Пример #1
def RunTests(tests,
    """Execute |paths| with |jobs| in parallel (including |network| tests).

    tests: The tests to run.
    jobs: How many tests to run in parallel.
    chroot_available: Whether we can run tests inside the sdk.
    network: Whether to run network based tests.
    dryrun: Do everything but execute the test.
    failfast: Stop on first failure

    True if all tests pass, else False.
    finished = multiprocessing.Value('i')
    testsets = []
    pids = []
    failed = aborted = False

    def WaitOne():
        (pid, status) = os.wait()
        return status

    # Launch all the tests!
        # Build up the testsets.
        testsets = BuildTestSets(tests, chroot_available, network, jobs=jobs)

        # Fork each test and add it to the list.
        for test, cmd, tmpfile in testsets:
            if failed and failfast:
                logging.error('failure detected; stopping new tests')

            if len(pids) >= jobs:
                if WaitOne():
                    failed = True
            pid = os.fork()
            if pid == 0:
                ret = 1
                    if dryrun:
                        logging.info('Would have run: %s',
                        ret = 0
                        ret = RunTest(test, cmd, tmpfile, finished,
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                except BaseException:
                    logging.error('%s failed', test, exc_info=True)
                # We cannot run clean up hooks in the child because it'll break down
                # things like tempdir context managers.
                os._exit(ret)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

        # Wait for all of them to get cleaned up.
        while pids:
            if WaitOne():
                failed = True

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # If the user wants to stop, reap all the pending children.
        logging.warning('CTRL+C received; cleaning up tests')
        aborted = True

    # Walk through the results.
    failed_tests = []
    for test, cmd, tmpfile in testsets:
        output = tmpfile.read()
        if output:
            logging.error('### LOG: %s', test)

    if failed_tests:
        logging.error('The following %i tests failed:\n  %s',
                      len(failed_tests), '\n  '.join(sorted(failed_tests)))
        return False
    elif aborted or failed:
        return False

    return True
    def run(self):
        """Runs the test in a proper environment (e.g. qemu)."""

        # We know these pre-tests are fast (especially if they've already been run
        # once), so run them automatically for the user if they test by hand.

        paths_to_mount = (list(self._BIND_MOUNT_PATHS) + [
            mount for mount in self._BIND_MOUNT_IF_NOT_SYMLINK_PATHS
            if not os.path.islink('/' + mount)
        for mount in paths_to_mount:
            path = os.path.join(self.sysroot, mount)
            osutils.Mount('/' + mount, path, 'none', osutils.MS_BIND)

        positive_filters = self.gtest_filter[0]
        negative_filters = self.gtest_filter[1]

        if self.user_gtest_filter:
            positive_filters += self.user_gtest_filter[0]
            negative_filters += self.user_gtest_filter[1]

        filters = (':'.join(positive_filters), ':'.join(negative_filters))
        gtest_filter = '%s-%s' % filters

        cmd = self.removeSysrootPrefix(self.bin)
        argv = self.args[:]
        argv[0] = self.removeSysrootPrefix(argv[0])
        if gtest_filter != '-':
            argv.append('--gtest_filter=' + gtest_filter)

        # Some programs expect to find data files via $CWD, so doing a chroot
        # and dropping them into / would make them fail.
        cwd = self.removeSysrootPrefix(os.getcwd())

        # Make orphaned child processes reparent to this process instead of the init
        # process.  This allows us to kill them if they do not terminate after the
        # test has finished running.

