Пример #1
    def _validate_envelope(self, envelope_binary: bytes, header: str) -> Union[None, Envelope]:
        # TODO return/raise custom exceptions in this instead of just logging stuff and returning none

        # Deserialize envelope
        env = None
            env = Envelope.from_bytes(envelope_binary)
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.error("\n\n\nError deserializing envelope: {}\n\n\n".format(e))
            return None

        # Check seal
        if not env.verify_seal():
            self.log.error("\n\n\nSeal could not be verified for envelope {}\n\n\n".format(env))
            return None

        # If header is not none (meaning this is a ROUTE msg with an ID frame), then verify that the ID frame is
        # the same as the vk on the seal
        if header and (header != env.seal.verifying_key):
            self.log.error("\n\n\nHeader frame {} does not match seal's vk {}\nfor envelope {}\n\n\n"
                           .format(header, env.seal.verifying_key, env))
            return None

        # Make sure we haven't seen this message before
        if env.meta.uuid in Executor._recently_seen:
            self.log.warning("Duplicate envelope detect with UUID {}. Ignoring.".format(env.meta.uuid))
            return None

        # TODO -- checks timestamp to ensure this envelope is recv'd in a somewhat reasonable time (within N seconds)

        # If none of the above checks above return None, this envelope should be good
        return env
Пример #2
    def send_pub(self, filter: str, envelope: bytes):
        assert isinstance(filter, str), "'id' arg must be a string"
        assert isinstance(envelope, bytes), "'envelope' arg must be bytes"
        assert len(self.pubs) > 0, "Attempted to publish data but publisher socket(s) is not configured"

        for url in self.pubs:
            self.log.debug("Publishing to URL {} with envelope: {}".format(url, Envelope.from_bytes(envelope)))
            # self.log.info("Publishing to... {}".format(url))
            self.pubs[url].send_multipart([filter.encode(), envelope])
Пример #3
    def test_serialize_from_objects(self):
        Tests that serialize/deserialize are inverse operations with from_objects factory function
        sk, vk = W.new()
        message = self._default_msg()

        env = Envelope.create_from_message(message=message, signing_key=sk, verifying_key=vk)

        self.assertEqual(env, Envelope.from_bytes(env.serialize()))
Пример #4
    def route(self, msg_binary: bytes):
        msg = None
            envelope = Envelope.from_bytes(msg_binary)
            msg = envelope.open()
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.error("Error opening envelope: {}".format(e))

        if type(msg) in self._receivers:
            self.log.debug("Routing msg: {}".format(msg))
            self._receivers[type(msg)](self, msg)
            self.log.error("Message {} has no implemented receiver in {}".format(msg, self._receivers))
Пример #5
    def test_lazy_serialize(self):
        Tests that creating an envelope from_bytes does not try to repack the underlying struct when serialize is called.
        This is b/c the serialize() func should be 'cached' with the binary data passed into from_bytes
        sk, vk = W.new()
        message = self._default_msg()

        env = Envelope.create_from_message(message=message, signing_key=sk, verifying_key=vk)
        env_binary = env.serialize()

        clone = Envelope.from_bytes(env_binary)

        clone._data = MagicMock()

        clone_binary = clone.serialize()  # this should not pack the capnp struct (_data) again

        # The Envelope Kitchen Sink lol -- make sure no serialization related API is called
Пример #6
 def envelope(self):
     if self._data.envelope.which() == 'unset':
         return None
         return Envelope.from_bytes(self._data.envelope.data)