Пример #1
def do_on_behalf_of(db, report_id, user_id=None):
    un/sets report as on behalf of user
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    report_id = _get_id_value(report_id)
    report_get = get_report_by_id(db, report_id)
    if not report_get[0]:
        return (False, 'report not found')
    report = report_get[1]

    if user_id:
        user_id = _get_id_value(user_id)

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    properties_set = {
        FIELD_UPDATED: timepoint,
        'proto': False,
    removal_set = None

    if user_id:
        properties_set['on_behalf_id'] = user_id
        removal_set = {'on_behalf_id': ''}

    update_report_set(db, report_id, properties_set, removal_set)

    return (True, {'_id': report_id})
Пример #2
def do_on_behalf_of(db, report_id, user_id=None):
    un/sets report as on behalf of user
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    report_id = _get_id_value(report_id)
    report_get = get_report_by_id(db, report_id)
    if not report_get[0]:
        return (False, 'report not found')
    report = report_get[1]

    if user_id:
        user_id = _get_id_value(user_id)

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    properties_set = {
        FIELD_UPDATED: timepoint,
        'proto': False,
    removal_set = None

    if user_id:
        properties_set['on_behalf_id'] = user_id
        removal_set = {'on_behalf_id': ''}

    update_report_set(db, report_id, properties_set, removal_set)

    return (True, {'_id': report_id})
Пример #3
def get_coverage_info(db, coverage_id):

    coverage_id = _get_id_value(coverage_id)

    coll = db[COLL_COVERAGES]

    if type(coverage_id) is ObjectId:
        return (False, 'old form of coverage info retrieval')
        coverage = coll.find_one({'uuid': coverage_id})

    if not coverage:
        return (False, 'coverage not found')

    base_url = get_conf('reports_url')
    reports_url = base_url.replace(PUBLISHED_REPORTS_PLACEHOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(str(coverage_id)))

    title = ''
    if ('title' in coverage) and coverage['title']:
        title = coverage['title']
    description = ''
    if ('description' in coverage) and coverage['description']:
        description = coverage['description']
    active = False
    if (FIELD_ACTIVE_COVERAGE in coverage) and coverage[FIELD_ACTIVE_COVERAGE]:
        active = coverage[FIELD_ACTIVE_COVERAGE]

    info = {
        'IsLive': active,
        'Title': title,
        'Description': description,
        'PostPublished': {'href': reports_url,},

    return (True, info)
Пример #4
def do_set_active_one(db, coverage_id, set_active):
    de/activate a coverage
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    coverage_id = _get_id_value(coverage_id)
    coverage_get = get_coverage_by_id(db, coverage_id)
    if not coverage_get[0]:
        return (False, 'coverage not found')
    coverage = coverage_get[1]

    if set_active:
        if (FIELD_DECAYED in coverage) and coverage[FIELD_DECAYED]:
            return (False, 'can not activate decayed coverage')

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    if type(coverage_id) is ObjectId:
        sel_part = {'_id': coverage_id}
        sel_part = {'uuid': coverage_id}

    update_coverage_set(db, sel_part, {FIELD_ACTIVE: set_active, '_updated': timepoint})

    return (True, {'_id': coverage_id})
Пример #5
def do_get_session(db, session, offset=None, limit=None):
    returns data of a set of reports saved by the stream
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    session = _get_id_value(session)

    list_spec = {'feed_type': FEED_TYPE, 'session': session}

    coll = db[collection]
    cursor = coll.find(list_spec).sort([('produced', 1)])

    total = cursor.count()

    if limit is None:
        limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT

    if offset:
        cursor = cursor.skip(offset)
    if limit:
        cursor = cursor.limit(limit)

    docs = []
    for entry in cursor:
        if not entry:

    return (True, docs, {'total': total})
Пример #6
def do_get_session(db, session, offset=None, limit=None):
    returns data of a set of reports saved by the stream
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    session = _get_id_value(session)

    list_spec = {'feed_type': FEED_TYPE, 'session': session}

    coll = db[collection]
    cursor = coll.find(list_spec).sort([('produced', 1)])

    total = cursor.count()

    if limit is None:
        limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT

    if offset:
        cursor = cursor.skip(offset)
    if limit:
        cursor = cursor.limit(limit)

    docs = []
    for entry in cursor:
        if not entry:

    return (True, docs, {'total': total})
Пример #7
def get_report_author(db, report_id, author_form):

    coll = db[COLL_REPORTS]

    if author_form not in ['author', 'creator', 'icon']:
        return (False, 'unknown author form')

    report_id = _get_id_value(report_id)
    report = coll.find_one({'_id': report_id})
    if not report:
        return (False, 'respective report not found')

    if 'feed_type' not in report:
        report['feed_type'] = DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE

    feed_type = report['feed_type']

    if feed_type not in OUTPUT_FEED_TYPES:
        return (False, 'unsupported report type')

    author = None

    user = None
    if 'on_behalf_id' in report:
        user_id = report['on_behalf_id']
        user = load_local_user(db, user_id)
    if not user:
        user = None

    if 'sms' == feed_type:
        if 'author' == author_form:
            author = get_sms_report_author(report_id, report, user)
        if 'creator' == author_form:
            author = get_sms_report_creator(report_id, report, user)
        if 'icon' == author_form:
            author = get_sms_report_icon(report_id, report, user)

    if 'tweet' == feed_type:
        if 'author' == author_form:
            author = get_tweet_report_author(report_id, report, user)
        if 'creator' == author_form:
            author = get_tweet_report_creator(report_id, report, user)
        if 'icon' == author_form:
            author = get_tweet_report_icon(report_id, report, user)

    if feed_type in ('plain', 'web_link'):
        if 'author' == author_form:
            author = get_plain_report_author(report_id, report, user)
        if 'creator' == author_form:
            author = get_plain_report_creator(report_id, report, user)
        if 'icon' == author_form:
            author = get_plain_report_icon(report_id, report, user)

    return (True, author)
Пример #8
def do_get_one(db, coverage_id):
    returns data of a single coverage
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    coverage_id = _get_id_value(coverage_id)
    res = get_coverage_by_id(db, coverage_id)

    return res
Пример #9
def do_get_one(db, doc_id):
    returns data of a single sms report
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)
    res = do_get_one_by_id(db, doc_id)

    return res
Пример #10
def do_get_one(db, service_id):
    returns data of a single service
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    service_id = _get_id_value(service_id)
    res = get_service_by_id(db, service_id)

    return res
Пример #11
def load_local_user(db, user_id):

    user_id = _get_id_value(user_id)

    coll = db[COLL_USERS]

    user = coll.find_one({'_id': user_id})
    if not user:
        return None

    return user
Пример #12
def load_local_user(db, user_id):

    user_id = _get_id_value(user_id)

    coll = db[COLL_USERS]

    user = coll.find_one({'_id': user_id})
    if not user:
        return None

    return user
Пример #13
def do_get_one(db, doc_id):
    returns data of a single sms report
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)
    res = do_get_one_by_id(db, doc_id)

    return res
Пример #14
def get_report_author(db, report_id, author_form):

    coll = db[COLL_REPORTS]

    if author_form not in ['author', 'creator', 'icon']:
        return (False, 'unknown author form')

    report_id = _get_id_value(report_id)
    report = coll.find_one({'_id': report_id})
    if not report:
        return (False, 'respective report not found')

    if 'feed_type' not in report:
        report['feed_type'] = DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE

    feed_type = report['feed_type']

    if feed_type not in OUTPUT_FEED_TYPES:
        return (False, 'unsupported report type')

    author = None

    user = None
    if 'on_behalf_id' in report:
        user_id = report['on_behalf_id']
        user = load_local_user(db, user_id)
    if not user:
        user = None

    if 'sms' == feed_type:
        if 'author' == author_form:
            author = get_sms_report_author(report_id, report, user)
        if 'creator' == author_form:
            author = get_sms_report_creator(report_id, report, user)
        if 'icon' == author_form:
            author = get_sms_report_icon(report_id, report, user)

    if 'tweet' == feed_type:
        if 'author' == author_form:
            author = get_tweet_report_author(report_id, report, user)
        if 'creator' == author_form:
            author = get_tweet_report_creator(report_id, report, user)
        if 'icon' == author_form:
            author = get_tweet_report_icon(report_id, report, user)

    if feed_type in ('plain', 'web_link'):
        if 'author' == author_form:
            author = get_plain_report_author(report_id, report, user)
        if 'creator' == author_form:
            author = get_plain_report_creator(report_id, report, user)
        if 'icon' == author_form:
            author = get_plain_report_icon(report_id, report, user)

