Пример #1
def read_swc(session, path):

    f = open(path, 'r')
    lines = f.readlines()

    points = parse_swc_points(lines)
    i2m = {}
    from chimerax.markers import MarkerSet, create_link
    from os.path import basename
    name = basename(path)
    mset = MarkerSet(session, name)
    tcolors = {
        1: (255, 255, 255, 255),  # soma, white
        2: (128, 128, 128, 255),  # axon gray
        3: (0, 255, 0, 255),  # basal dendrite, green
        4: (255, 0, 255, 255),  # apical dendrite, magenta
    other_color = (255, 255, 0, 255)  # yellow
    for n, t, x, y, z, r, pid in points:
        if r < 0:
            r = 0.5
        color = tcolors.get(t, other_color)
        i2m[n] = m = mset.create_marker((x, y, z), color, r, id=n)
        if pid in i2m:
            m2 = i2m[pid]
            rlink = min(r, m2.radius)
            create_link(m, m2, color, rlink)
    msg = 'Opened neuron traces %s' % name
    return [mset], msg
Пример #2
def _show_axis(session, tf, color, length, radius, coordinate_system):

    axis, axis_point, angle, axis_shift = tf.axis_center_angle_shift()
    if angle < 0.1:
        from chimerax.core.errors import UserError
        raise UserError('Rotation angle is near zero (%g degrees)' % angle)

    b = coordinate_system.bounds()
    if b is None:
        from chimerax.core.errors import UserError
        raise UserError('Model %s must be visible to show axis' %

    from chimerax.geometry import project_to_axis
    axis_center = project_to_axis(b.center(), axis, axis_point)
    axis_length = b.width() if length is None else length
    hl = 0.5 * axis_length
    ap1 = axis_center - hl * axis
    ap2 = axis_center + hl * axis

    from chimerax.markers import MarkerSet, create_link

    mset = MarkerSet(session, 'rotation axis')
    mset.scene_position = coordinate_system.scene_position

    r = 0.025 * axis_length if radius is None else radius
    m1 = mset.create_marker(ap1, color, r)
    m2 = mset.create_marker(ap2, color, r)
    b = create_link(m1, m2, color, r)
    b.halfbond = True


    return mset
Пример #3
def surface_path(session,
                 rgba=(255, 255, 0, 255),
    ep = edge_pairs(surface.triangles)
    from random import choice
    e = choice(tuple(ep.keys()))
    #    e = first_element(ep.keys())
    vertices = surface.vertices
    if geodesic:
        tnormals = edge_triangle_normals(surface.vertices, surface.triangles)
        # Start in direction perpendicular to starting edge.
        eo = (e[1], e[0])
        ev = edge_vector(eo, vertices)
        from chimerax.geometry import cross_product, normalize_vector
        direction = normalize_vector(cross_product(tnormals[eo], ev))
        direction, tnormals = None
    points = make_surface_path(e, ep, length, vertices, direction, tnormals)
    from chimerax.markers import MarkerSet, create_link
    ms = MarkerSet(session, 'surface path')
    mprev = None
    for id, xyz in enumerate(points):
        m = ms.create_marker(xyz, rgba, radius, id)
        if mprev is not None:
            create_link(mprev, m, rgba=rgba, radius=radius)
        mprev = m
Пример #4
def create_centroid_path(session, name, xyz, radius, color):

    from chimerax.markers import MarkerSet, create_link
    mset = MarkerSet(session, name)
    mprev = None
    for p in xyz:
        m = mset.create_marker(p, color, radius)
        if mprev:
            create_link(mprev, m, rgba = color, radius = radius/2)
        mprev = m
    return mset
Пример #5
def markblobs(session, surface, radius=0.5, color=(255, 255, 0, 255)):
    centers = surface_blob_centers(surface)
    scene_centers = surface.scene_position * centers
    from chimerax.markers import MarkerSet
    marker_set = MarkerSet(session, name=surface.name)
    markers = [
        marker_set.create_marker(center, color, radius)
        for center in scene_centers
    session.logger.status('Found %d connected surface pieces' % len(markers),
    return markers
Пример #6
    def __init__(self,
                 marker_color=(100, 200, 100, 255),

