Пример #1
def load_data(basename, filterer=None, pitchdir=None):
    Load data from wav and plg files. If filterer is not None, filters
    pitch trace.
    from ewave import wavfile
    from chirp.common import plg
    fp = wavfile(basename + ".wav")
    signal, Fs = fp.read(), fp.sampling_rate

    if isinstance(pitchdir, basestring):
        plgfile = os.path.join(pitchdir, os.path.split(basename)[1] + '.plg')
        plgfile = basename + '.plg'
    if not os.path.exists(plgfile):
        return signal, Fs / 1000., None, None

    pitch = plg.read(plgfile)
    if filterer is not None:
        ind = postfilter.ind_endpoints(filterer(pitch))
        if ind is None:
            return signal, Fs / 1000., None, None
        pitch = pitch[ind[0]:ind[1] + 1]
    t = pitch['time']
    if 'p.map' in pitch.dtype.names:
        p = pitch['p.map']
        p = pitch['p.mmse']
    return signal, Fs / 1000., t, p
Пример #2
def _load_plg(locator, filt, estimator):
    Load a pitch trace and filters it. If no points are
    reliable, returns None.
    from chirp.common import plg
    pest = plg.read(locator)
    ind = filt(pest)
    if not any(ind):
        return None
        ind = postfilter.ind_endpoints(ind)
        return pest[estimator][ind[0]:ind[1] + 1]