def cinder_client(context, region_name=None): if CONF.cinder_url: url = '%(cinder_url)s%(tenant)s' % { 'cinder_url': normalize_url(CONF.cinder_url), 'tenant': context.project_id } else: region = region_name or CONF.service_credentials.region_name url = get_endpoint(context.service_catalog, service_type=CONF.cinder_service_type, endpoint_region=region, endpoint_type=CONF.cinder_endpoint_type) client = CinderClient.Client(context.user, context.auth_token, project_id=context.project_id, auth_url=CONF.service_credentials.auth_url, insecure=CONF.cinder_api_insecure) client.client.auth_token = context.auth_token client.client.management_url = url return client
def volume_type(volume_type): if not cache['volume_types']: cinder = cinderclient.Client( config.auth['username'], config.auth['password'], config.auth['default_tenant'], config.auth['end_point'], region=config.main['region'], insecure=config.auth['insecure']) for vtype in cinder.volume_types.list(): cache['volume_types'].append({'id':, 'name':}) for vtype in cache['volume_types']: # check name first, as that will be more common if vtype['name'] == volume_type: return volume_type elif vtype['id'] == volume_type: return vtype['name'] return False
def main(): os_auth_url = get_environ('OS_AUTH_URL') os_username = get_environ('OS_USERNAME') os_password = get_environ('OS_PASSWORD') os_tenant_name = get_environ('OS_TENANT_NAME') os_region_name = get_environ('OS_REGION_NAME') cinder = cinder_client.Client(os_username, os_password, os_tenant_name, auth_url=os_auth_url, region_name=os_region_name) #for volume in cinder.volumes.list(): # volume_name = if else 'None' # print "Volume: {} [{}] {}GB - {}".format(volume_name,, volume.size, volume.status.upper()) for snapshot in cinder.volume_snapshots.list(): snapshot_name = if else 'None' print "Snapshot: {} [{}] (Volume: [{}]) {}GB - {}".format( snapshot_name,, snapshot.volume_id, snapshot.size, snapshot.status.upper())
def _get_cinderclient(self, http_retries=10, catalog_info=DEFAULT_CINDER_CATALOG_INFO, allow_insecure=True): service_type, service_name, endpoint_type = catalog_info.split(':') c = cinder_client.Client(self.creds['username'], self.creds['password'], self.creds['tenant_name'], auth_url=self.auth_url, service_type=service_type, service_name=service_name, endpoint_type=endpoint_type, insecure=allow_insecure, retries=http_retries, cacert=self.creds.get('cacert')) # noauth extracts user_id:project_id from auth_token c.client.auth_token = self.creds.get( 'auth_token', '%s:%s' % (self.creds['username'], self.creds['password'])) c.client.management_url = self.auth_url return c
def _get_cinder_client_from_creds(): api_version = "" cloud_config = _get_cloud_config() keystone_session = cloud_config.get_session_client("volumev2") keystone_auth = cloud_config.get_auth() region_name = cloud_config.get_region_name() service_type = "volumev2" endpoint_type = "publicURL" endpoint = keystone_auth.get_endpoint(keystone_session, service_type=service_type, region_name=region_name) kwargs = { 'session': keystone_session, 'auth': keystone_auth, 'service_type': service_type, 'endpoint_type': endpoint_type, 'region_name': region_name, } client = cinder_client.Client(api_version, endpoint, **kwargs) return client
def get_volume(instance_id): try: try: _client_class = nova_client.get_client_class(2) nova = _client_class( config.auth['username'], config.auth['password'], config.auth['default_tenant'], config.auth['end_point'], region_name=config.main['region'], insecure=config.auth['insecure']) except: nova = nova_client.Client('2', username=config.auth['username'], api_key=config.auth['password'], password=config.auth['password'], project_id=config.auth['default_tenant'], auth_url=config.auth['end_point'], region_name=config.main['region'], insecure=config.auth['insecure']) instance = nova.servers.get(instance_id) # Assume first volume is the root disk volume_id = getattr(instance, 'os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached')[0]['id'] if not volume_id: return None cinder = cinderclient.Client( config.auth['username'], config.auth['password'], config.auth['default_tenant'], config.auth['end_point'], region=config.main['region'], insecure=config.auth['insecure']) return cinder.volumes.get(volume_id) except Exception: return
def client_conn(type_): if type_ == 'nova': client = client_nova.Client(username=AUTH_USER, insecure=True, api_key=AUTH_PASSWORD, project_id=AUTH_TENANT_NAME, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=AUTH_REGION) elif type_ == 'keystone': client = client_keystone.Client(username=AUTH_USER, insecure=True, password=AUTH_PASSWORD, tenant_name=AUTH_TENANT_NAME, auth_url=AUTH_URL) elif type_ == 'cinder': client = client_cinder.Client(username=AUTH_USER, insecure=True, api_key=AUTH_PASSWORD, project_id=AUTH_TENANT_NAME, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=AUTH_REGION, service_type='volume') return client
def cinder(self): try: return cinder_client.Client(session=self.session.keystone_session) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: logger.exception('Failed to create cinder client: %s', e) raise OpenStackBackendError(e)
def get_cinder_client(**kwargs): return cinderclient.Client()
def get_nova_credentials(): d = {} d['username'] = os.environ['OS_USERNAME'] d['api_key'] = os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'] d['auth_url'] = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'] d['project_id'] = os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'] if 'OS_REGION_NAME' in os.environ: d['region_name'] = os.environ['OS_REGION_NAME'] return d credentials = get_credentials() novacredentials = get_nova_credentials() keystone = ksclient.Client(**credentials) cinder = cinderclient.Client(**novacredentials) neutron = neutronclient.Client(**credentials) nova = novaclient.Client('2', **novacredentials) glance_endpoint = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='image', endpoint_type='publicURL') glance = glanceclient.Client(glance_endpoint, token=keystone.auth_token) heat_endpoint = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='orchestration', endpoint_type='publicURL') heat = heatclient.Client('1', endpoint=heat_endpoint, token=keystone.auth_token) def get_tenantids():
def get_clients(): ks_version = int(env.get('OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION', 2)) if ks_version == 2: from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as keystone_client # Legacy v2 env vars: # OS_USERNAME OS_PASSWORD OS_TENANT_NAME OS_AUTH_URL OS_REGION_NAME ks_creds = get_creds_dict("username", "password", "tenant_name", "auth_url", "region_name") cacert = maybe_get_cacert() if cacert: ks_creds["cacert"] = cacert nova_creds = [2] + get_creds_list("username", "password", "tenant_name", "auth_url") cinder_creds = get_creds_list("username", "password", "tenant_name", "auth_url") keystone = keystone_client.Client(**ks_creds) nova = nova_client.Client(*nova_creds, cacert=cacert) neutron = neutron_client.Client(**ks_creds) cinder = cinder_client.Client(*cinder_creds, cacert=cacert) elif ks_version == 3: from keystoneauth1.identity import v3 from keystoneauth1 import session from keystoneclient.v3 import client # A little helper for the poor human trying to figure out which env vars # are needed, it worked for me (jjo) having: # OS_USERNAME OS_PASSWORD OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME OS_AUTH_URL # OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID OS_PROJECT_ID OS_DOMAIN_NAME # Keystone needs domain creds for e.g. project list # project and project_domain are needed for listing projects ks_creds_domain = get_creds_dict( "username", "password", "user_domain_name", "auth_url", "project_domain_name", "project_name", "project_domain_id", "project_id") # Need non-domain creds to get full catalog ks_creds_admin = get_creds_dict( "username", "password", "user_domain_name", "auth_url", "project_domain_name", "project_name", "project_domain_id", "project_id") auth_domain = v3.Password(**ks_creds_domain) auth_admin = v3.Password(**ks_creds_admin) # Need to pass in cacert separately verify = maybe_get_cacert() if verify is None: verify = True sess_domain = session.Session(auth=auth_domain, verify=verify) sess_admin = session.Session(auth=auth_admin, verify=verify) interface = env.get('OS_INTERFACE', 'admin') # Keystone has not switched from interface to endpoint_type yet ## keystone = client.Client(session=sess_domain, interface=interface) auth = v3.Password(user_domain_name="Default", username="******", password='******', project_domain_name="Default", project_name="admin", auth_url="") sess = session.Session(auth=auth) keystone = client.Client(session=sess, interface=interface) nova = nova_client.Client(2, session=sess_admin, endpoint_type=interface) neutron = neutron_client.Client(session=sess_admin, endpoint_type=interface) cinder = cinder_client.Client(session=sess_admin, endpoint_type=interface) else: print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++else eerror") raise(ValueError("Invalid OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=%s" % ks_version)) log.debug("Client setup done, keystone ver {}".format(ks_version)) return (keystone, nova, neutron, cinder)
def cinder_client(self) -> cinder_client.Client: if not self._cinder_client: self._cinder_client = cinder_client.Client(session=self._session) return self._cinder_client
def __init__(self, region): self.region = region self.conn = openstack.connect(cloud=self.region) self.conn_cinder = cinderclient.Client(session=self.conn.session) self.darter_util = DarterUtil() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
admin_user = os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME') admin_pwd = os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD') admin_project = os.environ.get('OS_TENANT_NAME') auth_url = os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL') auth = v2.Password(auth_url=auth_url, username=admin_user, password=admin_pwd, tenant_name=admin_project) sess = session.Session(auth=auth) keystone = client.Client(session=sess) ks_projects = keystone.projects.list() neutron = nclient.Client(session=sess) nova = novaclient.Client(2, session=sess) cinder = cinderclient.Client(session=sess) with open(args.filename, "rb") as source: READER = list(csv.DictReader(source)) MOC_STANDARDS = { 'subnet': 10, 'router': 10, 'port': 10, 'network': 5, 'floatingip': 2, 'security_group': -1, 'security_group_rule': -1, 'ram': 51200, 'gigabytes': 1000, 'snapshots': 10,
def get_cinder_client_from_creds(): auth_plugin, session = _get_cloud_config_auth_data() return client.Client(session=session, auth=auth_plugin)
def test_authenticate_tenant_id(self): cs = client.Client("username", "password", auth_url="http://*****:*****@mock.patch.object(requests, "request", mock_request) def test_auth_call(): cs.client.authenticate() headers = { 'User-Agent': cs.client.USER_AGENT, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', } body = { 'auth': { 'passwordCredentials': { 'username': cs.client.user, 'password': cs.client.password, }, 'tenantId': cs.client.tenant_id, }, } token_url = cs.client.auth_url + "/tokens" mock_request.assert_called_with("POST", token_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body), allow_redirects=True, **self.TEST_REQUEST_BASE) endpoints = resp["access"]["serviceCatalog"][0]['endpoints'] public_url = endpoints[0]["publicURL"].rstrip('/') self.assertEqual(cs.client.management_url, public_url) token_id = resp["access"]["token"]["id"] self.assertEqual(cs.client.auth_token, token_id) tenant_id = resp["access"]["token"]["tenant"]["id"] self.assertEqual(cs.client.tenant_id, tenant_id) test_auth_call()
import sys import os from cinderclient.v2 import client from credentials import get_cinder_credentials credentials = get_cinder_credentials() try: cinder_client = client.Client(*credentials, service_type="volume") vol_list = cinder_client.volumes.list() vol_name = sys.argv[1] vol_type = sys.argv[2] vol_size = sys.argv[3] vol_exists = False for v in vol_list: if v == vol_name: print "volume %s exists" % vol_name vol_exists = True if vol_exists == False: volume = cinder_client.volumes.create(vol_size, name=vol_name, volume_type=vol_type) print volume finally: print "Execution completed"
def capi(self): if not self._capi: self._capi = cinderclient.Client(session=self.session) return self._capi
def volume(self): if not self._volume: self._volume = volume_client.Client(session=self._session()) return self._volume
def new_client(self): return v2client.Client(username='******', api_key='xx', project_id='xx', auth_url=self.identity_url)
