Пример #1
    def selectScienceTargets(self):
		Based on configuration parameters select a good set of targets to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day.

        session = Session()

        # [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon

        for tbin, time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

            if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
                # Select objects from database that where not observed and where not scheduled yet
                # In the future may include targets that where observed a number of nights ago.
                # This is still incomplete. We should also consider the distance from the previous pointing to the next!
                # Since a target can have a higher airmass but be farther away from a neaby target that will take less time
                # to point.
                # one way of selecting targets that are close together and have good airmass is to select regions that are close
                # to the current location. it can start as searching an area with r1 ~ 10 x the FoV and, if there are no regions
                # to to x2 that and then x4 that. If still there are no targets, than search for the higher in the sky.
                targets = session.query(Targets).filter(
                    Targets.observed == False).filter(
                        Targets.scheduled == False).filter(
                            Targets.type == self.sciFlag)

                lst = _skysub.lst(time, self.sitelong)  #*360./24.
                alt = np.array([
                    _skysub.altit(target.targetDec, lst - target.targetRa,
                                  self.sitelat)[0] for target in targets
                stg = alt.argmax()

                log.info('Selecting %s' % (targets[stg]))

                # Marking target as schedule
                tst = session.query(Targets).filter(
                    Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

                for t in tst:
                    t.scheduled = True
                    self.addObservation(t, time)

                self.obsTimeMask[tbin] = 1.0
                    'Bin %3i @mjd=%.3f already filled up with observations. Skipping...'
                    % (tbin, time - 2400000.5))

        #print i
        return 0  #targets
Пример #2
	def setJD(self,jd=None):
		Configure time domain by specifing a julian day. It will use information on exposure time to build time bins that will be 
		filled when selecting targets.
		if not jd:
			site = Site()
			jd = np.floor(site.JD())+0.5
		nightstart = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(self.sunMaxAlt, jd, self.sitelat, self.sitelong)
		nightend   = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(self.sunMaxAlt, jd+0.5, self.sitelat, self.sitelong)
		self.log.debug('Nigh Start @JD= %.3f # Night End @JD = %.3f'%(nightstart,nightend))
		tbin = np.max([np.max(self.sciExpTime),np.max(self.stdExpTime)])*self.nfilters/60./60./24.

		self.obsTimeBins = np.arange(nightstart,nightend+tbin,tbin)
		self.obsTimeMask = np.zeros(len(self.obsTimeBins))
		self.obsTimeMask[-1] = 1.0
		# Marking filled bins
		session = Session()
		scheduled = session.query(Program)
		for target in scheduled:
			tindex = np.abs(self.obsTimeBins - 2400000.5 - target.slewAt).argmin()
			self.obsTimeMask[tindex] = 1.0
Пример #3
    def restartAllPrograms(self):
        session = Session()

        programs = session.query(Program).all()
        for program in programs:
            program.finished = False

Пример #4
    def restartAllPrograms(self):
        session = Session()

        programs = session.query(Program).all()
        for program in programs:
            program.finished = False

Пример #5
	def selectScienceTargets(self):
		Based on configuration parameters select a good set of targets to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day.
		session = Session()
		# [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon

		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

			if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
				# Select objects from database that where not observed and where not scheduled yet
				# In the future may include targets that where observed a number of nights ago.
				# This is still incomplete. We should also consider the distance from the previous pointing to the next!
				# Since a target can have a higher airmass but be farther away from a neaby target that will take less time
				# to point.
				# one way of selecting targets that are close together and have good airmass is to select regions that are close
				# to the current location. it can start as searching an area with r1 ~ 10 x the FoV and, if there are no regions
				# to to x2 that and then x4 that. If still there are no targets, than search for the higher in the sky.
				targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.observed == False).filter(Targets.scheduled == False).filter(Targets.type == self.sciFlag)
				lst = _skysub.lst(time,self.sitelong) #*360./24.
				alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,self.sitelat)[0] for target in targets])
				stg = alt.argmax()

				self.log.info('Selecting %s'%(targets[stg]))
				# Marking target as schedule
				tst = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

				for t in tst:
					t.scheduled = True
				self.obsTimeMask[tbin] = 1.0
				self.log.debug('Bin %3i @mjd=%.3f already filled up with observations. Skipping...'%(tbin,time-2400000.5))
		#print i
		return 0 #targets
Пример #6
	def setJD(self,options):
		Configure time domain by specifing a julian day. It will use information on exposure time to build time bins that will be 
		filled when selecting targets.
		sysconfig = SystemConfig.fromFile(options.config)

		manager = Manager()
		site = manager.getProxy(sysconfig.sites[0])
		jd = options.JD
		if not jd:
			jd = np.floor(site.JD())+0.5
		lat = np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(site['latitude']).split(':'))])
		lat[1:] *= lat[0]/np.abs(lat[0])
		sitelat = np.sum(lat)
		long = np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(site['longitude']).split(':'))])
		long[1:] *= long[0]/np.abs(long[0])
		sitelong = abs(np.sum(long)/360*24.)
		print site['latitude'],'->',sitelat
		print site['longitude'],'->',sitelong
		nightstart = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(self.sunMaxAlt, jd, sitelat, sitelong)
		nightend   = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(self.sunMaxAlt, jd+0.5, sitelat, sitelong)
		print('Nigh Start @JD= %.3f # Night End @JD = %.3f'%(nightstart,nightend))