        MarkerSet.__init__(self, session, name)

        self.bump_map = volume
        self.bump_center = center
        self.bump_range = range
        self.bump_base_area = base_area
        self.bump_min_height = height

        r, ijk = radial_extrema(volume, center, range)
        indices, size_hvc, mask = protrusion_sizes(r,
        self.bump_mask = mask

        xyz = volume.data.ijk_to_xyz_transform * ijk[indices]
        colors = marker_colors(size_hvc, height, marker_color)
        markers = [
            self.create_marker(p, rgba, marker_radius, i + 1)
            for i, (p, rgba) in enumerate(zip(xyz, colors))

        for i, m in enumerate(markers):
            h, v, c = size_hvc[i]
            m.bump_id = i + 1
            m.bump_tip_ijk = ijk[indices[i]]
            m.bump_height = h
            m.bump_points = v
            m.bump_connected = c


        if color_surface:
            color_surface_from_mask(volume, mask)
Пример #7
def place_marker(session, xyz, color, radius, model_name, model_id=None):

    # Locate specified marker model
    mset = None
    from chimerax.markers import MarkerSet
    if model_id is not None:
        msets = session.models.list(model_id=model_id, type=MarkerSet)
        if len(msets) >= 1:
            mset = msets[0]

    if mset is None:
        # Create a new marker model
        mset = MarkerSet(session, model_name)
        mset.id = model_id

    # Place marker at center position.
    mset.create_marker(xyz, color, radius)
Пример #8
 def restore_snapshot(session, data):
     s = MarkerSet.restore_snapshot(session, data['marker set state'])
     ei = {tuple(a.residue.number for a in b.atoms): b for b in s.bonds}
     for ei1, ei2 in data['joined edges']:
         e1, e2 = ei[ei1], ei[ei2]
         e1.joined_edge = e2
         e2.joined_edge = e1
     for pstate in data['polygons']:
         Polygon.polygon_from_state(pstate, s)
     return s
Пример #9
def place_markers(session,
                  color=(180, 180, 180, 255),
    Create a MarkerSet with markers at positions specified by coords which maps
    an integer index to a Place instance.  The origin of the Place i.e. where
    it maps (0,0,0) is the location of the marker.  Markers with consecutive
    integer indices are connected with links, and pairs of markers specified
    in pair_map (mapping index to index) are also connected by links.  Markers
    have residue number equal to their index.  The MarkerSet is returned.
    from chimerax.markers import MarkerSet, create_link
    mset = MarkerSet(session, name)

    # Create markers.
    mmap = {}
    btf = sorted(coords.items())
    for b, tf in btf:
        xyz = tf.origin()
        mmap[b] = m = mset.create_marker(xyz, color, radius, id=b)
        m.extra_attributes = e = {'base_placement': tf}
        if b in pair_map:
            e['paired_with'] = pair_map[b]

    # Link consecutive markers.
    rl = 0.5 * radius
    for b, tf in btf:
        if b + 1 in mmap:
            create_link(mmap[b], mmap[b + 1], color, rl)

    # Link base pairs.
    for b1, b2 in pair_map.items():
        if b1 < b2 and b1 in mmap and b2 in mmap:
            create_link(mmap[b1], mmap[b2], color, rl)

    return mset
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, session, name, coords, signals):
        MarkerSet.__init__(self, session, name)
        self.coords = coords
        self.signals = signals
        self.num_times = len(signals)
        self.current_time = 0

        self.signal_range = r = (signals.min(), signals.max())
        self.color_range = r

        from chimerax.core.colors import BuiltinColormaps
        self.colormap = BuiltinColormaps['blue-white-red']
        #        self.colormap = BuiltinColormaps['spectral']
        #        self.colormap = BuiltinColormaps['ylgnbu-8'].rescale_range(0,.4)
        #        self.colormap = BuiltinColormaps['ylorrd']

        xyz_min, xyz_max = coords.min(axis=0), coords.max(axis=0)
        box_size = (xyz_max - xyz_min).max()
        from math import sqrt
        r = box_size / sqrt(len(coords))
        self.radius_range = (r, 3 * r)

