Пример #1
    Reverse the digits of a non-negative 2 digit int
      number (int) - 2 digit int
      newNumber (int) reverses number      
    onesDigit = number % 10
    tensDigit = number // 10

    newNumber = onesDigit * 10 + tensDigit

    return newNumber

assertEqual(reverseDigits(37), 73)

## if staments
if 5 < 8:

age = int(input('how old are you? '))
if age < 21:
    print('im sorry you cannot be served')
    print('what would u like to drink')

def can_vote(age):
    if age >= 18:
        decision = 'yes'
Пример #2
# Searching
# linear search
from cisc106_34 import assertEqual

def linear_search(int_list, target):
    # serach list for target value
    for i in range(len(int_list)):
        if int_list[i] == target:
            return i

    # target not found, return None
    return None

assertEqual(linear_search(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], 'c'), 2)
assertEqual(linear_search([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9], 7), 6)
assertEqual(linear_search(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], 'z'), None)

# binary search
def binary_search(int_list, target):
    # initialize low, mid, and high
    low = 0
    high = len(int_list) - 1
    mid = (low + high) // 2

    # loop until low and high cross, or until target is found
    while low <= high:
        if int_list[mid] == target:
            return mid  # return index if target is found
Пример #3
from cisc106_34 import assertEqual

def convert_F_to_C(fahrenheit):
    ''' This function converts temperature from °F to °C.
        fahrenheit (number) - temperature in °F
        celsius (float)- temperature converted to °C
    # Convert from °F to °C
    celsius = ((fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0)
    return celsius

assertEqual(convert_F_to_C(212), 100)
assertEqual(convert_F_to_C(32), 0)
assertEqual(convert_F_to_C(-40), -40)
assertEqual(convert_F_to_C(176), 80)
Пример #4
Takes a string and returns that string encoded in md5 hash.
    my_string (string) - string to be converted
    hex_string (bytes) - converted version of string
    import hashlib
    #transforms string into bytes
    hash_object = hashlib.md5(my_string.encode())
    #encodes the string
    hex_string = hash_object.hexdigest()
    return (hex_string)

assertEqual(compute_md5_hash('hi'), '49f68a5c8493ec2c0bf489821c21fc3b')
assertEqual(compute_md5_hash('drew'), 'b2dd08a69dcdac5a20a7b90b5c4b759f')
assertEqual(compute_md5_hash('bye'), 'bfa99df33b137bc8fb5f5407d7e58da8')

#Problem 2
print('Problem 2')

def convert_to_base64(my_string):
Takes a string and converts it to b64 encoding.
    my_string (string) - string to be converted
    encoded_string (bytes) - transformed version of string
Пример #5
# Continuing from last time
from cisc106_34 import assertEqual

def can_vote(age):
    if age < 18:
        decision = 'no'
        decision = 'yes'

    return decision

# Note that the fact that these assertEqual() tests succeed indicates that it
# is possible to compare strings.
assertEqual(can_vote(17), 'no')
assertEqual(can_vote(21), 'yes')
assertEqual(can_vote(18), 'yes')

# Strings are compared letter by letter just like comparing words to put them
# in alphabetical order. Each character has a numerical value associated with
# which is used to do the comparison. The values are assigned so that you get
# the expected result - a < b < c < ... < z, and similarly A < B < C < ... < Z.
# However, note that all uppercase letters are less than every lower case
# letter - Z < a. Also, every digit is lower than every letter - 9 < A.
name_1 = 'Mohan'
name_2 = 'Morgan'  # Change to Martin and output order changes. Note that
# using martin rather than martin results in Mohan
# being printed first because M < m.

if name_1 < name_2:
Пример #6
#method 1
##import math
##print(math.log2(49))    #log base 2
##print(math.log10(49)) #log base 10        
##print(math.log(49))   #natural log

###method 2
##from math import sqrt, log
##print(log(49))   #natural log
###method 3
##from math import *

from cisc106_34 import assertEqual

def convertFtoC(fahrenheit):
        c = (fahrenheit - 32.) *5.0/9.0
        return c


assertEqual(convertFtoC(-40), -40.0)
Пример #7

print('-40 °F is', convert_F_to_C(-40), '°C')
print('32 °F is', convert_F_to_C(32), '°C')
print('212 °F is', convert_F_to_C(212), '°C')

# Testing using assertEqual()
from cisc106_34 import assertEqual

def convert_F_to_C(fahrenheit):
    celsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0
    return celsius

assertEqual(convert_F_to_C(-40), -40)
assertEqual(convert_F_to_C(32), 0)
assertEqual(convert_F_to_C(212), 100)
assertEqual(convert_F_to_C(41), 6)  # example of a failure

# What about rounding?
assertEqual(convert_F_to_C(75), 23.88888888888889)

# Use round() function
print(2 / 3)
print(round(2 / 3, 2))
print(round(2 / 3, 4))
print(round(2 / 3, 12))

# Using round() with assertEqual()
assertEqual(round(convert_F_to_C(75), 2), 23.89)
Пример #8
    elif (int(credit_score) >= (590) and int(credit_score) <
          (700)) and ((float(account_balance)) < (.25 * float(loan_amount))):
        decision = "No"
    elif (float(current_salary)) < (
        (1 / 3) * (float(loan_amount) - float(account_balance))):
        decision = "No"
    elif (str(last_name) == "Doe") and (float(non_cash_assets) < 750000):
        decision = "No"
    elif (float(account_balance)) > (float(loan_amount)):
        decision = "Yes"
        decision = "Maybe"
    return (decision)

assertEqual(mortgage_approval(100, 250, 5, 500, 600, "Hi"),
            'No')  #Testing account_balance < loan_amount * .15 when True
assertEqual(mortgage_approval(5, 250, 500, 500, 580, "Hi"),
            'No')  #Testing credit_score < (590) when True
assertEqual(mortgage_approval(4000, 250, 500, 500, 600, "Hi"),
            'No')  #Testing (credit_score >= (590) and credit_score < (700))
##and (account_balance < (.25 * loan_amount)) when True
assertEqual(mortgage_approval(4000, 250, 500, 500, 600, "Hi"),
            'No')  #Testing current_salary <
##((1/3) * (loan_amount - account_balance)) when True
assertEqual(mortgage_approval(100, 250, 500, 500, 600, "Doe"),
            'No')  #Testing (last_name == "Doe") and
##(non_cash_assets < 750000) when True
assertEqual(mortgage_approval(5, 600, 500, 500, 600, "Hi"),
            'Yes')  #Testing account_balance > loan_amount when True
assertEqual(mortgage_approval(700, 600, 500, 500, 800, "Hi"),
            'Maybe')  #Testing else