		# Creating a 1 minute time bin
		tbin = self.tbin

		self.obsTimeBins = np.arange(nightstart,nightend+tbin,tbin)
		self.obsTimeMask = np.zeros(len(self.obsTimeBins))
		self.obsTimeMask[-1] = 1.0
		# Marking filled bins
		session = Session()
		scheduled = session.query(Program)
		for target in scheduled:
			tindex = np.abs(self.obsTimeBins - 2400000.5 - target.slewAt).argmin()
			self.obsTimeMask[tindex] = 1.0

		self.isJD = True
Пример #7
    def next (self):
        if self.rq.empty():
            session = Session()
            programs = session.query(Program).all()

            for program in programs:
                program.finished = False


        if not self.rq.empty():
            return self.rq.get()
        return None
    def next(self):
        if self.rq.empty():
            session = Session()
            programs = session.query(Program).all()

            for program in programs:
                program.finished = False



        if not self.rq.empty():
            return self.rq.get()

        return None
    def reschedule(self, machine):

        self.machine = machine
        self.rq = Queue(-1)

        session = Session()
        programs = session.query(Program).order_by(desc(Program.priority)).filter(Program.finished == False).all()

        if not programs:

        log.debug("rescheduling, found %d runnable programs" % len(list(programs)))

        for program in programs:

Пример #10
    def reschedule (self, machine):

        self.machine = machine
        self.rq = Queue(-1)

        session = Session()
        programs = session.query(Program).order_by(desc(Program.priority)).filter(Program.finished == False).all()

        if not programs:

        log.debug("rescheduling, found %d runnable programs" % len(list(programs)))

        for program in programs:

Пример #11
    def setJD(self, jd=None):
		Configure time domain by specifing a julian day. It will use information on exposure time to build time bins that will be 
		filled when selecting targets.

        if not jd:
            site = Site()
            jd = np.floor(site.JD()) + 0.5

        nightstart = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(self.sunMaxAlt, jd, self.sitelat,
        nightend = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(self.sunMaxAlt, jd + 0.5, self.sitelat,

        log.debug('Nigh Start @JD= %.3f # Night End @JD = %.3f' %
                  (nightstart, nightend))

        tbin = np.max([np.max(self.sciExpTime),
                       ]) * self.nfilters / 60. / 60. / 24.

        self.obsTimeBins = np.arange(nightstart, nightend + tbin, tbin)
        self.obsTimeMask = np.zeros(len(self.obsTimeBins))
        self.obsTimeMask[-1] = 1.0

        # Marking filled bins

        session = Session()

        scheduled = session.query(Program)

        for target in scheduled:
            tindex = np.abs(self.obsTimeBins - 2400000.5 -
            self.obsTimeMask[tindex] = 1.0

        self.isJD = True
Пример #12
	def selectStandardTargets(self,flag,nstars=3,nairmass=3):
		Based on configuration parameters, select 'nstars' standard stars to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day. Ideally you 
		will select standard stars before your science targets so not to have a full queue. Usually standard stars are observed 
		more than once a night at different airmasses. The user can control this parameter with nairmass and the script will try
		to take care of the rest. 

		session = Session()
		# query project information
		projQuery = session.query(Projects).filter(Projects.flag == flag)
		totobstime = 0.
		# Calculate total observation time
		for block in projQuery:
			totobstime += block.exptime
		totobstime /= 86400.0
		# First of all, standard stars can be observed multiple times in sucessive nights. I will mark all
		# stars as unscheduled.
		targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == True).filter(Targets.type == flag)
		for target in targets:
			target.scheduled = False
		# [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon
		# [To be done] Apply all sorts of rejections

		# Selecting standard stars is not only searching for the higher in that time but select stars than can be observed at 3
		# or more (nairmass) different airmasses. It is also important to select stars with different colors (but this will be
		# taken care in the future).

		if nairmass*nstars > len(self.obsTimeBins):
			self.log.warning('Requesting more stars/observations than it will be possible to schedule. Decreasing number of requests to fit in the night.')
			nstars = len(self.obsTimeBins)/nairmass

		# Build a grid of desired times for higher airmass observation of each standard star.
		stdObsTimeBin = np.arange(10,len(self.obsTimeBins)-10,(len(self.obsTimeBins)-10)/nstars)
		obsStandars = np.zeros(nstars)
		print stdObsTimeBin
		# selecting the closest bin without observation

		stdObsTimeBin,status = self.findSuitableTimeBin(stdObsTimeBin)
		if status != 0:
			raise Exception('Could not find suitable time to start observations! Try cleaning queue.')
		print stdObsTimeBin
		site = Site()

		calclst = lambda time: np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(site._getEphem(datetimeFromJD(time)).sidereal_time()).split(':'))]))
		nightlst = np.array([calclst(obstime) for obstime in self.obsTimeBins])

		for i,tbin in enumerate(stdObsTimeBin):
			# selecting the closest bin without observation
			closestcleanbin = tbin
			while self.obsTimeMask[closestcleanbin] > 0.0:
				closestcleanbin += 1
			if i+1 < len(stdObsTimeBin):
				if closestcleanbin > stdObsTimeBin[i+1]:
					raise Exception('Could not find suitable place to start observations of standard star. Try cleaning queue.')
			time = self.obsTimeBins[closestcleanbin]

