Пример #1
    def ovs_3188_verify_namespace_test():
        Verify namespaces
        nr_of_disks_to_create = 5
        namespace_prefix = 'ovs_3188-'
        compression = 'none'
        encryption = 'none'
        preset_name = 'be_preset_02'
        policies = [[1, 1, 1, 2]]

        backend = GeneralBackend.get_by_name(TestALBA.backend_name)
        if backend is None:
            backend = GeneralAlba.add_alba_backend(TestALBA.backend_name).backend
        GeneralAlba.add_preset(backend.alba_backend, preset_name, policies, compression, encryption)

        for x in range(nr_of_disks_to_create):
            namespace_name = namespace_prefix + str(x)
            GeneralAlba.execute_alba_cli_action(backend.alba_backend, 'create-namespace', [namespace_name, preset_name], False)
            GeneralAlba.upload_file(backend.alba_backend, namespace_name, 1024 * 1024 * 1)


        GeneralAlba.remove_preset(backend.alba_backend, preset_name)
Пример #2
    def ovs_3490_add_remove_preset_test():
        Adds and removes a preset with encryption to an existing alba backend
        backend = GeneralBackend.get_by_name(TestALBA.backend_name)
        if backend is None:
            backend = GeneralAlba.add_alba_backend(TestALBA.backend_name).backend

        name = 'ovs-3490'
        policies = [[1, 1, 1, 2]]
        compression = 'none'
        encryption = 'aes-cbc-256'
        status, message = GeneralAlba.add_preset(backend.alba_backend, name, policies, compression, encryption)
        assert status, "Add preset failed with: {0}".format(message)
        TestALBA.verify_policies_for_preset(name, policies, compression, encryption)
        status, message = GeneralAlba.remove_preset(backend.alba_backend, name)
        assert status, "Remove preset failed with: {0}".format(message)
        assert not TestALBA.is_preset_present(name), "Preset with name {0} is not present".format(name)
Пример #3
 def add_validate_remove_preset(name, compression, encryption, policies, remove_when_finished=True):
     Add a preset, validate the preset and remove it
     :param name: Name of the preset
     :param compression: Compression used by the preset
     :param encryption: Encryption used by the preset
     :param policies: Policies used by the preset
     :param remove_when_finished: Remove after validation
     :return: None
     backend = GeneralBackend.get_by_name(TestALBA.backend_name)
     status, message = GeneralAlba.add_preset(backend.alba_backend, name, policies, compression, encryption)
     assert status, "Add preset failed with: {0}".format(message)
     assert TestALBA.is_preset_present(name), "Preset with name {0} is not present".format(name)
     TestALBA.verify_policies_for_preset(name, policies, compression, encryption)
     if remove_when_finished:
         status, message = GeneralAlba.remove_preset(backend.alba_backend, name, )
         assert status, "Remove preset failed with: {0}".format(message)
         assert not TestALBA.is_preset_present(name), "Preset with name {0} is not present".format(name)