Пример #1
def resource_version_list(context, data_dict):
    """List versions of a given resource

    :param resource_id: the id the resource
    :type resource_id: string
    :returns: list of matched versions
    :rtype: list
    model = context.get('model', core_model)
    resource_id = toolkit.get_or_bust(data_dict, ['resource_id'])
    resource = model.Resource.get(resource_id)
    if not resource:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Resource not found')

    toolkit.check_access('version_list', context,
                         {"package_id": resource.package_id})

    versions = model.Session.query(Version).\
        filter(Version.resource_id == resource.id).\

    if not versions:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Versions not found for this resource')

    return [v.as_dict() for v in versions]
Пример #2
def dataset_collaborator_create(context, data_dict):
    '''Make a user a collaborator in a dataset.

    If the user is already a collaborator in the dataset then their
    capacity will be updated.

    Currently you must be an Admin on the dataset owner organization to
    manage collaborators.

    :param id: the id or name of the dataset
    :type id: string
    :param user_id: the id or name of the user to add or edit
    :type user_id: string
    :param capacity: the capacity of the membership. Must be one of {}
    :type capacity: string

    :returns: the newly created (or updated) collaborator
    :rtype: dictionary

    '''.format(', '.join(ALLOWED_CAPACITIES))
    model = context.get('model', core_model)

    dataset_id, user_id, capacity = toolkit.get_or_bust(
        data_dict, ['id', 'user_id', 'capacity'])

    if capacity not in ALLOWED_CAPACITIES:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError('Capacity must be one of "{}"'.format(
            ', '.join(ALLOWED_CAPACITIES)))

    dataset = model.Package.get(dataset_id)
    if not dataset:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Dataset not found')

    user = model.User.get(user_id)
    if not user:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound('User not found')

    toolkit.check_access('dataset_collaborator_create', context, data_dict)
    # Check if member already exists
    member = model.Session.query(DatasetMember).\
        filter(DatasetMember.dataset_id == dataset.id).\
        filter(DatasetMember.user_id == user.id).one_or_none()
    if not member:
        member = DatasetMember(dataset_id=dataset.id, user_id=user.id)
    member.capacity = capacity
    member.modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()


    log.info('User {} added as collaborator in dataset {} ({})'.format(
        user.name, dataset.id, capacity))


    return member.as_dict()
Пример #3
def package_collaborator_org_create(context, data_dict):
    '''Make a user a collaborator in a dataset.

    If the user is already a collaborator in the dataset then their
    capacity will be updated.

    Currently you must be an Admin on the dataset owner organization to
    manage collaborators.

    :param id: the id or name of the dataset
    :type id: string
    :param user_id: the id or name of the user to add or edit
    :type user_id: string
    :param capacity: the capacity of the membership. Must be either 'editor' or 'member'
    :type capacity: string

    :returns: the newly created (or updated) collaborator
    :rtype: dictionary

    model = context.get('model', core_model)

    dataset_id, org_id, capacity = toolkit.get_or_bust(
        data_dict, ['id', 'org_id', 'capacity'])

    dataset = model.Package.get(dataset_id)
    if not dataset:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Dataset not found')

    toolkit.check_access('package_collaborator_org_create', context, data_dict)

    org = model.Group.get(org_id)
    if not org:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Organization not found')

    if capacity not in ALLOWED_CAPACITIES:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError('Capacity must be one of "{}"'.format(
            ', '.join(ALLOWED_CAPACITIES)))

    # Check if organization already exists
    member = model.Session.query(PackageOrgMember).\
        filter(PackageOrgMember.dataset_id == dataset.id).\
        filter(PackageOrgMember.org_id == org.id).one_or_none()
    if not member:
        member = PackageOrgMember(dataset_id=dataset.id, org_id=org.id)
    member.capacity = capacity
    member.modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()


    #Rebuild search index for package to reflect updated permissions

    log.info('Organization {} added as collaborator in dataset {} ({})'.format(
        org.name, dataset.id, capacity))

    return member.as_dict()
Пример #4
def user_role_unassign(context, data_dict):
    Unassign a role from a user.