			# 1 - Select objects from database that where not scheduled yet (standard stars may be repited)
			#     that fits our observing night

			#targetSched = False

			# Will try until a good match is obtained
			#while( not targetSched ):
			targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == 0).filter(Targets.type == flag)
			if len(targets[:]) > 0:

				#ephem = site._getEphem(datetimeFromJD(time))
				lst = calclst(time) #np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(ephem.sidereal_time()).split(':'))]))
				sitelat = np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(site['latitude']).split(':'))]))
				alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,sitelat)[0] for target in targets])
				stg = alt.argmax()

				print('Selecting %s'%(targets[stg]))
				# Marking target as schedule
				tst = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == targets[stg].id)
				# Build airmass table for object
				objsecz = np.array([_skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(targets[stg].targetDec,nlst - targets[stg].targetRa,sitelat)[0])) for nlst in nightlst])
				# Build desired airmass table
				#obsairmass = np.linspace(_skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(alt[stg])),projQuery[0].maxairmass,nairmass)
				obsairmass = np.logspace(np.log10(np.min(objsecz[objsecz > 0])),np.log10(projQuery[0].maxairmass),nairmass)
				# Build mask with scheduled airmasses
				#mask = np.zeros(len(objsecz),dtype=bool) == 1
				pltobstime,pltobsairmass = np.array([]),np.array([])
				# Try scheduling observations on all airmasses
				for airmass in obsairmass:
					# Get times where the object is close to the desired airmass and there are no observations scheduled
					timeobsmask = np.bitwise_and(self.obsTimeMask < 1.0,np.abs(objsecz - airmass) < self.tolairmass)
					# Check that there are times available
					if not timeobsmask.any():
						#raise Exception('No time available for scheduling observations of standard star %s at airmass %.3f'%(targets[stg],airmass))
						self.log.warning('No time available for scheduling observations of standard star %s at airmass %.3f'%(targets[stg],airmass))
					# Start trying to schedule observations
					indexes = np.arange(len(self.obsTimeMask))[timeobsmask] #np.bitwise_and(self.obsTimeMask, timeobsmask)
					obsSched = False

					for index in indexes:
						print('[%.3f] - Time bin available for observation of standard star at airmass %.3f'%(self.obsTimeBins[index], airmass))
						print '- Require %i extra time bins'%(totobstime/self.tbin)
						if (self.obsTimeMask[index:index+totobstime/self.tbin] < 1.0).all():
							print 'Observation fit in this block.'
							self.obsTimeMask[index:index+totobstime/self.tbin] = 1.0
							self.log.info('Requesting observations of %s @airmass=%4.2f @mjd=%.3f...'%(target.name,airmass,self.obsTimeBins[index]-2400000.5))
							pltobstime = np.append(pltobstime,self.obsTimeBins[index:index+totobstime/self.tbin])
							pltobsairmass = np.append(pltobsairmass, objsecz[index:index+totobstime/self.tbin])

							#for nblock,ii in enumerate(range(index,int(index+totobstime/self.tbin),1)):
					np.savetxt('obsairmass_%04i.dat'%stg,X = zip(pltobstime,pltobsairmass))

						#self.obsTimeMask[index] = 1.0
						#for iobsbins in range(index+1,index+int(totobstime/self.tbin)):
							#print '[%i] - require extra time bin'%(iobsbins)
							#if self.obsTimeMask[iobsbins] < 1.0:
							#	self.obsTimeMask[iobsbins] = 1.0
							#	raise Exception('Time bin [%i/%i] not available for observation of standard star at airmass %.3f'%(iobsbins,len(self.obsTimeMask),airmass))
							#raise Exception('Time bin not available for observation of standard star at airmass %.3f'%(airmass))

				for t in tst:
					t.scheduled = True
					obsStandars[i] = t.id
				self.log.warning('No suitable standard star for jd:%.3f in database...'%(time))
				return 0

		return 0
		if len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]) < nstars:
			self.log.warning('Could not find %i suitable standard stars in catalog. Only %i where found.'%(nstars,len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0])))

		obsStandars = np.zeros(len(self.obsTimeBins))-1 # first selection of observable standards
		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

			if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
				# 1 - Select objects from database that where not scheduled yet (standard stars may be repited)
				#     that fits our observing night
				targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == 0).filter(Targets.type == flag)
				if len(targets[:]) > 0:

					ephem = site._getEphem(datetimeFromJD(time))
					lst = np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(ephem.sidereal_time()).split(':'))]))
					sitelat = np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(site['latitude']).split(':'))]))
					secz = np.array([_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,sitelat)[0]) for target in targets])
					stg = secz.argmax()

					self.log.info('Selecting %s'%(targets[stg]))
					# Marking target as schedule
					tst = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

					for t in tst:
						t.scheduled = True
						obsStandars[tbin] = t.id
					print('No suitable target for jd:%.3f in database...'%(time))

				self.log.info('Bin already filled up with observations. Skipping...')