    return (True, author)
Пример #15
def do_get_one(db, service_id):
    returns data of a single service
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    service_id = _get_id_value(service_id)
    res = get_service_by_id(db, service_id)

    return res
Пример #16
def do_insert_one(db, coverage_data):
    creates a coverage
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    uuid_value = None
    if ('uuid' in coverage_data) and coverage_data['uuid']:
            uuid_value = str(uuid.UUID(str(coverage_data['uuid'])).hex)
            uuid_value = None

    coverage_set = None
    if uuid_value:
        coverage_get = get_coverage_by_uuid(db, uuid_value)
        if coverage_get[0]:
            coverage_set = coverage_get[1]
    if not coverage_set:
        coverage_set = {}

    if uuid_value:
        coverage_set['uuid'] = uuid_value
        coverage_set['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)

        coverage_set['title'] = str(coverage_data['title'])
        coverage_set['description'] = str(coverage_data['description'])
        coverage_set['user_id'] = _get_id_value(coverage_data['user_id'])
        coverage_set[FIELD_ACTIVE] = False
        coverage_set[FIELD_DECAYED] = False
        coverage_set['_created'] = timepoint
        coverage_set['_updated'] = timepoint
        #coverage_set['_etag'] = _get_etag()
        return (False, 'can not setup the coverage')

    if ('active' in coverage_data) and (coverage_data['active']):
        coverage_set[FIELD_ACTIVE] = True

    coll = db[collection]

        coverage_id = coll.save(coverage_set)
        return (False, 'can not save the coverage data')

    return (True, {'_id': coverage_id})
Пример #17
def do_delete_one(db, doc_id):
    deletes data of a single oauth info
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    coll = db[collection]

    coll.remove({'_id': doc_id})

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
Пример #18
def get_one(db, doc_id):
    returns data of a single oauth info
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    coll = db[collection]
    doc = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})

    if not doc:
        return (False, 'oauth info not found')

    return (True, doc)
Пример #19
def get_one(db, doc_id):
    returns data of a single filter info
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    coll = db[collection]
    doc = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})

    if not doc:
        return (False, 'filter info not found')

    return (True, doc)
Пример #20
def do_get_one(db, doc_id):
    returns data of a single stream info
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    coll = db[collection]
    doc = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})

    if not doc:
        return (False, 'stream info not found')

    might_run = True
    if ('control' not in doc) or (type(doc['control']) is not dict):
        might_run = False

    if might_run:
        for key in schema['control']:
            if (key not in doc['control']) or (not doc['control'][key]):
                might_run = False

    if might_run:
        connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(doc['control']['streamer_url'])
        res = connector.request_status(doc['control']['process_id'])
        # let None here when can not check that it runs
        if res is not None:
            doc['control']['switch_on'] = True if res else False
            doc['control']['switch_on'] = None
        if res is False:
            # update info in db when we know it has been stopped
            timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            update_set = {'control.switch_on': False, 'control.process_id': None, 'logs.stopped': timepoint}
            coll.update({'_id': doc_id}, {'$set': update_set}, upsert=False)

    if ('spec' not in doc) or (type(doc['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, 'wrong stream info (spec) in db')
    if ('control' not in doc) or (type(doc['control']) is not dict):
        return (False, 'wrong stream info (control) in db')

    return (True, doc)
Пример #21
def do_delete_one(db, service_id):
    remove one service
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    service_id = _get_id_value(service_id)
    service_get = get_service_by_id(db, service_id)
    if not service_get[0]:
        return (False, 'service not found')
    service = service_get[1]

    coll = db[collection]
    cursor = coll.remove({'_id': service_id})

    return (True, {'_id': service_id})
Пример #22
def do_delete_one(db, service_id):
    remove one service
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    service_id = _get_id_value(service_id)
    service_get = get_service_by_id(db, service_id)
    if not service_get[0]:
        return (False, 'service not found')
    service = service_get[1]

    coll = db[collection]
    cursor = coll.remove({'_id': service_id})

    return (True, {'_id': service_id})
Пример #23
def do_set_active_one(db, service_id, set_active):
    de/activate a service
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    service_id = _get_id_value(service_id)
    service_get = get_service_by_id(db, service_id)
    if not service_get[0]:
        return (False, 'service not found')
    service = service_get[1]

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    update_service_set(db, service_id, {FIELD_ACTIVE: set_active, '_updated': timepoint})

    return (True, {'_id': service_id})
Пример #24
def do_get_one(db, doc_id):
    returns data of a single stream control
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)
    spec_field = 'report_id'
    if type(doc_id) is ObjectId:
        spec_field = '_id'

    coll = db[collection]
    doc = coll.find_one({'feed_type': FEED_TYPE, spec_field: doc_id})

    if not doc:
        return (False, 'report not found')

    return (True, doc)
Пример #25
def do_get_one(db, doc_id):
    returns data of a single stream control
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)
    spec_field = 'report_id'
    if type(doc_id) is ObjectId:
        spec_field = '_id'

    coll = db[collection]
    doc = coll.find_one({'feed_type': FEED_TYPE, spec_field: doc_id})

    if not doc:
        return (False, 'report not found')

    return (True, doc)
Пример #26
def extract_annotation_status(db, report):
    # taking annotation from status

    is_summary = False
    if (FIELD_SUMMARY_REPORT in report) and (report[FIELD_SUMMARY_REPORT]
                                             is not None):
        is_summary = _get_boolean(report[FIELD_SUMMARY_REPORT])

    status_desc = None
    status_filled = False
    if (FIELD_STATUS_REPORT in report) and (report[FIELD_STATUS_REPORT]):
        status_filled = True
        status_ident = _get_id_value(report[FIELD_STATUS_REPORT])
        if type(status_ident) is ObjectId:
            status_desc = take_status_desc_by_id(db, status_ident)
            status_desc = take_status_desc_by_key(db, status_ident)

    if not status_filled:
                in report) and (report[FIELD_STATUS_VERIFIED_REPORT]
                                is not None):
            verified_flag = _get_boolean(report[FIELD_STATUS_VERIFIED_REPORT])
            if verified_flag:
                status_desc = take_status_desc_by_key(db, STATUS_VERIFIED_KEY)

    is_assigned = False
    if status_desc is None:
        if (FIELD_ASSIGNED_REPORT in report) and (type(
                report[FIELD_ASSIGNED_REPORT]) in (list, tuple)):
            for item in report[FIELD_ASSIGNED_REPORT]:
                if item is not None:
                    is_assigned = True
        if is_assigned:
            status_desc = take_status_desc_by_key(db, STATUS_ASSIGNED_KEY)

    if (status_desc is None) and (not is_assigned) and (not is_summary):
        status_desc = take_status_desc_by_key(db, STATUS_NEW_KEY)

    if not status_desc:
        status_desc = None
    return status_desc
Пример #27
def do_unpublish_one(db, coverage_id):
    unpublish all reports from a coverage
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    coverage_id = _get_id_value(coverage_id)
    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    update_set = {
        FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT: timepoint,
        #'_etag': _get_etag(),
    excise_set = {FIELD_COVERAGES_PUBLISHED: [coverage_id]}

    coll = db[collection_reports]
    coll.update({FIELD_COVERAGES_PUBLISHED: coverage_id}, {'$pullAll': excise_set, '$set': update_set}, multi=True, upsert=False)

    return (True, {'_id': coverage_id})
Пример #28
def do_patch_one(db, doc_id=None, data=None):
    sets the "proto" field value
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if data is None:
        return (False, 'data not provided')

    if doc_id is not None:
        doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    if type(data) is not dict:
        return (False, 'data should be a dict')
    if ('proto' not in data) or (data['proto'] is None):
        return (False, 'data should contain a "proto" field')

        proto = bool(_get_boolean(data['proto']))
        return (False, 'the "proto" field has to be a boolean value')

    res = do_get_one(db, doc_id)
    if not res[0]:
        return res

    coll = db[collection]

    spec_field = 'report_id'
    if type(doc_id) is ObjectId:
        spec_field = '_id'

    update_set = {}
    update_set['proto'] = proto
    update_set[FIELD_UPDATED] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    #update_set['_etag'] = _get_etag()

    coll.update({'feed_type': FEED_TYPE, spec_field: doc_id}, {'$set': update_set}, upsert=False)

    return (True, {'report_id': doc_id})
Пример #29
def do_set_active_one(db, service_id, set_active):
    de/activate a service
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    service_id = _get_id_value(service_id)
    service_get = get_service_by_id(db, service_id)
    if not service_get[0]:
        return (False, 'service not found')
    service = service_get[1]

