def paint(self): attribute_normal = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) attribute_normal_selected = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) if self.focus==RenameWindow.FOCUS_FILENAME: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( 2, 1, self.width()-2, 1, attr, "名前" ) self.filename_edit.enableCursor(self.focus==RenameWindow.FOCUS_FILENAME) self.filename_edit.paint() if self.focus==RenameWindow.FOCUS_TIMESTAMP: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( 2, 3, self.width()-2, 1, attr, "タイムスタンプ" ) self.timestamp_edit.enableCursor(self.focus==RenameWindow.FOCUS_TIMESTAMP) self.timestamp_edit.paint() self.readonly_checkbox.enableCursor(self.focus==RenameWindow.FOCUS_READONLY) self.readonly_checkbox.paint() self.system_checkbox.enableCursor(self.focus==RenameWindow.FOCUS_SYSTEM) self.system_checkbox.paint() self.hidden_checkbox.enableCursor(self.focus==RenameWindow.FOCUS_HIDDEN) self.hidden_checkbox.paint() self.archive_checkbox.enableCursor(self.focus==RenameWindow.FOCUS_ARCHIVE) self.archive_checkbox.paint()
def __init__( self, x, y, parent_window, ini, items ): self.ini = ini ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=42, height=9, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = False, title = 'ファイル名の一括変換', minimizebox = False, maximizebox = False, cursor = True, close_handler = self.onClose, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, char_handler = self.onChar, ) self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) self.items = items self.focus = BatchRenameWindow.FOCUS_OLD self.result = BatchRenameWindow.RESULT_CANCEL old = ini.get( "BATCHRENAME", "old" ) new = ini.get( "BATCHRENAME", "new" ) regexp = ini.getint( "BATCHRENAME", "regexp" ) ignorecase = ini.getint( "BATCHRENAME", "ignorecase" ) self.old_edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 10, 1, self.width()-12, 1, old, [ 0, len(old) ] ) self.new_edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 10, 3, self.width()-12, 1, new, [ 0, len(new) ] ) self.regexp_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 5, self.width()-4, 1, "正規表現", regexp ) self.ignorecase_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 6, self.width()-4, 1, "大文字/小文字を無視", ignorecase ) client_rect = self.getClientRect() offset_x, offset_y = self.charToClient( 0, 0 ) char_w, char_h = self.getCharSize() self.plane_statusbar = ckit.ThemePlane3x3( self, 'statusbar.png' ) self.plane_statusbar.setPosSize( 0, (self.height()-1)*char_h+offset_y, client_rect[2], client_rect[3]-(self.height()-1)*char_h+offset_y ) self.status_bar = cfiler_statusbar.StatusBar() self.status_bar_layer = cfiler_statusbar.SimpleStatusBarLayer() self.status_bar.registerLayer(self.status_bar_layer) self.updateStatusBar() try: self.wallpaper = ckit.Wallpaper(self) self.wallpaper.copy( parent_window ) self.wallpaper.adjust() except AttributeError: self.wallpaper = None self.paint()
def paint(self): attribute_normal = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("fg") ) attribute_normal_selected = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg") ) message_width = self.getStringWidth(self.message) self.putString( (self.width()-message_width)//2, 1, message_width, 1, attribute_normal, self.message ) if self.msgbox_type==MSGBOX_TYPE_OK: btn_string = " OK " btn_width = self.getStringWidth(btn_string) self.putString( (self.width()-btn_width)//2, 3, btn_width, 1, attribute_normal_selected, btn_string ) elif self.msgbox_type==MSGBOX_TYPE_YESNO: btn1_string = "はい" btn1_width = self.getStringWidth(btn1_string) btn2_string = "いいえ" btn2_width = self.getStringWidth(btn2_string) if self.focus==MessageBox.BUTTON_YES: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( (self.width()-btn1_width-btn2_width-4)//2, 3, btn1_width, 1, attr, btn1_string ) if self.focus==MessageBox.BUTTON_NO: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( (self.width()+btn1_width-btn2_width+4)//2, 3, btn2_width, 1, attr, btn2_string )
def __init__( self, x, y, parent_window, name, file, param, directory ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=80, height=9, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), show = False, resizable = False, title = "Command", minimizebox = False, maximizebox = False, cursor = True, close_handler = self.onClose, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, char_handler = self.onChar, ) self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) self.focus = CommandWindow.FOCUS_NAME self.result = COMMANDWINDOW_RESULT_CANCEL self.name_edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 16, 1, self.width()-18, 1, name, [ 0, len(name) ] ) self.file_edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 16, 3, self.width()-18, 1, file, [ 0, len(file) ] ) self.param_edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 16, 5, self.width()-18, 1, param, [ 0, len(param) ] ) self.directory_edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 16, 7, self.width()-18, 1, directory, [ 0, len(directory) ] ) self.paint()