		if len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]) < nstars:
			self.log.warning('Could not find %i suitable standard stars in catalog. Only %i where found.'%(nstars,len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0])))
		# Unmarking potential targets as scheduled
		for id in obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == id)
			for t in target:
				t.scheduled = False
		# Preparing a grid of altitudes for each target for each observing window
		amGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars)*len(obsStandars)).reshape(len(obsStandars),len(obsStandars))

		for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == obsStandars[i])[0]
			for j in range(len(obsStandars)):
				lst = _skysub.lst(self.obsTimeBins[j],self.sitelong)
				amGrid[i][j] = _skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,self.sitelat)[0]))
				if amGrid[i][j] < 0:
					amGrid [i][j] = 99.
		# Build a grid mask that specifies the position in time each target should be observed. This means that, when
		# selecting a single target we ocuppy more than one, non consecutive, position in the night. This grid shows where are these
		# positions.
		obsMask = np.zeros(len(obsStandars)*len(obsStandars),dtype=np.bool).reshape(len(obsStandars),len(obsStandars))

		for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
			amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[i].min(),self.stdMaxAirmass,nairmass) # requested aimasses
			dam = np.mean(np.abs(amGrid[i][amGrid[i]<self.stdMaxAirmass][1:] - amGrid[i][amGrid[i]<self.stdMaxAirmass][:-1])) # how much airmass changes in average
			for j,am in enumerate(amObs):
				# Mark positions where target is at	specified airmass
				if j == 0:
					obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i],amGrid[i] == am)
					obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i],np.bitwise_and(amGrid[i]>am-dam,amGrid[i]<am+dam))

			#print amGrid[i][np.where(obsMask[i])]
		# Now it is time to actually select the targets. It will start with the first target and then try the others
		# until it find enough standard stars, as specified by the user.
		# Para cada bin em tempo, varro o bin em massa de ar por coisas observaveis. Se acho um, vejo se posso agendar
		# os outros bins. Se sim, marco o alvo para observacao, se nao, passo para o proximo. Repito ate completar a
		# lista de alvos

		obsMaskTimeGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars),dtype=np.bool)
		nrequests = 0
		reqId = np.zeros(nstars,dtype=np.int)-1
		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[:-1]):
			# Evaluates if time slots are all available. If yes, mark orbservation and ocuppy slots.
			if ( (not obsMaskTimeGrid[obsMask[tbin]].any()) and (len(amGrid[tbin][obsMask[tbin]])>=nairmass) ):
				obsMaskTimeGrid = np.bitwise_or(obsMaskTimeGrid,obsMask[tbin])
				reqId[nrequests] = tbin
				nrequests += 1
			if nrequests >= nstars:

		# Finally, requesting observations

		for id in reqId[reqId >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == obsStandars[id])[0]
			secz = amGrid[id][obsMask[id]]
			seczreq = np.zeros(nairmass,dtype=np.bool)
			amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[id].min(),self.stdMaxAirmass,nairmass) # requested aimasses
			for i,obstime in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]):
				sindex = np.abs(amObs-secz[i]).argmin()
				if not seczreq[sindex]:
					self.log.info('Requesting observations of %s @airmass=%4.2f @mjd=%.3f...'%(target.name,secz[i],obstime-2400000.5))
					seczreq[sindex] = True
					target.scheduled = True
					self.obsTimeMask[obsMask[id]] = 1.0
			#print self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]

		#print i
		return 0 #targets
Пример #13
	def targets(self):
		After selecting targets, you can generate a list of potential targets to run the scheduler.
		session = Session()

		fp1 = open(os.path.join(self.PATH,'Fixed.txt'),'w')
		fp2 = open(os.path.join(self.PATH,'request.stg'),'w')

		# Write header
		fp1.write('''P|Designation |    RA     |    dec    |mag.
-|------------|hh mm ss.ss|sdd mm ss.s|nn.n

		config = {	'name' : '',
					'user' : '',
					'nimages' : 1,
					'expt' : 0,
					'filter' : '',
					'time' : ''}

		for obstype in [self.stdFlag,self.sciFlag]:
			targets = session.query(Targets,Program).join((Program,Targets.id==Program.tid)).filter(Targets.type == obstype).order_by(Targets.name)
			tobs = []
			tname = ''
			FlagFilterClear = True
			for target,program in targets:

				p = Position.fromRaDec(target.targetRa,target.targetDec)
				ra = p.ra.HMS
				dec = p.dec.DMS

				# Write Fixed.txt
				objname = '%12s'%(target.name).replace(' ','_')
				objname = objname.replace(' ','_')
				fp1.write('%1s %s %02.0f %02.0f %05.2f %+03.0f %02.0f %04.1f %04.1f\n'%(	target.type,

