Пример #1
def test_all_zero():
    tol = Tolerance(atol=5, rtol=9999999)
    assert tol.all_near_zero(0)
    assert tol.all_near_zero(4.5)
    assert not tol.all_near_zero(5.5)

    assert tol.all_near_zero([-4.5, 0, 1, 4.5, 3])
    assert not tol.all_near_zero([-4.5, 0, 1, 4.5, 30])
Пример #2
def test_all_zero():
    tol = Tolerance(atol=5, rtol=9999999)
    assert tol.all_near_zero(0)
    assert tol.all_near_zero(4.5)
    assert not tol.all_near_zero(5.5)

    assert tol.all_near_zero([-4.5, 0, 1, 4.5, 3])
    assert not tol.all_near_zero([-4.5, 0, 1, 4.5, 30])
Пример #3
def _perp_eigendecompose(
        matrix: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance) -> Tuple[np.array, List[np.ndarray]]:
    """An eigendecomposition that ensures eigenvectors are perpendicular.

    numpy.linalg.eig doesn't guarantee that eigenvectors from the same
    eigenspace will be perpendicular. This method uses Gram-Schmidt to recover
    a perpendicular set. It further checks that all eigenvectors are
    perpendicular and raises an ArithmeticError otherwise.

        matrix: The matrix to decompose.
        tolerance: Thresholds for determining whether eigenvalues are from the
            same eigenspace and whether eigenvectors are perpendicular.

        The eigenvalues and column eigenvectors. The i'th eigenvalue is
        associated with the i'th column eigenvector.

        ArithmeticError: Failed to find perpendicular eigenvectors.
    vals, cols = np.linalg.eig(matrix)
    vecs = [cols[:, i] for i in range(len(cols))]

    # Convert list of row arrays to list of column arrays.
    for i in range(len(vecs)):
        vecs[i] = np.reshape(vecs[i], (len(vecs[i]), vecs[i].ndim))

    # Group by similar eigenvalue.
    n = len(vecs)
    groups = _group_similar(
        list(range(n)), lambda k1, k2: tolerance.all_close(vals[k1], vals[k2]))

    # Remove overlap between eigenvectors with the same eigenvalue.
    for g in groups:
        q, _ = np.linalg.qr(np.hstack([vecs[i] for i in g]))
        for i in range(len(g)):
            vecs[g[i]] = q[:, i]

    # Ensure no eigenvectors overlap.
    for i in range(len(vecs)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(vecs)):
            if not tolerance.all_near_zero(np.dot(np.conj(vecs[i].T),
                raise ArithmeticError('Eigenvectors overlap.')

    return vals, vecs
Пример #4
def is_diagonal(matrix: np.ndarray,
                tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT) -> bool:
    """Determines if a matrix is a approximately diagonal.

    A matrix is diagonal if i!=j implies m[i,j]==0.

        matrix: The matrix to check.
        tolerance: The per-matrix-entry tolerance on equality.

        Whether the matrix is diagonal within the given tolerance.
    matrix = np.copy(matrix)
    for i in range(min(matrix.shape)):
        matrix[i, i] = 0
    return tolerance.all_near_zero(matrix)
Пример #5
def _perp_eigendecompose(matrix: np.ndarray, tolerance: Tolerance
                         ) -> Tuple[np.array, List[np.ndarray]]:
    """An eigendecomposition that ensures eigenvectors are perpendicular.

    numpy.linalg.eig doesn't guarantee that eigenvectors from the same
    eigenspace will be perpendicular. This method uses Gram-Schmidt to recover
    a perpendicular set. It further checks that all eigenvectors are
    perpendicular and raises an ArithmeticError otherwise.

        matrix: The matrix to decompose.
        tolerance: Thresholds for determining whether eigenvalues are from the
            same eigenspace and whether eigenvectors are perpendicular.

        The eigenvalues and column eigenvectors. The i'th eigenvalue is
        associated with the i'th column eigenvector.

        ArithmeticError: Failed to find perpendicular eigenvectors.
    vals, cols = np.linalg.eig(np.mat(matrix))
    vecs = [cols[:, i] for i in range(len(cols))]

    # Group by similar eigenvalue.
    n = len(vecs)
    groups = _group_similar(
        lambda k1, k2: tolerance.all_close(vals[k1], vals[k2]))

    # Remove overlap between eigenvectors with the same eigenvalue.
    for g in groups:
        q, _ = np.linalg.qr(np.concatenate([vecs[i] for i in g], axis=1))
        for i in range(len(g)):
            vecs[g[i]] = q[:, i]

    # Ensure no eigenvectors overlap.
    for i in range(len(vecs)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(vecs)):
            if not tolerance.all_near_zero(np.dot(np.conj(vecs[i].T), vecs[j])):
                raise ArithmeticError('Eigenvectors overlap.')

    return vals, vecs
Пример #6
def bidiagonalize_real_matrix_pair_with_symmetric_products(
        mat1: np.ndarray,
        mat2: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Finds orthogonal matrices that diagonalize both mat1 and mat2.

    Requires mat1 and mat2 to be real.
    Requires mat1.T @ mat2 to be symmetric.
    Requires mat1 @ mat2.T to be symmetric.

        mat1: One of the real matrices.
        mat2: The other real matrix.
        tolerance: Numeric error thresholds.

        A tuple (L, R) of two orthogonal matrices, such that both L @ mat1 @ R
        and L @ mat2 @ R are diagonal matrices.

        ValueError: Matrices don't meet preconditions (e.g. not real).
        ArithmeticError: Failed to meet specified tolerance.

    if np.any(np.imag(mat1) != 0):
        raise ValueError('mat1 must be real.')
    if np.any(np.imag(mat2) != 0):
        raise ValueError('mat2 must be real.')
    if not predicates.is_hermitian(mat1.dot(mat2.T), tolerance):
        raise ValueError('mat1 @ mat2.T must be symmetric.')
    if not predicates.is_hermitian(mat1.T.dot(mat2), tolerance):
        raise ValueError('mat1.T @ mat2 must be symmetric.')

    # Use SVD to bi-diagonalize the first matrix.
    base_left, base_diag, base_right = _svd_handling_empty(np.real(mat1))
    base_diag = np.diag(base_diag)

    # Determine where we switch between diagonalization-fixup strategies.
    dim = base_diag.shape[0]
    rank = dim
    while rank > 0 and tolerance.all_near_zero(base_diag[rank - 1, rank - 1]):
        rank -= 1
    base_diag = base_diag[:rank, :rank]

    # Try diagonalizing the second matrix with the same factors as the first.
    semi_corrected = base_left.T.dot(np.real(mat2)).dot(base_right.T)

    # Fix up the part of the second matrix's diagonalization that's matched
    # against non-zero diagonal entries in the first matrix's diagonalization
    # by performing simultaneous diagonalization.
    overlap = semi_corrected[:rank, :rank]
    overlap_adjust = diagonalize_real_symmetric_and_sorted_diagonal_matrices(
        overlap, base_diag, tolerance)

    # Fix up the part of the second matrix's diagonalization that's matched
    # against zeros in the first matrix's diagonalization by performing an SVD.
    extra = semi_corrected[rank:, rank:]
    extra_left_adjust, _, extra_right_adjust = _svd_handling_empty(extra)

    # Merge the fixup factors into the initial diagonalization.
    left_adjust = combinators.block_diag(overlap_adjust, extra_left_adjust)
    right_adjust = combinators.block_diag(overlap_adjust.T, extra_right_adjust)
    left = left_adjust.T.dot(base_left.T)
    right = base_right.T.dot(right_adjust.T)

    # Check acceptability vs tolerances.
    if any(not predicates.is_diagonal(left.dot(mat).dot(right), tolerance)
           for mat in [mat1, mat2]):
        raise ArithmeticError('Failed to diagonalize to specified tolerance.')

    return left, right
Пример #7
def bidiagonalize_real_matrix_pair_with_symmetric_products(
        mat1: np.ndarray,
        mat2: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Finds orthogonal matrices that diagonalize both mat1 and mat2.

    Requires mat1 and mat2 to be real.
    Requires mat1.T @ mat2 to be symmetric.
    Requires mat1 @ mat2.T to be symmetric.

        mat1: One of the real matrices.
        mat2: The other real matrix.
        tolerance: Numeric error thresholds.

        A tuple (L, R) of two orthogonal matrices, such that both L @ mat1 @ R
        and L @ mat2 @ R are diagonal matrices.

        ValueError: Matrices don't meet preconditions (e.g. not real).
        ArithmeticError: Failed to meet specified tolerance.

    if np.any(np.imag(mat1) != 0):
        raise ValueError('mat1 must be real.')
    if np.any(np.imag(mat2) != 0):
        raise ValueError('mat2 must be real.')
    if not predicates.is_hermitian(mat1.dot(mat2.T), tolerance):
        raise ValueError('mat1 @ mat2.T must be symmetric.')
    if not predicates.is_hermitian(mat1.T.dot(mat2), tolerance):
        raise ValueError('mat1.T @ mat2 must be symmetric.')

    # Use SVD to bi-diagonalize the first matrix.
    base_left, base_diag, base_right = _svd_handling_empty(np.real(mat1))
    base_diag = np.diag(base_diag)

    # Determine where we switch between diagonalization-fixup strategies.
    dim = base_diag.shape[0]
    rank = dim
    while rank > 0 and tolerance.all_near_zero(base_diag[rank - 1, rank - 1]):
        rank -= 1
    base_diag = base_diag[:rank, :rank]

    # Try diagonalizing the second matrix with the same factors as the first.
    semi_corrected = base_left.T.dot(np.real(mat2)).dot(base_right.T)

    # Fix up the part of the second matrix's diagonalization that's matched
    # against non-zero diagonal entries in the first matrix's diagonalization
    # by performing simultaneous diagonalization.
    overlap = semi_corrected[:rank, :rank]
    overlap_adjust = diagonalize_real_symmetric_and_sorted_diagonal_matrices(
        overlap, base_diag, tolerance)

    # Fix up the part of the second matrix's diagonalization that's matched
    # against zeros in the first matrix's diagonalization by performing an SVD.
    extra = semi_corrected[rank:, rank:]
    extra_left_adjust, _, extra_right_adjust = _svd_handling_empty(extra)

    # Merge the fixup factors into the initial diagonalization.
    left_adjust = combinators.block_diag(overlap_adjust, extra_left_adjust)
    right_adjust = combinators.block_diag(overlap_adjust.T,
    left = left_adjust.T.dot(base_left.T)
    right = base_right.T.dot(right_adjust.T)

    # Check acceptability vs tolerances.
    if any(not predicates.is_diagonal(left.dot(mat).dot(right), tolerance)
           for mat in [mat1, mat2]):
        raise ArithmeticError('Failed to diagonalize to specified tolerance.')

    return left, right