def handle_request(req_type: str, client_soc: socket.socket, cir: circuit.Circuit, data: bytes): """ Main handler for client request after client data has been received :param req_type: http method :param client_soc: the client connection :param cir: given circuit object :param data: the client data :return: status code """ # Create random stream ID and get the address port streamID = random.randint(100, 1000) addr_port = get_addrport(data, req_type) # If the client used connect, do http tunneling if req_type == 'CONNECT': status_code = cir.start_stream(streamID, addr_port) if status_code == 0: # client_soc.sendall(CONNECT_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) print("CONNECT Successful, Tunneling Encrypted Data...") client_soc.sendall(CONNECT_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) tunnel_mode(client_soc, cir, streamID) # Else send the client request as is because no encryption with tls is needed else: status_code = cir.start_stream(streamID, addr_port) if status_code == 0: send_data(cir, data, streamID) response, _ = cir.receive_data() print(response) client_soc.sendall(response) tunnel_mode(client_soc, cir, streamID) # client_soc.close() return status_code
def __init__(self, parent, controller, show_settings, height, width): super().__init__(parent) self["style"] = "Background.TFrame" self["height"] = height self["width"] = width self.parent = parent self.func = None self.start, self.end = 0, 0 self.controller = controller self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.circuit = Circuit(self, height=height, width=.8 * width) self.circuit.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="NSEW") self.control_panel = Control_Panel(self, height=height, width=.2 * width) self.control_panel.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="NSEW") self.handle_entries_change()
def clique_n2_th18n(n, k, edges): clauses = [] for i in range(1, n + 1): for j in range(i + 1, n + 1): if (i, j) not in edges: clauses += [[-i, -j]] c = Circuit(input_labels=[f'x{i}' for i in range(1, n + 1)], gates={}) c.outputs = add_thn(c, c.input_labels, k, is5n=False) def makesatvar(s): if s[0] == 'x': return int(s[1:]) else: return int(s[1:]) + n + 1 for gate in c.gates.keys(): var = makesatvar(gate) pr1 = makesatvar(c.gates[gate][0]) pr2 = makesatvar(c.gates[gate][1]) op = c.gates[gate][2] clauses += [[pr1, pr2, var if op[0] == '1' else -var]] clauses += [[pr1, -pr2, var if op[1] == '1' else -var]] clauses += [[-pr1, pr2, var if op[2] == '1' else -var]] clauses += [[-pr1, -pr2, var if op[3] == '1' else -var]] clauses += [[makesatvar(c.outputs)]] save_cnf_formula_to_file('clique.cnf', clauses, n + len(c.gates)) return clauses, '18n'
def add_constraint(self, dip, outputs): """ Adds a new dip/output constraint to the SAT solver. dip: the DIP for the constraint outputs: the oracle outputs for the DIP passed in """ constraint_ckt0 = Circuit.specify_inputs(dip, self.nodes, self.output_names, key_suffix="__ckt0") constraint_ckt1 = Circuit.specify_inputs(dip, self.nodes, self.output_names, key_suffix="__ckt1") output_constraints0 = [] output_constraints1 = [] for name in constraint_ckt0.outputs(): output_constraints0.append( constraint_ckt0.outputs()[name] == outputs[name]) output_constraints1.append( constraint_ckt1.outputs()[name] == outputs[name]) self.solver.add(*output_constraints0) self.solver.add(*output_constraints1)
def test_cleartext_dist32(): x = 4060000 y = 7390000 cx = 4063500 cy = 7396000 rsq = 64000000 answer = 1 if ((x - cx)**2 + (y - cy)**2) < rsq else 0 inputs = [0 for _ in range(32)] x_bits = [int(b) for b in bin(x)[2:]] if len(x_bits) < 32: x_bits = [0 for _ in range(32 - len(x_bits))] + x_bits y_bits = [int(b) for b in bin(y)[2:]] if len(y_bits) < 32: y_bits = [0 for _ in range(32 - len(y_bits))] + y_bits cx_bits = [int(b) for b in bin(cx)[2:]] if len(cx_bits) < 32: cx_bits = [0 for _ in range(32 - len(cx_bits))] + cx_bits cy_bits = [int(b) for b in bin(cy)[2:]] if len(cy_bits) < 32: cy_bits = [0 for _ in range(32 - len(cy_bits))] + cy_bits rsq_bits = [int(b) for b in bin(rsq)[2:]] if len(rsq_bits) < 32: rsq_bits = [0 for _ in range(32 - len(rsq_bits))] + rsq_bits inputs.extend(x_bits[::-1]) inputs.extend(y_bits[::-1]) inputs.extend(cx_bits[::-1]) inputs.extend(cy_bits[::-1]) inputs.extend(rsq_bits[::-1]) c = Circuit("bristol_circuits/dist32.txt", ['V' for _ in range(192)]) out_bit = assert out_bit[0] == answer, "computed wrong value"
