Пример #1
def test_container_exception_no_result_logs(m_sleep):
    # If the job errored with no output but with logs,
    # we should return error logs with the future exception.
    mem_msg = ('Run used approximately 2 millicores '
               'of its 256 millicore CPU limit')
    failed_msg = 'Failed: The job container failed. Exit code 1'
    logs = [{'id': 111, 'created_at': 'abc',
             'message': mem_msg,
             'level': 'info'},
            {'id': 222,
             'created_at': 'def',
             'message': failed_msg,
             'level': 'error'}]
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='failed',
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)

    with pytest.raises(CivisJobFailure) as err:
    expected_msg = (
        "(From job 1 / run 2) " + '\n'.join([failed_msg, mem_msg, '']))
    assert expected_msg == str(fut._exception.error_message)
    assert str(err.value) == expected_msg
Пример #2
def test_table_None(mock_res, mock_lt, mock_meta):
    mock_lt.side_effect = FileNotFoundError()
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)
    mf = _model.ModelFuture(3, 7, client=c)
    assert mf.table is None
    mock_lt.assert_called_once_with(3, 7, 'predictions.csv',
                                    index_col=0, client=c)
Пример #3
def test_set_job_exception_unknown_error(m_sleep):
    # If we really don't recognize the error, at least give the
    # user a few lines of logs so they can maybe figure it out themselves.
    logs = [{'created_at': '2017-05-10T12:00:00.000Z',
             'id': 10005,
             'level': 'error',
             'message': 'Failed'},
            {'created_at': '2017-05-10T12:00:00.000Z',
             'id': 10003,
             'level': 'error',
             'message': 'Error on job: Process ended with an '
                        'error, exiting: 137.'},
            {'created_at': '2017-05-10T12:00:00.000Z',
             'id': 10000,
             'level': 'error',
             'message': 'Oops'}]
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='failed', log_outputs=logs)
    err_msg = (
        "(From job 1 / run 2) "
        + '\n'.join([x['message'] for x in logs][::-1]))
    fut = _model.ModelFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)
    with pytest.raises(CivisJobFailure) as err:
    assert str(err.value).startswith(err_msg)
Пример #4
def test_set_job_exception_metadata_exception(m_sleep):
    """Tests cases where accessing metadata throws exceptions
    # State "running" prevents termination when the object is created.
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(1, 2, state='running')

    class ModelFutureRaiseExc(_model.ModelFuture):
        def __init__(self, exc, *args, **kwargs):
            self.__exc = exc
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        def metadata(self):
            raise self.__exc('What a spectacular failure, you say!')

    # exception types get caught!
    for exc in [FileNotFoundError, CivisJobFailure, CancelledError]:
        fut = ModelFutureRaiseExc(exc, 1, 2, client=mock_client)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        # The KeyError is caught, but sends a warning
        fut = ModelFutureRaiseExc(KeyError, 1, 2, client=mock_client)

    fut = ModelFutureRaiseExc(RuntimeError, 1, 2, client=mock_client)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Пример #5
def test_container_exception_memory_error(m_sleep):
    err_msg = ('Process ran out of its allowed 3000 MiB of '
               'memory and was killed.')
    logs = [{'created_at': '2017-05-10T12:00:00.000Z',
             'id': 10005,
             'level': 'error',
             'message': 'Failed'},
            {'created_at': '2017-05-10T12:00:00.000Z',
             'id': 10003,
             'level': 'error',
             'message': 'Error on job: Process ended with an '
                        'error, exiting: 137.'},
            {'created_at': '2017-05-10T12:00:00.000Z',
             'id': 10000,
             'level': 'error',
             'message': err_msg}]
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='failed',
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)

    with pytest.raises(MemoryError) as err:
    assert str(err.value) == f"(From job 1 / run 2) {err_msg}"
Пример #6
def test_metrics_prediction(mock_file_id_from_run_output):
    mock_file_id_from_run_output.return_value = 11
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)
    mf = _model.ModelFuture(1, 2, 3, 7, client=c)

    assert mf.metrics == 'foo'
    mock_file_id_from_run_output.assert_called_with('metrics.json', 3, 7,
Пример #7
def test_result_callback_no_get(mock_civis):
    # Test that the completed callback happens even if we don't call `get`
    callback = mock.MagicMock()
    mock_civis.io.civis_to_file.side_effect = make_to_file_mock('spam')
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='success', run_outputs=mock.MagicMock())
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)
    civis.parallel._CivisBackendResult(fut, callback)
    assert callback.call_count == 1
Пример #8
def test_container_future_job_id_run_id():
    job_id, run_id = 123, 456
    result = ContainerFuture(
    assert result.job_id == job_id
    assert result.run_id == run_id
Пример #9
def test_set_job_exception_no_exception(mock_f2j):
    # If nothing went wrong, we shouldn't set an exception
    ro = [{'name': 'model_info.json', 'object_id': 137, 'object_type': 'File'},
          {'name': 'metrics.json', 'object_id': 139, 'object_type': 'File'}]
    ro = [Response(o) for o in ro]
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='succeeded', run_outputs=ro)
    fut = _model.ModelFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)
    assert fut.exception() is None
Пример #10
def test_modelpipeline_classmethod_constructor_old_version(
        mock_future, train_id, predict_id):
    # Test that we select the correct prediction template for different
    # versions of a training job.
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests()
    mock_client.scripts.get_containers.return_value = \
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline.from_existing(1, 1, client=mock_client)
    assert mp.predict_template_id == predict_id
Пример #11
def test_validation_metadata_prediction(mock_spe, mock_f2f,
    mock_file_id_from_run_output.return_value = 11
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)
    mf = _model.ModelFuture(1, 2, 3, 7, client=c)

    assert mf.validation_metadata == 'foo'
    mock_f2f.assert_called_once_with(11, client=c)
    mock_file_id_from_run_output.assert_called_with('metrics.json', 3, 7,
Пример #12
def test_getstate():
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)

    mf = _model.ModelFuture(3, 7, client=c)
    ret = mf.__getstate__()
    assert ret['_done_callbacks'] == []
    assert not ret['_self_polling_executor']
    assert 'client' not in ret
    assert 'poller' not in ret
    assert '_condition' not in ret
Пример #13
def test_result_success(mock_civis):
    # Test that we can get a result back from a succeeded job.
    callback = mock.MagicMock()
    mock_civis.io.civis_to_file.side_effect = make_to_file_mock('spam')
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='success', run_outputs=mock.MagicMock())
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)
    res = civis.parallel._CivisBackendResult(fut, callback)

    assert res.get() == 'spam'
    assert callback.call_count == 1
Пример #14
def test_validation_metadata_missing(mock_spe, mock_f2f,
    # Make sure that missing validation metadata doesn't cause an error
    mock_file_id_from_run_output.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)
    mf = _model.ModelFuture(3, 7, client=c)

    assert mf.validation_metadata is None
    assert mf.metrics is None
    assert mock_f2f.call_count == 0
    assert mock_file_id_from_run_output.call_count == 1
Пример #15
def test_estimator(mock_le):
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)

    mf = _model.ModelFuture(3, 7, client=c)
    assert mock_le.call_count == 0, "Estimator retrieval is lazy."
    assert mf.estimator == 'spam'
    assert mock_le.call_count == 1

    assert mf.estimator == 'spam'
    assert mock_le.call_count == 1,\
        "The Estimator is only downloaded once and cached."
Пример #16
def test_state():
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)

    mf = _model.ModelFuture(3, 7, client=c)
    ret = mf.state
    assert ret == 'foo'

    c.scripts.get_containers_runs.return_value = Response({'id': 7,
                                                           'container_id': 3,
                                                           'state': 'failed'})
    mf = _model.ModelFuture(3, 7, client=c)
    assert mf.state == 'failed'
Пример #17
def test_modelfuture_constructor(mock_adc, mock_spe):
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(7, 17)

    mf = _model.ModelFuture(job_id=7, run_id=17, client=c)
    assert mf.is_training is True
    assert mf.train_run_id == 17
    assert mf.train_job_id == 7

    mf = _model.ModelFuture(job_id=7, run_id=17,
                            train_job_id=23, train_run_id=29, client=c)
    assert mf.is_training is False
    assert mf.train_run_id == 29
    assert mf.train_job_id == 23
Пример #18
def test_result_exception(m_sleep, mock_civis):
    # An error in the job should be raised by the result
    callback = mock.MagicMock()
    exc = ZeroDivisionError()
    mock_civis.io.civis_to_file.side_effect = make_to_file_mock(exc)
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='failed', run_outputs=mock.MagicMock())
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)
    res = civis.parallel._CivisBackendResult(fut, callback)

    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
    assert callback.call_count == 0
Пример #19
def test_result_eventual_failure(m_sleep, mock_civis):
    # We will retry a connection error up to 5 times. Make sure
    # that we will get an error if it persists forever.
    callback = mock.MagicMock()
    exc = requests.ConnectionError()
    se = make_to_file_mock('spam', max_n_err=10, exc=exc)
    mock_civis.io.civis_to_file.side_effect = se
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='success', run_outputs=mock.MagicMock())
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)
    res = civis.parallel._CivisBackendResult(fut, callback)
    with pytest.raises(requests.ConnectionError):
    assert callback.call_count == 0
Пример #20
def test_result_eventual_success(m_sleep, mock_civis):
    # Test that we can get a result back from a succeeded job,
    # even if we need to retry a few times to succeed with the download.
    callback = mock.MagicMock()
    exc = requests.ConnectionError()
    se = make_to_file_mock('spam', max_n_err=2, exc=exc)
    mock_civis.io.civis_to_file.side_effect = se
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='success', run_outputs=mock.MagicMock())
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)
    res = civis.parallel._CivisBackendResult(fut, callback)

    assert res.get() == 'spam'
    assert callback.call_count == 1
Пример #21
def test_modelpipeline_classmethod_constructor_nonint_id(m_sleep):
    # Verify that we can still JSON-serialize job and run IDs even
    # if they're entered in a non-JSON-able format.
    # We need to turn them into JSON to set them as script arguments.
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(1, 2)
    container_response_stub = _container_response_stub(TRAIN_ID_PROD)
    mock_client.scripts.get_containers.return_value = container_response_stub

    mp = _model.ModelPipeline.from_existing(np.int64(1), np.int64(2),

    out = json.dumps({'job': mp.train_result_.job_id,
                      'run': mp.train_result_.run_id})
    assert out == '{"job": 1, "run": 2}' or out == '{"run": 2, "job": 1}'
Пример #22
def test_modelpipeline_train_custom_etl(mock_ccr, mock_f2c, mock_template_ids):
    # Provide a custom ETL estimator and make sure we can train.
    mock_api = create_client_mock_for_container_tests()
    # training template ID 11111 >= 9968 for the etl arg to work
    mock_template_ids.return_value = 11111, 22222, 33333
    etl = LogisticRegression()
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline('wf', 'dv', client=mock_api, etl=etl)
    mock_f2c.return_value = -21

    mock1, mock2 = mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()
    mock_ccr.return_value = 'res', mock1, mock2

    assert 'res' == mp.train(file_id=7)
    assert mp.train_result_ == 'res'
    assert mock_f2c.call_count == 1  # Called once to store input Estimator
Пример #23
def test_result_running_and_cancel_requested(mock_civis):
    # When scripts request cancellation, they remain in a running
    # state. Make sure these are treated as cancelled runs.
    response = Response({'is_cancel_requested': True, 'state': 'running'})
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='running', run_outputs=mock.MagicMock())
    mock_client.scripts.post_cancel.return_value = response
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)
    callback = mock.MagicMock()
    # When a _CivisBackendResult created by the Civis joblib backend completes
    # successfully, a callback is executed. When cancelled, this callback
    # shouldn't  be run
    civis.parallel._CivisBackendResult(fut, callback)

    assert callback.call_count == 0
Пример #24
def test_result_callback_exception(mock_civis):
    # An error in the result retrieval should be raised by .get
    callback = mock.MagicMock()
    exc = ZeroDivisionError()
    mock_civis.io.civis_to_file.side_effect = exc
    # We're simulating a job which succeeded but generated an
    # exception when we try to download the outputs.
    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(
        1, 2, state='succeeded', run_outputs=mock.MagicMock())
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)

    res = civis.parallel._CivisBackendResult(fut, callback)

    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
    assert callback.call_count == 0
Пример #25
def test_metrics_training_None(mock_file_to_json,
    mock_file_to_json.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
        return_value={'metrics': 'foo',
                      'run': {'status': 'succeeded'}})
    mock_file_id_from_run_output.return_value = 11
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)
    mf = _model.ModelFuture(3, 7, client=c)
    # override validation metadata to be None, as though we ran
    # a train job without validation
    mf._val_metadata = None

    mock_file_to_json.return_value = None
    assert mf.metrics is None
    mock_file_id_from_run_output.assert_called_with('metrics.json', 3, 7,
Пример #26
def test_result_exception_no_result(m_sleep):
    # If the job errored but didn't write an output, we should get
    # a generic TransportableException back.
    callback = mock.MagicMock()

    mock_client = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(1,
    fut = ContainerFuture(1, 2, client=mock_client)
    res = civis.parallel._CivisBackendResult(fut, callback)
    fut._set_api_exception(CivisJobFailure(Response({'state': 'failed'})))

    with pytest.raises(TransportableException) as exc:

    assert "{'state': 'failed'}" in str(exc.value)
    assert callback.call_count == 0
Пример #27
def mp_setup():
    mock_api = create_client_mock_for_container_tests()
    mock_api.aliases.list.return_value = TEST_TEMPLATE_ID_ALIAS_OBJECTS
    mp = _model.ModelPipeline('wf', 'dv', client=mock_api)
    return mp
Пример #28
def test_table_no_pkey(mock_res, mock_lt, mock_meta):
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)
    mf = _model.ModelFuture(3, 7, client=c)
    assert mf.table == 'bar'
    mock_lt.assert_called_once_with(3, 7, 'predictions.csv',
                                    index_col=False, client=c)
Пример #29
def test_metadata(mock_spec, mock_f2j):
    c = create_client_mock_for_container_tests(3, 7)
    mf = _model.ModelFuture(3, 7, client=c)
    assert mf.metadata == {'foo': 'bar'}
    mock_f2j.assert_called_once_with(11, client=c)
Пример #30
def test_modelfuture_pickle_smoke(mock_client):
    mf = _model.ModelFuture(job_id=7, run_id=13,
    mf_pickle = pickle.dumps(mf)