class MyTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cinema = Cinema("test1.db") def tearDown(self): self.cinema.exit() os.remove("test1.db") def test_add_movie(self): self.cinema.add_movie('The Hunger Games: Catching Fire', 7.9) self.cinema.cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM Movies') movie = self.cinema.cursor.fetchall()[0] self.assertTrue(movie[0] == 1) self.assertEqual(movie[1], "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire") self.assertEqual(movie[2], 7.9) def test_add_proj(self): proj = (1, 1, '3D', '2014-04-01', '19:10') self.cinema.add_projection(1, '3D', '2014-04-01', '19:10') self.cinema.cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM Projections') projection_from_db = self.cinema.cursor.fetchall()[0] self.assertEqual(proj, projection_from_db) def test_add_reservation(self): reservation = (1, 'RadoRado', 1, 2, 1) self.cinema.add_reservation('RadoRado', 1, 2, 1) self.cinema.cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM Reservations') reservation_from_db = self.cinema.cursor.fetchall()[0] self.assertEqual(reservation, reservation_from_db) def test_cancel_reservation(self): self.cinema.add_reservation('RadoRado', 1, 2, 1) self.cinema.add_reservation('RadoRado', 1, 3, 5) self.cinema.add_reservation('RadoRado', 1, 7, 8) self.cinema.add_reservation('Ivo', 3, 1, 1) self.cinema.add_reservation('Ivo', 3, 1, 2) self.cinema.add_reservation('Mysterious', 5, 2, 3) self.cinema.add_reservation('Mysterious', 5, 2, 4) self.cinema.cancel_reservation("a") self.cinema.cancel_reservation("RadoRado") testing_value = self.cinema.free_place_for_projection(1) self.assertEqual(testing_value, 100)
class Spells(): #db_name = "cinema.db" def __init__(self, db_name): self.cinema = Cinema(db_name) def show_movie(self, movie_id): movie = self.cinema.fetch_movie(movie_id) print("%s (%f)" % movie) return ("%s (%f)" % movie) def show_movies(self): output = [] movies =self.cinema.fetch_movies() print("Current movies:") for movie in movies: print("[%d] - %s (%f)" % movie) output.append("[%d] - %s (%f)" % movie) return output def show_movie_projections(self, commands): if len(commands) == 2: return(self.show_pojections_by_id(commands[1])) elif len(commands) == 3: return(self.show_pojections_by_id_and_date(commands[1], commands[2])) def show_pojections_by_id(self, movie_id): output = [] movie = self.cinema.fetch_movie_name(movie_id) print("Projections for movie '%s'" % movie[0]) projections = self.cinema.fetch_projections_by_id(movie_id) for projection in projections: print("[%d] - %s %s (%s)" % projection) output.append("[%d] - %s %s (%s)" % projection) return output def show_pojections_by_id_and_date(self, movie_id, date): print("Projections for movie '%s' on %s:" % (self.cinema.fetch_movie_name(movie_id)[0][0], date)) output = [] projections = self.cinema.fetch_projections_by_id_and_date(movie_id, date) for projection in projections: print("[%d] - %s (%s)" % projection) output.append("[%d] - %s (%s)" % projection) return output def show_places_map(self, taken_seats): map_seats = [ [' ', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'], ['1', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], ['2', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], ['3', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], ['4', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], ['5', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], ['6', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], ['7', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], ['8', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], ['9', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'], ['10', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'] ] for seat in taken_seats: map_seats[seat[0]][seat[1]] = 'X' return map_seats def show_projection(self, projection_id): projection = self.cinema.fetch_projection(projection_id) projection = projection[0] print(len(projection)) print("Date and Time: %s %s (%s)" % (projection[0], projection[1], projection[2])) def show_projection_reservertion(self, movie_id): output = ["Projections for movie '%s' :" % self.cinema.fetch_movie_name(movie_id)[0][0],] print("Projections for movie '%s' :" % self.cinema.fetch_movie_name(movie_id)[0][0]) projections = self.cinema.fetch_projections_by_id(movie_id) for projection in projections: print("[%d] - %s %s (%s) - %d spots available" % (projection[0], projection[1], projection[2], projection[3], self.cinema.free_place_for_projection(projection[0]))) output.append("[%d] - %s %s (%s) - %d spots available" % (projection[0], projection[1], projection[2], projection[3], self.cinema.free_place_for_projection(projection[0]))) return output def show_reservation_info(self, movie_id, projection_id, seats): print("This is your reservation:") self.show_movie(movie_id) self.show_projection(projection_id) print(seats) fin = input("Step 5 (Confirm - type 'finalize')>") return fin def cancel_reservation(self, username): self.cinema.cancel_reservation(username) def get_user_info_prompt(self): name = input("Step 1 (User): Choose name>") if name == "give_up": return "give_up" while True: tickets_number = input("Step 1 (User): Choose number of tickets>") if tickets_number == "give_up": return "give_up" elif tickets_number.isdigit(): break else: print("wrong input") return (name, tickets_number) def choose_movie_prompt(self): while True: movie_id = input("Step 2 (Movie): Choose a movie>") if movie_id == "give_up": return "give_up" elif movie_id.isdigit(): return movie_id def choose_projection_prompt(self, movie_id): projections = self.cinema.fetch_projections_id(movie_id) while True: projection = input("Step 3 (Projection): Choose a projection>") if projection == "give_up": return "give_up" elif projection.isdigit():#projection in projections: return projection def str_to_tupul(self, string): string = string[1:].replace(")", "") result_list = string.split(",") return (int(result_list[0]), int(result_list[1])) def chose_seats(self, tickets_number, projection): not_free_seats = self.cinema.fetch_taken_seats(projection) choosen_seats = [] print("Available seats (marked with a dot):") #print(self.show_places_map(not_free_seats)) seat_map = [] for line in self.show_places_map(not_free_seats): #print(line) seat_map.append(" ".join(line)) print("\n".join(seat_map)) while len(choosen_seats) < tickets_number: seat = input("Step 4 (Seats): Choose seat %s>" % str(len(choosen_seats)+1)) if seat == "give_up": return "give_up" seat = self.str_to_tupul(seat) if seat in not_free_seats or seat in choosen_seats: print("This seat is already taken!") elif seat[0] > 10 or seat[1] > 10: print("Lol...NO!") else: choosen_seats.append(seat) #print(choosen_seats) return choosen_seats def reservation_prompt(self): user_info = self.get_user_info_prompt() if user_info == "give_up": return "give_up" (name, tickets_number) = user_info tickets_number = int(tickets_number) self.show_movies() movie_id = self.choose_movie_prompt() if movie_id == "give_up": return "give_up" self.show_pojections_by_id(movie_id) while True: projection = self.choose_projection_prompt(movie_id) if projection == "give_up": return "give_up" elif tickets_number <= self.cinema.free_place_for_projection(projection): break seats = self.chose_seats(tickets_number, projection) if seats == "give_up": return "give_up" fin = self.show_reservation_info(movie_id, projection, seats) if fin == "finalize": for seat in seats: self.make_reservation(name, projection_id, seat[0], seat[1]) print("Thanks.") elif fin == "give_up": return "give_up" def exit(self): self.cinema.exit()