    You must be a sysadmin to unassign roles.

    :param user_id: the id or name of the user
    :type user_id: string
    :param role_id: the id or name of the role
    :type role_id: string
    :param organization_id: the id or name of the organization for which the user role assignment applies
    :type organization_id: string
    log.info("Unassigning role from user: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('user_role_unassign', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    author = context['user']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)

    user_id, role_id, organization_id = tk.get_or_bust(
        data_dict, ['user_id', 'role_id', 'organization_id'])
    user = model.User.get(user_id)
    if user is not None and user.state == 'active':
        user_id = user.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('User')))

    role = extmodel.Role.get(role_id)
    if role is not None:
        role_id = role.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Role')))

    organization = model.Group.get(organization_id)
    if organization is not None and organization.state == 'active' and organization.type == 'organization':
        organization_id = organization.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Organization')))

    user_role = extmodel.UserRole.lookup(user_id, role_id, organization_id)
    if not user_role or user_role.state != 'active':
        raise tk.ValidationError(
            _('The user does not have the specified role'))


    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = author
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(
            u'REST API: Unassign role %s from user %s in organization %s') % (
                role.name, user.name, organization.name)

    if not defer_commit:
    def new_indicator(self, params):
        dataset = DatasetService.get_dataset(params['dataset_id'])
        params['dataset_id'] = dataset.ckan_meta['id']

        if params['ind_type'] != 'common':
            user_indicators_id = self.session.query(UserIndicatorLink.indicator_id)\
                .filter(and_(UserIndicatorLink.user_id == params['user'].ckan_user_id,
                             UserIndicatorLink.deleted == False)).all()
            existing_inds = self.session.query(ProfileIndicator)\
                .filter(and_(ProfileIndicator.dataset_id == dataset.ckan_meta['id'],

            # check that there're currently no such indicators in the db
            # there's a JSON type for fields in postgre, so maybe there's a way to do it using SQL
            for ex_ind in existing_inds:
                ex_fltrs = json.loads(ex_ind.filters)
                # python allows us to compare lists of dicts
                if sorted(params['filters']) == sorted(
                        ex_fltrs) and params['ind_type'] != 'gallery':
                    raise ProfileAlreadyExists(
                        "Profile with such dataset and filters already exists")

        if type(params['filters']) is not list:
            params['filters'] = json.loads(params['filters'])
            params['data_type'] = dict_with_key_value(
                "field", "Measure Type", params['filters'])['values'][0]
            params['years'] = dict_with_key_value(
                "field", "Year", params['filters'])['values'][0]
        except (TypeError, AttributeError, IndexError):
            raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
                "There must be values for the 'Measure Type' and 'Year' filters"

        variable_fltr = dict_with_key_value("field", "Variable",
        params['variable'] = ''

        if variable_fltr:
            params['variable'] = variable_fltr["values"][
                0] if "values" in variable_fltr else None
            params['years'] = int(params['years'])
        except ValueError:
                params['years'] = int(
                    datetime.datetime.strptime("2008-09-03 00:00:00",
                                               "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").year)
            except ValueError:
                raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
                    "'Year' filter value must be an integer or have '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' format"

        params['filters'] = json.dumps(params['filters'])

        indicator = ProfileIndicator(params)
        return indicator
Пример #6
def role_permission_grant(context, data_dict):
    Grant a permission to a role.

    You must be a sysadmin to grant permissions.

