Пример #1
def restoreQueeny100( project, tmp=None ):
    Restore queeny results from sml file.

    Return True on error
    if project is None:
        nTmessage("restoreQueeny100: No project defined")
        return True

    if project.molecule is None:
        return False # Gracefully returns

    queenyDefs = project.getStatusDict(constants.QUEENY_KEY)

    if not queenyDefs.completed: # old definition
        nTdebug('restoreQueeny100: no queeny completed')
        return False # Return gracefully

    path = project.validationPath( 'Queeny')
    if not path.exists():
        ntu.nTwarning('restoreQueeny100: directory "%s" with prior queeny data not found', path)
        # delete the data and run again
        os.rename(path, project.path() / cdefs.directories.version1 / 'Queeny')
    #end if
    # regenerate the data
    nTmessage('restoreQueeny100: Re-generated Queeny results')
    return False