def __init__( self, parent_window, debug=False ): self.initialized = False self.loadState() self.parent_window = parent_window = False ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x = self.window_normal_x, y = self.window_normal_y, width = self.window_normal_width, height = self.window_normal_height, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), border_size = 2, title_bar = False, title = clnch_resource.clnch_appname + " Console", show = False, activate_handler = self._onActivate, close_handler = self._onClose, move_handler = self._onMove, size_handler = self._onSize, keydown_handler = self._onKeyDown, #char_handler = self._onChar, lbuttondown_handler = self._onLeftButtonDown, lbuttonup_handler = self._onLeftButtonUp, mbuttondown_handler = self._onMiddleButtonDown, mbuttonup_handler = self._onMiddleButtonUp, rbuttondown_handler = self._onRightButtonDown, rbuttonup_handler = self._onRightButtonUp, lbuttondoubleclick_handler = self._onLeftButtonDoubleClick, mousemove_handler = self._onMouseMove, mousewheel_handler= self._onMouseWheel, ) self.plane_scrollbar0 = ckit.ThemePlane3x3( self, 'scrollbar0.png', 2 ) self.plane_scrollbar1 = ckit.ThemePlane3x3( self, 'scrollbar1.png', 1 ) self.debug = debug self.log = Log() self.scroll_info = ckit.ScrollInfo() self.mouse_click_info = None self.selection = [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] self.auto_show = False self.auto_show_required = False self.setTimer( self.onTimerAutoShow, 10 ) self.initialized = True self.paint()
def paint(self): attribute_normal = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) attribute_normal_selected = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) if self.focus==BatchRenameWindow.FOCUS_OLD: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( 2, 1, self.width()-2, 1, attr, "置換前" ) self.old_edit.enableCursor(self.focus==BatchRenameWindow.FOCUS_OLD) self.old_edit.paint() if self.focus==BatchRenameWindow.FOCUS_NEW: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( 2, 3, self.width()-2, 1, attr, "置換後" ) self.new_edit.enableCursor(self.focus==BatchRenameWindow.FOCUS_NEW) self.new_edit.paint() self.regexp_checkbox.enableCursor(self.focus==BatchRenameWindow.FOCUS_REGEXP) self.regexp_checkbox.paint() self.ignorecase_checkbox.enableCursor(self.focus==BatchRenameWindow.FOCUS_IGNORECASE) self.ignorecase_checkbox.paint() self.status_bar.paint( self, 0, self.height()-1, self.width(), 1 )
def __init__(self, parent_window, debug=False): self.initialized = False self.loadState() self.parent_window = parent_window = False ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=self.window_normal_x, y=self.window_normal_y, width=self.window_normal_width, height=self.window_normal_height, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color=ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color=ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color=ckit.getColor("cursor1"), border_size=2, title_bar=True, title=clnch_resource.clnch_appname, show=False, activate_handler=self._onActivate, close_handler=self._onClose, move_handler=self._onMove, size_handler=self._onSize, keydown_handler=self._onKeyDown, #char_handler = self._onChar, lbuttondown_handler=self._onLeftButtonDown, lbuttonup_handler=self._onLeftButtonUp, mbuttondown_handler=self._onMiddleButtonDown, mbuttonup_handler=self._onMiddleButtonUp, rbuttondown_handler=self._onRightButtonDown, rbuttonup_handler=self._onRightButtonUp, lbuttondoubleclick_handler=self._onLeftButtonDoubleClick, mousemove_handler=self._onMouseMove, mousewheel_handler=self._onMouseWheel, ) self.plane_scrollbar0 = ckit.ThemePlane3x3(self, 'scrollbar0.png', 2) self.plane_scrollbar1 = ckit.ThemePlane3x3(self, 'scrollbar1.png', 1) self.debug = debug self.log = Log() self.scroll_info = ckit.ScrollInfo() self.mouse_click_info = None self.selection = [[0, 0], [0, 0]] self.auto_show = False self.auto_show_required = False self.setTimer(self.onTimerAutoShow, 10) self.initialized = True self.paint()
def paint(self, window, x, y, width, height): s = " %s" % (self.message) s = ckit.adjustStringWidth(window, s, width - 1) if self.error: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("bar_error_fg")) else: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("bar_fg")) window.putString(x, y, width, height, attr, s)
def paint( self, window, x, y, width, height ): s = " %s" % ( self.message ) s = ckit.adjustStringWidth( window, s, width-1 ) if self.error: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("bar_error_fg")) else: attr = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("bar_fg") ) window.putString( x, y, width, height, attr, s )