    :param role_id: the id or name of the role
    :type role_id: string
    :param content_type: the content type that the permission relates to
    :type content_type: string
    :param operation: the operation to allow the role to perform on the content type
    :type operation: string

    :returns: the newly created role permission
    :rtype: dictionary
    log.info("Granting permission to role: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('role_permission_grant', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)

    role_id, content_type, operation = tk.get_or_bust(
        data_dict, ['role_id', 'content_type', 'operation'])
    role = extmodel.Role.get(role_id)
    if role is not None and role.state == 'active':
        role_id = role.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Role')))

    permission = extmodel.Permission.lookup(content_type, operation)
    if permission is None:
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Permission')))

    role_permission = extmodel.RolePermission.lookup(role_id, content_type,
    if role_permission and role_permission.state == 'active':
        raise tk.ValidationError(
            _('The specified permission has already been granted to the role'))

    data_dict['role_id'] = role_id
    data_dict['state'] = 'active'
    role_permission = dictization.role_permission_dict_save(data_dict, context)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    if 'message' in context:
        rev.message = context['message']
        rev.message = _(u'REST API: Grant permission to role %s: %s %s') % (
            role.name, permission.operation, permission.content_type)

    if not defer_commit:

    return dictization.role_permission_dictize(role_permission, context)
Пример #7
def harvest_job_create(context, data_dict):
        Authorization check for harvest job creation

        It forwards the checks to package_update, ie the user can only create
        new jobs if she is allowed to edit the harvest source dataset.
    model = context['model']
    source_id = data_dict['source_id']

    pkg = model.Package.get(source_id)
    if not pkg:
        raise pt.ObjectNotFound(pt._('Harvest source not found'))

    context['package'] = pkg
        pt.check_access('package_update', context, data_dict)
        return {'success': True}
    except pt.NotAuthorized:
        return {
            pt._('User not authorized to create a job for source {0}').format(
Пример #8
def jsonpatch_show(context, data_dict):
    Return a JSON Patch definition.

    The structure of the returned dictionary may be customized by passing 'schema' in the context.

    :param id: the id of the JSON Patch
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary
    log.debug("Retrieving JSON Patch: %r", data_dict)

    jsonpatch_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    jsonpatch = JSONPatch.get(jsonpatch_id)
    if jsonpatch is not None:
        jsonpatch_id = jsonpatch.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('JSON Patch')))

    tk.check_access('jsonpatch_show', context, data_dict)

    output_schema = context.get('schema')
    context['jsonpatch'] = jsonpatch
    jsonpatch_dict = jsonpatch_dictize(jsonpatch, context)

    result_dict, errors = tk.navl_validate(jsonpatch_dict, output_schema or schema.jsonpatch_show_schema(), context)
    return result_dict
Пример #9
def _get_metadata(resource_id):
        return ResourceMetadata.one(resource_id=resource_id)
    except NoResultFound:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
            toolkit._("No metadata found for resource '{resource}'.").format(
Пример #10
def basket_purge(context, data_dict):
    """Purge a basket

    :param id: The id of the basket
    :type id: string
    tk.check_access('basket_owner_only', context, data_dict)
    model = context['model']
    id = _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')

    basket = Basket.get(id)

    if basket is None:
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('Basket was not found')

    basket_associations = model.Session.query(BasketAssociation) \
                   .filter(BasketAssociation.basket_id == id)
    if basket_associations.count() > 0:
        for ba in basket_associations.all():


Пример #11
def access_request_update(context, data_dict):
    user = context.get('user')
    request_id = toolkit.get_or_bust(data_dict, "id")
    request = model.Session.query(AccessRequest).get(request_id)
    if not request:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound("Access Request not found")
    if request.object_type not in ['organization', 'package', 'user']:
        raise toolkit.Invalid("Unknown Object Type")

    if request.object_type == 'package':
        package = toolkit.get_action('package_show')(context, {
            'id': request.object_id
        org_id = package['owner_org']
        return {
            has_user_permission_for_group_or_org(org_id, user, 'admin')
    elif request.object_type == 'organization':
        org_id = request.object_id
        return {
            has_user_permission_for_group_or_org(org_id, user, 'admin')
    elif request.object_type == 'user':
        data_dict = {
        return external_user_update_state(context, data_dict)
Пример #12
def resource_show_revision(context, data_dict):
    """Show a resource from a specified revision