Пример #11
 def take_snapshot(self, session, flags):
     ei = {b: tuple(a.residue.number for a in b.atoms) for b in self.bonds}
     joined_edges = [(ei[b], ei[b.joined_edge]) for b in self.bonds
                     if hasattr(b, 'joined_edge')]
     polygons = set(
         [a.polygon for a in self.atoms if hasattr(a, 'polygon')] +
         [b.polygon for b in self.bonds if hasattr(b, 'polygon')])
     pstates = [p.polygon_state() for p in polygons]
     data = {
         'marker set state': MarkerSet.take_snapshot(self, session, flags),
         'joined edges': joined_edges,
         'polygons': pstates,
         'version': 1
     return data
Пример #12
 def _create_line(self, end_point):
     mset = self._marker_set
     if mset is None or mset.deleted:
         from chimerax.markers import MarkerSet
         self._marker_set = mset = MarkerSet(self.session, 'tape measure')
     rgba = self._color
     r = self._radius
     # Create end-point markers
     m1 = mset.create_marker(self._start_point, rgba, r)
     m2 = mset.create_marker(end_point, rgba, r)
     self._markers = (m1, m2)
     # Create line between markers
     from chimerax.markers import create_link
     self._link = create_link(m1, m2, rgba, r)
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, session, name='Cage'):
     MarkerSet.__init__(self, session, name=name)
Пример #14
def imod_models(session, chunk_list, name, mesh, contours):

    # Get coordinate transform before mesh and contour chunks
    tf = None

    use_minx = False
    if use_minx:
        for c in chunk_list:
            if c['id'] == b'MINX':
                # MINX chunk comes after mesh and contours.
                print('MINX cscale', c['cscale'], 'ctrans', c['ctrans'],
                      'otrans', c['otrans'], 'crot', c['crot'])
                #                t = [xo-xc for xo,xc in zip(c['otrans'], c['ctrans'])]
                t = [-xc for xc in c['ctrans']]
                rx, ry, rz = c['crot']
                rx = ry = rz = 0
                from chimerax.geometry import rotation, translation, scale
                tf = (rotation((0, 0, 1), rz) * rotation(
                    (0, 1, 0), ry) * rotation(
                        (1, 0, 0), rx) * translation(t) * scale(c['cscale']))

    surfaces = []
    msets = []
    pixel_size = None
    for c in chunk_list:
        cid = c['id']
        if cid == b'IMOD':
            xyz_scale = c['xscale'], c['yscale'], c['zscale']
            pixel_size = c['pixsize']
            units = c['units']
            # Units: 0 = pixels, 3 = km, 1 = m, -2 = cm, -3 = mm,
            #        -6 = microns, -9 = nm, -10 = Angstroms, -12 = pm
            #            print ('IMOD pixel size =', pixel_size, 'units', units, ' scale', xyz_scale)
            #            print 'IMOD flags', bin(c['flags'])
            u = -10 if units == 0 else (0 if units == 1 else units)
            import math
            pixel_size_angstroms = pixel_size * math.pow(10, 10 + u)
            if tf is None:
                xs, ys, zs = [s * pixel_size_angstroms for s in xyz_scale]
                from chimerax.geometry import scale
                tf = scale((xs, ys, zs))
        elif cid == b'OBJT':
            alpha = 1.0 - 0.01 * c['trans']
            object_rgba = (c['red'], c['green'], c['blue'], alpha)
            obj_name = c['name'].decode('ascii')
            pds = c['pdrawsize']
            radius = pds * pixel_size_angstroms if pds > 0 else pixel_size_angstroms
            fill = c['flags'] & (1 << 8)
            lines = not (c['flags'] & (1 << 11))
            only_points = (not lines and not fill)
            link = not only_points
            open_contours = c['flags'] & (1 << 3)
            mset = None
        elif cid == b'MESH':
            if mesh:
                surf = create_mesh(session, c, tf, object_rgba, obj_name)
        elif cid == b'CONT':
            if contours:
                if mset is None:
                    from chimerax.markers import MarkerSet
                    mname = '%s %s contours' % (name, obj_name)
                    mset = MarkerSet(session, mname)
                create_contour(c, tf, radius, object_rgba, link, open_contours,

    return surfaces, msets, pixel_size