def test_on(self): """ Test the "on" Tropo class method. """ tropo = Tropo() tropo.on(event="continue", next="/", say="Please hold.") rendered = tropo.RenderJson() pretty_rendered = tropo.RenderJson(pretty=True) print("===============test_on=================") print("render json: %s" % pretty_rendered) # print "test_on: %s" % tropo.RenderJson() rendered_obj = jsonlib.loads(rendered) wanted_json = ' {"tropo": [{"on": {"say": {"value": "Please hold."}, "event": "continue", "next": "/"}}]}' wanted_obj = jsonlib.loads(wanted_json) self.assertEqual(rendered_obj, wanted_obj)
TO = "8005551212" ID = "foo" URL = "" tropo = Tropo() tropo.ask("[5 digits]", say=Say("Please enter a 5 digit zip code").json) tropo.conference(ID) tropo.hangup() tropo.message("Hello, World", TO) tropo.on(event="continue", next="", say="Please hold.") tropo.record(say="Please say something for posterity", url=URL, choices=Choices("", terminator="#").json) tropo.redirect(ID) tropo.reject(ID) tropo.startRecording(URL) tropo.stopRecording() tropo.transfer(TO) tropo.message("Hello, World", TO, channel='TEXT', network='SMS') else: unittest.main()