Пример #1
def convert_image(source, dest, out_format, bps_limit=None):
    """Convert image to other format."""
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    # Always set -t none. First it is needed for cgroup io/limiting
    # and it is needed to ensure that all data hit the device before
    # it gets unmapped remotely from the host
    cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert', '-t', 'none', '-O', out_format, source, dest)
    cgcmd = volume_utils.setup_blkio_cgroup(source, dest, bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = tuple(cgcmd) + cmd
    utils.execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)

    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    fsz_mb = os.stat(source).st_size / units.Mi
    mbps = (fsz_mb / duration)
    msg = ("Image conversion details: src %(src)s, size %(sz).2f MB, "
           "duration %(duration).2f sec, destination %(dest)s")
    LOG.debug(msg % {
        "src": source,
        "sz": fsz_mb,
        "duration": duration,
        "dest": dest

    msg = _("Converted %(sz).2f MB image at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(msg % {"sz": fsz_mb, "mbps": mbps})
Пример #2
        def _inner():
            if initial_delay:

                while self._running:
                    start = timeutils.utcnow()
                    self.f(*self.args, **self.kw)
                    end = timeutils.utcnow()
                    if not self._running:
                    delay = interval - timeutils.delta_seconds(start, end)
                    if delay <= 0:
                        LOG.warn(_('task run outlasted interval by %s sec') %
                    greenthread.sleep(delay if delay > 0 else 0)
            except LoopingCallDone as e:
            except Exception:
                LOG.exception(_('in fixed duration looping call'))
Пример #3
def convert_image(source, dest, out_format, bps_limit=None):
    """Convert image to other format."""
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    # Always set -t none. First it is needed for cgroup io/limiting
    # and it is needed to ensure that all data hit the device before
    # it gets unmapped remotely from the host
    cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert',
           '-t', 'none',
           '-O', out_format, source, dest)
    cgcmd = volume_utils.setup_blkio_cgroup(source, dest, bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = tuple(cgcmd) + cmd
    utils.execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)

    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    fsz_mb = os.stat(source).st_size / units.Mi
    mbps = (fsz_mb / duration)
    msg = ("Image conversion details: src %(src)s, size %(sz).2f MB, "
           "duration %(duration).2f sec, destination %(dest)s")
    LOG.debug(msg % {"src": source,
                     "sz": fsz_mb,
                     "duration": duration,
                     "dest": dest})

    msg = _("Converted %(sz).2f MB image at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(msg % {"sz": fsz_mb, "mbps": mbps})
Пример #4
def fetch(context, image_service, image_id, path, _user_id, _project_id):
    # TODO(vish): Improve context handling and add owner and auth data
    #             when it is added to glance.  Right now there is no
    #             auth checking in glance, so we assume that access was
    #             checked before we got here.
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    with fileutils.remove_path_on_error(path):
        with open(path, "wb") as image_file:
            image_service.download(context, image_id, image_file)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    fsz_mb = os.stat(image_file.name).st_size / units.Mi
    mbps = (fsz_mb / duration)
    msg = ("Image fetch details: dest %(dest)s, size %(sz).2f MB, "
           "duration %(duration).2f sec")
    LOG.debug(msg % {
        "dest": image_file.name,
        "sz": fsz_mb,
        "duration": duration
    msg = _("Image download %(sz).2f MB at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(msg % {"sz": fsz_mb, "mbps": mbps})
Пример #5
    def run_periodic_tasks(self, context, raise_on_error=False):
        """Tasks to be run at a periodic interval."""
        idle_for = DEFAULT_INTERVAL
        for task_name, task in self._periodic_tasks:
            full_task_name = '.'.join([self.__class__.__name__, task_name])

            now = timeutils.utcnow()
            spacing = self._periodic_spacing[task_name]
            last_run = self._periodic_last_run[task_name]

            # If a periodic task is _nearly_ due, then we'll run it early
            if spacing is not None and last_run is not None:
                due = last_run + datetime.timedelta(seconds=spacing)
                if not timeutils.is_soon(due, 0.2):
                    idle_for = min(idle_for, timeutils.delta_seconds(now, due))

            if spacing is not None:
                idle_for = min(idle_for, spacing)

            LOG.debug(_("Running periodic task %(full_task_name)s"), locals())
            self._periodic_last_run[task_name] = timeutils.utcnow()

                task(self, context)
            except Exception as e:
                if raise_on_error:
                LOG.exception(_("Error during %(full_task_name)s: %(e)s"),

        return idle_for
Пример #6
def convert_image(source, dest, out_format, bps_limit=None):
    """Convert image to other format."""
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert', '-O', out_format, source, dest)
    cgcmd = volume_utils.setup_blkio_cgroup(source, dest, bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = tuple(cgcmd) + cmd
        cmd += ('-t', 'none')  # required to enable ratelimit by blkio cgroup
    utils.execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)

    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    fsz_mb = os.stat(source).st_size / units.Mi
    mbps = (fsz_mb / duration)
    msg = ("Image conversion details: src %(src)s, size %(sz).2f MB, "
           "duration %(duration).2f sec, destination %(dest)s")
    LOG.debug(msg % {"src": source,
                     "sz": fsz_mb,
                     "duration": duration,
                     "dest": dest})

    msg = _("Converted %(sz).2f MB image at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(msg % {"sz": fsz_mb, "mbps": mbps})
Пример #7
    def list_availability_zones(self, enable_cache=False):
        """Describe the known availability zones

        :retval list of dicts, each with a 'name' and 'available' key
        refresh_cache = False
        if enable_cache:
            if self.availability_zones_last_fetched is None:
                refresh_cache = True
                cache_age = timeutils.delta_seconds(self.availability_zones_last_fetched, timeutils.utcnow())
                if cache_age >= CONF.az_cache_duration:
                    refresh_cache = True
        if refresh_cache or not enable_cache:
            topic = CONF.volume_topic
            ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
            services = self.db.service_get_all_by_topic(ctxt, topic)
            az_data = [(s["availability_zone"], s["disabled"]) for s in services]
            disabled_map = {}
            for (az_name, disabled) in az_data:
                tracked_disabled = disabled_map.get(az_name, True)
                disabled_map[az_name] = tracked_disabled and disabled
            azs = [{"name": name, "available": not disabled} for (name, disabled) in disabled_map.items()]
            if refresh_cache:
                now = timeutils.utcnow()
                self.availability_zones = azs
                self.availability_zones_last_fetched = now
                    "Availability zone cache updated, next update will" " occur around %s",
                    now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=CONF.az_cache_duration),
            azs = self.availability_zones
        return tuple(azs)
Пример #8
def convert_image(source, dest, out_format, bps_limit=None):
    """Convert image to other format."""
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert', '-O', out_format, source, dest)
    cgcmd = volume_utils.setup_blkio_cgroup(source, dest, bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = tuple(cgcmd) + cmd
        cmd += ('-t', 'none')  # required to enable ratelimit by blkio cgroup
    utils.execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)

    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    fsz_mb = os.stat(source).st_size / units.Mi
    mbps = (fsz_mb / duration)
    msg = ("Image conversion details: src %(src)s, size %(sz).2f MB, "
           "duration %(duration).2f sec, destination %(dest)s")
    LOG.debug(msg % {
        "src": source,
        "sz": fsz_mb,
        "duration": duration,
        "dest": dest

    msg = _("Converted %(sz).2f MB image at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(msg % {"sz": fsz_mb, "mbps": mbps})
Пример #9
def copy_volume(srcstr,
    # Use O_DIRECT to avoid thrashing the system buffer cache
    extra_flags = []
    if check_for_odirect_support(srcstr, deststr, 'iflag=direct'):

    if check_for_odirect_support(srcstr, deststr, 'oflag=direct'):

