def do_export(self, filen): try: if filen.lower().endswith(".csv"): dst_radio = generic_csv.CSVRadio(filen) elif filen.lower().endswith(".chirp"): dst_radio = generic_xml.XMLRadio(filen) else: raise Exception(_("Unsupported file type")) except Exception, e: common.log_exception() common.show_error(e) return
def do_import(self, filen): current_editor = self.get_current_editor() if not isinstance(current_editor, memedit.MemoryEditor): # FIXME: We need a nice message to let the user know that they # need to select the appropriate memory editor tab before doing # and import so that we know which thread and editor to import # into and refresh. This will do for the moment. common.show_error("Memory editor must be selected before import") try: src_radio = directory.get_radio_by_image(filen) except Exception, e: common.show_error(e) return
def do_mapping_index(result, memory): if isinstance(result, Exception): common.show_error("Failed to add {mem} to mapping: {err}" .format(mem=memory.number, err=str(result)), parent=self.editorset.parent_window) return self.emit("changed") # Step 3: Set the memory's mapping index (maybe) if not is_indexed or index is None: return do_refresh_memory() job = common.RadioJob(do_refresh_memory, "set_memory_index", memory, mapping, index) job.set_target(self._model) job.set_desc(_("Updating {type} index " "for memory {num}").format(type=self._type, num=memory.number)) self.rthread.submit(job)
def do_mapping_index(result, memory): if isinstance(result, Exception): common.show_error( "Failed to add {mem} to mapping: {err}".format( mem=memory.number, err=str(result)), parent=self.editorset.parent_window) return self.emit("changed") # Step 3: Set the memory's mapping index (maybe) if not is_indexed or index is None: return do_refresh_memory() job = common.RadioJob(do_refresh_memory, "set_memory_index", memory, mapping, index) job.set_target(self._model) job.set_desc( _("Updating {type} index " "for memory {num}").format(type=self._type, num=memory.number)) self.rthread.submit(job)
try: cs.radio_class = detect.DETECT_FUNCTIONS[vendor](cs.port) if not cs.radio_class: raise Exception(_("Unable to detect radio on {port}").format(port=cs.port)) except Exception, e: d = inputdialog.ExceptionDialog(e) d.destroy() return None else: for rclass in directory.DRV_TO_RADIO.values(): if rclass.MODEL == model: cs.radio_class = rclass break if not cs.radio_class: common.show_error(_("Internal error: Unable to upload to {model}").format(model=model)) print self.__vendors return None conf = config.get("state") conf.set("last_port", cs.port) conf.set("last_vendor", cs.radio_class.VENDOR) conf.set("last_model", model) return cs class CloneCancelledException(Exception): pass class CloneThread(threading.Thread): def __status(self, status):
class EditorSet(gtk.VBox): __gsignals__ = { "want-close" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), "status" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)), "usermsg": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)), "editor-selected" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)), } def _make_device_mapping_editors(self, device, devrthread, index): sub_index = 0 memory_editor = self.editors["memedit%i" % index] mappings = device.get_mapping_models() for mapping_model in mappings: members = bankedit.MappingMembershipEditor(devrthread, self, mapping_model) label = mapping_model.get_name() if self.rf.has_sub_devices: label += "(%s)" % device.VARIANT lab = gtk.Label(label) self.tabs.append_page(members.root, lab) self.editors["mapping_members%i%i" % (index, sub_index)] = members basename = common.unpluralize(mapping_model.get_name()) names = bankedit.MappingNameEditor(devrthread, mapping_model) label = "%s Names" % basename if self.rf.has_sub_devices: label += " (%s)" % device.VARIANT lab = gtk.Label(label) self.tabs.append_page(names.root, lab) self.editors["mapping_names%i%i" % (index, sub_index)] = names members.connect("changed", self.editor_changed) if hasattr(mapping_model.get_mappings()[0], "set_name"): members.connect("changed", lambda x: names.mappings_changed()) names.connect("changed", lambda x: members.mappings_changed()) names.connect("changed", self.editor_changed) def _make_device_editors(self, device, devrthread, index): if isinstance(device, chirp_common.IcomDstarSupport): memories = memedit.DstarMemoryEditor(devrthread) else: memories = memedit.MemoryEditor(devrthread) memories.connect("usermsg", lambda e, m: self.emit("usermsg", m)) memories.connect("changed", self.editor_changed) if self.rf.has_sub_devices: label = (_("Memories (%(variant)s)") % dict(variant=device.VARIANT)) rf = device.get_features() else: label = _("Memories") rf = self.rf lab = gtk.Label(label) self.tabs.append_page(memories.root, lab) self.editors["memedit%i" % index] = memories self._make_device_mapping_editors(device, devrthread, index) if isinstance(device, chirp_common.IcomDstarSupport): editor = dstaredit.DStarEditor(devrthread) self.tabs.append_page(editor.root, gtk.Label(_("D-STAR"))) editor.connect("changed", self.dstar_changed, memories) editor.connect("changed", self.editor_changed) self.editors["dstar"] = editor def __init__(self, source, parent_window=None, filename=None, tempname=None): gtk.VBox.__init__(self, True, 0) self.parent_window = parent_window if isinstance(source, str): self.filename = source = directory.get_radio_by_image(self.filename) elif isinstance(source, chirp_common.Radio): = source self.filename = filename or tempname or source.VARIANT else: raise Exception("Unknown source type") rthread = common.RadioThread( rthread.setDaemon(True) rthread.start() rthread.connect("status", lambda e, m: self.emit("status", m)) self.tabs = gtk.Notebook() self.tabs.connect("switch-page", self.tab_selected) self.tabs.set_tab_pos(gtk.POS_LEFT) self.editors = {} self.rf = if self.rf.has_sub_devices: devices = else: devices = [] index = 0 for device in devices: devrthread = common.RadioThread(device, rthread) devrthread.setDaemon(True) devrthread.start() self._make_device_editors(device, devrthread, index) index += 1 if self.rf.has_settings: editor = settingsedit.SettingsEditor(rthread) self.tabs.append_page(editor.root, gtk.Label(_("Settings"))) editor.connect("changed", self.editor_changed) self.editors["settings"] = editor conf = config.get() if (hasattr(, '_memobj') and conf.get_bool("developer", "state")): editor = radiobrowser.RadioBrowser(self.rthread) lab = gtk.Label(_("Browser")) self.tabs.append_page(editor.root, lab) editor.connect("changed", self.editor_changed) self.editors["browser"] = editor self.pack_start(self.tabs) self.label = self.text_label = None self.make_label() self.modified = (tempname is not None) if tempname: self.filename = tempname self.update_tab() def make_label(self): self.label = gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.text_label = gtk.Label("") self.label.pack_start(self.text_label, 1, 1, 1) button = gtk.Button("X") button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) button.connect("clicked", lambda x: self.emit("want-close")) self.label.pack_start(button, 0, 0, 0) def update_tab(self): fn = os.path.basename(self.filename) if self.modified: text = "%s*" % fn else: text = fn self.text_label.set_text( + ": " + text) def save(self, fname=None): if not fname: fname = self.filename if not os.path.exists(self.filename): return # Probably before the first "Save as" else: self.filename = fname self.rthread.lock() try: except: self.rthread.unlock() raise self.rthread.unlock() self.modified = False self.update_tab() def dstar_changed(self, dstared, memedit): memedit.set_urcall_list(dstared.editor_ucall.get_callsigns()) memedit.set_repeater_list(dstared.editor_rcall.get_callsigns()) memedit.prefill() def editor_changed(self, target_editor=None): print "%s changed" % target_editor if not isinstance(, chirp_common.LiveRadio): self.modified = True self.update_tab() for editor in self.editors.values(): if editor != target_editor: editor.other_editor_changed(target_editor) def get_tab_label(self): return self.label def is_modified(self): return self.modified def _do_import_locked(self, dlgclass, src_radio, dst_rthread): # An import/export action needs to be done in the absence of any # other queued changes. So, we make sure that nothing else is # staged for the thread and lock it up. Then we use the hidden # interface to queue our own changes before opening it up to the # rest of the world. dst_rthread._qlock_when_idle(5) # Suspend job submission when idle dialog = dlgclass(src_radio,, self.parent_window) r = dialog.hide() if r != gtk.RESPONSE_OK: dst_rthread._qunlock() return count = dialog.do_import(dst_rthread) print "Imported %i" % count dst_rthread._qunlock() if count > 0: self.editor_changed() current_editor = self.get_current_editor() gobject.idle_add(current_editor.prefill) return count def choose_sub_device(self, radio): devices = radio.get_sub_devices() choices = [x.VARIANT for x in devices] d = inputdialog.ChoiceDialog(choices) d.label.set_text(_("The {vendor} {model} has multiple " "independent sub-devices").format( \ vendor=radio.VENDOR, model=radio.MODEL) + os.linesep + \ _("Choose one to import from:")) r = chosen = d.choice.get_active_text() d.destroy() if r == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: raise Exception(_("Cancelled")) for d in devices: if d.VARIANT == chosen: return d raise Exception(_("Internal Error")) def do_import(self, filen): current_editor = self.get_current_editor() if not isinstance(current_editor, memedit.MemoryEditor): # FIXME: We need a nice message to let the user know that they # need to select the appropriate memory editor tab before doing # and import so that we know which thread and editor to import # into and refresh. This will do for the moment. common.show_error("Memory editor must be selected before import") try: src_radio = directory.get_radio_by_image(filen) except Exception, e: common.show_error(e) return if isinstance(src_radio, chirp_common.NetworkSourceRadio): ww = importdialog.WaitWindow("Querying...", self.parent_window) def status(status): ww.set(float(status.cur) / float(status.max)) try: src_radio.status_fn = status src_radio.do_fetch() except Exception, e: common.show_error(e) ww.hide() return ww.hide()
def status(status): ww.set(float(status.cur) / float(status.max)) try: src_radio.status_fn = status src_radio.do_fetch() except Exception, e: common.show_error(e) ww.hide() return ww.hide() try: if src_radio.get_features().has_sub_devices: src_radio = self.choose_sub_device(src_radio) except Exception, e: common.show_error(e) return if len(src_radio.errors) > 0: _filen = os.path.basename(filen) common.show_error_text(_("There were errors while opening {file}. " "The affected memories will not " "be importable!").format(file=_filen), "\r\n".join(src_radio.errors)) try: count = self._do_import_locked(importdialog.ImportDialog, src_radio, self.rthread) reporting.report_model_usage(src_radio, "importsrc", True) except Exception, e: