def record_stats(self):
     """Record stats about the cache managed by this instance."""
     hit_ratio = self.hit_ratio()
     staleness = self.mean_staleness()
         'Cache stats: hit ratio: %.2f%%, '
         'avg staleness per line: %.2f%%.', hit_ratio, staleness)
Пример #2
def check_delay(server, user, password):
    """Check the delay of a given slave database server.

    @param server: Hostname or IP address of the MySQL server.
    @param user: User name to log in the MySQL server.
    @param password: Password to log in the MySQL server.
        result = utils.run_sql_cmd(server, user, password, SLAVE_STATUS_CMD)
        search =, result, re.MULTILINE)
        m = metrics.Float(DELAY_METRICS)
        f = {'slave': server}
        if search:
            delay = float(
            m.set(delay, fields=f)
            logging.debug('Seconds_Behind_Master of server %s is %d.', server,
            # The value of Seconds_Behind_Master could be NULL, report a large
            # number to indicate database error.
            m.set(LARGE_DELAY, fields=f)
                'Failed to get Seconds_Behind_Master of server %s '
                'from slave status:\n %s', server, result)
    except error.CmdError:
        logging.exception('Failed to get slave status of server %s.', server)
    def _check_drone_process_limit(self, drone):
        Notify if the number of processes on |drone| is approaching limit.

        @param drone: A Drone object.
            percent = float(drone.active_processes) / drone.max_processes
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            percent = 100
            percent, fields={'drone_hostname': drone.hostname})
Пример #4
class RequestAccountant(object):
    """A helper class that count requests and manages min_duts requirement.

    On initialization, this object takes a list of host requests.
    It will batch the requests by grouping similar requests together
    and generate a mapping from unique request-> count of the request.
    It will also generates a mapping from suite_job_id -> min_duts.

    RDB does a two-round of host aquisition. The first round attempts
    to get min_duts for each suite. The second round attemps to satisfy
    the rest requests.  RDB calls get_min_duts and get_rest to
    figure out how many duts it should attempt to get for a unique
    request in the first and second round respectively.

    Assume we have two distinct requests
          R1 (parent_job_id: 10, need hosts: 2)
          R2 (parent_job_id: 10, need hosts: 4)
    And parent job P (job_id:10) has min dut requirement of 3. So we got
          requests_to_counts = {R1: 2, R2: 4}
          min_duts_map = {P: 3}

    First round acquiring:
    Call get_min_duts(R1)
          return 2, because P hasn't reach its min dut limit (3) yet
          requests_to_counts -> {R1: 2-2=0, R2: 4}
          min_duts_map -> {P: 3-2=1}

    Call get_min_duts(R2)
         return 1, because although R2 needs 4 duts, P's min dut limit is now 1
          requests_to_counts -> {R1: 0, R2: 4-1=3}
          min_duts_map -> {P: 1-1=0}

    Second round acquiring:
    Call get_rest(R1):
         return 0, requests_to_counts[R1]
    Call get_rest(R2):
         return 3, requests_to_counts[R2]

    Note it is possible that in the first round acquiring, although
    R1 requested 2 duts, it may only get 1 or None. However get_rest
    doesn't need to care whether the first round succeeded or not, as
    in the case when the first round failed, regardless how many duts
    get_rest requests, it will not be fullfilled anyway.

    _host_ratio_metric = metrics.Float(

    def __init__(self, host_requests):

        @param host_requests: A list of request to acquire hosts.
        self.requests_to_counts = {}
        # The order matters, it determines which request got fullfilled first.
        self.requests = []
        for request, count in self._batch_requests(host_requests):
            self.requests_to_counts[request] = count
        self.min_duts_map = dict((r.parent_job_id, r.suite_min_duts)
                                 for r in self.requests_to_counts.iterkeys()
                                 if r.parent_job_id)

    def _batch_requests(cls, requests):
        """ Group similar requests, sort by priority and parent_job_id.

        @param requests: A list or unsorted, unordered requests.

        @return: A list of tuples of the form (request, number of occurances)
            formed by counting the number of requests with the same acls/deps/
            priority in the input list of requests, and sorting by priority.
            The order of this list ensures against priority inversion.
        sort_function = lambda request: (request[0].priority, -request[0].
        return sorted(collections.Counter(requests).items(),

    def get_min_duts(self, host_request):
        """Given a distinct host request figure out min duts to request for.

        @param host_request: A request.
        @returns: The minimum duts that should be requested.
        parent_id = host_request.parent_job_id
        count = self.requests_to_counts[host_request]
        if parent_id:
            min_duts = self.min_duts_map.get(parent_id, 0)
            to_acquire = min(count, min_duts)
            self.min_duts_map[parent_id] = max(0, min_duts - to_acquire)
            to_acquire = 0
        self.requests_to_counts[host_request] -= to_acquire
        return to_acquire

    def get_duts(self, host_request):
        """Return the number of duts host_request still need.

        @param host_request: A request.
        @returns: The number of duts need to be requested.
        return self.requests_to_counts[host_request]

    # TODO(akeshet): Possibly this code is dead, see for
    # context.
    def record_acquire_min_duts(cls, host_request, hosts_required,
        """Send stats about host acquisition.

        @param host_request: A request.
        @param hosts_required: Number of hosts required to satisfy request.
        @param acquired_host_count: Number of host acquired.
            priority = priorities.Priority.get_string(host_request.priority)
        except ValueError:
        cls._host_ratio_metric.set(acquired_host_count / float(hosts_required))
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import time_utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
from autotest_lib.site_utils import gmail_lib
from autotest_lib.site_utils import host_history
from autotest_lib.site_utils import host_history_utils
from autotest_lib.site_utils import host_label_utils

    from chromite.lib import metrics
    from chromite.lib import ts_mon_config
except ImportError:
    metrics = utils.metrics_mock
    ts_mon_config = utils.metrics_mock


def report_stats(board, pool, start_time, end_time, span):
    """Report machine stats for given board, pool and time period.

    @param board: Name of board.