def view(a, colour=None, bonds=True, cell=True, scale=10.0, cutoff_scale=1.2, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): topology = {} topology['atom_types'] = a.get_chemical_symbols() if bonds: n = a.numbers maxn = n.max() cutoffs = np.zeros([maxn+1, maxn+1]) for n1, n2 in itertools.product(n, n): cutoffs[n1, n2] = cutoff_scale*(covalent_radii[n1]+covalent_radii[n2]) # Construct a bond list i, j, S = neighbour_list('ijS', a, cutoffs, np.array(a.numbers, dtype=np.int32)) m = np.logical_and(i<j, (S==0).all(axis=1)) i = i[m] j = j[m] topology['bonds'] = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(i, j)] colorlist = None if colour is not None: colour = np.array(colour, dtype=np.float64) if cmap is None: from import jet cmap = jet if vmin is None: vmin = np.min(colour) if vmax is None: vmax = np.max(colour) colour = (colour - vmin)/(vmax - vmin) colorlist = ['0x%02x%02x%02x' % (r*256, g*256, b*256) for (r, g, b, alpha) in cmap(colour)] mv = MolecularViewer(a.positions/scale, topology=topology) mv.ball_and_sticks(colorlist=colorlist) if cell: O = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32) La, Lb, Lc = a.cell.astype(np.float32)/scale start = np.r_[O, O, O, O + Lb, O + Lc, O + La, O + Lc, O + La, O + Lb, O + Lb + Lc, O + La + Lc, O + La + Lb] end = np.r_[O + La, O + Lb, O + Lc, O + Lb + La, O + Lc + Lb, O + La + Lc, O + Lc + La, O + La + Lb, O + Lb + Lc, O + Lb + Lc + La, O + La + Lc + Lb, O + La + Lb + Lc] rgb = [0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF]*4 mv.add_representation('lines', {'startCoords': start, 'endCoords': end, 'startColors': rgb, 'endColors': rgb}) return mv
def vis(self,stack=(1,1,1),radius = 2,*args,**kwargs): superCell = self*stack if not superCell.cartesian: superCell.lattice_to_cartesian() coordinates = np.array([nuc.r() for nuc in superCell]) * bohr_as_angstrom atomic_types= [nuc.species for nuc in superCell] mv = MolecularViewer(coordinates, topology={'atom_types': atomic_types,}) if radius == 2: mv.ball('ionic') else: mv.ball() return mv
def ChemView(self): # Use ChemView module in notebook to plot molecule NAtoms = self.NAtoms Coordinates = np.zeros((NAtoms, 3), dtype=float) AtomSymbols = [] for Index, AtomNumber in enumerate(self.Atoms): # Make a list of XYZ and atomic symbol arrays Coordinates[Index] = self.Atoms[AtomNumber].GetCoordinates() AtomSymbols.append(self.Atoms[AtomNumber].GetSymbol) try: mv = MolecularViewer(Coordinates, topology={'atom_types': AtomSymbols, 'bonds': self.Bonds}) except AttributeError: # if self.Bonds isn't already generated, catch exception self.GenerateBonds() # If not already generated, make the bonds mv = MolecularViewer(Coordinates, topology={'atom_types': AtomSymbols, 'bonds': self.Bonds}) mv.ball_and_sticks() return mv
def quick_view(structure, bonds=True, conventional=False, transform=None, show_box=True, bond_tol=0.2, stick_radius=0.1): """ A function to visualize pymatgen Structure objects in jupyter notebook using chemview package. Args: structure: pymatgen Structure bonds: (bool) visualize bonds. Bonds are found by comparing distances to added covalent radii of pairs. Defaults to True. conventional: (bool) use conventional cell. Defaults to False. transform: (list) can be used to make supercells with pymatgen.Structure.make_supercell method show_box: (bool) unit cell is shown. Defaults to True. bond_tol: (float) used if bonds=True. Sets the extra distance tolerance when finding bonds. stick_radius: (float) radius of bonds. Returns: A chemview.MolecularViewer object """ s = structure.copy() if conventional: s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(s).get_conventional_standard_structure() if transform: s.make_supercell(transform) atom_types = [i.symbol for i in s.species] if bonds: bonds = [] for i in range(s.num_sites - 1): sym_i = s[i].specie.symbol for j in range(i + 1, s.num_sites): sym_j = s[j].specie.symbol max_d = CovalentRadius.radius[sym_i] + CovalentRadius.radius[sym_j] + bond_tol if s.get_distance(i, j, np.array([0,0,0])) < max_d: bonds.append((i, j)) bonds = bonds if bonds else None mv = MolecularViewer(s.cart_coords, topology={'atom_types': atom_types, 'bonds': bonds}) if bonds: mv.ball_and_sticks(stick_radius=stick_radius) for i in s.sites: el = i.specie.symbol coord = i.coords r = CovalentRadius.radius[el] mv.add_representation('spheres', {'coordinates': coord.astype('float32'), 'colors': [get_atom_color(el)], 'radii': [r * 0.5], 'opacity': 1.0}) if show_box: o = np.array([0, 0, 0]) a, b, c = s.lattice.matrix[0], s.lattice.matrix[1], s.lattice.matrix[2] starts = [o, o, o, a, a, b, b, c, c, a + b, a + c, b + c] ends = [a, b, c, a + b, a + c, b + a, b + c, c + a, c + b, a + b + c, a + b + c, a + b + c] colors = [0xffffff for i in range(12)] mv.add_representation('lines', {'startCoords': np.array(starts), 'endCoords': np.array(ends), 'startColors': colors, 'endColors': colors}) return mv