    Takes the same arguments as 'resource_show' but with an additional
    revision_ref parameter

    :param id: the id of the resource
    :type id: string
    :param revision_ref: the ID of the revision or release name
    :type revision_ref: string
    :returns: A resource dict
    :rtype: dict
    revision_ref = _get_revision_ref(data_dict)
    if revision_ref is None:
        return core_resource_show(context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    id = toolkit.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    resource = model.Resource.get(id)

    package = _get_package_in_revision(context, {'id': resource.package_id},
    resource_dict = h.find_resource_in_package(package, id)
    if resource_dict is None:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound("Resource not found for dataset revision")

    return resource_dict
Пример #13
def dataset_release_update(context, data_dict):
    """Update a release of the current dataset.

    :param dataset: the id or name of the dataset
    :type dataset: string
    :param release: the id of the release
    :type release: string
    :param name: A short name for the release
    :type name: string
    :param description: A description for the release
    :type description: string
    :returns: the edited release
    :rtype: dictionary
    release, name, dataset_name_or_id = toolkit.get_or_bust(
        data_dict, ['release', 'name', 'dataset'])

    toolkit.check_access('dataset_release_create', context, data_dict)
    assert context.get('auth_user_obj')  # Should be here after `check_access`

    backend = get_metastore_backend()
    author = create_author_from_context(context)
        release_info = backend.tag_update(
            new_description=data_dict.get('description', None),
    except exc.NotFound:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound("Dataset release not found.")

    log.info('Release "%s" with id %s modified successfully', name, release)

    return tag_to_dict(release_info)
Пример #14
def infrastructure_member_delete(context, data_dict):
    Remove a user from an infrastructure.

    You must be authorized to edit the infrastructure.

    :param id: the id or name of the infrastructure
    :type id: string
    :param username: name or id of the user
    :type username: string
    log.info("Deleting a user's membership of an infrastructure: %r",
    tk.check_access('infrastructure_member_delete', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']

    infrastructure_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    username = data_dict.get('username') or data_dict.get('user_id')

    infrastructure = model.Group.get(infrastructure_id)
    if infrastructure is not None and infrastructure.type == 'infrastructure':
        infrastructure_id = infrastructure.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Project')))

    member_dict = {
        'id': infrastructure_id,
        'object': username,
        'object_type': 'user',
    member_context = context.copy()
    member_context['ignore_auth'] = True
    return tk.get_action('member_delete')(member_context, member_dict)
Пример #15
def metadata_json_attr_map_delete(context, data_dict):
    Delete a metadata JSON attribute map.

    You must be authorized to delete the metadata JSON attribute map.

    :param id: the id or name of the metadata JSON attribute map to delete
    :type id: string
    log.info("Deleting metadata JSON attribute map: %r", data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)

    metadata_json_attr_map_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    metadata_json_attr_map = ckanext_model.MetadataJSONAttrMap.get(
    if metadata_json_attr_map is not None:
        metadata_json_attr_map_id = metadata_json_attr_map.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound(
            '%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Metadata JSON Attribute Map')))

    tk.check_access('metadata_json_attr_map_delete', context, data_dict)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    rev.message = _(u'REST API: Delete metadata JSON attribute map %s'
                    ) % metadata_json_attr_map_id

    if not defer_commit:
Пример #16
def workflow_annotation_delete(context, data_dict):
    Delete a workflow annotation.

    You must be authorized to delete the workflow annotation.