				# Write stg file with observation requests
				config['name'] = objname
				config['user'] = self.stdUser
				filterExpt = self.stdExpTime
				if target.type == self.sciFlag:
					config['user'] = self.sciUser
					filterExpt = self.sciExpTime
					config['time'] = ''
				dt = np.max(filterExpt)*self.nfilters/60./60./24.
				if target.type ==self.stdFlag:
					FlagFilterClear = True
					tname = target.name
					tstart = datetimeFromJD(program.slewAt + 2400000.5)
					tend = datetimeFromJD(program.slewAt+dt + 2400000.5)
					config['time'] = 't>%s t<%s'%(tstart.strftime('%y%m%d-%H:%M'),tend.strftime('%y%m%d-%H:%M'))

				for i in range(self.nfilters):
					config['expt'] = filterExpt[i]
					config['filter'] = self.filters[i]
					tstart = datetimeFromJD(program.slewAt + 2400000.5)
					tend = datetimeFromJD(program.slewAt+dt*1.1 + 2400000.5)
					fp2.write('%(name)12s; %(user)s %(nimages)ii exp=%(expt).2f opt filter=%(filter)s %(time)s\n'%config)

		return 0
Пример #14
	def selectStandardTargets(self,nstars=3,nairmass=3):
		Based on configuration parameters, select 'nstars' standard stars to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day. Ideally you 
		will select standard stars before your science targets so not to have a full queue. Usually standard stars are observed 
		more than once a night at different airmasses. The user can control this parameter with nairmass and the script will try
		to take care of the rest. 

		session = Session()
		# First of all, standard stars can be obsered multiple times in sucessive nights. I will mark all
		# stars an unscheduled.
		targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == True).filter(Targets.type == self.stdFlag)
		for target in targets:
			target.scheduled = False
		# [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon

		# Selecting standard stars is not only searching for the higher in that time but select stars than can be observed at 3
		# or more (nairmass) different airmasses. It is also important to select stars with different colors (but this will be
		# taken care in the future).

		if nairmass*nstars > len(self.obsTimeBins):
			self.log.warning('Requesting more stars/observations than it will be possible to schedule. Decreasing number of requests to fit in the night.')
			nstars = len(self.obsTimeBins)/nairmass

		obsStandars = np.zeros(len(self.obsTimeBins))-1 # first selection of observable standards

		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

			if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
				# 1 - Select objects from database that where not scheduled yet (standard stars may be repited)
				#     that fits our observing night
				targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == 0).filter(Targets.type == self.stdFlag)
				lst = _skysub.lst(time,self.sitelong) #*360./24.
				alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,self.sitelat)[0] for target in targets])
				stg = alt.argmax()

				self.log.info('Selecting %s'%(targets[stg]))
				# Marking target as schedule
				tst = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

				for t in tst:
					t.scheduled = True
					obsStandars[tbin] = t.id
				self.log.info('Bin already filled up with observations. Skipping...')

		if len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]) < nstars:
			self.log.warning('Could not find %i suitable standard stars in catalog. Only %i where found.'%(nstars,len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0])))
		# Unmarking potential targets as scheduled
		for id in obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == id)
			for t in target:
				t.scheduled = False
		# Preparing a grid of altitudes for each target for each observing window
		amGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars)*len(obsStandars)).reshape(len(obsStandars),len(obsStandars))

		for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == obsStandars[i])[0]
			for j in range(len(obsStandars)):
				lst = _skysub.lst(self.obsTimeBins[j],self.sitelong)
				amGrid[i][j] = _skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,self.sitelat)[0]))
				if amGrid[i][j] < 0:
					amGrid [i][j] = 99.
		# Build a grid mask that specifies the position in time each target should be observed. This means that, when
		# selecting a single target we ocuppy more than one, non consecutive, position in the night. This grid shows where are these
		# positions.
		obsMask = np.zeros(len(obsStandars)*len(obsStandars),dtype=np.bool).reshape(len(obsStandars),len(obsStandars))

		for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
			amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[i].min(),self.stdMaxAirmass,nairmass) # requested aimasses
			dam = np.mean(np.abs(amGrid[i][amGrid[i]<self.stdMaxAirmass][1:] - amGrid[i][amGrid[i]<self.stdMaxAirmass][:-1])) # how much airmass changes in average
			for j,am in enumerate(amObs):
				# Mark positions where target is at	specified airmass
				if j == 0:
					obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i],amGrid[i] == am)
					obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i],np.bitwise_and(amGrid[i]>am-dam,amGrid[i]<am+dam))

			#print amGrid[i][np.where(obsMask[i])]
		# Now it is time to actually select the targets. It will start with the first target and then try the others
		# until it find enough standard stars, as specified by the user.
		# Para cada bin em tempo, varro o bin em massa de ar por coisas observaveis. Se acho um, vejo se posso agendar
		# os outros bins. Se sim, marco o alvo para observacao, se nao, passo para o proximo. Repito ate completar a
		# lista de alvos

		obsMaskTimeGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars),dtype=np.bool)
		nrequests = 0
		reqId = np.zeros(nstars,dtype=np.int)-1
		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[:-1]):
			# Evaluates if time slots are all available. If yes, mark orbservation and ocuppy slots.
			if ( (not obsMaskTimeGrid[obsMask[tbin]].any()) and (len(amGrid[tbin][obsMask[tbin]])>=nairmass) ):
				obsMaskTimeGrid = np.bitwise_or(obsMaskTimeGrid,obsMask[tbin])
				reqId[nrequests] = tbin
				nrequests += 1
			if nrequests >= nstars:

		# Finally, requesting observations

		for id in reqId[reqId >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == obsStandars[id])[0]
			secz = amGrid[id][obsMask[id]]
			seczreq = np.zeros(nairmass,dtype=np.bool)
			amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[id].min(),self.stdMaxAirmass,nairmass) # requested aimasses
			for i,obstime in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]):
				sindex = np.abs(amObs-secz[i]).argmin()
				if not seczreq[sindex]:
					self.log.info('Requesting observations of %s @airmass=%4.2f @mjd=%.3f...'%(target.name,secz[i],obstime-2400000.5))
					seczreq[sindex] = True
					target.scheduled = True
					self.obsTimeMask[obsMask[id]] = 1.0
			#print self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]

		#print i
		return 0 #targets
Пример #15
    def process(check):

        import yaml
        from chimera.util.position import Position
        from chimera.util.coord import Coord
        from chimera.controllers.scheduler.model import (Session, Program,
                                                         AutoFocus, AutoFlat,
                                                         PointVerify, Point,

        actionDict = {
            'autofocus': AutoFocus,
            'autoflat': AutoFlat,
            'pointverify': PointVerify,
            'point': Point,
            'expose': Expose,

        manager = BaseResponse.manager
        # sched = ConfigureScheduler.scheduler

        # delete all programs
        session = Session()
        programs = session.query(Program).all()
        for program in programs:

        def generateDatabase(options):

            with open(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/'), options.filename),
                      'r') as stream:
                    prgconfig = yaml.load(stream)
                except yaml.YAMLError as exc:

                except Exception, e:
                        'Exception trying to start scheduler: %s' % repr(e))

            def _validateOffset(value):
                    offset = Coord.fromAS(int(value))
                except ValueError:
                    offset = Coord.fromDMS(value)

                return offset

            session = Session()

            programs = []

            for prg in prgconfig['programs']:

                # process program

                program = Program()
                for key in prg.keys():
                    if hasattr(program, key) and key != 'actions':
                            setattr(program, key, prg[key])
                                'Could not set attribute %s = %s on Program' %
                                (key, prg[key]))

                # self.out("# program: %s" % program.name)

                # process actions
                for actconfig in prg['actions']:
                    act = actionDict[actconfig['action']]()
                    # self.out('Action: %s' % actconfig['action'])

                    if actconfig['action'] == 'point':
                        if 'ra' in actconfig.keys(
                        ) and 'dec' in actconfig.keys():
                            epoch = 'J2000' if 'epoch' not in actconfig.keys(
                            ) else actconfig['epoch']
                            position = Position.fromRaDec(
                                actconfig['ra'], actconfig['dec'], epoch)
                            # self.out('Coords: %s' % position)
                            act.targetRaDec = position
                            # act = Point(targetRaDec=position)
                        elif 'alt' in actconfig.keys(
                        ) and 'az' in actconfig.keys():
                            position = Position.fromAltAz(
                                actconfig['alt'], actconfig['az'])
                            # self.out('Coords: %s' % position)
                            act.targetAltAz = position
                        elif 'name' in actconfig:
                            # self.out('Target name: %s' % actconfig['name'])
                            act.targetName = actconfig['name']
                        elif 'offset' not in actconfig:
                                'Empty Point action. No target to point to or offset to perform!'

                        if 'offset' in actconfig:
                            if 'north' in actconfig['offset']:
                                offset = _validateOffset(
                                act.offsetNS = offset
                            elif 'south' in actconfig['offset']:
                                offset = _validateOffset(
                                act.offsetNS = Coord.fromAS(-offset.AS)

                            if 'west' in actconfig['offset']:
                                offset = _validateOffset(
                                act.offsetEW = offset
                            elif 'east' in actconfig['offset']:
                                offset = _validateOffset(
                                act.offsetEW = Coord.fromAS(-offset.AS)

                        for key in actconfig.keys():
                            if hasattr(act, key) and key != 'action':
                                # self.out('\t%s: %s' % (key,actconfig[key]))
                                    setattr(act, key, actconfig[key])
                                        'Could not set attribute %s = %s on action %s'
                                        % (key, actconfig[key],

                # self.out("")

            # self.out("List contain %i programs" % len(programs))

            return 0
Пример #16
    def process(check):

        import yaml
        from chimera.util.position import Position
        from chimera.controllers.scheduler.model import (Session, Program, AutoFocus, AutoFlat,
                                                 PointVerify, Point,

        actionDict = {'autofocus' : AutoFocus,
                      'autoflat'  : AutoFlat,
                      'pointverify' : PointVerify,
                      'point' : Point,
                      'expose' : Expose,

        manager = BaseResponse.manager
        sched = ConfigureScheduler.scheduler

        # delete all programs
        session = Session()
        programs = session.query(Program).all()
        for program in programs:

        def generateDatabase(options):

            with open(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/'),
                    options.filename), 'r') as stream:
                    prgconfig = yaml.load(stream)
                except yaml.YAMLError as exc:

                    return -1

            session = Session()

            programs = []

            for prg in prgconfig['programs']:

                # process program

                program = Program()
                for key in prg.keys():
                    if hasattr(program,key) and key != 'actions':
                            manager.broadCast('Could not set attribute %s = %s on Program' % (key,prg[key]))

                # self.out("# program: %s" % program.name)

                # process actions
                for actconfig in prg['actions']:
                    act = actionDict[actconfig['action']]()
                    # self.out('Action: %s' % actconfig['action'])

                    if actconfig['action'] == 'point':
                        if 'ra' in actconfig.keys() and 'dec' in actconfig.keys():
                            epoch = 'J2000' if 'epoch' not in actconfig.keys() else actconfig['epoch']
                            position = Position.fromRaDec(actconfig['ra'], actconfig['dec'], epoch)
                            # self.out('Coords: %s' % position)
                            act.targetRaDec = position
                            # act = Point(targetRaDec=position)
                        elif 'alt' in actconfig.keys() and 'az' in actconfig.keys():
                            position = Position.fromAltAz(actconfig['alt'], actconfig['az'])
                            # self.out('Coords: %s' % position)
                            act.targetAltAz = position
                            # self.out('Target name: %s' % actconfig['name'])
                            act.targetName = actconfig['name']

                        for key in actconfig.keys():
                            if hasattr(act,key) and key != 'action':
                                # self.out('\t%s: %s' % (key,actconfig[key]))
                                    manager.broadCast('Could not set attribute %s = %s on action %s' % (key,

                # self.out("")

            # self.out("List contain %i programs" % len(programs))

            return 0
            # self.out("Restart the scheduler to run it with the new database.")

        if generateDatabase(check) < 0:
            manager.broadCast("Could not configure scheduler with provided arguments.")
            manager.broadCast("Scheduler configured. Restart it to run with the new database.")
Пример #17
    def selectStandardTargets(self, nstars=3, nairmass=3):
		Based on configuration parameters, select 'nstars' standard stars to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day. Ideally you 
		will select standard stars before your science targets so not to have a full queue. Usually standard stars are observed 
		more than once a night at different airmasses. The user can control this parameter with nairmass and the script will try
		to take care of the rest. 

        session = Session()

        # First of all, standard stars can be obsered multiple times in sucessive nights. I will mark all
        # stars an unscheduled.
        targets = session.query(Targets).filter(
            Targets.scheduled == True).filter(Targets.type == self.stdFlag)
        for target in targets:
            target.scheduled = False

        # [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon

        # Selecting standard stars is not only searching for the higher in that time but select stars than can be observed at 3
        # or more (nairmass) different airmasses. It is also important to select stars with different colors (but this will be
        # taken care in the future).

        if nairmass * nstars > len(self.obsTimeBins):
                'Requesting more stars/observations than it will be possible to schedule. Decreasing number of requests to fit in the night.'
            nstars = len(self.obsTimeBins) / nairmass

        obsStandars = np.zeros(len(
            self.obsTimeBins)) - 1  # first selection of observable standards

        for tbin, time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

            if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
                # 1 - Select objects from database that where not scheduled yet (standard stars may be repited)
                #     that fits our observing night
                targets = session.query(Targets).filter(
                    Targets.scheduled == 0).filter(
                        Targets.type == self.stdFlag)

                lst = _skysub.lst(time, self.sitelong)  #*360./24.
                alt = np.array([
                    _skysub.altit(target.targetDec, lst - target.targetRa,
                                  self.sitelat)[0] for target in targets
                stg = alt.argmax()

                log.info('Selecting %s' % (targets[stg]))

                # Marking target as schedule
                tst = session.query(Targets).filter(
                    Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

                for t in tst:
                    t.scheduled = True
                    obsStandars[tbin] = t.id

                    'Bin already filled up with observations. Skipping...')

        if len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]) < nstars:
                'Could not find %i suitable standard stars in catalog. Only %i where found.'
                % (nstars, len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0])))
        # Unmarking potential targets as scheduled
        for id in obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]:
            target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == id)
            for t in target:
                t.scheduled = False

            tbin += 1
        # Preparing a grid of altitudes for each target for each observing window
        amGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars) * len(obsStandars)).reshape(
            len(obsStandars), len(obsStandars))

        for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
            target = session.query(Targets).filter(
                Targets.id == obsStandars[i])[0]
            for j in range(len(obsStandars)):
                lst = _skysub.lst(self.obsTimeBins[j], self.sitelong)
                amGrid[i][j] = _skysub.true_airmass(
                        _skysub.altit(target.targetDec, lst - target.targetRa,
                if amGrid[i][j] < 0:
                    amGrid[i][j] = 99.
        # Build a grid mask that specifies the position in time each target should be observed. This means that, when
        # selecting a single target we ocuppy more than one, non consecutive, position in the night. This grid shows where are these
        # positions.
        obsMask = np.zeros(len(obsStandars) * len(obsStandars),

        for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
            amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[i].min(), self.stdMaxAirmass,
                                nairmass)  # requested aimasses
            dam = np.mean(
                np.abs(amGrid[i][amGrid[i] < self.stdMaxAirmass][1:] -
                       amGrid[i][amGrid[i] < self.stdMaxAirmass][:-1])
            )  # how much airmass changes in average
            for j, am in enumerate(amObs):
                # Mark positions where target is at	specified airmass
                if j == 0:
                    obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i], amGrid[i] == am)
                    obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(
                        np.bitwise_and(amGrid[i] > am - dam,
                                       amGrid[i] < am + dam))

            #print amGrid[i][np.where(obsMask[i])]
        # Now it is time to actually select the targets. It will start with the first target and then try the others
        # until it find enough standard stars, as specified by the user.
        # Para cada bin em tempo, varro o bin em massa de ar por coisas observaveis. Se acho um, vejo se posso agendar
        # os outros bins. Se sim, marco o alvo para observacao, se nao, passo para o proximo. Repito ate completar a
        # lista de alvos

        obsMaskTimeGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars), dtype=np.bool)
        nrequests = 0
        reqId = np.zeros(nstars, dtype=np.int) - 1
        for tbin, time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[:-1]):
            # Evaluates if time slots are all available. If yes, mark orbservation and ocuppy slots.
            if ((not obsMaskTimeGrid[obsMask[tbin]].any())
                    and (len(amGrid[tbin][obsMask[tbin]]) >= nairmass)):
                obsMaskTimeGrid = np.bitwise_or(obsMaskTimeGrid, obsMask[tbin])
                reqId[nrequests] = tbin
                nrequests += 1
            if nrequests >= nstars:

        # Finally, requesting observations

        for id in reqId[reqId >= 0]:
            target = session.query(Targets).filter(
                Targets.id == obsStandars[id])[0]
            secz = amGrid[id][obsMask[id]]
            seczreq = np.zeros(nairmass, dtype=np.bool)
            amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[id].min(), self.stdMaxAirmass,
                                nairmass)  # requested aimasses
            for i, obstime in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]):
                sindex = np.abs(amObs - secz[i]).argmin()
                if not seczreq[sindex]:
                        'Requesting observations of %s @airmass=%4.2f @mjd=%.3f...'
                        % (target.name, secz[i], obstime - 2400000.5))
                    seczreq[sindex] = True
                    target.scheduled = True
                    self.addObservation(target, obstime)
                    self.obsTimeMask[obsMask[id]] = 1.0
            #print self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]

        #print i
        return 0  #targets
Пример #18
    def targets(self):
		After selecting targets, you can generate a list of potential targets to run the scheduler.

        import subprocess

        session = Session()

        request = os.path.join(self.PATH, 'targets/request.stg')

        fp1 = open(os.path.join(self.PATH, 'targets/Fixed.txt'), 'w')
        fp2 = open(request, 'w')

        # Write header
        fp1.write('''P|Designation |    RA     |    dec    |mag.
-|------------|hh mm ss.ss|sdd mm ss.s|nn.n

        config = {
            'name': '',
            'user': '',
            'nimages': 1,
            'expt': 0,
            'filter': '',
            'time': ''

        for obstype in [self.stdFlag, self.sciFlag]:

            targets = session.query(Targets, Program).join(
                (Program, Targets.id == Program.tid)).filter(
                    Targets.type == obstype).order_by(Targets.name)
            tobs = []

            tname = ''
            FlagFilterClear = True
            for target, program in targets:

                p = Position.fromRaDec(target.targetRa, target.targetDec)
                ra = p.ra.HMS
                dec = p.dec.DMS

                # Write Fixed.txt
                objname = '%12s' % (target.name).replace(' ', '_')
                objname = objname.replace(' ', '_')
                    '%1s %s %02.0f %02.0f %05.2f %+03.0f %02.0f %04.1f %04.1f\n'
                    % (target.type, objname, ra[1], ra[2], ra[3],
                       dec[0] * dec[1], dec[2], dec[3], target.targetMag))

                # Write stg file with observation requests
                config['name'] = objname
                config['user'] = self.stdUser
                filterExpt = self.stdExpTime
                if target.type == self.sciFlag:
                    config['user'] = self.sciUser
                    filterExpt = self.sciExpTime
                    config['time'] = ''
                dt = np.max(filterExpt) * self.nfilters / 60. / 60. / 24.
                if target.type == self.stdFlag:
                    FlagFilterClear = True
                    tname = target.name
                    tstart = datetimeFromJD(program.slewAt + 2400000.5)
                    tend = datetimeFromJD(program.slewAt + dt + 2400000.5)
                    config['time'] = 't>%s t<%s' % (tstart.strftime(
                        '%y%m%d-%H:%M'), tend.strftime('%y%m%d-%H:%M'))

                for i in range(self.nfilters):
                    config['expt'] = filterExpt[i]
                    config['filter'] = self.filters[i]
                    tstart = datetimeFromJD(program.slewAt + 2400000.5)
                    tend = datetimeFromJD(program.slewAt + dt * 1.1 +

                        '%(name)12s; %(user)s %(nimages)ii exp=%(expt).2f opt filter=%(filter)s %(time)s\n'
                        % config)


        # Calling targets from TAO to generate targets list.
        fp1 = open(os.path.join(self.PATH, 'targets/targets.log'), 'w')
        bin = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(self.PATH, 'targets/targets'))
        runTargets = subprocess.Popen([bin, '-s', request],


        return 0