def __init__(self, x, y, parent_window, show=True, msgbox_type=MSGBOX_TYPE_OK, title="", message="", return_modkey=False): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=5, height=5, origin=ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color=ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color=ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color=ckit.getColor("cursor1"), show=False, resizable=False, title=title, minimizebox=False, maximizebox=False, close_handler=self.onClose, keydown_handler=self.onKeyDown, ) message_width = self.getStringWidth(message) window_width = message_width + 2 if window_width < 20: window_width = 20 self.setPosSize(x=x, y=y, width=window_width, height=5, origin=ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER) self.msgbox_type = msgbox_type self.message = message self.return_modkey = return_modkey if self.msgbox_type == MSGBOX_TYPE_OK: self.focus = MessageBox.BUTTON_OK elif self.msgbox_type == MSGBOX_TYPE_YESNO: self.focus = MessageBox.BUTTON_YES else: assert (False) self.result = MSGBOX_RESULT_CANCEL self.result_mod = 0 self.paint()
def paint(self): if self.focus==AppNameWindow.FOCUS_EDIT: attr = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) else: attr = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) self.putString( 2, 1, self.width()-2, 1, attr, "アプリケーション名" ) self.edit.enableCursor(self.focus==AppNameWindow.FOCUS_EDIT) self.edit.paint()
def __init__( self, x, y, parent_window, ini, item ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=42, height=10, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = False, title = 'ファイル情報の変更', minimizebox = False, maximizebox = False, cursor = True, close_handler = self.onClose, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, char_handler = self.onChar, ) self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) self.item = item self.focus = RenameWindow.FOCUS_FILENAME self.result = RenameWindow.RESULT_CANCEL basename = os.path.basename( item.getNameNfc() ) last_period_pos = basename.rfind(".") if last_period_pos>0 and last_period_pos>=len(basename)-5: selection = [ last_period_pos, last_period_pos ] else: selection = None self.filename_edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 8, 1, self.width()-10, 1, basename, selection ) self.timestamp_edit = ckit.TimeWidget( self, 18, 3, item.time() ) self.original_attribute = item.attr() self.readonly_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 5, self.width()-4, 1, "Read Only", self.original_attribute & ckit.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) self.system_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 6, self.width()-4, 1, "System ", self.original_attribute & ckit.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ) self.hidden_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 7, self.width()-4, 1, "Hidden ", self.original_attribute & ckit.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ) self.archive_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 8, self.width()-4, 1, "Archive ", self.original_attribute & ckit.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ) try: self.wallpaper = ckit.Wallpaper(self) self.wallpaper.copy( parent_window ) self.wallpaper.adjust() except AttributeError: self.wallpaper = None self.paint()
def paint( self, window, x, y, width, cursor, itemformat, userdata ): if self.isdir(): if self.ishidden(): attr_fg=ckit.getColor("hidden_dir_fg") else: attr_fg=ckit.getColor("dir_fg") else: if self.ishidden(): attr_fg=ckit.getColor("hidden_file_fg") else: attr_fg=ckit.getColor("file_fg") if self.selected(): attr_bg_gradation=( ckit.getColor("select_file_bg1"), ckit.getColor("select_file_bg2"), ckit.getColor("select_file_bg1"), ckit.getColor("select_file_bg2")) elif self.bookmark(): attr_bg_gradation=( ckit.getColor("bookmark_file_bg1"), ckit.getColor("bookmark_file_bg2"), ckit.getColor("bookmark_file_bg1"), ckit.getColor("bookmark_file_bg2")) else: attr_bg_gradation = None if cursor: line0=( LINE_BOTTOM, ckit.getColor("file_cursor") ) else: line0=None attr = ckit.Attribute( fg=attr_fg, bg_gradation=attr_bg_gradation, line0=line0 ) s = itemformat( window, self, width, userdata ) window.putString( x, y, width, 1, attr, s )
def paint( self, window, x, y, width, cursor, itemformat, userdata ): if cursor: line0=( LINE_BOTTOM, ckit.getColor("file_cursor") ) else: line0=None attr = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("error_file_fg"), line0=line0 ) s = "- no item -" s = ckit.adjustStringWidth(window,s,width,ckit.ALIGN_CENTER) window.putString( x, y, width, 1, attr, s )
def __init__( self, x, y, width, height, parent_window, ini, title, items, selection, cursor_handler, select_handler ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = True, title = title, minimizebox = True, maximizebox = True, sysmenu = True, close_handler = self.onClose, size_handler = self.onSize, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, ) self.ini = ini self.command = ckit.CommandMap(self) client_rect = self.getClientRect() offset_x, offset_y = self.charToClient( 0, 0 ) char_w, char_h = self.getCharSize() self.plane_statusbar = ckit.ThemePlane3x3( self, 'statusbar.png' ) self.status_bar = cfiler_statusbar.StatusBar() self.status_bar_layer = cfiler_statusbar.SimpleStatusBarLayer() self.status_bar.registerLayer(self.status_bar_layer) self.job_queue = ckit.JobQueue() self.items = items self.cursor = selection self.plane = None self.img = None self.zoom_policy = self.ini.get( "IMAGEVIEWER", "zoom_policy" ).lower() if self.zoom_policy=="fit": = True else: = False self.pos = [0,0] self.cursor_handler = cursor_handler self.select_handler = select_handler self.configure() self.decode()
def __init__( self, x, y, parent_window, ini ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=42, height=7, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = False, title = 'Grep', minimizebox = False, maximizebox = False, cursor = True, close_handler = self.onClose, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, char_handler = self.onChar, ) self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) self.focus = GrepWindow.FOCUS_PATTERN self.result = GrepWindow.RESULT_CANCEL self.ini = ini self.grep_history = cfiler_history.History() self.grep_history.load( self.ini, "GREP" ) if len(self.grep_history.items)>0: pattern = self.grep_history.items[0] else: pattern = "" recursive = ini.getint( "GREP", "recursive" ) regexp = ini.getint( "GREP", "regexp" ) ignorecase = ini.getint( "GREP", "ignorecase" ) self.pattern_edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 14, 1, self.width()-16, 1, pattern, [ 0, len(pattern) ], candidate_handler=self.grep_history.candidateHandler, candidate_remove_handler=self.grep_history.candidateRemoveHandler ) self.recursive_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 3, self.width()-4, 1, "サブディレクトリ", recursive ) self.regexp_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 4, self.width()-4, 1, "正規表現", regexp ) self.ignorecase_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 5, self.width()-4, 1, "大文字/小文字を無視", ignorecase ) try: self.wallpaper = ckit.Wallpaper(self) self.wallpaper.copy( parent_window ) self.wallpaper.adjust() except AttributeError: self.wallpaper = None self.paint()
def __init__( self, x, y, parent_window, ini, items ): self.ini = ini ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=44, height=13, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = False, title = 'ファイル情報の一括変更', minimizebox = False, maximizebox = False, cursor = True, close_handler = self.onClose, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, char_handler = self.onChar, ) self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) self.focus = MultiRenameWindow.FOCUS_RECURSIVE self.result = MultiRenameWindow.RESULT_CANCEL self.recursive_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 1, self.width()-4, 1, "Recursive", True ) timestamp = time.localtime( time.time() )[:6] self.timestamp_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 3, self.width()-4, 1, "タイムスタンプ", False ) self.timestamp_edit = ckit.TimeWidget( self, 20, 3, timestamp ) self.allcase_choice = ckit.ChoiceWidget( self, 2, 5, self.width()-4, 1, "全体 ", [ "小文字", "変更なし", "大文字" ], 1 ) self.extcase_choice = ckit.ChoiceWidget( self, 2, 6, self.width()-4, 1, "拡張子 ", [ "小文字", "変更なし", "大文字" ], 1 ) self.readonly_choice = ckit.ChoiceWidget( self, 2, 8, self.width()-4, 1, "Read Only ", [ "OFF", "変更なし", "ON" ], 1 ) self.system_choice = ckit.ChoiceWidget( self, 2, 9, self.width()-4, 1, "System ", [ "OFF", "変更なし", "ON" ], 1 ) self.hidden_choice = ckit.ChoiceWidget( self, 2, 10, self.width()-4, 1, "Hidden ", [ "OFF", "変更なし", "ON" ], 1 ) self.archive_choice = ckit.ChoiceWidget( self, 2, 11, self.width()-4, 1, "Archive ", [ "OFF", "変更なし", "ON" ], 1 ) self.items = items try: self.wallpaper = ckit.Wallpaper(self) self.wallpaper.copy( parent_window ) self.wallpaper.adjust() except AttributeError: self.wallpaper = None self.paint()
def __init__( self, x, y, parent_window, show=True, msgbox_type=MSGBOX_TYPE_OK, title="", message="", return_modkey=False ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=5, height=5, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), show = False, resizable = False, title = title, minimizebox = False, maximizebox = False, close_handler = self.onClose, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, ) message_width = self.getStringWidth(message) window_width = message_width + 2 if window_width<20 : window_width=20 self.setPosSize( x=x, y=y, width=window_width, height=5, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER ) self.msgbox_type = msgbox_type self.message = message self.return_modkey = return_modkey if self.msgbox_type==MSGBOX_TYPE_OK: self.focus = MessageBox.BUTTON_OK elif self.msgbox_type==MSGBOX_TYPE_YESNO: self.focus = MessageBox.BUTTON_YES else: assert(False) self.result = MSGBOX_RESULT_CANCEL self.result_mod = 0 self.paint()
def paint(self): attribute_normal = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) attribute_normal_selected = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) if attr = attribute_normal_selected self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( 2, 1, self.width()-4, 1, attr, "F 上書き" ) if attr = attribute_normal_selected self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( 2, 3, self.width()-4, 1, attr, "T 新しければ上書き" ) if attr = attribute_normal_selected self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( 2, 5, self.width()-4, 1, attr, "N 複写しない" ) if attr = attribute_normal_selected self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString( 2, 7, self.width()-4, 1, attr, "R 改名" ) self.edit.enableCursor( self.edit.paint() attr = attribute_normal def strTime(t): return "%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % ( t[0]%100, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5] ) self.putString( 2, 9, 18, 1, attr, "Src : %s" % ( self.src_item.getNameNfc(), ) ) self.putString( 20, 9, self.width()-20, 1, attr, "%6s %s" % ( cfiler_misc.getFileSizeString(self.src_item.size()), strTime(self.src_item.time()) ) ) self.putString( 2, 10, 18, 1, attr, "Dst : %s" % ( self.dst_item.getNameNfc(), ) ) self.putString( 20, 10, self.width()-20, 1, attr, "%6s %s" % ( cfiler_misc.getFileSizeString(self.dst_item.size()), strTime(self.dst_item.time()) ) )
def __init__(self, x, y, parent_window, show=True): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=29, height=2, origin=ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, show=show, bg_color=ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color=ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color=ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable=False, title="ホットキー", minimizebox=False, maximizebox=False, cursor=True, close_handler=self.onClose, keydown_handler=self.onKeyDown, ) self.setCursorPos(-1, -1) self.result = RESULT_CANCEL activate_vk = clnch_ini.getint("HOTKEY", "activate_vk", 0) activate_mod = clnch_ini.getint("HOTKEY", "activate_mod", 0) self.activate_hotkey = ckit.HotKeyWidget(self, 0, 0, self.width(), 1, activate_vk, activate_mod) self.plane_statusbar = ckit.ThemePlane3x3(self, 'bar.png', 2) client_rect = self.getClientRect() tmp, statusbar_top = self.charToClient(0, self.height() - 1) self.plane_statusbar.setPosSize(0, statusbar_top, client_rect[2] - 0, client_rect[3] - statusbar_top) self.status_bar = clnch_statusbar.StatusBar() self.status_bar_layer = clnch_statusbar.SimpleStatusBarLayer() self.status_bar.registerLayer(self.status_bar_layer) self.updateStatusBar() self.paint()
def __init__( self, x, y, parent_window, ini ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=22, height=6, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = False, title = '確認の有無のカスタマイズ', minimizebox = False, maximizebox = False, cursor = True, close_handler = self.onClose, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, ) self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) self.focus = ConfigConfirmWindow.FOCUS_COPY self.result = ConfigConfirmWindow.RESULT_CANCEL confirm_copy = main_window.ini.getint( "MISC", "confirm_copy" ) confirm_move = main_window.ini.getint( "MISC", "confirm_move" ) confirm_extract = main_window.ini.getint( "MISC", "confirm_extract" ) confirm_quit = main_window.ini.getint( "MISC", "confirm_quit" ) self.confirm_copy_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 1, self.width()-4, 1, "コピー", confirm_copy ) self.confirm_move_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 2, self.width()-4, 1, "移動", confirm_move ) self.confirm_extract_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 3, self.width()-4, 1, "アーカイブ展開", confirm_extract ) self.confirm_quit_checkbox = ckit.CheckBoxWidget( self, 2, 4, self.width()-4, 1, "終了", confirm_quit ) try: self.wallpaper = ckit.Wallpaper(self) self.wallpaper.copy( parent_window ) self.wallpaper.adjust() except AttributeError: self.wallpaper = None self.paint()