    :param id: the id or name of the workflow annotation to delete
    :type id: string
    log.info("Deleting workflow annotation: %r", data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)

    workflow_annotation_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    workflow_annotation = ckanext_model.WorkflowAnnotation.get(
    if workflow_annotation is not None:
        workflow_annotation_id = workflow_annotation.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' %
                                (_('Not found'), _('Workflow Annotation')))

    tk.check_access('workflow_annotation_delete', context, data_dict)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    rev.message = _(
        u'REST API: Delete workflow annotation %s') % workflow_annotation_id

    if not defer_commit:
Пример #17
def infrastructure_delete(context, data_dict):
    Delete an infrastructure.

    You must be authorized to delete the infrastructure.

    :param id: the id or name of the infrastructure to delete
    :type id: string
    log.info("Deleting infrastructure: %r", data_dict)

    session = context['session']
    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']

    infrastructure_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    infrastructure = model.Group.get(infrastructure_id)
    if infrastructure is not None and infrastructure.type == 'infrastructure':
        infrastructure_id = infrastructure.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Project')))

    tk.check_access('infrastructure_delete', context, data_dict)

    if session.query(model.Member) \
            .join(model.Group, model.Group.id == model.Member.table_id) \
            .filter(model.Member.group_id == infrastructure_id) \
            .filter(model.Member.table_name == 'group') \
            .filter(model.Member.state != 'deleted') \
            .filter(model.Group.type == 'metadata_collection') \
            .filter(model.Group.state != 'deleted') \
            .count() > 0:
        raise tk.ValidationError(
            _('Project has dependent metadata collections'))

    # cascade delete to dependent metadata schemas
    cascade_context = {
        'model': model,
        'user': user,
        'session': session,
        'defer_commit': True,
        'ignore_auth': True,
    metadata_schema_ids = session.query(ckanext_model.MetadataSchema.id) \
        .filter(ckanext_model.MetadataSchema.infrastructure_id == infrastructure_id) \
        .filter(ckanext_model.MetadataSchema.state != 'deleted') \
    for (metadata_schema_id, ) in metadata_schema_ids:
        tk.get_action('metadata_schema_delete')(cascade_context, {
            'id': metadata_schema_id

    data_dict['type'] = 'infrastructure'
    group_context = context.copy()
        'invoked_action': 'infrastructure_delete',
        'ignore_auth': True,

    tk.get_action('group_delete')(group_context, data_dict)
    def update_entry(cls, **kwargs):
        Update name or long_url for the existing entry
        :param kwargs:
        _id = kwargs.get(u'id', u'')
        rec = cls.get_entry(id=_id)
        if not rec:
            raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound(u"Given record not found")

        if u'name' in kwargs:
            rec.name = convert_to_name(kwargs[u'name'])

        if u'long_url' in kwargs:
            rec.long_url = kwargs[u'long_url']

        except orm_exceptions.IntegrityError as e:
            raise toolkit.ValidationError(u"Another Record with same name or url exists")

        return rec
Пример #19
def basket_list(context, data_dict):
    """List all baskets for user

    :param user_id: The id of the user for whom to list the baskets (only admin)
    :type user_id: string
    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']

    user_id = data_dict.get(
        'user_id', authz.get_user_id_for_username(user, allow_none=True))
    if not user_id:
        return []

    if data_dict.get('user_id'):
        user = model.User.get(user_id)

        if user is None:
            raise tk.ObjectNotFound('User was not found')

        user_id = user.id

    q = model.Session.query(Basket).filter(Basket.user_id == user_id)

    return [basket.as_dict() for basket in q.all()]
Пример #20
def role_delete(context, data_dict):
    Delete a role.

    You must be a sysadmin to delete roles.