    # If the volume is being unprovisioned then
    # request the data is persisted before returning,
    # so that it's not discarded from the cache.
    if sync and not extra_flags:

    blocksize, count = _calculate_count(size_in_m, blocksize)

    cmd = [
        'if=%s' % srcstr,
        'of=%s' % deststr,
        'count=%d' % count,
        'bs=%s' % blocksize

    if ionice is not None:
        cmd = ['ionice', ionice] + cmd

    cgcmd = setup_blkio_cgroup(srcstr, deststr, CONF.volume_copy_bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = cgcmd + cmd

    # Perform the copy
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    mbps = (size_in_m / duration)
    mesg = ("Volume copy details: src %(src)s, dest %(dest)s, "
            "size %(sz).2f MB, duration %(duration).2f sec")
    LOG.debug(mesg % {
        "src": srcstr,
        "dest": deststr,
        "sz": size_in_m,
        "duration": duration
    mesg = _("Volume copy %(size_in_m).2f MB at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(mesg % {'size_in_m': size_in_m, 'mbps': mbps})
Пример #10
def convert_image(source, dest, out_format, bps_limit=None, is_qcow_compress=False):
    """Convert image to other format."""

    cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert',
           '-O', out_format, source, dest)

    if is_qcow_compress and out_format=='qcow2':
        cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert',
               '-O', out_format, source, dest)
        cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert',
               '-O', out_format, source, dest)

    # Check whether O_DIRECT is supported and set '-t none' if it is
    # This is needed to ensure that all data hit the device before
    # it gets unmapped remotely from the host for some backends
    # Reference Bug: #1363016

    # NOTE(jdg): In the case of file devices qemu does the
    # flush properly and more efficiently than would be done
    # setting O_DIRECT, so check for that and skip the
    # setting for non BLK devs
    if (utils.is_blk_device(dest) and
        cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert',
               '-t', 'none',
               '-O', out_format, source, dest)

    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    cgcmd = volume_utils.setup_blkio_cgroup(source, dest, bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = tuple(cgcmd) + cmd
    utils.execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)

    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    fsz_mb = os.stat(source).st_size / units.Mi
    mbps = (fsz_mb / duration)
    msg = ("Image conversion details: src %(src)s, size %(sz).2f MB, "
           "duration %(duration).2f sec, destination %(dest)s")
    LOG.debug(msg % {"src": source,
                     "sz": fsz_mb,
                     "duration": duration,
                     "dest": dest})

    msg = _("Converted %(sz).2f MB image at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(msg % {"sz": fsz_mb, "mbps": mbps})
Пример #11
def convert_image(source,
    """Convert image to other format."""

    cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert', '-O', out_format, source, dest)

    if is_qcow_compress and out_format == 'qcow2':
        cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert', '-c', '-O', out_format, source, dest)
        cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert', '-O', out_format, source, dest)

    # Check whether O_DIRECT is supported and set '-t none' if it is
    # This is needed to ensure that all data hit the device before
    # it gets unmapped remotely from the host for some backends
    # Reference Bug: #1363016

    # NOTE(jdg): In the case of file devices qemu does the
    # flush properly and more efficiently than would be done
    # setting O_DIRECT, so check for that and skip the
    # setting for non BLK devs
    if (utils.is_blk_device(dest) and volume_utils.check_for_odirect_support(
            source, dest, 'oflag=direct')):
        cmd = ('qemu-img', 'convert', '-t', 'none', '-O', out_format, source,

    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    cgcmd = volume_utils.setup_blkio_cgroup(source, dest, bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = tuple(cgcmd) + cmd
    utils.execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)