def to_networkx(circuit: Circuit, feed_dict: CircuitState) -> networkx.DiGraph: net = networkx.DiGraph() sources = set(circuit.sources).union(feed_dict.keys()) for op in circuit.ops: net.add_node(id(op), op=op.as_json, source=False, source_value=False) for source in sources: net.add_node(id(source), op={'op_type': 'source'}, source=True, source_value=bool( feed_dict.get(source, source.default_value))) for op in circuit.downstream_ops(source): net.add_edge(id(source), id(op), line=source.as_json, id=id(source)) for op in circuit.ops: for out_line in op.out_lines: for out_op in circuit.downstream_ops(out_line): net.add_edge(id(op), id(out_op), line=out_line.as_json, id=id(out_line)) js = networkx.readwrite.json_graph.node_link_data(net) with open('graph.json', 'w') as fn: json.dump(js, fn)
def publish(): rospy.init_node("node3", anonymous=False) pub = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/set_model_state', ModelState, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(200) nodo = ModelState() nodo.model_name = "prius_hybrid_1" circuit = Circuit() for i in range(2 * (len(circuit.points)) / 3, len(circuit.points)): position = circuit.points[i] previous_position = circuit.points[i - 1] nodo = calculate_position_and_orientation(nodo, position, previous_position) pub.publish(nodo) rate.sleep() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): for i in range(len(circuit.points)): position = circuit.points[i] previous_position = circuit.points[i - 1] nodo = calculate_position_and_orientation(nodo, position, previous_position) pub.publish(nodo) rate.sleep()
def lol2(): circuit = Circuit(input_labels=['i1', 'i2', 'i3', 'i4', 'i5']) x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 = circuit.input_labels a0, a1 = add_sum3(circuit, [x1, x2, x3]) b0, b1 = add_sum3(circuit, [a0, x4, x5]) w1, w2 = add_sum2(circuit, [a1, b1]) circuit.outputs = [b0, w1, w2] check_sum_circuit(circuit) print(circuit)
def run_test_circuit_2(name): R1 = Resistor('R1', [0, 1], 5) # 5 Ohm V2 = VoltageSource('V2', [0, 1], 1) # 1 Volt test_circuit = Circuit() test_circuit.add_components([R1, V2]) test_circuit.solve_DC() # DC test_circuit.print_matrix() test_circuit.print_results()
def __init__(self): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("Car tutorial") width = 1280 height = 720 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.ticks = 60 self.exit = False self.circuit = Circuit(self.screen)
class AStarHandler: def __init__(self, heuristic): self.circuit = Circuit() self.circuit.start() self.bestPerformer = copy.deepcopy(self.circuit) self.matrix = [[0 for x in range(self.circuit.ROWS)] for y in range(self.circuit.COLS)] self.updateMatrix() for wiresPermut in itertools.permutations( self.circuit.getWires(), len(self.circuit.getWires())): #print(wiresPermut) for wireKey in wiresPermut: #print(wireKey) wire = self.circuit.wires[wireKey] start = self.matrix[wire.startR][wire.startC] dest = self.matrix[wire.goalR][wire.goalC] path = astar(start, dest, self.matrix, heuristic) if len(path) < 1: continue current = path[0] for item in path: move = item.row - current.row, item.col - current.col #print(move) #print(item.row, item.col) self.circuit.move(wireKey, move[0], move[1]) current = item self.updateMatrix() #self.circuit.printPathMatrix() #print("circuit fitness: ",self.circuit.getFitness()," Best performer fitness " ,self.bestPerformer.getFitness()) if (int(self.circuit.getFitness()) > int( self.bestPerformer.getFitness())): #print("Updated best") self.bestPerformer = copy.deepcopy(self.circuit) self.circuit.restart() self.updateMatrix() #print("Best performer has fitness: ", self.bestPerformer.getFitness()) print("Turns: " + str(self.bestPerformer.getTotalTurns())) print("WireLength: " + str(self.bestPerformer.getWireLength())) print("Completed Wires: " + str(self.bestPerformer.getCompletedWires())) print("Fitness: " + str(self.bestPerformer.getFitness())) self.bestPerformer.drawResult() def updateMatrix(self): for row in range(self.circuit.ROWS): for col in range(self.circuit.COLS): self.matrix[row][col] = Node(self.circuit.pathM[row][col], row, col) #print(self.matrix[row][col].value) for wireKey in self.circuit.getWires(): wire = self.circuit.wires[wireKey] #print(wire.goalR, wire.goalC) self.matrix[wire.goalR][wire.goalC].value = 2
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-ckt", type=str, required=True, help="name of the ircuit, e.g. c17, no extension") parser.add_argument("-tp", type=int, required=True, help="name of the ircuit, e.g. c17, no extension") parser.add_argument("-cpu", type=int, required=True, help="name of the ircuit, e.g. c17, no extension") args = parser.parse_args() print("\n======================================================") print("Run | circuit: {} | Test Count: {} | CPUs: {}".format( args.ckt,, args.cpu)) start_time = time.time() circuit = Circuit(args.ckt) circuit.read_circuit() circuit.lev() # inputnum = len(circuit.input_num_list) # limit = [0, pow(2, inputnum)-1] # for i in range(100): # b = ('{:0%db}'%inputnum).format(randint(limit[0], limit[1])) # list_to_logicsim = [] # for j in range(inputnum): # list_to_logicsim.append(int(b[j])) # circuit.logic_sim(list_to_logicsim) # print(b) # # print_nodes(circuit) # observability() need to follow controllability() circuit.SCOAP_CC() circuit.SCOAP_CO() # circuit.STAFAN_CS(100) # circuit.STAFAN_B() circuit.STAFAN(, num_proc=args.cpu) # circuit.co_ob_info() graph = circuit.gen_graph() suffix = round(math.log10( fname = ("10e" + str(suffix)) if (suffix % 1 == 0) else str( fname = "./../data/graph/" + args.ckt + "_" + fname + ".graphml" print("Saving graph in ", fname) nx.write_graphml(graph, fname) print("Saved!") print("Total simulation ime: {:.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) print()
def exp_check_c432_behavioral( mode="ckt", tp=100, ): if mode not in ["ckt", "v"]: raise NameError("mode {} is not accepted".format(mode)) print( "Checking c432 behavioral golden with c432 in {} format".format(mode)) circuit = Circuit("c432") LoadCircuit(circuit, mode) circuit.lev() check_c432_logicsim(circuit, tp, mode)
def test_circuit_resistance(): circuit = Circuit() battery = VoltageSource(circuit, 9) # 9 volts resistor = Resistor(circuit, 10) # 1 ohm battery.negative = resistor.positive battery.positive = resistor.negative = circuit._ground print circuit.graph.edges() mna = circuit.assemble_mna_equation() stuff = mna.simulate(10.0, 0.1) circuit.draw() plt.savefig('crkt1.png')
def test_cleartext_unnormalized_subregion_example(): answer = 300 inputs = [0 for _ in range(64)] + [1 for _ in range(1200)] c = Circuit("bristol_circuits/unnormalized_subregion_100_10.txt", ['V' for _ in range(1264)]) out_bits = out_string = ''.join([str(i) for i in list(reversed(out_bits))]) for i in range(10): assert eval('0b' + out_string[i * 64:(i + 1) * 64]) == answer, "computed wrong value"
def run_circuit_process(t, n, c_path, index, queues, main_queue, inputs, triples): print(f"starting node {index}") shamir = Shamir(t, n) messenger = MockMessenger(t, n, index, queues) c = Circuit(c_path) outputs = c.evaluate(inputs, shamir=shamir, messenger=messenger, triples=triples) main_queue.put(outputs) print(f"closing node {index}")
def test_eval_order(self): c = Circuit(2) f = AdditionGate("F") g = AdditionGate("G") h = ScalarMultGate(2, "H") c.add_gate(h, ["INPUT1"]) c.add_gate(f, ["H","INPUT0"]) c.add_gate(g, ["F", "H"], True) self.assertEqual(c.eval_order(), ['H', 'F', 'G', 'OUTPUT'])
def run_test_circuit_4(name): G2 = Conductor('G2', [1, 0], 0.25) # 0.5 1/Ohm R1 = Resistor('R1', [1, 2], 1) # 2 Ohm R3 = Resistor('R3', [2, 0], 5) # 4 Ohm I4 = CurrentSource('I4', [0, 1], 2) # 0.5 Ampere test_circuit = Circuit() test_circuit.add_components([R1, G2, R3, I4]) test_circuit.solve_DC() # DC test_circuit.print_matrix() test_circuit.print_results()
def run_test_circuit_3(name): R1 = Resistor('R1', [1, 0], 2) # 2 Ohm R2 = Resistor('R2', [1, 2], 1) # 1 Ohm R3 = Resistor('R3', [2, 0], 5) # 1 Ohm V4 = VoltageSource('V4', [1, 0], 4) # 1 Volt test_circuit = Circuit() test_circuit.add_components([R1, R2, R3, V4]) test_circuit.solve_DC('HM10') # DC test_circuit.print_matrix() test_circuit.print_results()
def __init__(self): local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) config_path = os.path.join(local_dir, 'config') self.circuit = Circuit() self.circuit.start() self.wireNames = self.circuit.getWires() self.numInputs = self.circuit.getPathMatrixSize() + len( self.wireNames) * 4 self.numOutputs = len(self.wireNames) * 4 self.editConfig(config_path) self.bestFitness = -999999 self.stats = None
def load_neurohdf(filename, hdf5path, memmapped=False): """ Loads the circuit from a NeuroHDF file as exported from CATMAID Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the NeuroHDF file hdfpath : str HDF5 path to the irregular dataset containing the circuit e.g. /Microcircuit """ if memmapped: raise NotImplementedError('Memmapped HDF5 reading not yet implemented') circuit = Circuit() f = h5py.File(filename, 'r') circuitdata_group=f[hdf5path] vertices_group = circuitdata_group.get('vertices') connectivity_group = circuitdata_group.get('connectivity') metadata_group = circuitdata_group.get('metadata') def helpdict(v): helpdict = dict.fromkeys( v.attrs.keys() ) for k in helpdict: helpdict[k] = v.attrs.get(k) return helpdict for k,v in vertices_group.items(): if k == 'id': circuit.vertices = vertices_group[k].value else: circuit.vertices_properties[k] = dict.fromkeys( [const.DATA, const.METADATA] ) circuit.vertices_properties[k][const.DATA] = v.value circuit.vertices_properties[k][const.METADATA] = helpdict(v) print('Added vertices {0}'.format(k)) for k,v in connectivity_group.items(): if k == 'id': circuit.connectivity = connectivity_group[k].value else: circuit.connectivity_properties[k] = dict.fromkeys( [const.DATA, const.METADATA] ) circuit.connectivity_properties[k][const.DATA] = v.value circuit.connectivity_properties[k][const.METADATA] = helpdict(v) print('Added connectivity {0}'.format(k)) if metadata_group: for k,v in metadata_group.items(): circuit.metadata[k] = dict.fromkeys( [const.DATA, const.METADATA] ) circuit.metadata[k][const.DATA] = v.value circuit.metadata[k][const.METADATA] = helpdict(v) print('Added metadata {0}'.format(k)) circuit._remap_vertices_id2indices() f.close() return circuit
def test_simple_calc(): x1, x2 = Input(), Input() coef1, coef2 = Parameter(1), Parameter(3) func = Circuit([x1, x2], [x1 * coef1 + x2 * coef2]) assert func([1, 1]) == [4] assert func([10, -1]) == [7] func_clone = func.clone() coef1.val = -1 assert func([1, 1]) == [2] assert func([10, -1]) == [-13] assert func_clone([1, 1]) == [4] assert func_clone([10, -1]) == [7]
def __init__(self, nodes, output_names): self.nodes = nodes self.output_names = output_names self.locked_ckt0 = Circuit.from_nodes(nodes, output_names, key_suffix="__ckt0") self.locked_ckt1 = Circuit.from_nodes(nodes, output_names, key_suffix="__ckt1") self.miter_ckt = Circuit.miter(self.locked_ckt0, self.locked_ckt1) self.solver = Solver() self.solver.add(self.miter_ckt.outputs()["diff"] == True)
def build_circuit(cir: circuit.Circuit): """ Main function to build a circuit :param cir: given initialized circuit object :return: status code """ # Incrementally build the circuit hops and if something wrong happens at some point return error status_code = cir.build_hop_1() if status_code == 0: status_code = cir.build_hop_2() if status_code == 0: status_code = cir.build_hop_3() return status_code return 1
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-ckt", type=str, required=True, help="circuit name, c17, no extension") parser.add_argument("-tp", type=int, required=False, help="number of tp for random sim") parser.add_argument("-cpu", type=int, required=False, help="number of parallel CPUs") args = parser.parse_args() print("\n======================================================") print("Run | circuit: {} | Test Count: {} | CPUs: {}".format(args.ckt,, args.cpu)) print("======================================================\n") circuit = Circuit(args.ckt) LoadCircuit(circuit, "ckt") circuit.lev()
def run(self, qc): circ = Circuit(qc.num_qubits) global_phase = 0.0 for gate in qc.gates: rules, phase = gate.unroll() global_phase += phase for basis_gate in rules: circ.append(basis_gate) global_phase = sign(global_phase) * (abs(global_phase) % (2 * pi)) return circ, global_phase
def compile_unitary(U): """ Takes a unitary and returns a circuit - i.e. a list of CNOTs and single qubit gates. """ # perform two level decomposition two_level_unitaries = two_level_decomp(U) assert(np.allclose(mat_mul(two_level_unitaries), U)) controlled_ops = [] # decompose each two-level unitary into fully controlled operations for t in two_level_unitaries: controlled_ops += two_level_to_fully_controlled(t) assert(np.allclose(mat_mul(controlled_ops),U)) gates = [] # decompose each fully controlled operations into single qubit and CNOT gates for c in controlled_ops: gates += fully_controlled_to_single_cnot(c) circ = Circuit(n) circ.add_gates(gates) prod = circ.evaluate() assert(np.allclose(prod, U)) print('number of two-level: ' + str(len(two_level_unitaries))) print('number of fully controlled ops: ' + str(len(controlled_ops))) print('number of CNOT and single qubit gates: ' + str(len(gates))) s = [g for g in gates if type(g) is SingleQubitGate] c = [g for g in gates if type(g) is CNOTGate] print('Single gates: ' + str(len(s))) print('CNOT gates: ' + str(len(c))) print('approximation error: ' + str(np.linalg.norm(prod-U))) for g in gates: if np.allclose(g.total_matrix(), np.eye(2**g.num_qubits)): print('redundant gate') return circ
def getCircuits(self): focus_goal = (math.floor(self.focus_ratio * self.num_of_circuits * self.num_of_exerecises)) if (self.focus != '') else 0 while (self.num_of_circuits > 0): circuit = Circuit(self.filtered_exercise_list, self.num_of_exerecises, self.focus, focus_goal, self.no_weights, self.no_stability_ball, self.no_machines) self.circuits.append(circuit) self.num_of_circuits -= 1 focus_goal -= circuit.focused_count
def search_till_found(x, y, n, c, shuffle_val, iterations): # Fresh start C = Circuit(x, y, c) n = circuits_priority(n, c) total_links = len(n) heap = [] # Else the if statement crases later heappush(heap, (100, 0)) # shuffle the deck, assign values to variables n = shuffle_n(n, shuffle_val) temp, spec, temp2, temp3 = -1, False, 0, 0 # Either use a while loop till you find all or a forloop for any path # while heap[0][0] != 0: for i in range(iterations): shortest = shortest_path(C, x, y, c, n, total_links, spec) if not shortest: n = shuffle_n(n, shuffle_val) # If it found the same path, shuffle it elif temp == shortest[0]: n = shuffle_n(n, shuffle_val) # Else push the new path to the heap else: temp0 = heap[0][0] if temp0 == heap[0][0]: temp3 += 1 if temp3 >= 5: spec = True temp = shortest[0] heappush(heap, shortest) n = heap[0][1] return heap[0]
def one_step_change_circuit(circuit, subcircuit_size=5, connected=True): circuit_graph = circuit.construct_graph() while True: selected_nodes = random_combination(circuit.gates, subcircuit_size) graph = circuit_graph.subgraph(selected_nodes) if connected and not nx.is_weakly_connected(graph): continue subcircuit = tuple(graph.nodes) subcircuit_inputs, subcircuit_outputs = get_inputs_and_outputs( circuit, circuit_graph, subcircuit) if len(subcircuit_outputs) == subcircuit_size: continue random.shuffle(subcircuit_inputs) sub_in_tt, sub_out_tt = make_truth_tables(circuit, subcircuit_inputs, subcircuit_outputs) improved_circuit = find_circuit(subcircuit_inputs, subcircuit_size, sub_in_tt, sub_out_tt) if isinstance(improved_circuit, Circuit): replaced_graph = circuit.replace_subgraph(improved_circuit, subcircuit, subcircuit_outputs) if nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(replaced_graph): improved_full_circuit = Circuit.make_circuit( replaced_graph, circuit.input_labels, make_improved_circuit_outputs(circuit.outputs, subcircuit_outputs, improved_circuit.outputs)) return fix_labels(improved_full_circuit) continue
def main(): # Parse the command-line arguments. args = get_args() circuit_file = args.circuit_file[0] output_file = args.output_file if output_file: output_file = output_file[0] format_csv = args.format_csv # If the file exists, then check if it is a supported input file. if os.path.isfile(circuit_file): # If it is a supported input file, then parse it. if circuit_file.endswith(".in"): # Create a new Circuit object consisting of the gates from the input file. circuit = Circuit(circuit_file, output_file, format_csv) print("INFO:: Printing gates in circuit...") print() # Print the list of gates sorted by ID. circuit.print_gates() print() # Prompt the user for desired outputs. print("INFO:: Use spaces to select multiples (e.g., 1 4 6).") print("INFO:: To calculate all gates, just press 'Enter' without inputting anything.") selected_output = input("INPUT:: Select gates: ") # Validate the selected outputs to ensure they are in range. print("INFO:: Validating selected outputs...") selected_outputs = validate_selected_outputs(selected_output.split(), len(circuit.get_gates())) # Generate the truth table for the selected outputs. if output_file: print("INFO:: Outputting truth table to \"" + output_file + "\"...") else: print("INFO:: Printing truth table for selected outputs...") print(" This may take awhile for large numbers of inputs because of 2^n combinations...") print(" Total Combinations: " + str(pow(2, circuit.get_num_of_general_input_values()))) if output_file is None: print() circuit.print_truth_table(selected_outputs) # Otherwise, display an error. else: print("ERROR:: Invalid file: \"" + circuit_file + "\"") print(" File must be of extension .in (e.g.") # Otherwise, display an error. else: print("ERROR:: Cannot find file at path \"" + circuit_file + "\"")
def __init__(self,pin_no): Circuit.__init__(self)
def __init__(self,pin_no): Circuit.__init__(self) self._pin_no = pin_no GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(self._pin_no, GPIO.IN)
from circuit import Circuit from grover import iterator from measurement import measure if __name__ == "__main__": N = input("Enter the number of items in the search space: ") n = int(np.ceil(np.log2(N)) + 1) M = input("Enter the number of search targets: ") targets = [] for i in range(M): target = raw_input("Target %d in binary: " % (i + 1)) targets.append(target) num_iter = input("Number of iterations: ") initial_state = tensor(plus, n) circuit = Circuit(n, initial_state) # Apply the Z gate to the ancilla bit to make it |-> for phase kickback # Multiply by root 2 to renormalize without considering the ancilla qubit state = np.sqrt(2) * circuit.add_gate(Z, [n]) # Switch to interactive mode plt.ion() # Plot the initial probability amplitudes and angle amps_fig = plt.figure(0) amps = amps_fig.add_subplot(111) / 2) + 0.1, abs(state[::2]) ** 2) angles_fig = plt.figure(1) angles = angles_fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True) theta = np.arccos(np.sqrt((2.0 ** (n - 1) - M) / (2 ** (n - 1)))) angles.plot([theta, theta], [0, 1], "g-", linewidth=2)