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    update_service_set(db, service_id, {
        FIELD_ACTIVE: set_active,
        '_updated': timepoint

    return (True, {'_id': service_id})
Пример #30
def extract_annotation_status(db, report):
    # taking annotation from status

    is_summary = False
    if (FIELD_SUMMARY_REPORT in report) and (report[FIELD_SUMMARY_REPORT] is not None):
        is_summary = _get_boolean(report[FIELD_SUMMARY_REPORT])

    status_desc = None
    status_filled = False
    if (FIELD_STATUS_REPORT in report) and (report[FIELD_STATUS_REPORT]):
        status_filled = True
        status_ident = _get_id_value(report[FIELD_STATUS_REPORT])
        if type(status_ident) is ObjectId:
            status_desc = take_status_desc_by_id(db, status_ident)
            status_desc = take_status_desc_by_key(db, status_ident)

    if not status_filled:
        if (FIELD_STATUS_VERIFIED_REPORT in report) and (report[FIELD_STATUS_VERIFIED_REPORT] is not None):
            verified_flag = _get_boolean(report[FIELD_STATUS_VERIFIED_REPORT])
            if verified_flag:
                status_desc = take_status_desc_by_key(db, STATUS_VERIFIED_KEY)

    is_assigned = False
    if status_desc is None:
        if (FIELD_ASSIGNED_REPORT in report) and (type(report[FIELD_ASSIGNED_REPORT]) in (list, tuple)):
            for item in report[FIELD_ASSIGNED_REPORT]:
                if item is not None:
                    is_assigned = True
        if is_assigned:
            status_desc = take_status_desc_by_key(db, STATUS_ASSIGNED_KEY)

    if (status_desc is None) and (not is_assigned) and (not is_summary):
        status_desc = take_status_desc_by_key(db, STATUS_NEW_KEY)

    if not status_desc:
        status_desc = None
    return status_desc
Пример #31
def get_coverage_info(db, coverage_id):

    coverage_id = _get_id_value(coverage_id)

    coll = db[COLL_COVERAGES]

    if type(coverage_id) is ObjectId:
        return (False, 'old form of coverage info retrieval')
        coverage = coll.find_one({'uuid': coverage_id})

    if not coverage:
        return (False, 'coverage not found')

    base_url = get_conf('reports_url')
    reports_url = base_url.replace(PUBLISHED_REPORTS_PLACEHOLDER,

    title = ''
    if ('title' in coverage) and coverage['title']:
        title = coverage['title']
    description = ''
    if ('description' in coverage) and coverage['description']:
        description = coverage['description']
    active = False
    if (FIELD_ACTIVE_COVERAGE in coverage) and coverage[FIELD_ACTIVE_COVERAGE]:
        active = coverage[FIELD_ACTIVE_COVERAGE]

    info = {
        'IsLive': active,
        'Title': title,
        'Description': description,
        'PostPublished': {
            'href': reports_url,

    return (True, info)
Пример #32
def do_get_one(db, alias_type, alias_value):
    returns data of a single citizen alias
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    res = None

    if 'alias_id' == alias_type:
        alias_value = _get_id_value(alias_value)
        res = get_one_by_id(db, alias_value)

    if 'phone_number' == alias_type:
            phone_number = str(alias_value)
            return (False, 'wrong phone number form')
        res = get_one_by_phone_number(db, phone_number)

    if not res:
        return (False, 'unknown form of citizen alias')

    return res
Пример #33
def do_get_one(db, alias_type, alias_value):
    returns data of a single citizen alias
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    res = None

    if 'alias_id' == alias_type:
        alias_value = _get_id_value(alias_value)
        res = get_one_by_id(db, alias_value)

    if 'phone_number' == alias_type:
            phone_number = str(alias_value)
            return (False, 'wrong phone number form')
        res = get_one_by_phone_number(db, phone_number)

    if not res:
        return (False, 'unknown form of citizen alias')

    return res
Пример #34
def do_delete_one(db, doc_id):
    deletes data of a single stream info
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    coll = db[collection]

    doc = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})
    if not doc:
        return (False, 'requested stream not found')

    might_run = True
    if ('control' not in doc) or (type(doc['control']) is not dict):
        might_run = False

    if might_run:
        for key in schema['control']:
            if (key not in doc['control']) or (not doc['control'][key]):
                might_run = False

    if might_run:
        connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(doc['control']['streamer_url'])
        res = connector.request_stop(doc['control']['process_id'])
        if not res:
            return (False, 'can not stop the stream')

    coll.remove({'_id': doc_id})

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
Пример #35
def do_post(holder, tweet_id, tweet, channel_type, endpoint, request_id, feed_filter, client_ip):
        endpoint_id = endpoint['endpoint_id']
        return (False, 'endpoint[endpoint_id] not provided',)

    endpoint_id = _get_id_value(endpoint_id)
    request_id = _get_id_value(request_id)

    feed_type = get_conf('feed_type')

    # check if the tweet is a new tweet, already saved tweet, a retweet, or a retweet on an already saved tweet

    # for a retweet, set endorsers (and may be comments if a new one)
    retweeted_report = None
    retweeted_id = None
    retweeted_tweet = None
        current_sub = tweet
        while ('retweeted_status' in current_sub) and current_sub['retweeted_status']:
            current_sub = current_sub['retweeted_status']
            retweeted_tweet = current_sub
            retweeted_id = retweeted_tweet['id_str']
        retweeted_id = None
        retweeted_tweet = None

    # we need to have endorsers extracted early for extracting the reasons
    report_endorsers = []
    if retweeted_id:
            endorser_ids = [{'type':'user_id', 'value':tweet['user']['id_str']}, {'type':'user_name', 'value':tweet['user']['screen_name']}]
            report_endorsers = [{'authority': 'twitter', 'identifiers': endorser_ids}]
            return (False, 'can not create endorsers',)

    # if tweet already saved, add channels part
    main_report_id = gen_id(feed_type, (retweeted_id if retweeted_id else tweet_id))
    tweet_report = get_tweet(main_report_id)

    if tweet_report:
        main_report_id = tweet_report['report_id']
        one_channel = {'type': channel_type, 'value': endpoint_id, 'request': request_id, 'filter': feed_filter, 'reasons': {}}

            expanded_text = _get_expanded_text(tweet_report['original'])

            reasons = {}
            if 'stream' == channel_type:
                reasons = find_stream_reason(feed_filter, expanded_text, tweet_report['authors'], report_endorsers, tweet_report['recipients'])
            if 'search' == channel_type:
                reasons = find_search_reason(feed_filter, expanded_text, tweet_report['authors'], report_endorsers, tweet_report['recipients'])
            one_channel['reasons'] = reasons
        except Exception as exc:
            sys.stderr.write(str(exc) + '\n')
            return (False, 'can extract the reasons')

        holder.add_channels(feed_type, main_report_id, [one_channel])

        # for a retweet, set endorsers for the original tweet
        if retweeted_id:
                holder.add_endorsers(feed_type, main_report_id, report_endorsers)
                return (False, 'can not add endorsers',)

        main_tweet_id = retweeted_id if retweeted_id else tweet_id
        main_tweet = retweeted_tweet if retweeted_tweet else tweet
        res = process_new_tweet(holder, main_tweet_id, main_tweet, channel_type, endpoint_id, request_id, feed_filter, report_endorsers, client_ip)
        if not res[0]:
            return (False, res[1])

    return (True,)
Пример #36
def do_post_reply(db, sms_gateway_api, sms_gateway_url, sms_gateway_key, message, report_id, user_id, language, sensitive, client_ip):
        controller = importlib.import_module('citizendesk.feeds.sms.external.' + sms_gateway_api)
        controller = None

    if not controller:
        return (False, 'no sms gateway controller available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'no database available')

    if not sms_gateway_url:
        return (False, 'no sms gateway url configured')
    if not sms_gateway_key:
        return (False, 'no sms gateway key configured')

    if not message:
        return (False, 'no message provided')
    if not report_id:
        return (False, 'report_id not provided')

    from citizendesk.feeds.sms.report.storage import do_get_one_by_id as get_one_report_by_id
    from citizendesk.feeds.sms.citizen_alias.storage import get_one_by_id as get_one_citizen_alias_by_id
    from citizendesk.feeds.sms.citizen_alias.storage import get_one_by_phone_number as get_one_citizen_alias_by_phone_number

    report_id = _get_id_value(report_id)
    report_res = get_one_report_by_id(db, report_id)
    if not report_res[0]:
        return (False, 'report of given id not found')
    report_source = report_res[1]

    was_sent = False
    was_received = False

    channel_type = get_conf('channel_type')
    channel_value_send = get_conf('channel_value_send')
    channel_value_receive = get_conf('channel_value_receive')
    alias_doctype = get_conf('alias_doctype')
    authority = get_conf('authority')

    if type(report_source) is not dict:
        return (False, 'wrong structure of report')
    if ('channels' in report_source) and (type(report_source['channels']) in (list, tuple)):
        for one_channel in report_source['channels']:
            if (type(one_channel) is dict) and ('type' in one_channel) and ('value' in one_channel):
                if one_channel['type'] != channel_type:
                if one_channel['value'] == channel_value_send:
                    was_sent = True
                if one_channel['value'] == channel_value_receive:
                    was_received = True

    if (not was_sent) and (not was_received):
        return (False, 'unknown form of report')

    citizen_aliases = []

    if was_sent and ('targets' in report_source) and (type(report_source['targets']) in (list, tuple)):
        for one_target in report_source['targets']:
            if (type(one_target) is dict) and ('type' in one_target) and ('value' in one_target):
                if one_target['type'] == alias_doctype:
                    one_target_value = _get_id_value(one_target['value'])
                    one_citizen_alias_res = get_one_citizen_alias_by_id(db, one_target_value)
                    if one_citizen_alias_res[0]:

    if was_received and ('authors' in report_source) and (type(report_source['authors']) in (list, tuple)):
        for one_author in report_source['authors']:
            one_phone_number = _get_phone_number(one_author)
            if not one_phone_number:
            one_citizen_alias_res = get_one_citizen_alias_by_phone_number(db, one_phone_number)
            if one_citizen_alias_res[0]:

    if not citizen_aliases:
        return (False, 'not target suitable citizen alias found')

    use_targets = []
    use_recipients = []
    use_phone_numbers = []

    for one_citizen_alias in citizen_aliases:
        if (type(one_citizen_alias) is not dict):
        if ('_id' not in one_citizen_alias) or (not one_citizen_alias['_id']):
        one_target = {'type': alias_doctype, 'value': one_citizen_alias['_id']}

        if ('identifiers' not in one_citizen_alias) or (not one_citizen_alias['identifiers']):
        one_recipient = {'authority': authority, 'identifiers': one_citizen_alias['identifiers']}

        one_phone_number = _get_phone_number(one_citizen_alias)
        if not one_phone_number:


    if not use_targets:
        return (False, 'no valid recipient found')

    # putting all the recipients into a single report; and thus using its session for next communication with all the recipients
        report = _prepare_sms_reply_report(report_source, use_targets, use_recipients, message, user_id, language, sensitive, client_ip)
        report = None
    if not report:
        return (False, 'report could not be prepared')

    # we either save the report before sms sending, and deleting it if sending fails,
    # or we first send sms, and if success on it, we save the report then;
    # thus either transiently having a false report, or a possibility of not having the report
    # on sent sms if the report saving fails at the end (should not hopefully though)

    doc_id = report_holder.save_report(report)
    if not doc_id:
        return (False, 'report could not be saved')

    connector = controller.SMSConnector(sms_gateway_url, sms_gateway_key)
    res = connector.send_sms(message, {'phone_numbers': use_phone_numbers})
    if not res[0]:
        return (False, 'message could not be sent', res[1])

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
Пример #37
def prepare_sms_send_report(targets,
    ''' preparing an sms-based report when the sms is sent not as a reply, i.e. starting a new session for it '''

    channel_type = get_conf('channel_type')
    channel_value = get_conf('channel_value_send')
    feed_type = get_conf('feed_type')

    if user_id:
        user_id = _get_id_value(user_id)

    channel = {
        'type': channel_type,
        'value': channel_value,
        'filter': None,
        'reasons': None,
        'request': None

    current_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    doc = {
        gen_id(feed_type, channel_type, channel_value,
               current_timestamp),  # to generate the report_id
        'channels': [channel],
        'authors': [],  # no citizen here
        'endorsers': [],  # no citizen here
        None,  # not a reply here
        user_id,  # who requested the sending, if not automatic
        'assignments': [],
        'original': {
            'message': message
        'texts': [{
            'original': message,
            'transcript': None
        'tags': [],  # we shall extract possible #tags, alike at sms receiving
        targets,  # alias_ids and/or group_ids for replies, on sent reports
        client_ip  # for logging

    if sensitive is not None:
        doc['sensitive'] = _get_boolean(sensitive)

    doc['session'] = doc['report_id']

    doc['tags'] = _extract_tags(message)

    return doc
Пример #38
def do_publish_one(db, report_id, coverage_id=None):
    sets report as published in a coverage; the coverage_id can be either _id or uuid
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    report_id = _get_id_value(report_id)
    report_get = get_report_by_id(db, report_id)
    if not report_get[0]:
        return (False, 'report not found')
    report = report_get[1]

    if 'coverages' not in report:
        coverages = {}
        for cov_set in COVERAGE_SETS:
            coverages[cov_set] = []
        update_report_set(db, report_id, {'coverages': coverages})
        report['coverages'] = coverages

    coverages = report['coverages']
    if type(coverages) is not dict:
        return (False, 'report coverages not a dict')

    for cov_set in COVERAGE_SETS:
        if (cov_set not in coverages) or (type(coverages[cov_set])
                                          is not list):
            return (False, 'report coverage parts missing or wrong')

    to_publish = coverages['targeting']

    if coverage_id:
        coverage_uuid = None

        coverage_id = _get_id_value(coverage_id)
        if type(coverage_id) is ObjectId:
            coverage_get = get_coverage_by_id(db, coverage_id)
            coverage_uuid = coverage_id
            coverage_get = get_coverage_by_uuid(db, coverage_uuid)
        if not coverage_get[0]:
            return (False, 'coverage not found')

        if not coverage_uuid:
            # here we know the coverage_id was _id of an existent coverage
            coverage_got = coverage_get[1]
            if ('uuid' in coverage_got) and coverage_got['uuid']:
                coverage_uuid = coverage_got['uuid']
                coverage_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
                update_coverage_set({'_id': coverage_id},
                                    {'uuid': coverage_uuid})

        to_publish = [coverage_uuid]

    cov_published = coverages['published']
    cov_outgested = coverages['outgested']

    set_published = False
    set_outgested = False

    if not to_publish:
        return (False, 'no coverage to be published in')

    for one_cov in to_publish:
        if one_cov not in cov_published:
            set_published = True
        if one_cov not in cov_outgested:
            set_outgested = True

    if set_published:
        update_report_set(db, report_id,
                          {'coverages.published': cov_published})
    if set_outgested:
        update_report_set(db, report_id,
                          {'coverages.outgested': cov_outgested})

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    adjective_set = {
        FIELD_UPDATED: timepoint,
        'proto': False,
    if FIELD_UUID not in report:
        adjective_set[FIELD_UUID] = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
    update_report_set(db, report_id, adjective_set)

    return (True, {'_id': report_id})
Пример #39
def do_unpublish_one(db, report_id, coverage_id=None):
    sets report as unpublished in a coverage; the coverage_id can be either _id or uuid
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    report_id = _get_id_value(report_id)
    report_get = get_report_by_id(db, report_id)
    if not report_get[0]:
        return (False, 'report not found')
    report = report_get[1]

    if 'coverages' not in report:
        coverages = {}
        for cov_set in COVERAGE_SETS:
            coverages[cov_set] = []
        update_report_set(db, report_id, {'coverages': coverages})
        report['coverages'] = coverages

    coverages = report['coverages']
    if type(coverages) is not dict:
        return (False, 'report coverages not a dict')

    if ('published' not in coverages) or (type(coverages['published'])
                                          is not list):
        return (False, 'published coverages missing or wrong in report')

    cov_published = []

    if coverage_id:
        coverage_uuid = None

        coverage_id = _get_id_value(coverage_id)
        if type(coverage_id) is ObjectId:
            coverage_get = get_coverage_by_id(db, coverage_id)
            if coverage_get[0] and (
                    'uuid' in coverage_get[1]) and coverage_get[1]['uuid']:
                coverage_uuid = coverage_get[1]['uuid']
            coverage_uuid = coverage_id

        curr_specifiers = [coverage_id]
        if coverage_uuid:

        was_published = False
        for one_spec in curr_specifiers:
            if (coverage_id in coverages['published']):
                was_published = True
        if not was_published:
            return (False, 'not published into the coverage')

        for one_cov in coverages['published']:
            if one_cov and (one_cov != coverage_id) and (one_cov !=

    update_report_set(db, report_id, {'coverages.published': cov_published})

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    adjective_set = {
        FIELD_UPDATED: timepoint,
        'proto': False,
    update_report_set(db, report_id, adjective_set)

    return (True, {'_id': report_id})
Пример #40
def do_post_one(db, doc_id=None, data=None):
    sets data of a single oauth info
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if data is None:
        return (False, 'data not provided')

    if ('spec' not in data) or (type(data['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"spec" part not provided')
    spec = data['spec']

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

    coll = db[collection]

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    created = timepoint
    updated = timepoint

    if doc_id is not None:
        entry = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})
        if not entry:
            return (False, '"oauth" of the provided _id not found')
            if ('_created' in entry) and entry['_created']:
                created = entry['_created']
            created = timepoint

    doc = {
        '_created': created,
        '_updated': updated,
        'spec': {}

    for key in schema['spec']:
        doc['spec'][key] = None
        if key in spec:
            doc['spec'][key] = spec[key]

    res = _check_schema(doc['spec'])
    if not res[0]:
        return res

    if not doc_id:
            if USE_SEQUENCES:
                entry = db['counters'].find_and_modify(query={'_id': collection}, update={'$inc': {'next':1}}, new=True, upsert=True, full_response=False)
                doc_id = entry['next']
                doc_id = ObjectId()
            return (False, 'can not create document id')

    doc['_id'] = doc_id

    doc_id = coll.save(doc)

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
Пример #41
def do_get_list(db, endpoint_type, endpoint_id, proto=None, offset=None, limit=None, sort=None, other=None):
    returns data of a set of reports saved by a stream or a search
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    endpoint_id = _get_id_value(endpoint_id)

    list_spec = {'feed_type': FEED_TYPE, 'channels': {'$elemMatch': {'type': endpoint_type, 'value': endpoint_id}}}
    if proto is not None:
            proto = bool(_get_boolean(proto))
            return (False, 'the "proto" specifier has to be a boolean value')
        list_spec['proto'] = proto

    sort_list = _get_sort(sort)
    if not sort_list:
        sort_list = [('produced', 1)]

    text_only = False
    if other and ('text_only' in other) and other['text_only']:
            text_only = bool(_get_boolean(other['text_only']))
            text_only = False

    coll = db[collection]
    cursor = coll.find(list_spec).sort(sort_list)

    total = cursor.count()

    if limit is None:
        limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT

    if offset:
        cursor = cursor.skip(offset)
    if limit:
        cursor = cursor.limit(limit)

    docs = []
    for entry in cursor:
        if not entry:
        if not text_only:
            if (not 'texts' in entry):
            if (not entry['texts']):
            if (type(entry['texts']) not in [list]):
            for one_text in entry['texts']:
                source = None
                if ('sources' in entry) and (type(entry['sources']) is list):
                    if len(entry['sources']) and (entry['sources'][0]):
                        source = entry['sources'][0]
                if source:
                    if (type(one_text) is dict):
                        one_text['source'] = source

    return (True, docs, {'total': total})
Пример #42
def do_patch_one(db, doc_id=None, data=None, force=None):
    starts/stops the stream
        from citizendesk.feeds.twt.filter.storage import get_one as filter_get_one
        return (False, 'filter processor not available')
        from citizendesk.feeds.twt.oauth.storage import get_one as oauth_get_one
        return (False, 'oauth processor not available')

    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if data is None:
        return (False, 'data not provided')
    if type(data) is not dict:
        return (False, 'invalid data provided')

    if ('control' not in data) or (type(data['control']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"control" part not provided')

    if doc_id is None:
        return (False, 'stream _id not provided')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)

        force_val = bool(_get_boolean(force))
        force_val = None

    coll = db[collection]

    entry = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})
    if not entry:
        return (False, '"stream" of the provided _id not found: ' + str(doc_id))
    if ('spec' not in entry) or (type(entry['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"stream" of the provided _id does not contain "spec" part')

    doc = {'control': {}}
    for key in schema['control']:
        doc['control'][key] = None
        if key in data['control']:
            doc['control'][key] = data['control'][key]

    res = _check_schema(None, doc['control'])
    if not res[0]:
        return res

    should_run = False
    if doc['control']['switch_on']:
        if not doc['control']['streamer_url']:
            return (False, 'can not start the stream without the "streamer_url" being set')
            should_run = True

    filter_id = None
    oauth_id = None
    if should_run:
        if ('spec' in entry) and (type(entry['spec']) is dict):
            if 'filter_id' in entry['spec']:
                filter_id = entry['spec']['filter_id']
            if 'oauth_id' in entry['spec']:
                oauth_id = entry['spec']['oauth_id']

        if (not filter_id) or (not oauth_id):
            return (False, 'Can not start the stream without assigned filter_id and oauth_id')

    new_stream_url = None
    connector = None
    if should_run:
        new_stream_url = doc['control']['streamer_url']
        connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(new_stream_url)

    # load the supplemental data
    filter_info = None
    oauth_info = None
    if should_run:
        res = filter_get_one(db, filter_id)
        if not res[0]:
            return (False, 'filter info with _id equal to "spec.filter_id" not found')
        filter_info = res[1]
        if ('spec' not in filter_info) or (type(filter_info['spec']) is not dict):
            return (False, 'set filter without "spec" part')

        res = oauth_get_one(db, oauth_id)
        if not res[0]:
            return (False, 'oauth info with _id equal to "spec.oauth_id" not found')
        oauth_info = res[1]
        if ('spec' not in oauth_info) or (type(oauth_info['spec']) is not dict):
            return (False, 'set oauth without "spec" part')

    filter_spec = {}
    filter_spec_original = {}
    if should_run and filter_info and filter_info['spec']:
            prep_res = _prepare_filter(db, connector, filter_info['spec'])
            if not prep_res[0]:
                return (False, prep_res[1])
            filter_spec = prep_res[1]
            filter_spec_original = prep_res[2]
        except Exception as exc:
            return (False, 'can not prepare filter params: ' + str(exc))
        if not filter_spec:
            return (False, 'no filter spec was prepared')
        if not filter_spec_original:
            return (False, 'no filter spec original was prepared')

    # check if the oauth_id is not used by any other running feed
    if should_run:
        running_count = coll.find({'spec.oauth_id': oauth_id, 'control.switch_on': True, '_id': {'$ne': doc_id}}).count()
        if running_count:
            return (False, 'the "oauth_id" is already used at a running stream')

    # stop first in any case, since filter/oauth specs might have changed
    might_run = True
    if not entry:
        might_run = False

    if might_run:
        if ('control' not in entry) or (type(entry['control']) is not dict):
            might_run = False

    if might_run:
        for key in schema['control']:
            if (key not in entry['control']) or (not entry['control'][key]):
                might_run = False

    if might_run:
        cur_stream_url = entry['control']['streamer_url']
        connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(cur_stream_url)
        res = connector.request_stop(entry['control']['process_id'])
        if (not res) and (not force_val):
            return (False, 'can not stop the stream')
        # update info in db when we know it has been stopped
        timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        update_set = {'control.switch_on': False, 'control.process_id': None, 'logs.stopped': timepoint}
        coll.update({'_id': doc_id}, {'$set': update_set}, upsert=False)

    if should_run:
        res = connector.request_start(str(doc_id), oauth_info['spec'], filter_spec, filter_spec_original)
        if not res:
            return (False, 'can not start the stream')
            proc_id = int(res)
            proc_id = res

        # update info in db when we know it has been started
        timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        update_set = {'control.switch_on': True, 'control.process_id': proc_id, 'control.streamer_url': new_stream_url, 'logs.started': timepoint}
        coll.update({'_id': doc_id}, {'$set': update_set}, upsert=False)

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
Пример #43
def do_post_one(db, alias_id, alias_spec, user_id):
    sets a basic info on phone_number-based citizen alias
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if type(alias_spec) is not dict:
        return (False, 'citizen specification should be a dict')
    if 'phone_number' not in alias_spec:
        return (False, 'phone number specification not provided')
    use_phone_number = alias_spec['phone_number']
        use_phone_number = str(use_phone_number)
        return (False, 'wrong specification of phone number')
    if not use_phone_number:
        return (False, 'empty phone number specification')

    user_id = _get_id_value(user_id)

    if not alias_id:
        search_res = get_one_by_phone_number(db, use_phone_number)
        if search_res[0]:
            return (False, 'active citizen alias with given phone number already exists', search_res[1]['_id'])

    alias_doc = None
    if alias_id:
        alias_id = _get_id_value(alias_id)
        alias_doc = get_one_by_id(db, alias_id)
        if not alias_doc:
            return (False, 'citizen alias of provided id not found')

    spec_keys = {
        'description': [str, unicode],
        'name_first': [str, unicode],
        'name_last': [str, unicode],
        'name_full': [str, unicode],
        'languages': [list, tuple],
        'places': [list, tuple],
        'home_pages': [list, tuple],
        'verified': [bool]

    use_identifiers = _create_phone_number_identities(use_phone_number)

    if not alias_doc:
        alias_use = {
            'authority': AUTHORITY,
            'identifiers': use_identifiers,
            'verified': False,
            'local': True,
            'created_by': user_id

        for key in spec_keys:
            if (key in alias_spec) and (type(alias_spec[key]) in spec_keys[key]):
                alias_use[key] = alias_spec[key]

        alias_id = citizen_holder.save_alias(alias_use)

        if not alias_id:
            return (False, 'can not save the citizen alias')

        alias_use = {}
        alias_use['identifiers'] = use_identifiers
        alias_use['updated_by'] = user_id
        alias_use['local'] = True

        for key in spec_keys:
            if (key in alias_spec) and (type(alias_spec[key]) in spec_keys[key]):
                alias_use[key] = alias_spec[key]

        #alias_use['_etag'] = _get_etag()

        coll = db[collection]
        alias_id = coll.update({'_id': alias_doc['_id']}, {'$set': alias_use}, upsert=False)

        if not alias_id:
            return (False, 'can not update the citizen alias')

    return (True, {'_id': alias_id})
Пример #44
def get_coverage_published_report_list(db, coverage_id, cid_last):
    SMS: original/transcribed text, can have two comments
    both creator and author are sms-based user/citizen, of smsblog source type (source name is name of sms feed)

    tweet: the original tweet (with some predefined adjusting), without any (other) changes, can have two comments
    creator is a local user, author is just the twitter source

    plain: a text

    link: a web link

    other: ignoring by now
        coverage_id = _get_id_value(coverage_id)

    res_none = {
        'total': 0,
        'limit': 0,
        'offset': 0,
        'PostList': []

    coll = db[COLL_COVERAGES]

    if type(coverage_id) is ObjectId:
        return (False, 'old form of coverage reports retrieval')
        coverage = coll.find_one({'uuid': coverage_id})

    if not coverage:
        return (False, 'coverage not found')
    if (FIELD_ACTIVE_COVERAGE not in coverage) or (not coverage[FIELD_ACTIVE_COVERAGE]):
        return (True, res_none)

    author_url_template = get_conf('author_url')
    creator_url_template = get_conf('creator_url')

    coll = db[COLL_REPORTS]

    reports = []

    put_up_border = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)

    search_spec = {
        'coverages.outgested': {'$in': [coverage_id, coverage['_id']]},
        FIELD_DECAYED_REPORT: {'$ne': True},
    if cid_last:
        update_last = update_from_cid(cid_last)
        search_spec[FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT] = {'$gt': update_last}
        put_up_border = update_last
        search_spec[FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT] = {'$exists': True}

    # probably some adjusted dealing with: local, summary, unpublished/deleted reports
    cursor = coll.find(search_spec).sort([(FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT, 1)])
    for entry in cursor:
        if 'feed_type' not in entry:
            entry['feed_type'] = DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE

        with_fields = True
        for key in [FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT, FIELD_UUID_REPORT, 'feed_type', 'texts', 'coverages']:
            if (key not in entry) or (not entry[key]):
                with_fields = False
        if not with_fields:
        if type(entry['coverages']) is not dict:
        if ('published' not in entry['coverages']):
        if type(entry['coverages']['published']) not in (list, tuple):

        feed_type = entry['feed_type']

        if feed_type not in OUTPUT_FEED_TYPES:

        content = None
        meta = None
        post_type_key = 'normal'

        if 'sms' == feed_type:
            adapted = adapt_sms_report(db, entry)
            content = adapted['content']
            meta = adapted['meta']

        if 'tweet' == feed_type:
            adapted = adapt_tweet_report(db, entry)
            content = adapted['content']
            meta = adapted['meta']

        if 'plain' == feed_type:
            adapted = adapt_plain_report(db, entry)
            content = adapted['content']
            meta = adapted['meta']

        if 'web_link' == feed_type:
            adapted = adapt_link_report(db, entry)
            content = adapted['content']
            meta = adapted['meta']
            post_type_key = 'link'

        use_cid = 0
        if FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT in entry:
            use_cid = cid_from_update(entry[FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT])

        one_report = {
            'CId': use_cid,
            'IsPublished': 'True',
            'Type': {'Key': post_type_key},
            'Content': content,
            'Meta': meta,

        if FIELD_UUID_REPORT in entry:
            one_report['Uuid'] = entry[FIELD_UUID_REPORT]

        if (FIELD_PUTUP_REPORT in entry) and entry[FIELD_PUTUP_REPORT]:
                if entry[FIELD_PUTUP_REPORT] > put_up_border:
                    one_report['PutUp'] = 'True'

        if coverage_id not in entry['coverages']['published']:
            if coverage['_id'] not in entry['coverages']['published']:
                one_report['DeletedOn'] = '01/01/70 12:01 AM'

        link_id = urllib.quote_plus(str(entry['_id']))
        author_url = author_url_template.replace(REPORT_LINK_ID_PLACEHOLDER, link_id)
        creator_url = creator_url_template.replace(REPORT_LINK_ID_PLACEHOLDER, link_id)

        one_report['Author'] = {'href': author_url}
        one_report['Creator'] = {'href': creator_url}


    res = {
        'total': len(reports),
        'limit': len(reports),
        'offset': 0,
        'PostList': reports

    return (True, res)
Пример #45
def do_finalize_one(db, auther_url, doc_id, data):
    finalizes authorization initialization on info of one app data
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if data is None:
        return (False, 'data not provided')

    if ('spec' not in data) or (type(data['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"spec" part not provided')
    spec = data['spec']

    coll = db[collection]

    if doc_id is None:
        return (False, 'document id not provided')

    doc_id = _get_id_value(doc_id)
    entry = coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id})
    if not entry:
        return (False, 'document of the provided _id not found')

    if ('spec' not in entry) or (type(entry['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, 'damaged document structure')
    spec = entry['spec']

    needed_keys = ['app_consumer_key', 'app_consumer_secret', 'temporary_access_token_key', 'temporary_access_token_secret']
    for one_key in needed_keys:
        if (one_key not in spec) or (not spec[one_key]):
            return (False, 'document missing the "' + str(one_key) + '" part')

    if ('spec' not in data) or (type(data['spec']) is not dict):
        return (False, '"spec" part not provided')
    spec_data = data['spec']

    for one_key in ['verifier_pin']:
        if (one_key not in spec_data) or (not spec_data[one_key]):
            return (False, str(one_key) + ' not provided')

    authfin_data = {
        'oauth_info': {
            'consumer_key': spec['app_consumer_key'],
            'consumer_secret': spec['app_consumer_secret'],
            'access_token_key': spec['temporary_access_token_key'],
            'access_token_secret': spec['temporary_access_token_secret'],
        'payload': {
            'verifier': spec_data['verifier_pin'],

    connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(auther_url)
    res = connector.request_authfin(authfin_data['oauth_info'], authfin_data['payload'])
    if not res[0]:
        err_msg = 'error during authfin request dispatching: ' + res[1]
        return (False, err_msg)

    ret_envelope = res[1]
    if type(ret_envelope) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of returned authfin data: ' + str(type(ret_envelope)))

    if ('status' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['status']):
        err_msg = ''
        if ('error' in ret_envelope) and (ret_envelope['error']):
            err_msg = ': ' + str(ret_envelope['error'])
        return (False, 'status not acknowledged in returned authfin data' + err_msg)
    if ('data' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['data']):
        return (False, 'payload not provided in returned authfin data')

    ret_data = ret_envelope['data']
    if type(ret_data) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of returned payload in authfin data: ' + str(type(ret_data)))

    for part in ['oauth_token_key', 'oauth_token_secret', 'user_id', 'screen_name']:
        if (part not in ret_data) or (not ret_data[part]):
            return (False, 'returned authfin data missing the "' + str(part) + '" part')

        screen_name_search = ret_data['screen_name'].lower()
        screen_name_search = ret_data['screen_name']

    timepoint = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    created = timepoint
    updated = timepoint

        if ('_created' in entry) and entry['_created']:
            created = entry['_created']
        created = timepoint

    save_data = {
        '_id': doc_id,
        'spec': {
            'app_consumer_key': spec['app_consumer_key'],
            'app_consumer_secret': spec['app_consumer_secret'],
            'temporary_access_token_key': None,
            'temporary_access_token_secret': None,
            'authorized_access_token_key': ret_data['oauth_token_key'],
            'authorized_access_token_secret': ret_data['oauth_token_secret'],
            'verifier_url': None,
            'user_id': ret_data['user_id'],
            'screen_name': ret_data['screen_name'],
            'screen_name_search': screen_name_search,
        '_created': created,
        '_updated': updated,

    coll = db[collection]

    doc_id = coll.save(save_data)
    if not doc_id:
        return (False, 'can not save the authfin data')

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
Пример #46
def do_post_send(db,
    sends (a reply to) a tweet
    after it is sent and received, local=True, and user_id=user_id are set in the report
    if not controller:
        return (False, 'external controller not available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'inner application error')

    if not authorized_id:
        return (False, 'authorized_id not specified')
    if not user_id:
        return (False, 'user_id not specified')
    if not endpoint_id:
        return (False, 'endpoint_id not specified')

    if type(tweet_spec) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of tweet spec')
    if ('message' not in tweet_spec) or (not tweet_spec['message']):
        return (False, 'message text not provided')

    follow_part = []
    tweet_data = {
        'endpoint_id': endpoint_id,
        'status': tweet_spec['message'],
        'filter': {},

    if ('sensitive' in tweet_spec) and (tweet_spec['sensitive'] is not None):
        sensitive = _get_boolean(tweet_spec['sensitive'])
        if sensitive:
            tweet_data['possibly_sensitive'] = 'true'

    if ('display_coordinates'
            in tweet_spec) and (tweet_spec['display_coordinates'] is not None):
        display_coordinates = _get_boolean(tweet_spec['display_coordinates'])
        if display_coordinates:
            tweet_data['display_coordinates'] = 'true'
            tweet_data['display_coordinates'] = 'false'

    for key in ['lat', 'long', 'place_id']:
        if (key in tweet_spec) and (tweet_spec[key]):
                tweet_data[key] = str(tweet_spec[key])
                return (False, 'wrong "' + str(key) + '" part in tweet spec')

    if report_id is not None:
        report_id = _get_id_value(report_id)

        search_spec = {'feed_type': FEED_TYPE}
        if type(report_id) is ObjectId:
            search_spec['_id'] = report_id
            search_spec['report_id'] = report_id

        coll = db[collection_reports]
        report = coll.find_one(search_spec)
        if not report:
            return (False, 'specified report not found')

            orig_user_screen_name = str(
            if orig_user_screen_name not in follow_part:
            return (False, 'can not find the original tweet sender')

        check_inclusion = '@' + orig_user_screen_name.lower()
            if check_inclusion not in tweet_spec['message'].lower():
                return (
                    'mentioning the original tweet sender not found in the tweet text'
            return (False,
                    'can not check inclusion of the original tweet sender')

            tweet_data['in_reply_to_status_id'] = str(report['original_id'])
            return (False, 'can not find id_str of the original tweet')

    coll = db[collection_authorized]
    authorized_id = _get_id_value(authorized_id)

    authorized_data = coll.find_one({'_id': authorized_id})
    if not authorized_data:
        return (False, 'saved report on the send-tweet not found')

        authorized_spec = {
        sender_screen_name = str(authorized_data['spec']['screen_name_search'])
        if sender_screen_name not in follow_part:
    except Exception as exc:
        return (False,
                'authorized info does not contain all the required data: ' +

    for key in authorized_spec:
        if not authorized_spec[key]:
            return (False,
                    'the "' + str(key) + '" part of authorized info is empty')

    tweet_data['filter']['follow'] = follow_part

    connector = controller.NewstwisterConnector(sender_url)
    res = connector.send_tweet(authorized_spec, tweet_data)
    if not res[0]:
        err_msg = 'error during send-tweet request dispatching: ' + res[1]
        return (False, err_msg)

    ret_envelope = res[1]
    if type(ret_envelope) is not dict:
        return (False, 'unknown form of returned send-tweet data: ' +

    if ('status' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['status']):
        err_msg = ''
        if ('error' in ret_envelope) and (ret_envelope['error']):
            err_msg = ': ' + str(ret_envelope['error'])
        return (False, 'status not acknowledged in returned send-tweet data' +
    if ('data' not in ret_envelope) or (not ret_envelope['data']):
        return (False, 'payload not provided in returned send-tweet data')

    ret_data = ret_envelope['data']
    if type(ret_data) is not dict:
        return (False,
                'unknown form of returned payload in send-tweet data: ' +

    if 'id_str' not in ret_data:
        return (False, 'returned send-tweet data without tweet identifier')

    coll = db[collection_reports]
    saved_tweet = coll.find_one({'original_id': ret_data['id_str']})
    if not saved_tweet:
        return (False, 'saved report on the send-tweet not found')

    doc_id = saved_tweet['_id']

    saved_update = {
        'local': True,
        'user_id': _get_id_value(user_id),
        'proto': False,
        FIELD_UPDATED: datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
        #'_etag': _get_etag(),

    coll.update({'_id': doc_id}, {'$set': saved_update})

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})
Пример #47
def get_coverage_published_report_list(db, coverage_id, cid_last):
    SMS: original/transcribed text, can have two comments
    both creator and author are sms-based user/citizen, of smsblog source type (source name is name of sms feed)

    tweet: the original tweet (with some predefined adjusting), without any (other) changes, can have two comments
    creator is a local user, author is just the twitter source

    plain: a text

    link: a web link

    other: ignoring by now
        coverage_id = _get_id_value(coverage_id)

    res_none = {'total': 0, 'limit': 0, 'offset': 0, 'PostList': []}

    coll = db[COLL_COVERAGES]

    if type(coverage_id) is ObjectId:
        return (False, 'old form of coverage reports retrieval')
        coverage = coll.find_one({'uuid': coverage_id})

    if not coverage:
        return (False, 'coverage not found')
            not in coverage) or (not coverage[FIELD_ACTIVE_COVERAGE]):
        return (True, res_none)

    author_url_template = get_conf('author_url')
    creator_url_template = get_conf('creator_url')

    coll = db[COLL_REPORTS]

    reports = []

    put_up_border = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)

    search_spec = {
        'coverages.outgested': {
            '$in': [coverage_id, coverage['_id']]
            '$ne': True
    if cid_last:
        update_last = update_from_cid(cid_last)
        search_spec[FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT] = {'$gt': update_last}
        put_up_border = update_last
        search_spec[FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT] = {'$exists': True}

    # probably some adjusted dealing with: local, summary, unpublished/deleted reports
    cursor = coll.find(search_spec).sort([(FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT, 1)])
    for entry in cursor:
        if 'feed_type' not in entry:
            entry['feed_type'] = DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE

        with_fields = True
        for key in [
                FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT, FIELD_UUID_REPORT, 'feed_type', 'texts',
            if (key not in entry) or (not entry[key]):
                with_fields = False
        if not with_fields:
        if type(entry['coverages']) is not dict:
        if ('published' not in entry['coverages']):
        if type(entry['coverages']['published']) not in (list, tuple):

        feed_type = entry['feed_type']

        if feed_type not in OUTPUT_FEED_TYPES:

        content = None
        meta = None
        post_type_key = 'normal'

        if 'sms' == feed_type:
            adapted = adapt_sms_report(db, entry)
            content = adapted['content']
            meta = adapted['meta']

        if 'tweet' == feed_type:
            adapted = adapt_tweet_report(db, entry)
            content = adapted['content']
            meta = adapted['meta']

        if 'plain' == feed_type:
            adapted = adapt_plain_report(db, entry)
            content = adapted['content']
            meta = adapted['meta']

        if 'web_link' == feed_type:
            adapted = adapt_link_report(db, entry)
            content = adapted['content']
            meta = adapted['meta']
            post_type_key = 'link'

        use_cid = 0
        if FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT in entry:
            use_cid = cid_from_update(entry[FIELD_UPDATED_REPORT])