    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    fsz_mb = os.stat(source).st_size / units.Mi
    mbps = (fsz_mb / duration)
    msg = ("Image conversion details: src %(src)s, size %(sz).2f MB, "
           "duration %(duration).2f sec, destination %(dest)s")
    LOG.debug(msg % {
        "src": source,
        "sz": fsz_mb,
        "duration": duration,
        "dest": dest

    msg = _("Converted %(sz).2f MB image at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(msg % {"sz": fsz_mb, "mbps": mbps})
Пример #12
def copy_volume(srcstr, deststr, size_in_m, blocksize, sync=False,
                execute=utils.execute, ionice=None):
    # Use O_DIRECT to avoid thrashing the system buffer cache
    extra_flags = []
    # Check whether O_DIRECT is supported to iflag and oflag separately
    for flag in ['iflag=direct', 'oflag=direct']:
            execute('dd', 'count=0', 'if=%s' % srcstr, 'of=%s' % deststr,
                    flag, run_as_root=True)
        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:

    # If the volume is being unprovisioned then
    # request the data is persisted before returning,
    # so that it's not discarded from the cache.
    if sync and not extra_flags:

    blocksize, count = _calculate_count(size_in_m, blocksize)

    cmd = ['dd', 'if=%s' % srcstr, 'of=%s' % deststr,
           'count=%d' % count, 'bs=%s' % blocksize]

    if ionice is not None:
        cmd = ['ionice', ionice] + cmd

    cgcmd = setup_blkio_cgroup(srcstr, deststr, CONF.volume_copy_bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = cgcmd + cmd

    # Perform the copy
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    mbps = (size_in_m / duration)
    mesg = ("Volume copy details: src %(src)s, dest %(dest)s, "
            "size %(sz).2f MB, duration %(duration).2f sec")
    LOG.debug(mesg % {"src": srcstr,
                      "dest": deststr,
                      "sz": size_in_m,
                      "duration": duration})
    mesg = _("Volume copy %(size_in_m).2f MB at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(mesg % {'size_in_m': size_in_m, 'mbps': mbps})
Пример #13
def clear_volume(volume_size,
    """Unprovision old volumes to prevent data leaking between users."""
    if volume_clear is None:
        volume_clear = CONF.volume_clear

    if volume_clear_size is None:
        volume_clear_size = CONF.volume_clear_size

    if volume_clear_size == 0:
        volume_clear_size = volume_size

    if volume_clear_ionice is None:
        volume_clear_ionice = CONF.volume_clear_ionice

    LOG.info(_("Performing secure delete on volume: %s") % volume_path)

    if volume_clear == 'zero':
        return copy_volume('/dev/zero',
    elif volume_clear == 'shred':
        clear_cmd = ['shred', '-n3']
        if volume_clear_size:
            clear_cmd.append('-s%dMiB' % volume_clear_size)
        raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(option='volume_clear',

    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    utils.execute(*clear_cmd, run_as_root=True)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    LOG.info(_('Elapsed time for clear volume: %.2f sec') % duration)
Пример #14
        def _inner():
            if initial_delay:

                while self._running:
                    start = timeutils.utcnow()
                    self.f(*self.args, **self.kw)
                    end = timeutils.utcnow()
                    if not self._running:
                    delay = interval - timeutils.delta_seconds(start, end)
                    if delay <= 0:
                        LOG.warn(_('task run outlasted interval by %s sec') %
                    greenthread.sleep(delay if delay > 0 else 0)
            except LoopingCallDone, e:
Пример #15
def clear_volume(volume_size, volume_path, volume_clear=None,
                 volume_clear_size=None, volume_clear_ionice=None):
    """Unprovision old volumes to prevent data leaking between users."""
    if volume_clear is None:
        volume_clear = CONF.volume_clear

    if volume_clear_size is None:
        volume_clear_size = CONF.volume_clear_size

    if volume_clear_size == 0:
        volume_clear_size = volume_size

    if volume_clear_ionice is None:
        volume_clear_ionice = CONF.volume_clear_ionice

    LOG.info(_("Performing secure delete on volume: %s") % volume_path)

    if volume_clear == 'zero':
        return copy_volume('/dev/zero', volume_path, volume_clear_size,
                           sync=True, execute=utils.execute,
    elif volume_clear == 'shred':
        clear_cmd = ['shred', '-n3']
        if volume_clear_size:
            clear_cmd.append('-s%dMiB' % volume_clear_size)
        raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(

    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    utils.execute(*clear_cmd, run_as_root=True)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    LOG.info(_('Elapsed time for clear volume: %.2f sec') % duration)
Пример #16
def fetch(context, image_service, image_id, path, _user_id, _project_id):
    # TODO(vish): Improve context handling and add owner and auth data
    #             when it is added to glance.  Right now there is no
    #             auth checking in glance, so we assume that access was
    #             checked before we got here.
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    with fileutils.remove_path_on_error(path):
        with open(path, "wb") as image_file:
            image_service.download(context, image_id, image_file)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    fsz_mb = os.stat(image_file.name).st_size / units.Mi
    mbps = fsz_mb / duration
    msg = "Image fetch details: dest %(dest)s, size %(sz).2f MB, " "duration %(duration).2f sec"
    LOG.debug(msg % {"dest": image_file.name, "sz": fsz_mb, "duration": duration})
    msg = _("Image download %(sz).2f MB at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(msg % {"sz": fsz_mb, "mbps": mbps})
Пример #17
    def list_availability_zones(self, enable_cache=False):
        """Describe the known availability zones

        :retval list of dicts, each with a 'name' and 'available' key
        refresh_cache = False
        if enable_cache:
            if self.availability_zones_last_fetched is None:
                refresh_cache = True
                cache_age = timeutils.delta_seconds(
                    self.availability_zones_last_fetched, timeutils.utcnow())
                if cache_age >= CONF.az_cache_duration:
                    refresh_cache = True
        if refresh_cache or not enable_cache:
            topic = CONF.volume_topic
            ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
            services = self.db.service_get_all_by_topic(ctxt, topic)
            az_data = [(s['availability_zone'], s['disabled'])
                       for s in services]
            disabled_map = {}
            for (az_name, disabled) in az_data:
                tracked_disabled = disabled_map.get(az_name, True)
                disabled_map[az_name] = tracked_disabled and disabled
            azs = [{
                'name': name,
                'available': not disabled
            } for (name, disabled) in disabled_map.items()]
            if refresh_cache:
                now = timeutils.utcnow()
                self.availability_zones = azs
                self.availability_zones_last_fetched = now
                    "Availability zone cache updated, next update will"
                    " occur around %s",
                    now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=CONF.az_cache_duration))
            azs = self.availability_zones
        return tuple(azs)
Пример #18
    def run_periodic_tasks(self, context, raise_on_error=False):
        """Tasks to be run at a periodic interval."""
        idle_for = DEFAULT_INTERVAL
        for task_name, task in self._periodic_tasks:
            full_task_name = '.'.join([self.__class__.__name__, task_name])

            now = timeutils.utcnow()
            spacing = self._periodic_spacing[task_name]
            last_run = self._periodic_last_run[task_name]

            # If a periodic task is _nearly_ due, then we'll run it early
            if spacing is not None and last_run is not None:
                due = last_run + datetime.timedelta(seconds=spacing)
                if not timeutils.is_soon(due, 0.2):
                    idle_for = min(idle_for, timeutils.delta_seconds(now, due))

            if spacing is not None:
                idle_for = min(idle_for, spacing)

            LOG.debug(_("Running periodic task %(full_task_name)s"),
                      {"full_task_name": full_task_name})
            self._periodic_last_run[task_name] = timeutils.utcnow()

                task(self, context)
            except Exception as e:
                if raise_on_error:
                LOG.exception(_("Error during %(full_task_name)s: %(e)s"), {
                    "full_task_name": full_task_name,
                    "e": e

        return idle_for