def generate_commands(app): path = os.path.join(app.srcdir, "for-ops", "commands") ext = app.config['source_suffix'] if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) tocname = os.path.join(app.srcdir, "for-ops", "commands%s" % ext) commands = get_commands() items = commands.items() items = sorted(items) with open(tocname, "w") as toc: toc.write(".. include:: commands-intro%s\n\n" % ext) toc.write("circus-ctl commands\n") toc.write("-------------------\n\n") commands = get_commands() for name, cmd in items: toc.write("- **%s**: :doc:`commands/%s`\n" % (name, name)) # write the command file refline = ".. _%s:" % name fname = os.path.join(path, "%s%s" % (name, ext)) with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join([refline, "\n", cmd.desc, ""])) toc.write("\n") toc.write(".. toctree::\n") toc.write(" :hidden:\n") toc.write(" :glob:\n\n") toc.write(" commands/*\n")
def __init__(self, endpoint, pubsub_endoint, stats_endpoint, ssh_server, delay=1.): self.topic = 'watcher.' self.delay = delay self.ctx = zmq.Context() self.pubsub_endpoint = pubsub_endoint self.sub_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.topic) self.sub_socket.connect(self.pubsub_endpoint) self.loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance() # events coming from circusd self.substream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.sub_socket, self.loop) self.substream.on_recv(self.handle_recv) self.client = CircusClient(context=self.ctx, endpoint=endpoint, ssh_server=ssh_server) self.cmds = get_commands() self._pids = defaultdict(list) self._callbacks = dict() self.publisher = StatsPublisher(stats_endpoint, self.ctx) self.running = False # should the streamer be running? self.stopped = False # did the collect started yet? self.circus_pids = {} self.sockets = []
def __init__(self): self.commands = get_commands() _Help.commands = self.commands self.options = { 'endpoint': {'default': None, 'help': 'connection endpoint'}, 'timeout': {'default': 5, 'help': 'connection timeout'}, 'json': {'default': False, 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'output to JSON'}, 'prettify': {'default': False, 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'prettify output'}, 'version': {'default': False, 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'display version and exit'} }
def main(): # TODO, we should ask the server for its command list commands = get_commands() globalopts = parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:], commands) if globalopts['endpoint'] is None: globalopts['endpoint'] = os.environ.get('CIRCUSCTL_ENDPOINT', DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_DEALER) client = CircusClient(endpoint=globalopts['endpoint'], timeout=globalopts['timeout'], ssh_server=globalopts['ssh'], ssh_keyfile=globalopts['ssh_keyfile']) CircusCtl(client, commands).start(globalopts)
def __init__(self, endpoint, context, loop, arbiter, check_delay=1.0): self.arbiter = arbiter self.endpoint = endpoint self.context = context self.loop = loop self.check_delay = check_delay * 1000 = Queue() # initialize the sys handler self.sys_hdl = SysHandler(self) # get registered commands self.commands = get_commands()
def main(): logging.basicConfig() # TODO, we should ask the server for its command list commands = get_commands() globalopts = parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:], commands) if globalopts['endpoint'] is None: globalopts['endpoint'] = os.environ.get('CIRCUSCTL_ENDPOINT', DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_DEALER) client = CircusClient(endpoint=globalopts['endpoint'], timeout=globalopts['timeout'], ssh_server=globalopts['ssh'], ssh_keyfile=globalopts['ssh_keyfile']) CircusCtl(client, commands).start(globalopts)
def main(): # TODO, we should ask the server for its command list commands = get_commands() globalopts = parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:], commands) if globalopts['endpoint'] is None: globalopts['endpoint'] = DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_DEALER client = CircusClient(endpoint=globalopts['endpoint'], timeout=globalopts['timeout'], ssh_server=globalopts['ssh'], ssh_keyfile=globalopts['ssh_keyfile']) CircusCtl(client, commands).start(globalopts)
def __init__(self, endpoint, multicast_endpoint, context, loop, arbiter, check_delay=1.0): self.arbiter = arbiter self.endpoint = endpoint self.multicast_endpoint = multicast_endpoint self.context = context self.loop = loop self.check_delay = check_delay * 1000 self.started = False # initialize the sys handler self._init_syshandler() # get registered commands self.commands = get_commands()
def __init__(self, endpoint, multicast_endpoint, context, loop, arbiter, check_delay=1.0, endpoint_owner=None): self.arbiter = arbiter self.caller = None self.endpoint = endpoint self.multicast_endpoint = multicast_endpoint self.context = context self.loop = loop self.check_delay = check_delay * 1000 self.endpoint_owner = endpoint_owner self.started = False # initialize the sys handler self._init_syshandler() # get registered commands self.commands = get_commands()
def __init__(self, endpoint, pubsub_endoint, stats_endpoint, ssh_server=None, delay=1., loop=None): self.topic = b'watcher.' self.delay = delay self.ctx = zmq.Context() self.pubsub_endpoint = pubsub_endoint self.sub_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.topic) self.sub_socket.connect(self.pubsub_endpoint) self.loop = loop or ioloop.IOLoop.current() self.substream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.sub_socket, self.loop) self.substream.on_recv(self.handle_recv) self.client = CircusClient(context=self.ctx, endpoint=endpoint, ssh_server=ssh_server) self.cmds = get_commands() self.publisher = StatsPublisher(stats_endpoint, self.ctx) self._initialize()
def __init__(self, endpoint, pubsub_endoint, stats_endpoint, ssh_server=None, delay=1., loop=None): self.topic = b'watcher.' self.delay = delay self.ctx = zmq.Context() self.pubsub_endpoint = pubsub_endoint self.sub_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.topic) self.sub_socket.connect(self.pubsub_endpoint) self.loop = loop or ioloop.IOLoop.instance() self.substream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.sub_socket, self.loop) self.substream.on_recv(self.handle_recv) self.client = CircusClient(context=self.ctx, endpoint=endpoint, ssh_server=ssh_server) self.cmds = get_commands() self.publisher = StatsPublisher(stats_endpoint, self.ctx) self._initialize()
def __init__(self, endpoint, multicast_endpoint, context, loop, arbiter, check_delay=1.0, endpoint_owner=None): self.arbiter = arbiter self.caller = None self.endpoint = endpoint self.multicast_endpoint = multicast_endpoint self.context = context self.loop = loop self.check_delay = check_delay * 1000 self.endpoint_owner = endpoint_owner self.started = False self._managing_watchers_future = None # initialize the sys handler self._init_syshandler() # get registered commands self.commands = get_commands()
def __init__(self, endpoint, pubsub_endoint, stats_endpoint): self.topic = 'watcher.' self.ctx = zmq.Context() self.pubsub_endpoint = pubsub_endoint self.sub_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.topic) self.sub_socket.connect(self.pubsub_endpoint) self.loop = ioloop.IOLoop() self.substream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.sub_socket, self.loop) self.substream.on_recv(self.handle_recv) self.client = CircusClient(context=self.ctx, endpoint=endpoint) self.cmds = get_commands() self.watchers = defaultdict(list) self._pids = defaultdict(list) self.running = False self.stopped = False self.lock = threading.RLock() self.results = Queue.Queue() self.stats = StatsCollector(self) self.publisher = StatsPublisher(self, stats_endpoint, context=self.ctx)
def __init__(self, endpoint, pubsub_endoint, stats_endpoint, delay=1.): self.topic = 'watcher.' self.delay = delay self.ctx = zmq.Context() self.pubsub_endpoint = pubsub_endoint self.sub_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.topic) self.sub_socket.connect(self.pubsub_endpoint) self.loop = ioloop.IOLoop() # events coming from circusd self.substream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.sub_socket, self.loop) self.substream.on_recv(self.handle_recv) self.client = CircusClient(context=self.ctx, endpoint=endpoint) self.cmds = get_commands() self._pids = defaultdict(list) self._callbacks = dict() self.collector = StatsCollector() self.publisher = StatsPublisher(stats_endpoint, self.ctx) self.running = False # should the streamer be running? self.stopped = False # did the collect started yet? self.circus_pids = {}
def autocomplete(self, autocomplete=False, words=None, cword=None): """ Output completion suggestions for BASH. The output of this function is passed to BASH's `COMREPLY` variable and treated as completion suggestions. `COMREPLY` expects a space separated string as the result. The `COMP_WORDS` and `COMP_CWORD` BASH environment variables are used to get information about the cli input. Please refer to the BASH man-page for more information about this variables. Subcommand options are saved as pairs. A pair consists of the long option string (e.g. '--exclude') and a boolean value indicating if the option requires arguments. When printing to stdout, a equal sign is appended to options which require arguments. Note: If debugging this function, it is recommended to write the debug output in a separate file. Otherwise the debug output will be treated and formatted as potential completion suggestions. """ autocomplete = autocomplete or 'AUTO_COMPLETE' in os.environ # Don't complete if user hasn't sourced bash_completion file. if not autocomplete: return words = words or os.environ['COMP_WORDS'].split()[1:] cword = cword or int(os.environ['COMP_CWORD']) try: curr = words[cword - 1] except IndexError: curr = '' subcommands = get_commands() if cword == 1: # if completing the command name print(' '.join(sorted(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(curr), subcommands)))) sys.exit(1)
def autocomplete(self, autocomplete=False, words=None, cword=None): """ Output completion suggestions for BASH. The output of this function is passed to BASH's `COMREPLY` variable and treated as completion suggestions. `COMREPLY` expects a space separated string as the result. The `COMP_WORDS` and `COMP_CWORD` BASH environment variables are used to get information about the cli input. Please refer to the BASH man-page for more information about this variables. Subcommand options are saved as pairs. A pair consists of the long option string (e.g. '--exclude') and a boolean value indicating if the option requires arguments. When printing to stdout, a equal sign is appended to options which require arguments. Note: If debugging this function, it is recommended to write the debug output in a separate file. Otherwise the debug output will be treated and formatted as potential completion suggestions. """ autocomplete = autocomplete or 'AUTO_COMPLETE' in os.environ # Don't complete if user hasn't sourced bash_completion file. if not autocomplete: return words = words or os.environ['COMP_WORDS'].split()[1:] cword = cword or int(os.environ['COMP_CWORD']) try: curr = words[cword - 1] except IndexError: curr = '' subcommands = get_commands() if cword == 1: # if completing the command name print(' '.join( sorted(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(curr), subcommands)))) sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self): self.commands = get_commands()
from circus.commands import get_commands from circusweb.client import AsynchronousCircusClient from circusweb.stats_client import AsynchronousStatsConsumer from circusweb.namespace import SocketIOConnection from tornado import gen cmds = get_commands() class Controller(object): def __init__(self, loop, ssh_server=None): self.clients = {} self.stats_clients = {} self.loop = loop self.ssh_server = ssh_server @gen.coroutine def connect(self, endpoint): endpoint = str(endpoint) if endpoint not in self.clients: client = AsynchronousCircusClient(self.loop, endpoint, ssh_server=self.ssh_server) yield gen.Task(client.update_watchers) else: client = self.get_client(endpoint) client.count += 1 self.clients[endpoint] = client def disconnect(self, endpoint): endpoint = str(endpoint)
import os from collections import defaultdict from threading import Thread from circus.commands import get_commands from circus.client import CircusClient, CallError from circus.stats.client import StatsClient _DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) client = None cmds = get_commands() MAX_STATS = 25 class Refresher(Thread): def __init__(self, client): Thread.__init__(self) self.client = client self.daemon = True self.running = False self.cclient = None def _check_size(self, stat): if len(stat) > MAX_STATS: start = len(stat) - MAX_STATS stat[:] = stat[start:] def run(self): self.cclient = StatsClient(endpoint=self.client.stats_endpoint) stats = self.client.stats dstats = self.client.dstats self.running = True