Пример #1
def global_rigid_transformation(pose, J, kintree_table):
    def _rodrigues(x):
        return Rodrigues(x)
    results = {}
    pose = pose.reshape((-1, 3))
    id_to_col = {kintree_table[1, i]: i for i in range(kintree_table.shape[1])}
    parent = {i: id_to_col[kintree_table[0, i]]
              for i in range(1, kintree_table.shape[1])}

    results[0] = with_zeros(
        ch.hstack((_rodrigues(pose[0, :]), J[0, :].reshape((3, 1)))))

    for i in range(1, kintree_table.shape[1]):
        results[i] = results[parent[i]].dot(
            with_zeros(ch.hstack((_rodrigues(pose[i, :]),
                                  ((J[i, :] - J[parent[i], :]).reshape((3, 1)))

    results = [results[i] for i in sorted(results.keys())]
    results_global = results

    results2 = [results[i] - (pack(
        results[i].dot(ch.concatenate(((J[i, :]), 0))))
    ) for i in range(len(results))]
    results = results2
    result = ch.dstack(results)
    return result, results_global
Пример #2
    def _global_rigid_transformation(self):
        results = {}
        pose = self.pose.reshape((-1, 3))
        parent = {
            i: self.kintree_table[0, i]
            for i in range(1, self.kintree_table.shape[1])

        with_zeros = lambda x: ch.vstack((x, ch.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])))
        pack = lambda x: ch.hstack([ch.zeros((4, 3)), x.reshape((4, 1))])

        results[0] = with_zeros(
            ch.hstack((Rodrigues(pose[0, :]), self.J[0, :].reshape((3, 1)))))

        for i in range(1, self.kintree_table.shape[1]):
            results[i] = results[parent[i]].dot(
                        Rodrigues(pose[i, :]),  # rotation around bone endpoint
                        (self.J[i, :] - self.J[parent[i], :]).reshape(
                            (3, 1))  # bone

        results = [results[i] for i in sorted(results.keys())]
        results_global = results

        # subtract rotated J position
        results2 = [
            results[i] -
            (pack(results[i].dot(ch.concatenate((self.J[i, :], [0])))))
            for i in range(len(results))
        result = ch.dstack(results2)

        return result, results_global
Пример #3
    def _set_up(self):
        self.v_shaped = self.shapedirs.dot(self.betas) + self.v_template

        self.v_shaped_personal = self.v_shaped + self.v_personal
        if sp.issparse(self.J_regressor):
            self.J = sp_dot(self.J_regressor, self.v_shaped)
            self.J = ch.sum(self.J_regressor.T.reshape(-1, 1, 24) *
                            self.v_shaped.reshape(-1, 3, 1),
        self.v_posevariation = self.posedirs.dot(
        self.v_poseshaped = self.v_shaped_personal + self.v_posevariation

        self.A, A_global = self._global_rigid_transformation()
        self.Jtr = ch.vstack([g[:3, 3] for g in A_global])
        self.J_transformed = self.Jtr + self.trans.reshape((1, 3))

        self.V = self.A.dot(self.weights.T)

        rest_shape_h = ch.hstack(
            (self.v_poseshaped, ch.ones((self.v_poseshaped.shape[0], 1))))
        self.v_posed = ch.sum(self.V.T * rest_shape_h.reshape(-1, 4, 1),
                              axis=1)[:, :3]
        self.v = self.v_posed + self.trans
Пример #4
    def _set_up(self):
        self.v_shaped = self.shapedirs.dot(self.betas) + self.v_template

        body_height = (self.v_shaped[2802, 1] + self.v_shaped[6262, 1]) - (
            self.v_shaped[2237, 1] + self.v_shaped[6728, 1])
        # print('111111111111111111111111111111111111111')
        # print(np.array(body_height)[0])
        # print(type(body_height))
        # print('22222222222222222222222222222222222222222')
        self.scale = 1.66 / np.array(body_height)[0]

