример #11
    async def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
        result = []
        userid = self.get_session().get('id', 0)
        did = self.verify_arg_legal(self.get_body_argument('did'),
        name = self.verify_arg_legal(
        mobile = self.verify_arg_legal(
        pid = self.verify_arg_num(
        cid = self.verify_arg_num(
        aid = self.verify_arg_num(
        address = self.verify_arg_legal(self.get_body_argument('address'),
        is_default = self.verify_arg_num(self.get_body_argument('is_default'),

            address_obj = await self.application.objects.get(My_Address,
        except My_Address.DoesNotExist as e:
            return self.send_message(False, 404, '地址不存在', result)

        verify_city_ = Area.select().where(Area.id == aid and Area.pid == cid)
        verify_province_ = Area.select().where(Area.id == cid
                                               and Area.pid == pid)
        verify_city_wrappers = await self.application.objects.execute(
        verify_province_wrappers = await self.application.objects.execute(

        if not verify_city_wrappers or not verify_province_wrappers:
            return self.send_message(False, 404, '编辑失败 省市区参数错误', result)

        add_data = {
            "name": name,
            "mobile": mobile,
            "province_id": pid,
            "city_id": cid,
            "area_id": aid,
            "address": address,
            "is_default": is_default,
            "updatetime": curDatetime(),

        # 如果要设置为默认地址,先查询数据库是否有存在默认地址,有改为非默认
        async with await DATABASE.transaction() as transaction:
                if is_default:
                    query = (My_Address.use(transaction).update({
                    }).where(My_Address.user == userid,
                             My_Address.is_default == 1))
                    await query.execute()
                await My_Address.use(transaction).update(**add_data).where(
                    My_Address.id == did)
            except Exception as e:
                # 日志
                log.info('{} 地址修改失败:{}-{}'.format(userid, add_data, e))
                success, code, message, result = False, 404, '修改失败', ''
                return self.send_message(success, code, message, result)
        success, code, message, result = True, 0, '修改成功', result
        return self.send_message(success, code, message, result)
Пример #12
async def auth_bind_user(openid, access_token, platform, faceimg, nickname,
                         phone, verify):
    ''' 绑定第三方用户 '''
    # 校验 绑定验证码是否正确
    access_token = access_token[:100]

    rdskey = "phone.verify.{}:{}".format("bind", phone)
    rdget = await RedisOperate().instance().get_data(rdskey)
    if rdget != verify:
        # 手机验证码正确
        return False, 1036, "错误的验证码", None
        # 验证码正确的话,删除
        await RedisOperate().instance().del_data(rdskey)

    # 判断第三方信息是否已存在
    plat_user = await check_openid_exists(openid, platform, access_token)
    # print(openid, platform, access_token)
    if plat_user is False:
        # 不存在绑定信息
        return False, 1037, "错误的第三方登录信息,绑定失败", None

    # 获取根据手机号获取用户ID
    ures, userid = await get_userid(phone)
    nickname_only = await nickname_rename(nickname, userid)

    if ures is False:
        # 未注册用户,插入用户
        insert_auth_sql = "INSERT INTO user (`username`, `headImg`, `mobile`, `sex`, `createTime`, `updateTime`)" \
                                     "VALUES(?,          ?,        ?,         ?,     ?,            ?)"
        sqllist = []
        sqllist.append((insert_auth_sql, (nickname_only, faceimg, phone, 0,
                                          curDatetime(), curDatetime())))
        sqllist.append(('select last_insert_id() as nid', ()))
        result = await dbins.execute_many(sqllist)
        if result is None:
            return False, 3015, "添加用户失败,请重试", None
        userid = result[1][1][0]
        # 已注册的用户,先校验是否绑定了第三方登录账号
        bind_is_exists, bindchekmsg = await check_user_already_bind(
            userid, platform, plat_user.get('id', 0))
        if bind_is_exists:
            if '1' == platform:
                log.warning("手机号:{} 已绑定微信账号".format(phone))
                return False, 1047, "该手机号已绑定微信账号", None
                log.warning("手机号:{} 已绑定微博账号".format(phone))
                return False, 1048, "该手机号已绑定微博账号", None

        # 已注册用户,更新用户信息
        up_auth_sql = "UPDATE user set headImg = ?, username = ? where id = ? "
        up_user_result = await dbins.execute(up_auth_sql,
                                             (faceimg, nickname_only, userid))
        if up_user_result is None:
            return False, 3016, "更新用户数据失败", None

    # 更新绑定信息
    bind_sql = "UPDATE auth_info set userid=? where id=?"
    bind_sql_result = await dbins.execute(bind_sql,
                                          (userid, plat_user.get("id")))

    if bind_sql_result is None:
        log.error("绑定用户失败,userid:{}, openid:{}".format(userid, openid))
        return False, 3017, "绑定用户失败", None
        # return True, 0, '绑定成功', None
        # 绑定成功后直接去登录
        success, token = await login_create_token(userid)
        if success:
            return True, 0, '登录成功', {'token': token.replace('token:', '')}
            return False, 3099, token, None