def paint(self): x = 0 y = 0 width = self.width() height = self.itemsHeight() attribute_normal = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) attribute_normal_selected = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) for i in range(height): index = self.scroll_info.pos + i if index < len(self.items): item = self.items[index] if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple): item = item[0] if == index: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString(x, y + i, width, 1, attr, " " * width) self.putString(x, y + i, width, 1, attr, item) else: self.putString(x, y + i, width, 1, attribute_normal, " " * width) if self.status_bar: if self.isearch: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) s = " Search : %s_" % (self.isearch.isearch_value) s = ckit.adjustStringWidth(self, s, width - 1) self.putString(0, self.height() - 1, width - 1, 1, attr, s) else: self.status_bar_layer.setMessage( self.statusbar_handler(width, self.status_bar.paint(self, 0, self.height() - 1, width, 1) else: if self.isearch: s = " Search : %s_" % (self.isearch.isearch_value) self.setTitle(s) else: self.setTitle(self.title)
def paint( self, window, x, y, width, height ): if self.music_player.position!=None and self.music_player.length!=None: right = " %s - %s " % ( _timeString(self.music_player.position), _timeString(self.music_player.length-self.music_player.position) ) else: right = " " left = " [ Music %d/%d ] %s" % ( self.music_player.cursor+1, len(self.music_player.items), self.music_player.song_name ) left = ckit.adjustStringWidth( window, left, width-len(right), ckit.ALIGN_LEFT, ckit.ELLIPSIS_RIGHT ) attr = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("bar_fg")) window.putString( x, y, width, y, attr, left+right )
def __init__(self, x, y, parent_window, show=True): ckit.Window.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=29, height=2, origin=ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, show=show, bg_color=ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color=ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color=ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable=False, title="ホットキー", minimizebox=False, maximizebox=False, cursor=True, close_handler=self.onClose, keydown_handler=self.onKeyDown, ) self.setCursorPos(-1, -1) self.result = RESULT_CANCEL activate_vk = clnch_ini.getint("HOTKEY", "activate_vk", 0) activate_mod = clnch_ini.getint("HOTKEY", "activate_mod", 0) self.activate_hotkey = ckit.HotKeyWidget(self, 0, 0, self.width(), 1, activate_vk, activate_mod) self.plane_statusbar = ckit.ThemePlane3x3(self, "bar.png", 2) client_rect = self.getClientRect() tmp, statusbar_top = self.charToClient(0, self.height() - 1) self.plane_statusbar.setPosSize(0, statusbar_top, client_rect[2] - 0, client_rect[3] - statusbar_top) self.status_bar = clnch_statusbar.StatusBar() self.status_bar_layer = clnch_statusbar.SimpleStatusBarLayer() self.status_bar.registerLayer(self.status_bar_layer) self.updateStatusBar() self.paint()
def paint(self): if self.focus==GrepWindow.FOCUS_PATTERN: attr = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) else: attr = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) self.putString( 2, 1, self.width()-2, 1, attr, "検索文字列" ) self.pattern_edit.enableCursor(self.focus==GrepWindow.FOCUS_PATTERN) self.pattern_edit.paint() self.recursive_checkbox.enableCursor(self.focus==GrepWindow.FOCUS_RECURSIVE) self.recursive_checkbox.paint() self.regexp_checkbox.enableCursor(self.focus==GrepWindow.FOCUS_REGEXP) self.regexp_checkbox.paint() self.ignorecase_checkbox.enableCursor(self.focus==GrepWindow.FOCUS_IGNORECASE) self.ignorecase_checkbox.paint()
def __init__(self, x, y, parent_window, name, file, param, directory): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=80, height=9, origin=ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color=ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color=ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color=ckit.getColor("cursor1"), show=False, resizable=False, title="Command", minimizebox=False, maximizebox=False, cursor=True, close_handler=self.onClose, keydown_handler=self.onKeyDown, char_handler=self.onChar, ) self.setCursorPos(-1, -1) self.focus = CommandWindow.FOCUS_NAME self.result = COMMANDWINDOW_RESULT_CANCEL self.name_edit = ckit.EditWidget(self, 16, 1, self.width() - 18, 1, name, [0, len(name)]) self.file_edit = ckit.EditWidget(self, 16, 3, self.width() - 18, 1, file, [0, len(file)]) self.param_edit = ckit.EditWidget(self, 16, 5, self.width() - 18, 1, param, [0, len(param)]) self.directory_edit = ckit.EditWidget(self, 16, 7, self.width() - 18, 1, directory, [0, len(directory)]) self.paint()
def paint(self): x = 0 y = 0 width = self.width() height = self.itemsHeight() attribute_normal = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) attribute_normal_selected = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) for i in range(height): index = self.scroll_info.pos + i if index < len(self.items): item = self.items[index] if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple): item = item[0] if and == index: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString(x, y + i, width, 1, attr, " " * width) self.putString(x, y + i, width, 1, attr, item) else: self.putString(x, y + i, width, 1, attribute_normal, " " * width) if self.status_bar: if self.isearch: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) s = " Search : %s_" % (self.isearch.isearch_value) s = ckit.adjustStringWidth(self, s, width - 1) self.putString(0, self.height() - 1, width - 1, 1, attr, s) else: self.status_bar_layer.setMessage(self.statusbar_handler(width, self.status_bar.paint(self, 0, self.height() - 1, width, 1) else: if self.isearch: s = " Search : %s_" % (self.isearch.isearch_value) self.setTitle(s) else: self.setTitle(self.title)