        self.v_shaped_personal = self.scale * self.v_shaped + self.v_personal

        if sp.issparse(self.J_regressor):
            self.J = self.scale * sp_dot(self.J_regressor, self.v_shaped)
            self.J = self.scale * ch.sum(self.J_regressor.T.reshape(-1, 1, 24)
                                         * self.v_shaped.reshape(-1, 3, 1),
        self.v_posevariation = self.posedirs.dot(
        self.v_poseshaped = self.v_shaped_personal + self.v_posevariation

        self.A, A_global = self._global_rigid_transformation()
        self.Jtr = ch.vstack([g[:3, 3] for g in A_global])
        self.J_transformed = self.Jtr + self.trans.reshape((1, 3))

        self.V = self.A.dot(self.weights.T)

        rest_shape_h = ch.hstack(
            (self.v_poseshaped, ch.ones((self.v_poseshaped.shape[0], 1))))
        self.v_posed = ch.sum(self.V.T * rest_shape_h.reshape(-1, 4, 1),
                              axis=1)[:, :3]
        self.v = self.v_posed + self.trans
    def r_and_derivatives(self):
        tmp = self.v.dot(Rodrigues(self.rt)) + self.t

        return ch.hstack((
            col(2. / (self.right - self.left) * tmp[:, 0] - (self.right + self.left) / (self.right - self.left) + 1.) * self.width / 2.,
            col(2. / (self.bottom - self.top) * tmp[:, 1] - (self.bottom + self.top) / (self.bottom - self.top) + 1.) * self.height / 2.,
def setup_silhouette_obj(silhs, rends, f):
    n_model = [ch.sum(rend[:, :, 0] > 0) for rend in rends]
    dist_tsf = [cv2.distanceTransform(np.uint8(1 - silh), cv2.DIST_L2, cv2.DIST_MASK_PRECISE) for silh in silhs]

    # Make sigma proportional to image area.
    # This gives radius 400 for 960 x 1920 image.
    sigma_ratio = 0.2727
    sigma = [np.sqrt(sigma_ratio * (silh.shape[0] * silh.shape[1]) / np.pi) for silh in silhs]
    # Model2silhouette ==> Consistency (contraction)

    def obj_m2s(w, i):
        return w * (GMOf(rends[i][:, :, 0] * dist_tsf[i], sigma[i]) / np.sqrt(n_model[i]))

    # silhouette error term (scan-to-model) ==> Coverage (expansion)
    coords = [np.fliplr(np.array(np.where(silh > 0)).T) + 0.5  for silh in silhs]# is this offset needed?
    scan_flat_v = [np.hstack((coord, ch.zeros(len(coord)).reshape((-1, 1)))) for coord in coords]
    scan_flat = [Mesh(v=sflat_v, f=[]) for sflat_v in scan_flat_v]
    # 2d + all 0.
    sv_flat = [ch.hstack((rend.camera, ch.zeros(len(rend.v)).reshape((-1, 1)))) for rend in rends]
    for i in range(len(rends)):
        sv_flat[i].f = f

    def obj_s2m(w, i):
        from sbody.mesh_distance import ScanToMesh
        return w * ch.sqrt(GMOf(ScanToMesh(scan_flat[i], sv_flat[i], f), sigma[i]))
    # For vis
    for i in range(len(rends)):
        scan_flat[i].vc = np.tile(np.array([0, 0, 1]), (len(scan_flat[i].v), 1))

    return obj_m2s, obj_s2m, dist_tsf
Пример #7
def SecondFundamentalForm(v, f):
    from chumpy import hstack, vstack
    from chumpy.linalg import Pinv
    nbrs = MatVecMult(FirstEdgesMtx(v, f, want_big=True), v.ravel()).reshape(
        (-1, 3))

    b0 = VertNormals(f=f, v=v)
    b1 = NormalizedNx3(CrossProduct(b0, nbrs - v)).reshape((-1, 3))
    b2 = NormalizedNx3(CrossProduct(b0, b1)).reshape((-1, 3))

