Пример #1
def equal_up_to_global_phase(val: Any,
                             other: Any,
                             atol: Union[int, float] = 1e-8) -> bool:
    """Determine whether two objects are equal up to global phase.

    If `val` implements a `_equal_up_to_global_phase_` method then it is
    invoked and takes precedence over all other checks:
     - For complex primitive type the magnitudes of the values are compared.
     - For `val` and `other` both iterable of the same length, consecutive
       elements are compared recursively. Types of `val` and `other` does not
       necessarily needs to match each other. They just need to be iterable and
       have the same structure.
     - For all other types, fall back to `_approx_eq_`

        val: Source object for approximate comparison.
        other: Target object for approximate comparison.
        atol: The minimum absolute tolerance. This places an upper bound on
        the differences in *magnitudes* of two compared complex numbers.

        True if objects are approximately equal up to phase, False otherwise.

    # Attempt _equal_up_to_global_phase_ for val.
    eq_up_to_phase_getter = getattr(val, '_equal_up_to_global_phase_', None)
    if eq_up_to_phase_getter is not None:
        result = eq_up_to_phase_getter(other, atol)
        if result is not NotImplemented:
            return result

    # Fall back to _equal_up_to_global_phase_ for other.
    other_eq_up_to_phase_getter = getattr(other, '_equal_up_to_global_phase_',
    if other_eq_up_to_phase_getter is not None:
        result = other_eq_up_to_phase_getter(val, atol)
        if result is not NotImplemented:
            return result

    # Fall back to special check for numeric arrays.
    # Defer to numpy automatic type casting to determine numeric type.
    if isinstance(val, Iterable) and isinstance(other, Iterable):
        a = np.asarray(val)
        b = np.asarray(other)
        if a.dtype.kind in 'uifc' and b.dtype.kind in 'uifc':
            return linalg.allclose_up_to_global_phase(a, b, atol=atol)

    # Fall back to approx_eq for compare the magnitude of two numbers.
    if isinstance(val, numbers.Number) and isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
        result = approx_eq(abs(val), abs(other), atol=atol)  # type: ignore
        if result is not NotImplemented:
            return result

    # Fall back to cirq approx_eq for remaining types.
    return approx_eq(val, other, atol=atol)
Пример #2
def wavefunction_partial_trace_as_mixture(
        wavefunction: np.ndarray,
        keep_indices: List[int],
        atol: Union[int,
                    float] = 1e-8) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, np.ndarray], ...]:
    """Returns a mixture representing a wavefunction with only some qubits kept.

    The input wavefunction must have shape `(2,) * n` or `(2 ** n)` where
    `wavefunction` is expressed over n qubits. States in the output mixture will
    retain the same type of shape as the input wavefunction, either `(2 ** k)`
    or `(2,) * k` where k is the number of qubits kept.

    If the wavefunction cannot be factored into a pure state over `keep_indices`
    then eigendecomposition is used and the output mixture will not be unique.

        wavefunction: A wavefunction to express over a qubit subset.
        keep_indices: Which indices to express the wavefunction on.
        atol: The tolerance for determining that a factored state is pure.

        A single-component mixture in which the factored wavefunction has
        probability '1' if the factored state is pure, or else a mixture of the
        default eigendecomposition of the mixed state's partial trace.

        ValueError: if the input wavefunction is not an array of length
        `(2 ** n)` or a tensor with a shape of `(2,) * n`

    # Attempt to do efficient state factoring.
    state = subwavefunction(wavefunction,
    if state is not None:
        return ((1.0, state), )

    # Fall back to a (non-unique) mixture representation.
    keep_dims = 1 << len(keep_indices)
    ret_shape: Union[Tuple[int], Tuple[int, ...]]
    if wavefunction.shape == (wavefunction.size, ):
        ret_shape = (keep_dims, )
    elif all(e == 2 for e in wavefunction.shape):
        ret_shape = tuple(2 for _ in range(len(keep_indices)))

    rho = np.kron(
        np.conj(wavefunction.reshape(-1, 1)).T,
        wavefunction.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(
            (2, 2) * int(np.log2(wavefunction.size)))
    keep_rho = partial_trace(rho, keep_indices).reshape((keep_dims, ) * 2)
    eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(keep_rho)
    mixture = tuple(zip(eigvals,
                        [vec.reshape(ret_shape) for vec in eigvecs.T]))
    return tuple([(float(p[0]), p[1]) for p in mixture
                  if not approx_eq(p[0], 0.0)])
Пример #3
def subwavefunction(wavefunction: np.ndarray,
                    keep_indices: List[int],
                    default: TDefault = RaiseValueErrorIfNotProvided,
                    atol: Union[int, float] = 1e-8) -> np.ndarray:
    r"""Attempts to factor a wavefunction into two parts and return one of them.

    The input wavefunction must have shape `(2,) * n` or `(2 ** n)` where
    `wavefunction` is expressed over n qubits. The returned array will retain
    the same type of shape as the input wavefunction, either `(2 ** k)` or
    `(2,) * k` where k is the number of qubits kept.

    If a wavefunction $|\psi\rangle$ defined on n qubits is an outer product
    of kets like  $|\psi\rangle$ = $|x\rangle \otimes |y\rangle$, and
    $|x\rangle$ is defined over the subset `keep_indices` of k qubits, then
    this method will factor $|\psi\rangle$ into $|x\rangle$ and $|y\rangle$ and
    return $|x\rangle$.  Note that $|x\rangle$ is not unique, because $(e^{i
    \theta} |y\rangle) \otimes (|x\rangle) = (|y\rangle) \otimes (e^{i \theta}
    |x\rangle)$ . This method randomizes the global phase of $|x\rangle$ in
    order to avoid accidental reliance on it.

    If the provided wavefunction cannot be factored into a pure state over
    `keep_indices`, the method will fall back to return `default`. If `default`
    is not provided, the method will fail and raise `ValueError`.

        wavefunction: A wavefunction to express over a qubit subset.
        keep_indices: Which indices to express the wavefunction on.
        default: Determines the fallback behavior when `wavefunction` doesn't
            have a pure state factorization. If the factored state is not pure
            and `default` is not set, a ValueError is raised. If default is set
            to a value, that value is returned.
        atol: The minimum tolerance for comparing the output state's coherence
            measure to 1.

        The wavefunction expressed over the desired subset of qubits.

        ValueError: if the wavefunction is not of the correct shape or the
        indices are not a valid subset of the input wavefunction's indices, or
        the result of factoring is not a pure state.

    if not np.log2(wavefunction.size).is_integer():
        raise ValueError("Input wavefunction of size {} does not represent a "
                         "state over qubits.".format(wavefunction.size))

    n_qubits = int(np.log2(wavefunction.size))
    keep_dims = 1 << len(keep_indices)
    ret_shape: Union[Tuple[int], Tuple[int, ...]]
    if wavefunction.shape == (wavefunction.size, ):
        ret_shape = (keep_dims, )
        wavefunction = wavefunction.reshape((2, ) * n_qubits)
    elif wavefunction.shape == (2, ) * n_qubits:
        ret_shape = tuple(2 for _ in range(len(keep_indices)))
        raise ValueError(
            "Input wavefunction must be shaped like (2 ** n,) or (2,) * n")

    keep_dims = 1 << len(keep_indices)
    if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(wavefunction), 1):
        raise ValueError("Input state must be normalized.")
    if len(set(keep_indices)) != len(keep_indices):
        raise ValueError(
            "keep_indices were {} but must be unique.".format(keep_indices))
    if any([ind >= n_qubits for ind in keep_indices]):
        raise ValueError(
            "keep_indices {} are an invalid subset of the input wavefunction.")

    other_qubits = sorted(set(range(n_qubits)) - set(keep_indices))
    candidates = [
            other_qubits, k)].reshape(keep_dims)
        for k in range(1 << len(other_qubits))
    # The coherence measure is computed using unnormalized candidates.
    best_candidate = max(candidates, key=lambda c: np.linalg.norm(c, 2))
    best_candidate = best_candidate / np.linalg.norm(best_candidate)
    left = np.conj(best_candidate.reshape((keep_dims, ))).T
    coherence_measure = sum(
        [abs(np.dot(left, c.reshape((keep_dims, ))))**2 for c in candidates])

    if approx_eq(coherence_measure, 1, atol=atol):
        return np.exp(2j * np.pi *
                      np.random.random()) * best_candidate.reshape(ret_shape)

    # Method did not yield a pure state. Fall back to `default` argument.
    if default is not RaiseValueErrorIfNotProvided:
        return default

    raise ValueError(
        "Input wavefunction could not be factored into pure state over "
        "indices {}".format(keep_indices))