Пример #1
    "N": 1,
    "H": 1,
    "HN": 1,
    "H1": 1,
    "H2": 1,
    "H3": 1,
    "CA": 1,
    "HA": 1,
    "HA1": 1,
    "HA2": 1,
    "HA3": 1,
backBoneNucleicAtomDict = {"P": 1, "O3'": 1, "C3'": 1, "C4'": 1, "C5'": 1, "O5'": 1}  # skipping 'backbone protons'

NterminalProteinAtomDict = NTdict()
NterminalProteinAtomDict.appendFromList("H1 H2 H3 H' H''".split())  # watch out; H1 does occur in nucleic acid bases.

NterminalNucleicAtomDict = NTdict()
NterminalNucleicAtomDict.appendFromList("HOP2 HOP3".split())

def isNterminalAtom(atmDef):
    Return True if atom belongs to N-terminal category.
    Needs to be called by valid atmDef or 0 will be returned.
    if atmDef is None or atmDef.residueDef is None:  # Fixes 2ksi
        # nTdebug("%s called without atom/residue definition." % getCallerName())
        return 0
    if atmDef.residueDef.hasProperties("protein"):
        d = NterminalProteinAtomDict