        # Fork off a child to run the test.  This way we can make tweaks to the
        # env that only affect the child (gid/uid/chroot/cwd/etc...).  We have
        # to fork anyways to run the test, so might as well do it all ourselves
        # to avoid (slow) chaining through programs like:
        #   sudo -u $SUDO_UID -g $SUDO_GID chroot $SYSROOT bash -c 'cd $CWD; $BIN'
        child = os.fork()
        if child == 0:
            print('chroot: %s' % self.sysroot)
            print('cwd: %s' % cwd)
            print('cmd: {%s} %s' % (cmd, ' '.join(map(repr, argv))))

            # Set the child's pgid to its pid, so we can kill any processes that the
            # child creates after the child terminates.
            os.setpgid(0, 0)

            # Remove sysroot from path environment variables.
            for var in ('OUT', 'SRC', 'T'):
                if var in os.environ:
                    os.environ[var] = self.removeSysrootPrefix(os.environ[var])

            # The TERM the user is leveraging might not exist in the sysroot.
            # Force a sane default that supports standard color sequences.
            os.environ['TERM'] = 'ansi'
            # Some progs want this like bash else they get super confused.
            os.environ['PWD'] = cwd
            os.environ['GTEST_COLOR'] = 'yes'
            if not self.run_as_root:
                user, uid, gid, home = self.GetNonRootAccount()
                os.environ['HOME'] = home
                os.environ['USER'] = user
            sys.exit(os.execvp(cmd, argv))

        proctitle.settitle('sysroot watcher', cmd)

        # Mask SIGINT with the assumption that the child will catch & process it.
        # We'll pass that back up below.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

        # Reap any processes that were reparented to us until the child exits.
        status = _ReapUntilProcessExits(child)

        leaked_children = psutil.Process().get_children(recursive=True)
        if leaked_children:
            # It's possible the child forked and the forked processes are still
            # running.  Kill the forked processes.
                os.killpg(child, signal.SIGTERM)
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno != errno.ESRCH:
                        'Warning: while trying to kill pgid %s caught exception\n%s'
                        % (child, e),

            # Kill any orphaned processes originally created by the test that were in
            # a different process group.  This will also kill any processes that did
            # not respond to the SIGTERM.
            for child in leaked_children:
                except psutil.NoSuchProcess:

        failmsg = None
        if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
            sig = os.WTERMSIG(status)
            failmsg = 'signal %s(%i)' % (signals.StrSignal(sig), sig)
            exit_status = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
            if exit_status:
                failmsg = 'exit code %i' % exit_status
        if failmsg:
            print('Error: %s: failed with %s' % (cmd, failmsg),

        if leaked_children:
            for p in leaked_children:
                    'Error: the test leaked process %s with pid %s (it was forcefully'
                    ' killed)' % (p.name(), p.pid),
            # TODO(vapier): Make this an error.  We need to track down some scenarios
            # where processes do leak though before we can make this fatal :(.

Пример #3
def RunTests(tests, jobs=1, chroot_available=True, network=False, dryrun=False,
  """Execute |paths| with |jobs| in parallel (including |network| tests).

    tests: The tests to run.
    jobs: How many tests to run in parallel.
    chroot_available: Whether we can run tests inside the sdk.
    network: Whether to run network based tests.
    dryrun: Do everything but execute the test.
    failfast: Stop on first failure

    True if all tests pass, else False.
  finished = multiprocessing.Value('i')
  testsets = []
  pids = []
  failed = aborted = False

  def WaitOne():
    (pid, status) = os.wait()
    return status

  # Launch all the tests!
    # Build up the testsets.
    testsets = BuildTestSets(tests, chroot_available, network)

    # Fork each test and add it to the list.
    for test, cmd, tmpfile in testsets:
      if failed and failfast:
        logging.error('failure detected; stopping new tests')

      if len(pids) >= jobs:
        if WaitOne():
          failed = True
      pid = os.fork()
      if pid == 0:
        ret = 1
          if dryrun:
            logging.info('Would have run: %s', cros_build_lib.CmdToStr(cmd))
            ret = 0
            ret = RunTest(test, cmd, tmpfile, finished, len(testsets))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except BaseException:
          logging.error('%s failed', test, exc_info=True)
        # We cannot run clean up hooks in the child because it'll break down
        # things like tempdir context managers.
        os._exit(ret)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

    # Wait for all of them to get cleaned up.
    while pids:
      if WaitOne():
        failed = True

  except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # If the user wants to stop, reap all the pending children.
    logging.warning('CTRL+C received; cleaning up tests')
    aborted = True

  # Walk through the results.
  failed_tests = []
  for test, cmd, tmpfile in testsets:
    output = tmpfile.read()
    if output:
      logging.error('### LOG: %s', test)

  if failed_tests:
    logging.error('The following %i tests failed:\n  %s', len(failed_tests),
                  '\n  '.join(sorted(failed_tests)))
    return False
  elif aborted or failed:
    return False

  return True
Пример #4
def CreatePidNs():
    """Start a new pid namespace

  This will launch all the right manager processes.  The child that returns
  will be isolated in a new pid namespace.

  If functionality is not available, then it will return w/out doing anything.

  A note about the processes generated as a result of calling this function:
  You call CreatePidNs() in pid X
  - X launches Pid Y,
    - Pid X will now do nothing but wait for Pid Y to finish and then sys.exit()
      with that return code
    - Y launches Pid Z
      - Pid Y will now do nothing but wait for Pid Z to finish and then
        sys.exit() with that return code
      - **Pid Z returns from CreatePidNs**. So, the caller of this function
        continues in a different process than the one that made the call.
          - All SIGTERM/SIGINT signals are forwarded down from pid X to pid Z to
          - SIGKILL will only kill pid X, and leak Pid Y and Z.

    The last pid outside of the namespace. (i.e., pid X)
    first_pid = os.getpid()

        # First create the namespace.
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EINVAL:
            # For older kernels, or the functionality is disabled in the config,
            # return silently.  We don't want to hard require this stuff.
            return first_pid
            # For all other errors, abort.  They shouldn't happen.

    # Used to make sure process groups are in the right state before we try to
    # forward the controlling terminal.
    lock = locking.PipeLock()

    # Now that we're in the new pid namespace, fork.  The parent is the master
    # of it in the original namespace, so it only monitors the child inside it.
    # It is only allowed to fork once too.
    pid = os.fork()
    if pid:
        proctitle.settitle('pid ns', 'external init')

        # We forward termination signals to the child and trust the child to respond
        # sanely. Later, ExitAsStatus propagates the exit status back up.
        _ForwardToChildPid(pid, signal.SIGINT)
        _ForwardToChildPid(pid, signal.SIGTERM)

        # Forward the control of the terminal to the child so it can manage input.
        _SafeTcSetPgrp(sys.stdin.fileno(), pid)

        # Signal our child it can move forward.
        del lock

        # Reap the children as the parent of the new namespace.
        # Make sure to unshare the existing mount point if needed.  Some distros
        # create shared mount points everywhere by default.
            osutils.Mount('none', '/proc', 0,
                          osutils.MS_PRIVATE | osutils.MS_REC)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EINVAL:

        # The child needs its own proc mount as it'll be different.
            'proc', '/proc', 'proc', osutils.MS_NOSUID | osutils.MS_NODEV
            | osutils.MS_NOEXEC | osutils.MS_RELATIME)

        # Wait for our parent to finish initialization.
        del lock

        # Resetup the locks for the next phase.
        lock = locking.PipeLock()

        pid = os.fork()
        if pid:
            proctitle.settitle('pid ns', 'init')

            # We forward termination signals to the child and trust the child to
            # respond sanely. Later, ExitAsStatus propagates the exit status back up.
            _ForwardToChildPid(pid, signal.SIGINT)
            _ForwardToChildPid(pid, signal.SIGTERM)

            # Now that we're in a new pid namespace, start a new process group so that
            # children have something valid to use.  Otherwise getpgrp/etc... will get
            # back 0 which tends to confuse -- you can't setpgrp(0) for example.

            # Forward the control of the terminal to the child so it can manage input.
            _SafeTcSetPgrp(sys.stdin.fileno(), pid)

            # Signal our child it can move forward.
            del lock

            # Watch all of the children.  We need to act as the master inside the
            # namespace and reap old processes.

    # Wait for our parent to finish initialization.
    del lock

    # Create a process group for the grandchild so it can manage things
    # independent of the init process.

    # The grandchild will return and take over the rest of the sdk steps.
    return first_pid
Пример #5
def CreatePidNs():
  """Start a new pid namespace

  This will launch all the right manager processes.  The child that returns
  will be isolated in a new pid namespace.

  If functionality is not available, then it will return w/out doing anything.

    The last pid outside of the namespace.
  first_pid = os.getpid()

    # First create the namespace.
  except OSError as e:
    if e.errno == errno.EINVAL:
      # For older kernels, or the functionality is disabled in the config,
      # return silently.  We don't want to hard require this stuff.
      return first_pid
      # For all other errors, abort.  They shouldn't happen.

  # Now that we're in the new pid namespace, fork.  The parent is the master
  # of it in the original namespace, so it only monitors the child inside it.
  # It is only allowed to fork once too.
  pid = os.fork()
  if pid:
    proctitle.settitle('pid ns', 'external init')

    # Mask SIGINT with the assumption that the child will catch & process it.
    # We'll pass that back up below.
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

    # Forward the control of the terminal to the child so it can manage input.
    _SafeTcSetPgrp(sys.stdin.fileno(), pid)

    # Reap the children as the parent of the new namespace.
    # Make sure to unshare the existing mount point if needed.  Some distros
    # create shared mount points everywhere by default.
      osutils.Mount('none', '/proc', 0, osutils.MS_PRIVATE | osutils.MS_REC)
    except OSError as e:
      if e.errno != errno.EINVAL:

    # The child needs its own proc mount as it'll be different.
    osutils.Mount('proc', '/proc', 'proc',
                  osutils.MS_NOSUID | osutils.MS_NODEV | osutils.MS_NOEXEC |

    pid = os.fork()
    if pid:
      proctitle.settitle('pid ns', 'init')

      # Mask SIGINT with the assumption that the child will catch & process it.
      # We'll pass that back up below.
      signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

      # Now that we're in a new pid namespace, start a new process group so that
      # children have something valid to use.  Otherwise getpgrp/etc... will get
      # back 0 which tends to confuse -- you can't setpgrp(0) for example.

      # Forward the control of the terminal to the child so it can manage input.
      _SafeTcSetPgrp(sys.stdin.fileno(), pid)

      # Watch all of the children.  We need to act as the master inside the
      # namespace and reap old processes.

  # Create a process group for the grandchild so it can manage things
  # independent of the init process.

  # The grandchild will return and take over the rest of the sdk steps.
  return first_pid
Пример #6
def CreatePidNs():
    """Start a new pid namespace

  This will launch all the right manager processes.  The child that returns
  will be isolated in a new pid namespace.

  If functionality is not available, then it will return w/out doing anything.

    The last pid outside of the namespace.
    first_pid = os.getpid()

        # First create the namespace.
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EINVAL:
            # For older kernels, or the functionality is disabled in the config,
            # return silently.  We don't want to hard require this stuff.
            return first_pid
            # For all other errors, abort.  They shouldn't happen.

    # Used to make sure process groups are in the right state before we try to
    # forward the controlling terminal.
    lock = locking.PipeLock()

    # Now that we're in the new pid namespace, fork.  The parent is the master
    # of it in the original namespace, so it only monitors the child inside it.
    # It is only allowed to fork once too.
    pid = os.fork()
    if pid:
        proctitle.settitle('pid ns', 'external init')

        # Mask SIGINT with the assumption that the child will catch & process it.
        # We'll pass that back up below.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

        # Forward the control of the terminal to the child so it can manage input.
        _SafeTcSetPgrp(sys.stdin.fileno(), pid)

        # Signal our child it can move forward.
        del lock

        # Reap the children as the parent of the new namespace.
        # Make sure to unshare the existing mount point if needed.  Some distros
        # create shared mount points everywhere by default.
            osutils.Mount('none', '/proc', 0,
                          osutils.MS_PRIVATE | osutils.MS_REC)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EINVAL:

        # The child needs its own proc mount as it'll be different.
            'proc', '/proc', 'proc', osutils.MS_NOSUID | osutils.MS_NODEV
            | osutils.MS_NOEXEC | osutils.MS_RELATIME)

        # Wait for our parent to finish initialization.
        del lock

        # Resetup the locks for the next phase.
        lock = locking.PipeLock()

        pid = os.fork()
        if pid:
            proctitle.settitle('pid ns', 'init')

            # Mask SIGINT with the assumption that the child will catch & process it.
            # We'll pass that back up below.
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

            # Now that we're in a new pid namespace, start a new process group so that
            # children have something valid to use.  Otherwise getpgrp/etc... will get
            # back 0 which tends to confuse -- you can't setpgrp(0) for example.

            # Forward the control of the terminal to the child so it can manage input.
            _SafeTcSetPgrp(sys.stdin.fileno(), pid)

            # Signal our child it can move forward.
            del lock

            # Watch all of the children.  We need to act as the master inside the
            # namespace and reap old processes.

    # Wait for our parent to finish initialization.
    del lock

    # Create a process group for the grandchild so it can manage things
    # independent of the init process.

    # The grandchild will return and take over the rest of the sdk steps.
    return first_pid
    def run(self):
        """Runs the test in a proper environment (e.g. qemu)."""

        # We know these pre-tests are fast (especially if they've already been run
        # once), so run them automatically for the user if they test by hand.

        for mount in self._BIND_MOUNT_PATHS:
            path = os.path.join(self.sysroot, mount)
            osutils.Mount('/' + mount, path, 'none', osutils.MS_BIND)

        positive_filters = self.gtest_filter[0]
        negative_filters = self.gtest_filter[1]

        if self.user_gtest_filter:
            positive_filters += self.user_gtest_filter[0]
            negative_filters += self.user_gtest_filter[1]

        filters = (':'.join(positive_filters), ':'.join(negative_filters))
        gtest_filter = '%s-%s' % filters

        cmd = self.removeSysrootPrefix(self.bin)
        argv = self.args[:]
        argv[0] = self.removeSysrootPrefix(argv[0])
        if gtest_filter != '-':
            argv.append('--gtest_filter=' + gtest_filter)

        # Some programs expect to find data files via $CWD, so doing a chroot
        # and dropping them into / would make them fail.
        cwd = self.removeSysrootPrefix(os.getcwd())

        # Fork off a child to run the test.  This way we can make tweaks to the
        # env that only affect the child (gid/uid/chroot/cwd/etc...).  We have
        # to fork anyways to run the test, so might as well do it all ourselves
        # to avoid (slow) chaining through programs like:
        #   sudo -u $SUDO_UID -g $SUDO_GID chroot $SYSROOT bash -c 'cd $CWD; $BIN'
        child = os.fork()
        if child == 0:
            print('chroot: %s' % self.sysroot)
            print('cwd: %s' % cwd)
            print('cmd: {%s} %s' % (cmd, ' '.join(map(repr, argv))))
            # The TERM the user is leveraging might not exist in the sysroot.
            # Force a sane default that supports standard color sequences.
            os.environ['TERM'] = 'ansi'
            # Some progs want this like bash else they get super confused.
            os.environ['PWD'] = cwd
            if not self.run_as_root:
                _, uid, gid, home = self.GetNonRootAccount()
                os.environ['HOME'] = home
            sys.exit(os.execvp(cmd, argv))

        proctitle.settitle('sysroot watcher', cmd)

        # Mask SIGINT with the assumption that the child will catch & process it.
        # We'll pass that back up below.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
        _, status = os.waitpid(child, 0)

        failmsg = None
        if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
            sig = os.WTERMSIG(status)
            failmsg = 'signal %s(%i)' % (signals.StrSignal(sig), sig)
            exit_status = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
            if exit_status:
                failmsg = 'exit code %i' % exit_status
        if failmsg:
            print('Error: %s: failed with %s' % (cmd, failmsg),