def display_molecule(molecule): topology = {'atom_types': molecule.type_array, 'bonds': molecule.bonds} mv = MolecularViewer(molecule.r_array, topology) if molecule.n_bonds != 0: mv.points(size=0.15) mv.lines() else: mv.points() return mv
def display_molecule(molecule, highlight=None, **kwargs): topology = { 'atom_types': molecule.type_array, 'bonds': molecule.bonds } mv = MolecularViewer(molecule.r_array.astype('float32'), topology) kind = kwargs.get('kind', 'wireframe') if kind == 'wireframe': if molecule.n_bonds != 0: mv.points(size=0.15, highlight=highlight) mv.lines() else: mv.points(highlight=highlight) elif kind == 'ball_and_sticks': mv.ball_and_sticks() else: raise ValueError("kind {} not found".format(kind)) return mv
def display_molecule(molecule): topology = { 'atom_types': molecule.type_array, 'bonds': molecule.bonds } mv = MolecularViewer(molecule.r_array, topology) if molecule.n_bonds != 0: mv.points(size=0.15) mv.lines() else: mv.points() return mv
def view(a, colour=None, bonds=True, cell=True, scale=10.0, cutoff_scale=1.2, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): topology = {} topology['atom_types'] = a.get_chemical_symbols() if bonds: n = a.numbers maxn = n.max() cutoffs = np.zeros([maxn + 1, maxn + 1]) for n1, n2 in itertools.product(n, n): cutoffs[n1, n2] = cutoff_scale * (covalent_radii[n1] + covalent_radii[n2]) # Construct a bond list i, j, S = neighbour_list('ijS', a, cutoffs, np.array(a.numbers, dtype=np.int32)) m = np.logical_and(i < j, (S == 0).all(axis=1)) i = i[m] j = j[m] topology['bonds'] = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(i, j)] colorlist = None if colour is not None: colour = np.array(colour, dtype=np.float64) if cmap is None: from import jet cmap = jet if vmin is None: vmin = np.min(colour) if vmax is None: vmax = np.max(colour) colour = (colour - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) colorlist = [ '0x%02x%02x%02x' % (r * 256, g * 256, b * 256) for (r, g, b, alpha) in cmap(colour) ] mv = MolecularViewer(a.positions / scale, topology=topology) mv.ball_and_sticks(colorlist=colorlist) if cell: O = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32) La, Lb, Lc = a.cell.astype(np.float32) / scale start = np.r_[O, O, O, O + Lb, O + Lc, O + La, O + Lc, O + La, O + Lb, O + Lb + Lc, O + La + Lc, O + La + Lb] end = np.r_[O + La, O + Lb, O + Lc, O + Lb + La, O + Lc + Lb, O + La + Lc, O + Lc + La, O + La + Lb, O + Lb + Lc, O + Lb + Lc + La, O + La + Lc + Lb, O + La + Lb + Lc] rgb = [0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF] * 4 mv.add_representation( 'lines', { 'startCoords': start, 'endCoords': end, 'startColors': rgb, 'endColors': rgb }) return mv
def quick_view(structure, bonds=True, conventional=False, transform=None, show_box=True, bond_tol=0.2, stick_radius=0.1): """ A function to visualize pymatgen Structure objects in jupyter notebook using chemview package. Args: structure: pymatgen Structure bonds: (bool) visualize bonds. Bonds are found by comparing distances to added covalent radii of pairs. Defaults to True. conventional: (bool) use conventional cell. Defaults to False. transform: (list) can be used to make supercells with pymatgen.Structure.make_supercell method show_box: (bool) unit cell is shown. Defaults to True. bond_tol: (float) used if bonds=True. Sets the extra distance tolerance when finding bonds. stick_radius: (float) radius of bonds. Returns: A chemview.MolecularViewer object """ s = structure.copy() if conventional: s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(s).get_conventional_standard_structure() if transform: s.make_supercell(transform) atom_types = [i.symbol for i in s.species] if bonds: bonds = [] for i in range(s.num_sites - 1): sym_i = s[i].specie.symbol for j in range(i + 1, s.num_sites): sym_j = s[j].specie.symbol max_d = CovalentRadius.radius[sym_i] + CovalentRadius.radius[ sym_j] + bond_tol if s.get_distance(i, j, np.array([0, 0, 0])) < max_d: bonds.append((i, j)) bonds = bonds if bonds else None mv = MolecularViewer(s.cart_coords, topology={ 'atom_types': atom_types, 'bonds': bonds }) if bonds: mv.ball_and_sticks(stick_radius=stick_radius) for i in s.sites: el = i.specie.symbol coord = i.coords r = CovalentRadius.radius[el] mv.add_representation( 'spheres', { 'coordinates': coord.astype('float32'), 'colors': [get_atom_color(el)], 'radii': [r * 0.5], 'opacity': 1.0 }) if show_box: o = np.array([0, 0, 0]) a, b, c = s.lattice.matrix[0], s.lattice.matrix[1], s.lattice.matrix[2] starts = [o, o, o, a, a, b, b, c, c, a + b, a + c, b + c] ends = [ a, b, c, a + b, a + c, b + a, b + c, c + a, c + b, a + b + c, a + b + c, a + b + c ] colors = [0xffffff for i in range(12)] mv.add_representation( 'lines', { 'startCoords': np.array(starts), 'endCoords': np.array(ends), 'startColors': colors, 'endColors': colors }) return mv