    :param id: the id of the role to delete
    :type id: string
    log.info("Deleting role: %r", data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)

    role_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    role = extmodel.Role.get(role_id)
    if role is not None:
        role_id = role.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Role')))

    tk.check_access('role_delete', context, data_dict)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    rev.message = _(u'REST API: Delete Role %s') % role_id

    if not defer_commit:
Пример #21
def _get_deposited_dataset(context, dataset_id):
    deposit = helpers.get_data_deposit()
    dataset = toolkit.get_action('package_show')(context, {'id': dataset_id})
    if dataset.get('owner_org') != deposit['id']:
        message = 'Deposited dataset "%s" not found' % dataset_id
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound(message)
    return dataset
Пример #22
def basket_element_remove(context, data_dict):
    """Remove an element from a basket

    :param basket_id: The id of the basket
    :type basket_id: string
    :param packages: The id of the packages
    :type packages: list of strings
    :param package_id: The id of the package
    :type package_id: string
    tk.check_access('basket_owner_only', context,
                    {'id': data_dict['basket_id']})
    model = context['model']

    basket_id = _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'basket_id')

    basket = Basket.get(basket_id)
    if not basket:
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('Basket was not found.')

    pkgs = data_dict.get('packages', None)
    package_id = data_dict.get('package_id', None)

    if pkgs is not None:
        for package_id in pkgs:
            _basket_element_remove(context, model, package_id, basket)
    elif package_id is not None:
        _basket_element_remove(context, model, package_id, basket)
        basket_id = _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'package_id')

Пример #23
def role_show(context, data_dict):
    Return a role definition.

    You must be a sysadmin to view roles.

    :param id: the id of the role
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary
    log.debug("Retrieving role: %r", data_dict)

    role_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    role = extmodel.Role.get(role_id)
    if role is not None:
        role_id = role.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Role')))

    tk.check_access('role_show', context, data_dict)

    context['role'] = role
    role_dict = dictization.role_dictize(role, context)

    result_dict, errors = tk.navl_validate(role_dict,
                                           schema.role_show_schema(), context)
    return result_dict
Пример #24
def version_show(context, data_dict):
    """Show a specific version object

    :param version_id: the id or name of the version
    :type version_id: string
    :param dataset_id: [Optional] the id or name of a dataset. Mandatory
    if version name provided as version_id
    :type dataset_id: string
    :returns: the version dictionary
    :rtype: dict
    model = context.get('model', core_model)
    version_name_or_id = toolkit.get_or_bust(data_dict, ['version_id'])
    version = model.Session.query(Version).get(version_name_or_id)
    if not version:
        version_name = version_name_or_id
        dataset_name_or_id = data_dict.get('dataset_id')
        dataset = model.Package.get(dataset_name_or_id)
        if dataset:
            dataset_id = dataset.id
            version = model.Session.query(Version). \
                filter(Version.package_id == dataset_id). \
                filter(Version.name == version_name).one_or_none()
    if not version:
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Version not found')

    toolkit.check_access('version_show', context,
                         {"package_id": version.package_id})

    return version.as_dict()
Пример #25
def role_permission_list(context, data_dict):
    Return a list of permissions for a role.

    You must be a sysadmin to list role permissions.

    :param role_id: the id or name of the role
    :type role_id: string

    :returns: list of dicts
    log.debug("Retrieving role permission list: %r", data_dict)
    tk.check_access('role_permission_list', context, data_dict)

    session = context['session']

    role_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'role_id')
    role = extmodel.Role.get(role_id)
    if role is not None:
        role_id = role.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('Role')))

    permissions = session.query(extmodel.Permission) \
        .join(extmodel.RolePermission, and_(extmodel.Permission.content_type == extmodel.RolePermission.content_type,
                                            extmodel.Permission.operation == extmodel.RolePermission.operation)) \
        .filter(extmodel.RolePermission.role_id == role_id) \
        .filter(extmodel.RolePermission.state == 'active') \
    return dictization.permission_list_dictize(permissions, context)
    def remove_indicator(self, user, indicator_id):
        # in case someone accidentally forgot to pass a valid user object
        assert user is not None, "User must be passed in order for indicator removal to work"
        ind = self.session.query(ProfileIndicator).get(indicator_id)

        if ind and user.is_admin and ind.ind_type == 'headline':

        if ind:
            if ind.is_global:
                # users don't actually remove global indicators, but only mark them as removed
                link = self.session.query(UserIndicatorLink).\
                    filter(and_(UserIndicatorLink.indicator_id == indicator_id,
                                UserIndicatorLink.user_id == user.ckan_user_id)).first()
                if link:
                    link.deleted = True
                if not ind in user.indicators:
                    # regular user tries to delete someone else's indicator
                    raise CantDeletePrivateIndicator(
                        "The indicator you're trying to delete is not yours")

                # regular users can permanently delete their own indicators
            raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound("Indicator not found")
    def get_dataset(dataset_id):
        dataset = DatasetService.get_dataset_meta(dataset_id)

        resource = None
        incs = None
        defaults = None
        meta = None
        if dataset:
            for res in dataset['resources']:
                if res['format'].lower() == 'csv':
                    resource = res
                if res['format'].lower() == 'json' and res['name'].lower(
                ) == 'incsinfo':
                    incs = res
                if res['format'].lower() == 'json' and res['name'].lower(
                ) == 'defaultinfo':
                    defaults = res
                if res['format'].lower() == 'yml' and res['name'].lower(
                ) == 'metadata':
                    meta = res

        if resource:
            table_name = resource['id']
            if incs:
                incs = incs.get('url')
            if defaults:
                defaults = defaults.get('url')
            if meta:
                meta = meta.get('url')
            return Dataset(table_name, dataset, incs, defaults, meta)
            raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
                "There's no resource for the given dataset")
Пример #28
def show_datarequest_comment(context, data_dict):
    Action to retrieve a comment. Access rights will be checked before getting
    the comment and a NotAuthorized exception will be risen if the user is not
    allowed to get the comment

    :param id: The ID of the comment to be retrieved
    :type id: string

    :returns: A dict with the following fields: id, user_id, datarequest_id,
        time and comment
    :rtype: dict

    model = context["model"]
    comment_id = data_dict.get("id", "")

    # Check id
    if not comment_id:
        raise tk.ValidationError([tk._("Comment ID has not been included")])

    # Init the data base

    # Check access
    tk.check_access(constants.SHOW_DATAREQUEST_COMMENT, context, data_dict)

    # Get comments
    result = db.Comment.get(id=comment_id)
    if not result:
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound(
            tk._("Comment {comment_id} not found in the data base").format(

    return _dictize_comment(result[0])
Пример #29
def harvest_source_update(context, data_dict):
        Authorization check for harvest source update

        It forwards the checks to package_update, which will check for
        organization membership, whether if sysadmin, etc according to the
        instance configuration.
    model = context.get('model')
    user = context.get('user')
    source_id = data_dict['id']

    pkg = model.Package.get(source_id)
    if not pkg:
        raise pt.ObjectNotFound(pt._('Harvest source not found'))

    context['package'] = pkg

        pt.check_access('package_update', context, data_dict)
        return {'success': True}
    except pt.NotAuthorized:
        return {
                'User {0} not authorized to update harvest source {1}').format(
                    user, source_id)
Пример #30
def jsonpatch_delete(context, data_dict):
    Delete a JSON Patch.

    :param id: the id of the JSON Patch to delete
    :type id: string
    log.info("Deleting JSON Patch: %r", data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    session = context['session']
    defer_commit = context.get('defer_commit', False)

    jsonpatch_id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    jsonpatch = JSONPatch.get(jsonpatch_id)
    if jsonpatch is not None:
        jsonpatch_id = jsonpatch.id
        raise tk.ObjectNotFound('%s: %s' % (_('Not found'), _('JSON Patch')))

    tk.check_access('jsonpatch_delete', context, data_dict)

    rev = model.repo.new_revision()
    rev.author = user
    rev.message = _(u'REST API: Delete JSON Patch %s') % jsonpatch_id

    if not defer_commit: