Пример #1
    def _create_one_dimensional_coord_list(self, filenames, index_offset=1):
        Create a set of coordinates appropriate for a ond-dimensional (column integrated) variable
        :param filenames:
        :param int index_offset: For 5km products this will choose the coordinates which represent the start (0),
        middle (1) and end (2) of the 15 shots making up each column retrieval.
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', "Profile_Time"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        # latitude
        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Latitude'], "SD")
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        # profile time, x
        time = sdata['Profile_Time']
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        time_data = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(time_data, dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
        time_coord = Coord(time_data, Metadata(name='Profile_Time', standard_name='time', shape=time_data.shape,
                                               units=cis_standard_time_unit), "T")

        # create the object containing all coordinates
        coords = CoordList()

        return coords
Пример #2
def test_that_can_get_metadata_for_known_variable():
    data_dict = hdf_sd.read(escape_colons(valid_hdf_sd_file))
    metadata = hdf_sd.get_metadata(data_dict['Latitude'])

    eq_(metadata._name, "Latitude")
    eq_(metadata.standard_name, "latitude")
    eq_(metadata.long_name, "Geodetic Latitude")
    eq_(metadata.shape, [203, 135])
    eq_(metadata.units, "Degrees_north")
    eq_(metadata.factor, 1.0)
    eq_(metadata.offset, 0.0)
    eq_(metadata.missing_value, -999.0)

    attr = metadata.misc
    eq_(len(attr), 5)
    eq_(attr['Parameter_Type'], "MODIS Input")
    eq_(attr['valid_range'], [-90.0, 90.0])
Пример #3
def test_that_can_get_metadata_for_known_variable():
    data_dict = hdf_sd.read(valid_hdf_sd_file)
    metadata = hdf_sd.get_metadata(data_dict['Latitude'])

    eq_(metadata._name, "Latitude")
    eq_(metadata.standard_name, "latitude")
    eq_(metadata.long_name, "Geodetic Latitude")
    eq_(metadata.shape, [203, 135])
    eq_(metadata.units, "Degrees_north")
    eq_(metadata.range, [-90.0, 90.0])
    eq_(metadata.factor, 1.0)
    eq_(metadata.offset, 0.0)
    eq_(metadata.missing_value, -999.0)

    attr = metadata.misc
    eq_(len(attr), 10)
    eq_(attr['_FillValue'], -999.0)
    eq_(attr['Parameter_Type'], "MODIS Input")
Пример #4
def __read_hdf4(filename, variables):
        A wrapper method for reading raw data from hdf4 files. This returns a dictionary of io handles
         for each VD and SD data types.

        :param filename:     A name of a file to read
        :param variables:    List of variables to read from the files

        :return: (sds_dict, vds_dict) A tuple of dictionaries, one for sds objects and another for vds
    from cis.exceptions import InvalidVariableError
    from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error

    variables = utils.listify(variables)

    # I'd rather not have to make this check but for pyhdf 0.9.0 and hdf 4.2.9 on OS X the c-level read routine will at
    # some point call exit(138) when reading valid netcdf files (rather than returning a negative status).
    if not filename.endswith('.hdf'):
        raise IOError("Tried to read non HDF file: {}".format(filename))

        sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)

        # remove the variables identified as SD (i.e. the keys in sds_dict)
        # no need to try looking for them as VD variable
        # AND this can cause a crash in some version/implementations of the core HDF4 libraries!

        # First create a copy of the list in order for the original list to be left intact when elements are removed
        # from it, this enables the original list to be used when many files are read
        vdvariables = list(variables)
        for sds_dict_key in sds_dict:

        vds_dict = hdf_vd.read(filename, vdvariables)
    except HDF4Error as e:
        joined_up_message = "".join(e)
        raise IOError(joined_up_message)

    for variable in variables:
        if variable not in sds_dict and variable not in vds_dict:
            raise InvalidVariableError("Could not find " + variable + " in file: " + filename)

    return sds_dict, vds_dict
Пример #5
def _read_hdf4(filename, variables):
        A wrapper method for reading raw data from hdf4 files. This returns a dictionary of io handles
         for each VD and SD data types.

        :param filename:     A name of a file to read
        :param variables:    List of variables to read from the files

        :return: (sds_dict, vds_dict) A tuple of dictionaries, one for sds objects and another for vds
    from cis.exceptions import InvalidVariableError
    from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error

    variables = utils.listify(variables)

    # I'd rather not have to make this check but for pyhdf 0.9.0 and hdf 4.2.9 on OS X the c-level read routine will at
    # some point call exit(138) when reading valid netcdf files (rather than returning a negative status).
    if not filename.endswith('.hdf'):
        raise IOError("Tried to read non HDF file: {}".format(filename))

        sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)

        # remove the variables identified as SD (i.e. the keys in sds_dict)
        # no need to try looking for them as VD variable
        # AND this can cause a crash in some version/implementations of the core HDF4 libraries!

        # First create a copy of the list in order for the original list to be left intact when elements are removed
        # from it, this enables the original list to be used when many files are read
        vdvariables = list(variables)
        for sds_dict_key in sds_dict:

        vds_dict = hdf_vd.read(filename, vdvariables)
    except HDF4Error as e:
        raise IOError(str(e))

    for variable in variables:
        if variable not in sds_dict and variable not in vds_dict:
            raise InvalidVariableError("Could not find " + variable +
                                       " in file: " + filename)

    return sds_dict, vds_dict
Пример #6
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, index_offset=0):
        import logging
        from cis.data_io import hdf as hdf
        from cis.data_io.Coord import Coord, CoordList
        from cis.data_io.ungridded_data import Metadata
        import cis.utils as utils
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', "Profile_Time", "Pressure"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        alt_name = "altitude"
        logging.info("Additional coordinates: '" + alt_name + "'")

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = get_data(VDS(filenames[0], "Lidar_Data_Altitudes"), True)
        alt_data *= 1000.0  # Convert to m
        len_x = alt_data.shape[0]

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], self._get_calipso_data)
        len_y = lat_data.shape[0]

        new_shape = (len_x, len_y)

        # altitude
        alt_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(alt_data, len_y, axis=0)
        alt_metadata = Metadata(name=alt_name, standard_name=alt_name, shape=new_shape)
        alt_coord = Coord(alt_data, alt_metadata)

        # pressure
        if self.include_pressure:
            pres_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Pressure'], self._get_calipso_data)
            pres_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Pressure'], "SD")
            # Fix badly formatted units which aren't CF compliant and will break if they are aggregated
            if str(pres_metadata.units) == "hPA":
                pres_metadata.units = "hPa"
            pres_metadata.shape = new_shape
            pres_coord = Coord(pres_data, pres_metadata, 'P')

        # latitude
        lat_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(lat_data[:, index_offset], len_x, axis=1)
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Latitude'], "SD")
        lat_metadata.shape = new_shape
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_calipso_data)
        lon_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(lon_data[:, index_offset], len_x, axis=1)
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_metadata.shape = new_shape
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        # profile time, x
        time = sdata['Profile_Time']
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, self._get_calipso_data)
        time_data = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(time_data, dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
        time_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(time_data[:, index_offset], len_x, axis=1)
        time_coord = Coord(time_data, Metadata(name='Profile_Time', standard_name='time', shape=time_data.shape,
                                               units=cis_standard_time_unit), "T")

        # create the object containing all coordinates
        coords = CoordList()
        if self.include_pressure and (pres_data.shape == alt_data.shape):
            # For MODIS L1 this may is not be true, so skips the air pressure reading. If required for MODIS L1 then
            # some kind of interpolation of the air pressure would be required, as it is on a different (smaller) grid
            # than for the Lidar_Data_Altitudes.

        return coords
Пример #7
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable, index_offset=1):
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import get_data
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        from iris.coords import DimCoord, AuxCoord
        from iris.cube import Cube
        from cis.data_io.gridded_data import GriddedData
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', "Profile_Time", "Pressure"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))


        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        alt_name = "altitude"
        logging.info("Additional coordinates: '" + alt_name + "'")

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = get_data(VDS(filenames[0], "Lidar_Data_Altitudes"), True)

        alt_coord = DimCoord(alt_data, standard_name='altitude', units='km')

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lat_coord = AuxCoord(lat_data, standard_name='latitude')

        pres_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Pressure'], self._get_calipso_data)
        pres_coord = AuxCoord(pres_data, standard_name='air_pressure', units='hPa')

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lon_coord = AuxCoord(lon_data, standard_name='longitude')

