Пример #1
def plane(coords, findBounds=False):
	"""Compute a plane given an Nx3 Numpy array.

	   Returns a Plane whose origin is the centroid of the coords.
	   If 'findBounds' is True, returns an additional Point (the
	   furthest point projected into plane) and an additional
	   floating-point number (distance from origin to that point).
	   Tip: you generally generate the input Numpy array with 
	import numpy
	from numpy.linalg import eig, svd, eigh
	centroid = coords.mean(0)
	centered = coords - centroid
	ignore, vals, vecs = svd(centered)
	normal = vecs[numpy.argmin(vals)]
	from chimera import Point, Plane, Vector
	origin = Point(*centroid)
	plane = Plane(origin, Vector(*normal))
	if findBounds:
		maxSqDist = None
		for coord in coords:
			projected = plane.nearest(Point(*coord))
			sqDist = origin.sqdistance(projected)
			if maxSqDist == None or sqDist > maxSqDist:
				maxSqDist = sqDist
				furthest = projected
		from math import sqrt
		return plane, projected, sqrt(maxSqDist)
	return plane
Пример #2
def plane(coords, findBounds=False):
    """Compute a plane given an Nx3 Numpy array.

	   Returns a Plane whose origin is the centroid of the coords.
	   If 'findBounds' is True, returns an additional Point (the
	   furthest point projected into plane) and an additional
	   floating-point number (distance from origin to that point).
	   Tip: you generally generate the input Numpy array with 
    import numpy
    from numpy.linalg import eig, svd, eigh
    centroid = coords.mean(0)
    centered = coords - centroid
    ignore, vals, vecs = svd(centered)
    normal = vecs[numpy.argmin(vals)]
    from chimera import Point, Plane, Vector
    origin = Point(*centroid)
    plane = Plane(origin, Vector(*normal))
    if findBounds:
        maxSqDist = None
        for coord in coords:
            projected = plane.nearest(Point(*coord))
            sqDist = origin.sqdistance(projected)
            if maxSqDist == None or sqDist > maxSqDist:
                maxSqDist = sqDist
                furthest = projected
        from math import sqrt
        return plane, projected, sqrt(maxSqDist)
    return plane
Пример #3
 def pointDistances(self, target):
     if isinstance(target, chimera.Point):
         points = [target]
         points = target
     from chimera import cross, Plane
     dists = []
     minExt = min(self.extents)
     maxExt = max(self.extents)
     xfCenter = self.xformCenter()
     xfDirection = self.xformDirection()
     minPt = xfCenter + xfDirection * minExt
     maxPt = xfCenter + xfDirection * maxExt
     for pt in points:
         v = pt - xfCenter
         c1 = cross(v, xfDirection)
         if c1.length == 0.0:
             # colinear
             inPlane = pt
             plane = Plane(xfCenter, cross(c1, xfDirection))
             inPlane = plane.nearest(pt)
         ptExt = (inPlane - xfCenter) * xfDirection
         if ptExt < minExt:
             measurePt = minPt
         elif ptExt > maxExt:
             measurePt = maxPt
             measurePt = inPlane
     return dists