    cnct = get_vert_connectivity(np.asarray(v), f)
    ffs = []
    for i in range(v.size / 3):
        nbrs = v[np.nonzero(np.asarray(cnct[i].todense()).ravel())[0]] - row(
        us = nbrs.dot(b2[i])
        vs = nbrs.dot(b1[i])
        hs = nbrs.dot(b0[i])
        coeffs = Pinv(
            hstack((col((us * .5)**2), col(us * vs), col(
                (vs * .5)**2)))).dot(hs)
        # if i == 3586:
        #     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    ffs = vstack(ffs)
    return ffs
Пример #8
    def run(self, beta=None, theta=None, garment_d=None, garment_class=None):
        """Outputs body and garment of specified garment class given theta, beta and displacements."""
        if beta is not None:
            self.smpl_base.betas[:beta.shape[0]] = beta
            self.smpl_base.betas[:] = 0
        if theta is not None:
            self.smpl_base.pose[:] = theta
            self.smpl_base.pose[:] = 0
        self.smpl_base.v_personal[:] = 0
        if garment_d is not None and garment_class is not None:
            if 'skirt' not in garment_class:
                vert_indices = self.class_info[garment_class]['vert_indices']
                f = self.class_info[garment_class]['f']
                self.smpl_base.v_personal[vert_indices] = garment_d
                garment_m = Mesh(v=self.smpl_base.r[vert_indices], f=f)
                # vert_indices = self.class_info[garment_class]['vert_indices']
                f = self.class_info[garment_class]['f']

                A = self.smpl_base.A.reshape((16, 24)).T
                skirt_V = self.skirt_skinning.dot(A).reshape((-1, 4, 4))

                verts = self.skirt_weight.dot(self.smpl_base.v_poseshaped)
                verts = verts + garment_d
                verts_h = ch.hstack((verts, ch.ones((verts.shape[0], 1))))
                verts = ch.sum(skirt_V * verts_h.reshape(-1, 1, 4),
                               axis=-1)[:, :3]
                garment_m = Mesh(v=verts, f=f)
            garment_m = None
        self.smpl_base.v_personal[:] = 0
        body_m = Mesh(v=self.smpl_base.r, f=self.smpl_base.f)
        return body_m, garment_m
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, t, rod, rad, length):
     self.t = t  # translation of the axis
     self.rod = rod  # rotation of the axis in Rodrigues form
     self.rad = rad  # radious of the capsule
     self.length = length # length of the axis
     axis0 = ch.vstack([0, ch.abs(self.length), 0])
     self.axis = ch.vstack((t.T, (t + Rodrigues(rod).dot(axis0)).T))
     v0 = ch.hstack([v[:26].T*rad, (v[26:].T*rad)+ axis0])
     self.v = ((t + Rodrigues(rod).dot(v0)).T)
Пример #10
def face_bases(v, f):
    t1 = TriEdges(f, 1, 0, v).reshape((-1,3))
    t2 = TriEdges(f, 2, 0, v).reshape((-1,3))
    #t3 = NormalizedNx3(CrossProduct(t1, t2)).reshape((-1,3))
    #t3 = CrossProduct(t1, t2).reshape((-1,3))
    # Problem: cross-product is proportional in length to len(t1)*len(t2)
    # Solution: divide by sqrt(sqrt(len(cross-product)))
    t3 = CrossProduct(t1, t2).reshape((-1,3)); t3 = t3 / col(ch.sum(t3**2., axis=1)**.25)
    result = ch.hstack((t1, t2, t3)).reshape((-1,3,3))
    return result
Пример #11
    def test_stacking(self):

        a1 = ch.Ch(np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5))
        b1 = ch.Ch(np.arange(20).reshape(4, 5))
        c1 = ch.vstack((a1, b1))
        c1_check = np.vstack((a1.r, b1.r))
        residuals1 = (c1_check - c1.r).ravel()

        a2 = ch.Ch(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2))
        b2 = ch.Ch(np.arange(20).reshape(5, 4))
        c2 = ch.hstack((a2, b2))
        c2_check = np.hstack((a2.r, b2.r))
        residuals2 = (c2_check - c2.r).ravel()


        d0 = ch.array(np.arange(60).reshape((10, 6)))
        d1 = ch.vstack((d0[:4], d0[4:]))
        d2 = ch.hstack((d1[:, :3], d1[:, 3:]))
        tmp = d2.dr_wrt(d0).todense()
        diff = tmp - np.eye(tmp.shape[0])
Пример #12
def global_rigid_transformation(pose, J, kintree_table):
    results = {}
    pose = pose.reshape((-1, 3))
    id_to_col = {kintree_table[1, i]: i for i in range(kintree_table.shape[1])}
    parent = {
        i: id_to_col[kintree_table[0, i]]
        for i in range(1, kintree_table.shape[1])

    def with_zeros(x):
        return ch.vstack((x, ch.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])))

    results[0] = with_zeros(
        ch.hstack((Rodrigues(pose[0, :]), J[0, :].reshape((3, 1)))))

    for i in range(1, kintree_table.shape[1]):
        results[i] = results[parent[i]].dot(
                ch.hstack((Rodrigues(pose[i, :]),
                           ((J[i, :] - J[parent[i], :]).reshape((3, 1)))))))

    def pack(x):
        return ch.hstack([np.zeros((4, 3)), x.reshape((4, 1))])

    results = [results[i] for i in sorted(results.keys())]
    results_global = results

    if True:
        results2 = [
            results[i] - pack(results[i].dot(ch.concatenate(((J[i, :]), 0))))
            for i in range(len(results))