        # profile time, x
        time = sdata['Profile_Time']
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        time_coord = DimCoord(time_data, long_name='Profile_Time', standard_name='time',
                              units="seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00:00")

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        if variable in MIXED_RESOLUTION_VARIABLES:
            logging.warning("Using Level 2 resolution profile for mixed resolution variable {}. See CALIPSO "
                            "documentation for more details".format(variable))
            data = hdf.read_data(var, self._get_mixed_resolution_calipso_data)
            data = hdf.read_data(var, self._get_calipso_data)

        cube = Cube(data, long_name=metadata.long_name, units=self.clean_units(metadata.units),
                    dim_coords_and_dims=[(alt_coord, 1), (time_coord, 0)], aux_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, (0,)),
                                                                                                (lon_coord, (0,)),
                                                                                                (pres_coord, (0, 1))])
        gd = GriddedData.make_from_cube(cube)
        return gd
Пример #8
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable, index_offset=1):
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import get_data
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        from iris.coords import DimCoord, AuxCoord
        from iris.cube import Cube, CubeList
        from cis.data_io.gridded_data import GriddedData
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit
        from datetime import datetime
        from iris.util import new_axis
        import numpy as np

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        variables = ["Pressure_Mean"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))


        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Altitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        alt_coord = DimCoord(alt_data, standard_name='altitude', units='km')

        lat_data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Latitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        lat_coord = DimCoord(lat_data, standard_name='latitude', units='degrees_north')

        lon_data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Longitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        lon_coord = DimCoord(lon_data, standard_name='longitude', units='degrees_east')

        cubes = CubeList()
        for f in filenames:
            t = get_data(VDS(f, "Nominal_Year_Month"), True)[0]
            time_data = cis_standard_time_unit.date2num(datetime(int(t[0:4]), int(t[4:6]), 15))
            time_coord = AuxCoord(time_data, long_name='Profile_Time', standard_name='time',

            # retrieve data + its metadata
            var = sdata[variable]
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

            data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(f, variable))

            pres_data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(f, 'Pressure_Mean'))
            pres_coord = AuxCoord(pres_data, standard_name='air_pressure', units='hPa')

            if data.ndim == 2:
                # pres_coord = new_axis()
                cube = Cube(data, long_name=metadata.long_name or variable, units=self.clean_units(metadata.units),
                            dim_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, 0), (lon_coord, 1)],
                            aux_coords_and_dims=[(time_coord, ())])
                # Promote the time scalar coord to a length one dimension
                new_cube = new_axis(cube, 'time')
            elif data.ndim == 3:
                # pres_coord = new_axis()
                cube = Cube(data, long_name=metadata.long_name or variable, units=self.clean_units(metadata.units),
                            dim_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, 0), (lon_coord, 1), (alt_coord, 2)],
                            aux_coords_and_dims=[(time_coord, ())])
                # Promote the time scalar coord to a length one dimension
                new_cube = new_axis(cube, 'time')
                # Then add the (extended) pressure coord so that it is explicitly a function of time
                new_cube.add_aux_coord(pres_coord[np.newaxis, ...], (0, 1, 2, 3))
                raise ValueError("Unexpected number of dimensions for CALIOP data: {}".format(data.ndim))

        # Concatenate the cubes from each file into a single GriddedData object
        gd = GriddedData.make_from_cube(cubes.concatenate_cube())
        return gd
Пример #9
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable, index_offset=1):
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import get_data
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        from iris.coords import DimCoord, AuxCoord
        from iris.cube import Cube
        from cis.data_io.gridded_data import GriddedData
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', "Profile_Time", "Pressure"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))


        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        alt_name = "altitude"
        logging.info("Additional coordinates: '" + alt_name + "'")

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = get_data(VDS(filenames[0], "Lidar_Data_Altitudes"), True)

        alt_coord = DimCoord(alt_data, standard_name='altitude', units='km')

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'],
                                 self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lat_coord = AuxCoord(lat_data, standard_name='latitude')

        pres_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Pressure'], self._get_calipso_data)
        pres_coord = AuxCoord(pres_data,

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lon_coord = AuxCoord(lon_data, standard_name='longitude')

        # profile time, x
        time = sdata['Profile_Time']
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, self._get_calipso_data)[:,
        time_coord = DimCoord(time_data,
                              units="seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00:00")

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        if variable in MIXED_RESOLUTION_VARIABLES:
                "Using Level 2 resolution profile for mixed resolution variable {}. See CALIPSO "
                "documentation for more details".format(variable))
            data = hdf.read_data(var, self._get_mixed_resolution_calipso_data)
            data = hdf.read_data(var, self._get_calipso_data)

        cube = Cube(data,
                    dim_coords_and_dims=[(alt_coord, 1), (time_coord, 0)],
                    aux_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, (0, )),
                                         (lon_coord, (0, )),
                                         (pres_coord, (0, 1))])
        gd = GriddedData.make_from_cube(cube)
        return gd
Пример #10
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable, index_offset=1):
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import get_data
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        from iris.coords import DimCoord, AuxCoord
        from iris.cube import Cube, CubeList
        from cis.data_io.gridded_data import GriddedData
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit
        from datetime import datetime
        from iris.util import new_axis
        import numpy as np

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        variables = ["Pressure_Mean"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))


        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = self._get_calipso_data(
            hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Altitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        alt_coord = DimCoord(alt_data, standard_name='altitude', units='km')

        lat_data = self._get_calipso_data(
            hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Latitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        lat_coord = DimCoord(lat_data,

        lon_data = self._get_calipso_data(
            hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Longitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        lon_coord = DimCoord(lon_data,

        cubes = CubeList()
        for f in filenames:
            t = get_data(VDS(f, "Nominal_Year_Month"), True)[0]
            time_data = cis_standard_time_unit.date2num(
                datetime(int(t[0:4]), int(t[4:6]), 15))
            time_coord = AuxCoord(time_data,

            # retrieve data + its metadata
            var = sdata[variable]
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

            data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(f, variable))

            pres_data = self._get_calipso_data(
                hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(f, 'Pressure_Mean'))
            pres_coord = AuxCoord(pres_data,

            if data.ndim == 2:
                # pres_coord = new_axis()
                cube = Cube(data,
                            long_name=metadata.long_name or variable,
                            dim_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, 0),
                                                 (lon_coord, 1)],
                            aux_coords_and_dims=[(time_coord, ())])
                # Promote the time scalar coord to a length one dimension
                new_cube = new_axis(cube, 'time')
            elif data.ndim == 3:
                # pres_coord = new_axis()
                cube = Cube(data,
                            long_name=metadata.long_name or variable,
                            dim_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, 0),
                                                 (lon_coord, 1),
                                                 (alt_coord, 2)],
                            aux_coords_and_dims=[(time_coord, ())])
                # Promote the time scalar coord to a length one dimension
                new_cube = new_axis(cube, 'time')
                # Then add the (extended) pressure coord so that it is explicitly a function of time
                new_cube.add_aux_coord(pres_coord[np.newaxis, ...],
                                       (0, 1, 2, 3))
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unexpected number of dimensions for CALIOP data: {}".

        # Concatenate the cubes from each file into a single GriddedData object
        gd = GriddedData.make_from_cube(cubes.concatenate_cube())
        return gd
Пример #11
def test_that_can_get_data():
    data_dict = hdf_sd.read(valid_hdf_sd_file)
    data = hdf_sd.get_data(data_dict['Latitude'])
    eq_(data.shape, (203, 135))
Пример #12
def test_that_can_read_known_variables():
    data_dict = hdf_sd.read(valid_hdf_sd_file, ['Latitude', 'Longitude'])
    eq_(len(data_dict), 2)
Пример #13
def test_that_can_read_all_variables():
    data_dict = hdf_sd.read(valid_hdf_sd_file)
    eq_(len(data_dict), 67)
Пример #14
def test_that_can_get_data():
    data_dict = hdf_sd.read(escape_colons(valid_hdf_sd_file))
    data = hdf_sd.get_data(data_dict['Latitude'])
    eq_(data.shape, (203, 135))
Пример #15
def test_that_can_read_known_variables():
    data_dict = hdf_sd.read(escape_colons(valid_hdf_sd_file),
                            ['Latitude', 'Longitude'])
    eq_(len(data_dict), 2)
Пример #16
def test_that_can_read_all_variables():
    data_dict = hdf_sd.read(escape_colons(valid_hdf_sd_file))
    eq_(len(data_dict), 67)