nova_cl = nova_client.Client(auth_url=args.auth_url, username=args.username, api_key=args.password, project_id=args.tenant_name, version='2', region_name=args.region_name) neutron_cl = neutron_client.Client(auth_url=args.auth_url, username=args.username, password=args.password, tenant_name=args.tenant_name, region_name=args.region_name) cinder_cl = cinder_client.Client(auth_url=args.auth_url, username=args.username, api_key=args.password, project_id=args.tenant_name, region_name=args.region_name) # ================= Delete computation components ================= detach_volumes(nova_cl) delete_servers(nova_cl) delete_volumes(cinder_cl) delete_bosh_images(nova_cl) # ================= Delete network components ================= delete_network_components(neutron_cl)
def main(): """Shows user info (servers, volumes, snapshots, routers, networks, ...). List a lot of useful info about a user: - all projects he's member of - for each project/region all servers, volumes, snapshots, routers, networks, floating ips, ... """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Show information (servers, volumes, networks, ...) for a user. Search in all projects he's member of, and optionally in all regions (-a).") parser.add_argument('-a', '--all-regions', help='query all regions', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('USERNAME', help="username to search") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='verbose', action='store_true') if len(sys.argv) < 2: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() # get OS_* environment variables os_auth_url = get_environ('OS_AUTH_URL', args.verbose) os_username = get_environ('OS_USERNAME', args.verbose) os_password = get_environ('OS_PASSWORD', args.verbose) os_tenant_name = get_environ('OS_TENANT_NAME', args.verbose) os_region_name = get_environ('OS_REGION_NAME', args.verbose) # keystone_V3 client requires a /v3 auth url if '/v2.0' in os_auth_url: os_auth_url_v3 = os_auth_url.replace('/v2.0', '/v3') if args.verbose: print "os_auth_url_v3:", os_auth_url_v3 keystone = keystone_v3.Client(username=os_username, password=os_password, project_name=os_tenant_name, auth_url=os_auth_url_v3) # all regions available all_regions = [] for region in keystone.regions.list(): all_regions.append( # regions to use region_names = [os_region_name] if args.all_regions: if os_region_name in all_regions: region_names = all_regions # Openstack clients per region nova_regions = {} cinder_regions = {} neutron_regions = {} for region_name in region_names: _nova = nova_client.Client(2, os_username, os_password, os_tenant_name, auth_url=os_auth_url, region_name=region_name) nova_regions[region_name] = _nova _cinder = cinder_client.Client(os_username, os_password, os_tenant_name, auth_url=os_auth_url, region_name=region_name) cinder_regions[region_name] = _cinder _neutron = neutron_client.Client(username=os_username, password=os_password, tenant_name=os_tenant_name, auth_url=os_auth_url, region_name=region_name) neutron_regions[region_name] = _neutron try: username = args.USERNAME user = keystone.users.find(name=username) user_projects = keystone.projects.list(user=user) print "User: {} [{}]: {} projects".format(,, len(user_projects)) for project in user_projects: print " Project: {} [{}] - {}".format(,, project.description) servers_search_opts = {'all_tenants': True, 'tenant_id':} volumes_search_opts = {'all_tenants': True, 'project_id':} neutron_search_opts = {'all_tenants': True, 'tenant_id':} for region in region_names: # get clients for region nova = nova_regions[region] cinder = cinder_regions[region] neutron = neutron_regions[region] # servers project_servers = nova.servers.list(search_opts=servers_search_opts) servers = {} for server in project_servers: servers[] = server # volumes project_volumes = cinder.volumes.list(search_opts=volumes_search_opts) volumes = {} for volume in project_volumes: volumes[] = volume # volume snapshots project_volume_snapshots = cinder.volume_snapshots.list(search_opts=volumes_search_opts) volume_snapshots = {} for volume_snapshot in project_volume_snapshots: volume_snapshots[] = volume_snapshot # floating IPs resp = neutron.list_floatingips(**neutron_search_opts) floatingips = {} for floatingip in resp['floatingips']: floatingips[floatingip['id']] = floatingip resp = neutron.list_networks(**neutron_search_opts) networks = {} for network in resp['networks']: networks[network['id']] = network resp = neutron.list_routers(**neutron_search_opts) routers = {} for router in resp['routers']: routers[router['id']] = router # # show info # if servers or volumes or volume_snapshots or floatingips or networks or routers: print " Region:", region if servers: print " Servers:" for id, server in servers.items(): print " Server: {} [{}] - {}".format(,, server.status) volumes_attached = getattr(server,'os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached') for volume_attached in volumes_attached: volume_id = volume_attached['id'] if volume_id in volumes: volume = volumes[volume_id] volume_name = if else 'None' for attachment in volume.attachments: attached_server_id = attachment['server_id'] attached_device = attachment['device'] if attached_server_id == print " Volume: {}: {} [{}] {}GB - {}".format(attached_device, volume_name,, volume.size, volume.status.upper()) # remove volume from list volumes.pop(volume_id) else: print " ERROR: Volume {} [{}] not attached to Server {} [{}]".format(volume_name,,, if volumes: print " Other Volumes:" for id, volume in volumes.items(): volume_name = if else 'None' print " Volume: {} [{}] {}GB - {}".format(volume_name,, volume.size, volume.status.upper()) for attachment in volume.attachments: attached_server_id = attachment['server_id'] if attached_server_id in servers: server_attached = servers[attached_server_id] print " Attached to: {} [{}]:{}".format(,, attachment['device']) else: print " ERROR: attached to unknown Server [{}]:{}".format(attached_server_id, attachment['device']) if volume_snapshots: print " Volume Snapshots:" for id, v_snapshot in volume_snapshots.items(): v_snapshot_name = if else 'None' print " Snapshot: {} [{}] (Volume: [{}]) {}GB - {}".format(v_snapshot_name,, v_snapshot.volume_id, v_snapshot.size, v_snapshot.status.upper()) if floatingips: print " Floating IPs:" for id, floatingip in floatingips.items(): print " IP: {} [{}] - {}".format(floatingip['floating_ip_address'], floatingip['id'], floatingip['status']) if routers: print " Routers:" for id, router in routers.items(): print " Router: {} [{}] - {}".format(router['name'], router['id'], router['status']) resp = neutron.list_ports(device_id=id) ifaces = resp['ports'] for iface in ifaces: device_owner = iface['device_owner'] iface_info = ["Subnet: %s IP: %s" % (i['subnet_id'],i['ip_address']) for i in iface['fixed_ips']] if device_owner == 'network:router_gateway': resp = neutron.show_network(iface['network_id']) iface_net = resp['network'] print " Interface: {} (Gateway External Network: {} [{}])".format(iface['id'], iface_net['name'], iface_net['id']) elif device_owner == 'network:router_interface': print " Interface: {} ({})".format(iface['id'], ",".join(iface_info)) else: print " Interface: {} ({}) ({})".format(iface['id'], device_owner, ",".join(iface_info)) if networks: print " Networks:" for id, network in networks.items(): print " Network: {} [{}] - {}".format(network['name'], network['id'], network['status']) for subnet_id in network['subnets']: resp = neutron.show_subnet(subnet_id) subnet = resp['subnet'] subnet_ipranges = ["IPRange: %s-%s" % (i['start'],i['end']) for i in subnet['allocation_pools']] print " Subnet: {} [{}] (CIDR: {})".format(subnet['name'], subnet['id'], subnet['cidr']) resp = neutron.list_ports(network_id=id) ports = resp['ports'] for port in ports: device_id = port['device_id'] device_owner = port['device_owner'] if device_id in servers: server = servers[device_id] print " Port: {} (Server: {} [{}])".format(port['id'],,, port['status']) elif device_id in routers: router = routers[device_id] print " Port: {} (Router: {} [{}])".format(port['id'], router['name'], router['id'], port['status']) elif device_owner == 'network:dhcp': print " Port: {} (DHCP)".format(port['id']) else: print " Port: {} ({} [])".format(port['id'], device_owner, device_id, port['status']) except keystoneclient.exceptions.NotFound as e: print "ERROR: Username", username, "not found:", e.message sys.exit(1) except novaclient.exceptions.NotFound as e: print "ERROR: not found:", e.message sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: print "ERROR:", e.message sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, session, nova_version): self.nova = novaclient.Client(nova_version, session=session) self.neutron = neutronclient.Client(session=session) self.cinder = cinderclient.Client(session=session)
def get_client(service): """Return a client object and authorization token. :rtype: dict """ from goldstone.neutron.utils import get_neutron_client # Error message template. NO_AUTH = "%s client failed to authorize. Check credentials in" \ " goldstone settings." try: cloud = get_cloud() os_username = cloud.username os_password = cloud.password os_tenant_name = cloud.tenant_name os_auth_url = cloud.auth_url if service == 'keystone': client = ksclient.Client( username=os_username, password=os_password, tenant_name=os_tenant_name, auth_url=_v3_auth_url(os_auth_url)) if client.auth_token is None: raise GoldstoneAuthError("Keystone client call succeeded, but " "auth token was not returned. Check " "credentials in goldstone settings.") else: return {'client': client, 'hex_token': client.auth_token} elif service == 'nova': client = nvclient.Client( os_username, os_password, os_tenant_name, _v2_auth_url(os_auth_url)) client.authenticate() return {'client': client, 'hex_token': client.client.auth_token} elif service == 'cinder': = \ _patched_cinder_service_repr client = ciclient.Client(os_username, os_password, os_tenant_name, _v2_auth_url(os_auth_url)) region = _get_region_for_cinder_client(client) return {'client': client, 'region': region} elif service == 'neutron': client = get_neutron_client(os_username, os_password, os_tenant_name, _v3_auth_url(os_auth_url)) return {'client': client} elif service == 'glance': keystoneclient = get_client("keystone")['client'] # This had used a "name='glance'" qualifier, but the V3 find method # raised a NoUniqueMatch exception. Keystone no longer accepts # 'name' as a qualifier, so use 'type'. service_id ="image").id mgmt_url = \ keystoneclient.endpoints.find(service_id=service_id, interface="admin").url region = get_region_for_glance_client(keystoneclient) client = glclient.Client(endpoint=mgmt_url, token=keystoneclient.auth_token) return {'client': client, 'region': region} else: raise GoldstoneAuthError("Unknown service") except (KeystoneUnauthorized, NovaUnauthorized, CinderUnauthorized, NeutronUnauthorized): raise GoldstoneAuthError(NO_AUTH % service.capitalize())
def test_auth_redirect(self): cs = client.Client("username", "password", "project_id", "http://*****:*****@mock.patch.object(requests, "request", mock_request) def test_auth_call(): cs.client.authenticate() headers = { 'User-Agent': cs.client.USER_AGENT, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', } body = { 'auth': { 'passwordCredentials': { 'username': cs.client.user, 'password': cs.client.password, }, 'tenantName': cs.client.projectid, }, } token_url = cs.client.auth_url + "/tokens" mock_request.assert_called_with("POST", token_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body), allow_redirects=True, **self.TEST_REQUEST_BASE) resp = dict_correct_response endpoints = resp["access"]["serviceCatalog"][0]['endpoints'] public_url = endpoints[0]["publicURL"].rstrip('/') self.assertEqual(cs.client.management_url, public_url) token_id = resp["access"]["token"]["id"] self.assertEqual(cs.client.auth_token, token_id) test_auth_call()
import novaclient.v1_1.client as nvclient import cinderclient.v2.client as cinderclient import neutronclient.neutron.client as neutronclient cinder = cinderclient.Client('demo', 'demo', 'istl', '') #neutron = neutronclient.Client('demo','demo','istl','') nova = nvclient.Client('demo', 'demo', 'istl', '')
def setUp(self): super(ClientTestBase, self).setUp() test_timeout = os.environ.get('OS_TEST_TIMEOUT', 0) try: test_timeout = int(test_timeout) except ValueError: test_timeout = 0 if test_timeout > 0: self.useFixture(fixtures.Timeout(test_timeout, gentle=True)) if (os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == '1'): stdout = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stdout')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', stdout)) if (os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == '1'): stderr = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stderr')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stderr', stderr)) if (os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') != 'False' and os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') != '0'): self.useFixture( fixtures.LoggerFixture(nuke_handlers=False, format=self.log_format, level=None)) # Collecting of credentials: # # Grab the cloud config from a user's clouds.yaml file. # First look for a functional_admin cloud, as this is a cloud # that the user may have defined for functional testing that has # admin credentials. # If that is not found, get the devstack config and override the # username and project_name to be admin so that admin credentials # will be used. # # Finally, fall back to looking for environment variables to support # existing users running these the old way. We should deprecate that # as tox 2.0 blanks out environment. # # TODO(sdague): while we collect this information in # tempest-lib, we do it in a way that's not available for top # level tests. Long term this probably needs to be in the base # class. openstack_config = os_client_config.config.OpenStackConfig() try: cloud_config = openstack_config.get_one_cloud('functional_admin') except os_client_config.exceptions.OpenStackConfigException: try: cloud_config = openstack_config.get_one_cloud( 'devstack', auth=dict(username='******', project_name='admin')) except os_client_config.exceptions.OpenStackConfigException: try: cloud_config = openstack_config.get_one_cloud('envvars') except os_client_config.exceptions.OpenStackConfigException: cloud_config = None if cloud_config is None: raise NoCloudConfigException( "Could not find a cloud named functional_admin or a cloud" " named devstack. Please check your clouds.yaml file and" " try again.") auth_info = cloud_config.config['auth'] user = auth_info['username'] passwd = auth_info['password'] self.project_name = auth_info['project_name'] auth_url = auth_info['auth_url'] user_domain_id = auth_info['user_domain_id'] self.project_domain_id = auth_info['project_domain_id'] if 'insecure' in cloud_config.config: self.insecure = cloud_config.config['insecure'] else: self.insecure = False auth = identity.Password(username=user, password=passwd, project_name=self.project_name, auth_url=auth_url, project_domain_id=self.project_domain_id, user_domain_id=user_domain_id) session = ksession.Session(auth=auth, verify=(not self.insecure)) self.client = self._get_novaclient(session) self.glance = glanceclient.Client('2', session=session) # pick some reasonable flavor / image combo if "flavor" not in CACHE: CACHE["flavor"] = pick_flavor(self.client.flavors.list()) if "image" not in CACHE: CACHE["image"] = pick_image(self.glance.images.list()) self.flavor = CACHE["flavor"] self.image = CACHE["image"] if "network" not in CACHE: # Get the networks from neutron. neutron = neutronclient.Client(session=session) neutron_networks = neutron.list_networks()['networks'] # Convert the neutron dicts to Network objects. nets = [] for network in neutron_networks: nets.append(networks.Network(networks.NeutronManager, network)) # Keep track of whether or not there are multiple networks # available to the given tenant because if so, a specific # network ID has to be passed in on server create requests # otherwise the server POST will fail with a 409. CACHE['multiple_networks'] = len(nets) > 1 CACHE["network"] = pick_network(nets) = CACHE["network"] self.multiple_networks = CACHE['multiple_networks'] # create a CLI client in case we'd like to do CLI # testing. tempest.lib does this really weird thing where it # builds a giant factory of all the CLIs that it knows # about. Eventually that should really be unwound into # something more sensible. cli_dir = os.environ.get( 'OS_NOVACLIENT_EXEC_DIR', os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), '.tox/functional/bin')) self.cli_clients = tempest.lib.cli.base.CLIClient( username=user, password=passwd, tenant_name=self.project_name, uri=auth_url, cli_dir=cli_dir, insecure=self.insecure) self.keystone = keystoneclient.Client(session=session, username=user, password=passwd) self.cinder = cinderclient.Client(auth=auth, session=session)
def setUp(self): super(ClientTestBase, self).setUp() test_timeout = os.environ.get('OS_TEST_TIMEOUT', 0) try: test_timeout = int(test_timeout) except ValueError: test_timeout = 0 if test_timeout > 0: self.useFixture(fixtures.Timeout(test_timeout, gentle=True)) if (os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == '1'): stdout = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stdout')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', stdout)) if (os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == '1'): stderr = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stderr')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stderr', stderr)) if (os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') != 'False' and os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') != '0'): self.useFixture( fixtures.LoggerFixture(nuke_handlers=False, format=self.log_format, level=None)) # Collecting of credentials: # # Grab the cloud config from a user's clouds.yaml file. # First look for a functional_admin cloud, as this is a cloud # that the user may have defined for functional testing that has # admin credentials. # If that is not found, get the devstack config and override the # username and project_name to be admin so that admin credentials # will be used. # # Finally, fall back to looking for environment variables to support # existing users running these the old way. We should deprecate that # as tox 2.0 blanks out environment. # # TODO(sdague): while we collect this information in # tempest-lib, we do it in a way that's not available for top # level tests. Long term this probably needs to be in the base # class. openstack_config = os_client_config.config.OpenStackConfig() try: cloud_config = openstack_config.get_one_cloud('functional_admin') except os_client_config.exceptions.OpenStackConfigException: try: cloud_config = openstack_config.get_one_cloud( 'devstack', auth=dict(username='******', project_name='admin')) except os_client_config.exceptions.OpenStackConfigException: try: cloud_config = openstack_config.get_one_cloud('envvars') except os_client_config.exceptions.OpenStackConfigException: cloud_config = None if cloud_config is None: raise NoCloudConfigException( "Could not find a cloud named functional_admin or a cloud" " named devstack. Please check your clouds.yaml file and" " try again.") auth_info = cloud_config.config['auth'] user = auth_info['username'] passwd = auth_info['password'] tenant = auth_info['project_name'] auth_url = auth_info['auth_url'] self.project_domain_id = auth_info['project_domain_id'] if 'insecure' in cloud_config.config: self.insecure = cloud_config.config['insecure'] else: self.insecure = False if self.COMPUTE_API_VERSION == "2.latest": version = novaclient.API_MAX_VERSION.get_string() else: version = self.COMPUTE_API_VERSION or "2" loader = loading.get_plugin_loader("password") auth = loader.load_from_options(username=user, password=passwd, project_name=tenant, auth_url=auth_url) session = ksession.Session(auth=auth, verify=(not self.insecure)) self.client = novaclient.client.Client(version, session=session) # pick some reasonable flavor / image combo self.flavor = pick_flavor(self.client.flavors.list()) self.image = pick_image(self.client.images.list()) = pick_network(self.client.networks.list()) # create a CLI client in case we'd like to do CLI # testing. tempest.lib does this really weird thing where it # builds a giant factory of all the CLIs that it knows # about. Eventually that should really be unwound into # something more sensible. cli_dir = os.environ.get( 'OS_NOVACLIENT_EXEC_DIR', os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), '.tox/functional/bin')) self.cli_clients = tempest.lib.cli.base.CLIClient( username=user, password=passwd, tenant_name=tenant, uri=auth_url, cli_dir=cli_dir, insecure=self.insecure) self.keystone = keystoneclient.Client(session=session, username=user, password=passwd) self.cinder = cinderclient.Client(auth=auth, session=session)
def capi(self): if not self._capi: self._capi = cinderclient.Client(session=self.session, service_type="volume") return self._capi
def factory_fn(token, endpoint): client = cinder.Client(insecure=credential.https_insecure, cacert=credential.https_cacert) client.client.management_url = endpoint client.client.auth_token = token return client