        results = results2

    result = ch.dstack(results)
    return result, results_global
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, t, rod, rad, length):
     assert (hasattr(t, 'dterms'))
     # the translation should be a chumpy object (differentiable wrt shape)
     self.t = t  # translation of the axis
     self.rod = rod  # rotation of the axis in Rodrigues form
     # the radius should be a chumpy object (differentiable wrt shape)
     assert (hasattr(rad, 'dterms'))
     self.rad = rad  # radius of the capsule
     # the length should be a chumpy object (differentiable wrt shape)
     assert (hasattr(length, 'dterms'))
     self.length = length  # length of the axis
     axis0 = ch.vstack([0, ch.abs(self.length), 0])
     self.axis = ch.vstack((t.T, (t + Rodrigues(rod).dot(axis0)).T))
     v0 = ch.hstack([v[:26].T * rad, (v[26:].T * rad) + axis0])
     self.v = ((t + Rodrigues(rod).dot(v0)).T)
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, t, rod, rad, length):
     assert (hasattr(t, 'dterms'))
     # the translation should be a chumpy object (differentiable wrt shape)
     self.t = t  # translation of the axis
     self.rod = rod  # rotation of the axis in Rodrigues form
     # the radius should be a chumpy object (differentiable wrt shape)
     assert (hasattr(rad, 'dterms'))
     self.rad = rad  # radius of the capsule
     # the length should be a chumpy object (differentiable wrt shape)
     assert (hasattr(length, 'dterms'))
     self.length = length  # length of the axis
     axis0 = ch.vstack([0, ch.abs(self.length), 0])
     self.axis = ch.vstack((t.T, (t + Rodrigues(rod).dot(axis0)).T))
     v0 = ch.hstack([v[:26].T * rad, (v[26:].T * rad) + axis0])
     self.v = ((t + Rodrigues(rod).dot(v0)).T)
Пример #15
def SecondFundamentalForm(v, f):    
    from chumpy import hstack, vstack
    from chumpy.linalg import Pinv
    nbrs = MatVecMult(FirstEdgesMtx(v, f, want_big=True), v.ravel()).reshape((-1,3))
    b0 = NormalizedNx3(VertNormalsScaled(f=f, v=v)).reshape((-1,3))
    b1 = NormalizedNx3(CrossProduct(b0, nbrs-v)).reshape((-1,3))
    b2 = NormalizedNx3(CrossProduct(b0, b1)).reshape((-1,3))
    cnct = get_vert_connectivity(v.r, f)
    ffs = []
    for i in range(v.size/3):
        nbrs = v[np.nonzero(np.asarray(cnct[i].todense()).ravel())[0]] - row(v[i])
        us = nbrs.dot(b2[i])
        vs = nbrs.dot(b1[i])
        hs = nbrs.dot(b0[i])
        coeffs = Pinv(hstack((col((us*.5)**2), col(us*vs), col((vs*.5)**2)))).dot(hs)
        # if i == 3586:
        #     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    ffs = vstack(ffs)
    return ffs
Пример #16
 def run(self, beta=None, theta=None, garment_d=None, garment_class=None):
     """Outputs body and garment of specified garment class given theta, beta and displacements."""
     if beta is not None:
         self.smpl_base.betas[:beta.shape[0]] = beta
         self.smpl_base.betas[:] = 0
     if theta is not None:
         self.smpl_base.pose[:] = theta
         self.smpl_base.pose[:] = 0
     self.smpl_base.v_personal[:] = 0
     if garment_d is not None and garment_class is not None:
         if 'skirt' not in garment_class:
             vert_indices = self.class_info[garment_class]['vert_indices']
             f = self.class_info[garment_class]['f']
             self.smpl_base.v_personal[vert_indices] = garment_d
             garment_m = Mesh(v=self.smpl_base.r[vert_indices], f=f)
             vert_indices = self.class_info[garment_class]['vert_indices']
             f = self.class_info[garment_class]['f']
             verts = self.smpl_base.v_poseshaped[vert_indices] + garment_d
             verts_h = ch.hstack((verts, ch.ones((verts.shape[0], 1))))
             verts = ch.sum(self.smpl_base.V.T[vert_indices] *
                            verts_h.reshape(-1, 4, 1),
                            axis=1)[:, :3]
             # if theta is not None:
             #     rotmat = self.smpl_base.A.r[:, :, 0]
             #     verts_homo = np.hstack(
             #         (verts, np.ones((verts.shape[0], 1))))
             #     verts = verts_homo.dot(rotmat.T)[:, :3]
             garment_m = Mesh(v=verts, f=f)
         garment_m = None
     self.smpl_base.v_personal[:] = 0
     body_m = Mesh(v=self.smpl_base.r, f=self.smpl_base.f)
     return body_m, garment_m
Пример #17
 def pack(x):
     return ch.hstack([ch.zeros((4, 3)), x.reshape((4, 1))])
Пример #18
        def pack(x): return ch.hstack([ch.zeros((4, 3)), x.reshape((4, 1))])

        results[0] = with_zeros(
def height_predictor(b2m, betas):
    return ch.hstack((betas.reshape(1, -1), [[1]])).dot(b2m)
Пример #20
def diffHog(image, drconv=None, numOrient=9, cwidth=8, cheight=8):
    imagegray = 0.3 * image[:, :, 0] + 0.59 * image[:, :,
                                                    1] + 0.11 * image[:, :, 2]
    sy, sx = imagegray.shape

    # gx = ch.empty(imagegray.shape, dtype=np.double)
    gx = imagegray[:, 2:] - imagegray[:, :-2]
    gx = ch.hstack([np.zeros([sy, 1]), gx, np.zeros([sy, 1])])

    gy = imagegray[2:, :] - imagegray[:-2, :]
    # gy = imagegray[:, 2:] - imagegray[:, :-2]
    gy = ch.vstack([np.zeros([1, sx]), gy, np.zeros([1, sx])])

    gx += 1e-5
    # gy = imagegray[:-2,1:-1] - imagegray[2:,1:-1] + 0.00001
    # gx = imagegray[1:-1,:-2] - imagegray[1:-1, 2:] + 0.00001

    distFilter = np.ones([2 * cheight, 2 * cwidth], dtype=np.uint8)
    distFilter[np.int(2 * cheight / 2), np.int(2 * cwidth / 2)] = 0
    distFilter = (cv2.distanceTransform(distFilter, cv2.DIST_L2, 3) - np.max(
        cv2.distanceTransform(distFilter, cv2.DIST_L2, 3))) / (
            -np.max(cv2.distanceTransform(distFilter, cv2.DIST_L2, 3)))

    magn = ch.sqrt(gy**2 + gx**2) * 180 / np.sqrt(2)

    angles = ch.arctan(gy / gx) * 180 / np.pi + 90

    # meanOrient = np.linspace(0, 180, numOrient)

    orientations_arr = np.arange(numOrient)

    meanOrient = orientations_arr / numOrient * 180

    fb_resttmp = 1 - ch.abs(
        ch.expand_dims(angles[:, :], 2) -
        meanOrient[1:].reshape([1, 1, numOrient - 1])) * numOrient / 180
    zeros_rest = np.zeros([sy, sx, numOrient - 1, 1])
    fb_rest = ch.max(ch.concatenate([fb_resttmp[:, :, :, None], zeros_rest],

    chMinOrient0 = ch.min(ch.concatenate([
            ch.expand_dims(angles[:, :], 2) -
            meanOrient[0].reshape([1, 1, 1]))[:, :, :, None],
        ch.abs(180 - ch.expand_dims(angles[:, :], 2) -
               meanOrient[0].reshape([1, 1, 1]))[:, :, :, None]

    zeros_fb0 = np.zeros([sy, sx, 1])
    fb0_tmp = ch.concatenate(
        [1 - chMinOrient0[:, :] * numOrient / 180, zeros_fb0], axis=2)
    fb_0 = ch.max(fb0_tmp, axis=2)

    fb = ch.concatenate([fb_0[:, :, None], fb_rest], axis=2)

    # fb[:,:,0] = ch.max(1 - ch.abs(ch.expand_dims(angles,2) - meanOrient.reshape([1,1,numOrient]))*numOrient/180,0)

    # fb = 1./(1. + ch.exp(1 - ch.abs(ch.expand_dims(angles,2) - meanOrient.reshape([1,1,numOrient]))*numOrient/180))

    Fb = ch.expand_dims(magn, 2) * fb

    if drconv is None:
        drconv = dr_wrt_convolution(Fb[:, :, 0], distFilter)

    Fs_list = [
        convolve2D(x=Fb[:, :, Fbi], filter=distFilter,
                   convolve2DDr=drconv).reshape([Fb.shape[0], Fb.shape[1], 1])
        for Fbi in range(numOrient)

    # Fs_list = [scipy.signal.convolve2d(Fb[:,:,Fbi], distFilter).reshape([Fb.shape[0], Fb.shape[1],1]) for Fbi in range(numOrient)]
    Fs = ch.concatenate(Fs_list, axis=2)

    # cellCols = np.arange(start=cwidth/2, stop=Fs.shape[1]-cwidth/2 , step=cwidth)
    # cellRows = np.arange(start=cheight/2, stop=Fs.shape[0]-cheight/2 , step=cheight)

    Fcells = Fs[0:Fs.shape[0]:cheight, 0:Fs.shape[1]:cwidth, :]

    epsilon = 1e-5

    v = Fcells / ch.sqrt(ch.sum(Fcells**2) + epsilon)
    # v = Fcells

    # hog, hogim = skimage.feature.hog(imagegray,  orientations=numOrient, pixels_per_cell=(cheight, cwidth), visualise=True)
    hog_image = HogImage(image=image,

    # plt.imshow(hog_image)
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.imshow(hogim)
    # ipdb.set_trace()

    return v, hog_image, drconv