        one_report = {
            'CId': use_cid,
            'IsPublished': 'True',
            'Type': {
                'Key': post_type_key
            'Content': content,
            'Meta': meta,

        if FIELD_UUID_REPORT in entry:
            one_report['Uuid'] = entry[FIELD_UUID_REPORT]

        if (FIELD_PUTUP_REPORT in entry) and entry[FIELD_PUTUP_REPORT]:
                if entry[FIELD_PUTUP_REPORT] > put_up_border:
                    one_report['PutUp'] = 'True'

        if coverage_id not in entry['coverages']['published']:
            if coverage['_id'] not in entry['coverages']['published']:
                one_report['DeletedOn'] = '01/01/70 12:01 AM'

        link_id = urllib.quote_plus(str(entry['_id']))
        author_url = author_url_template.replace(REPORT_LINK_ID_PLACEHOLDER,
        creator_url = creator_url_template.replace(REPORT_LINK_ID_PLACEHOLDER,

        one_report['Author'] = {'href': author_url}
        one_report['Creator'] = {'href': creator_url}


    res = {
        'total': len(reports),
        'limit': len(reports),
        'offset': 0,
        'PostList': reports

    return (True, res)
Пример #48
def do_post(db, url, channel_type, request_id, client_ip):
    * assure citizen_alias exists (i.e. create/save if does not yet)
    * create and save the report
    * channel_type: frontend, bookmarklet, etc.
    * request_id: commonly _id or uuid for filtering
    logger = get_logger()

    timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    channel_type = _get_id_value(channel_type)
    request_id = _get_id_value(request_id)

    if not url:
        return (False, 'emtpy url')
        url = url.strip()
        url_parsed = urlparse(url, scheme='http')
        url_parsed = None
    if not url_parsed:
        return (False, 'can not parse the url')
    if not url_parsed.netloc:
        return (False, 'url without domain part')

    # taking params
    feed_type = get_conf('feed_type')
    eff_tlds = get_conf('eff_tlds')

    # taking info
    page_info_got = get_page_info(url)
    if not page_info_got[0]:
        return (False, 'can not get page info: ' + page_info_got[1])
    page_info = page_info_got[1]

    report_id = report_holder.gen_id(feed_type)

    session_url = ''
    if ('url' in page_info) and page_info['url']:
            session_url = page_info['url'].split('#')[0].strip().lower()
    if not session_url:
        session_url = url.split('#')[0].strip().lower()
    session = feed_type + '||' + session_url

    source_url = ''
    if ('url' in page_info) and page_info['url']:
            source_url = page_info['url'].strip()
    if not source_url:
        source_url = url.strip()

    domain_effective = ''
    if ('domain_name' in page_info) and page_info['domain_name']:
            domain_effective = str(page_info['domain_name']).split(':')[0].strip()
    if not domain_effective:
        domain_effective = url_parsed.netloc.split(':')[0].strip()

    if eff_tlds:
        citizen_id = take_specific_domain(eff_tlds, domain_effective)
        citizen_id = domain_effective
    if not citizen_id:
        citizen_id = source_url

    parent_id = None
    publisher = None

    if ('feed_name' in page_info) and page_info['feed_name']:
        feed_name = page_info['feed_name']
        feed_name = None

    use_language = None
    if ('language' in page_info) and page_info['language']:
        use_language = page_info['language']

    authority = get_conf('authority')
    use_identifiers = {
        'user_id': citizen_id,
        'user_id_search': citizen_id.lower(),
        'user_name': citizen_id,
        'user_name_search': citizen_id.lower(),

    channel_value = None
    if ('type' in page_info) and page_info['type']:
            channel_value = page_info['type'].strip().lower()
            if not channel_value:
                channel_value = None
            channel_value = None

    channels = [{'type': channel_type, 'value': channel_value, 'filter': None, 'request': request_id, 'reasons': None}]
    authors = [{'authority': authority, 'identifiers': use_identifiers}]

    author_name = ''
    if 'author' in page_info:
        author_name = page_info['author']
    alias_res_got = assure_citizen_alias(db, authority, use_identifiers, author_name)

    endorsers = []
    original = page_info
    original_id = url # notice that we group the (effective) URLs via session
    tags = []

    texts = []
    text_parts = ['title', 'description']
    for one_text_part in text_parts:
        if (one_text_part in page_info) and page_info[one_text_part]:
            texts.append({'original': page_info[one_text_part], 'transcript': None})

    estimated = timestamp
    if ('date' in page_info) and page_info['date'] and (type(page_info['date']) is datetime.datetime):
        estimated = page_info['date']

    # site_icon added at the end of the media list
    media = []
    if ('image' in page_info) and page_info['image'] and (type(page_info['image']) in (list, tuple)):
        for one_image_link in page_info['image']:
                link_ssl = None
                if one_image_link.startswith('https'):
                    link_ssl = one_image_link
                    'link': one_image_link,
                    'link_ssl': link_ssl,
                    'data': None,
                    'name': None,
                    'width': None,
                    'height': None,

    if ('site_icon' in page_info) and page_info['site_icon']:
            link_ssl = None
            if page_info['site_icon'].startswith('https'):
                link_ssl = page_info['site_icon']
                'link': page_info['site_icon'],
                'link_ssl': link_ssl,
                'data': None,
                'name': None,
                'width': None,
                'height': None,

    report = {}
    report['report_id'] = report_id
    report['parent_id'] = None
    report['client_ip'] = client_ip
    report['feed_type'] = feed_type
    report['produced'] = estimated
    report['session'] = session
    report['publisher'] = publisher
    report['channels'] = channels
    report['authors'] = authors
    report['original'] = original
    report['texts'] = texts
    report['tags'] = tags
    report['language'] = use_language
    report['sources'] = [source_url]
    report['media'] = media
    report['editable'] = False

    report['proto'] = False

    report_doc_id = report_holder.save_report(report)
    if not report_doc_id:
        return (False, 'can not save URL report')

    return (True, {'_id': report_doc_id})
Пример #49
def do_post_send(db, sms_gateway_api, sms_gateway_url, sms_gateway_key, message, targets, user_id, language, sensitive, client_ip):
        controller = importlib.import_module('citizendesk.feeds.sms.external.' + sms_gateway_api)
        controller = None

    if not controller:
        return (False, 'no sms gateway controller available')
    if not db:
        return (False, 'no database available')

    if not sms_gateway_url:
        return (False, 'no sms gateway url configured')
    if not sms_gateway_key:
        return (False, 'no sms gateway key configured')

    if not message:
        return (False, 'no message provided')
    if not targets:
        return (False, 'no targets provided')

    from citizendesk.feeds.sms.citizen_alias.storage import get_one_by_id as get_one_citizen_alias_by_id

    use_targets = []
    use_recipients = []
    use_phone_numbers = []

    authority = get_conf('authority')
    alias_doctype = get_conf('alias_doctype')

    if type(targets) not in [list, tuple]:
        return (False, '')
    for one_target in targets:
        if type(one_target) is not dict:
        if 'type' not in one_target:
        if one_target['type'] != alias_doctype:
        if 'value' not in one_target:

        one_target_id = _get_id_value(one_target['value'])
        alias_res = get_one_citizen_alias_by_id(db, one_target_id)
        if (not alias_res) or (not alias_res[0]):
        alias = alias_res[1]
        if (type(alias) is not dict) or (not alias):
        if ('identifiers' not in alias) or (not alias['identifiers']):

        one_phone_number = _get_phone_number(alias)
        if not one_phone_number:

        one_recipient = {'authority': authority, 'identifiers': alias['identifiers']}


    if not use_targets:
        return (False, 'no valid recipient found')

    # putting all the recipients into a single report; and thus using its session for next communication with all the recipients
        report = _prepare_sms_send_report(use_targets, use_recipients, message, user_id, language, sensitive, client_ip)
        report = None
    if not report:
        return (False, 'report could not be prepared')

    # we either save the report before sms sending, and deleting it if sending fails,
    # or we first send sms, and if success on it, we save the report then;
    # thus either transiently having a false report, or a possibility of not having the report
    # on sent sms if the report saving fails at the end (should not hopefully though)

    doc_id = report_holder.save_report(report)
    if not doc_id:
        return (False, 'report could not be saved')

    connector = controller.SMSConnector(sms_gateway_url, sms_gateway_key)
    res = connector.send_sms(message, {'phone_numbers': use_phone_numbers})
    if not res[0]:
        return (False, 'message could not be sent', res[1])

    return (True, {'_id': doc_id})