def __init__( self, debug=False ): self.initialized = False self.loadState() ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x = self.window_normal_x, y = self.window_normal_y, width = self.window_normal_width, height = self.window_normal_height, font_size = 12, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), border_size = 2, title_bar = True, title = "Keyhac", show = keyhac_ini.getint( "CONSOLE", "visible", 1 ), sysmenu=True, activate_handler = self._onActivate, close_handler = self._onClose, move_handler = self._onMove, size_handler = self._onSize, keydown_handler = self._onKeyDown, #char_handler = self._onChar, lbuttondown_handler = self._onLeftButtonDown, lbuttonup_handler = self._onLeftButtonUp, mbuttondown_handler = self._onMiddleButtonDown, mbuttonup_handler = self._onMiddleButtonUp, rbuttondown_handler = self._onRightButtonDown, rbuttonup_handler = self._onRightButtonUp, lbuttondoubleclick_handler = self._onLeftButtonDoubleClick, mousemove_handler = self._onMouseMove, mousewheel_handler= self._onMouseWheel, ) self.theme_enabled = False try: self.createThemePlane() except: traceback.print_exc() self.debug = debug self.log = Log() self.scroll_info = ckit.ScrollInfo() self.mouse_click_info = None self.selection = [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] self.initialized = True self.paint()
def __init__(self, debug=False): self.initialized = False self.loadState() ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=self.window_normal_x, y=self.window_normal_y, width=self.window_normal_width, height=self.window_normal_height, font_size=12, bg_color=ckit.getColor("bg"), border_size=2, title_bar=True, title="Keyhac", show=keyhac_ini.getint("CONSOLE", "visible", 1), sysmenu=True, activate_handler=self._onActivate, close_handler=self._onClose, move_handler=self._onMove, size_handler=self._onSize, keydown_handler=self._onKeyDown, #char_handler = self._onChar, lbuttondown_handler=self._onLeftButtonDown, lbuttonup_handler=self._onLeftButtonUp, mbuttondown_handler=self._onMiddleButtonDown, mbuttonup_handler=self._onMiddleButtonUp, rbuttondown_handler=self._onRightButtonDown, rbuttonup_handler=self._onRightButtonUp, lbuttondoubleclick_handler=self._onLeftButtonDoubleClick, mousemove_handler=self._onMouseMove, mousewheel_handler=self._onMouseWheel, ) self.theme_enabled = False try: self.createThemePlane() except: traceback.print_exc() self.debug = debug self.log = Log() self.scroll_info = ckit.ScrollInfo() self.mouse_click_info = None self.selection = [[0, 0], [0, 0]] self.initialized = True self.paint()
def __init__( self, x, y, parent_window, ini ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=48, height=3, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = False, title = 'アプリケーション名のカスタマイズ', minimizebox = False, maximizebox = False, cursor = True, close_handler = self.onClose, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, char_handler = self.onChar, ) self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) self.focus = AppNameWindow.FOCUS_EDIT self.result = AppNameWindow.RESULT_CANCEL app_name = main_window.ini.get( "MISC", "app_name" ) self.edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 22, 1, self.width()-24, 1, app_name, [0,len(app_name)] ) try: self.wallpaper = ckit.Wallpaper(self) self.wallpaper.copy( parent_window ) self.wallpaper.adjust() except AttributeError: self.wallpaper = None self.paint()
def __init__( self, x, y, parent_window, ini, src_item, dst_item, default_result=RESULT_TIMESTAMP, filename='' ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=46, height=12, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = False, title = '同じ名前のファイルの上書き確認', minimizebox = False, maximizebox = False, cursor = True, close_handler = self.onClose, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, char_handler = self.onChar, ) self.setCursorPos( -1, -1 ) self.edit = ckit.EditWidget( self, 10, 7, self.width()-12, 1, filename ) self.src_item = src_item self.dst_item = dst_item = default_result self.shift = False try: self.wallpaper = ckit.Wallpaper(self) self.wallpaper.copy( parent_window ) self.wallpaper.adjust() except AttributeError: self.wallpaper = None self.paint()
def __init__( self, x, y, width, height, parent_window, ini, title, keydown_hook=None ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = True, title = title, minimizebox = True, maximizebox = True, close_handler = self.onClose, size_handler = self._onSize, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, ) self.lines = [""] self.last_line_terminated = False self.keydown_hook = keydown_hook self.scroll_info = ckit.ScrollInfo() self.scroll_info.makeVisible( 0, self.height() ) try: self.wallpaper = ckit.Wallpaper(self) self.wallpaper.copy( parent_window ) self.wallpaper.adjust() except AttributeError: self.wallpaper = None self.paint()
def paint(self): attribute_normal = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) attribute_normal_selected = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) message_width = self.getStringWidth(self.message) self.putString((self.width() - message_width) // 2, 1, message_width, 1, attribute_normal, self.message) if self.msgbox_type == MSGBOX_TYPE_OK: btn_string = " OK " btn_width = self.getStringWidth(btn_string) self.putString((self.width() - btn_width) // 2, 3, btn_width, 1, attribute_normal_selected, btn_string) elif self.msgbox_type == MSGBOX_TYPE_YESNO: btn1_string = "はい" btn1_width = self.getStringWidth(btn1_string) btn2_string = "いいえ" btn2_width = self.getStringWidth(btn2_string) if self.focus == MessageBox.BUTTON_YES: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString((self.width() - btn1_width - btn2_width - 4) // 2, 3, btn1_width, 1, attr, btn1_string) if self.focus == MessageBox.BUTTON_NO: attr = attribute_normal_selected else: attr = attribute_normal self.putString((self.width() + btn1_width - btn2_width + 4) // 2, 3, btn2_width, 1, attr, btn2_string)
def paint(self, window, x, y, width, height): if self.music_player.position != None and self.music_player.length != None: right = " %s - %s " % (_timeString(self.music_player.position), _timeString(self.music_player.length - self.music_player.position)) else: right = " " left = " [ Music %d/%d ] %s" % (self.music_player.cursor + 1, len(self.music_player.items), self.music_player.song_name) left = ckit.adjustStringWidth(window, left, width - len(right), ckit.ALIGN_LEFT, ckit.ELLIPSIS_RIGHT) attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("bar_fg")) window.putString(x, y, width, y, attr, left + right)
def paint(self): y=0 width=self.width() height=self.height() client_rect = self.getClientRect() char_w, char_h = self.getCharSize() attribute_normal = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) for i in range(height): index = self.scroll_info.pos+i self.putString( 0, y+i, width, 1, attribute_normal, " " * width ) if index < len(self.lines): self.putString( 0, y+i, width, 1, attribute_normal, self.lines[index] )
def paint(self): width = self.width() height = self.height() client_rect = self.getClientRect() offset_x, offset_y = self.charToClient( 0, 0 ) char_w, char_h = self.getCharSize() area_size = ( client_rect[2]-client_rect[0], (height-1)*char_h+offset_y ) if not self.img : return img_size = self.img.getSize() plane_size = ( int(img_size[0]*self._zoom), int(img_size[1]*self._zoom) ) plane_topleft = [ (area_size[0]-plane_size[0])//2+self.pos[0], (area_size[1]-plane_size[1])//2+self.pos[1] ] if self.plane: self.plane.destroy() self.plane = ckit.ImagePlane( self, plane_topleft, plane_size, 4 ) self.plane.setImage(self.img) self.setTitle( "%s - [ %s ]" % ( cfiler_resource.cfiler_appname, self.items[self.cursor].name ) ) attribute_normal = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) for i in range(height-1): self.putString( 0, i, width, 1, attribute_normal, " " * width ) self.plane_statusbar.setPosSize( 0, (height-1)*char_h+offset_y, client_rect[2], client_rect[3]-(height-1)*char_h+offset_y ) if status_message_right = ": %d%% : %s-mode : %s" % ( self._zoom*100, self.zoom_policy, ) error = False else: status_message_right = ": デコードエラー" error = True status_message_left = "[%d/%d] %s" % ( self.cursor+1, len(self.items), self.items[self.cursor].name ) status_message_left = ckit.adjustStringWidth( self, status_message_left, width-2-self.getStringWidth(status_message_right), ckit.ALIGN_LEFT, ckit.ELLIPSIS_RIGHT ) self.status_bar_layer.setMessage( status_message_left + status_message_right, error ) self.status_bar.paint( self, 0, height-1, width, 1 )
def updateColor(self): self.setBGColor(ckit.getColor("bg")) self.setCursorColor(ckit.getColor("cursor0"), ckit.getColor("cursor1")) self.paint()
def __init__(self, x, y, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, parent_window, font, show=True, title="", items=[], initial_select=0, onekey_search=True, onekey_decide=False, return_modkey=False, keydown_hook=None, statusbar_handler=None): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=5, height=5, origin=ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, # 要る? font=font, bg_color=ckit.getColor("bg"), show=False, resizable=False, title=title, minimizebox=False, maximizebox=False, close_handler=self.onClose, keydown_handler=self.onKeyDown, char_handler=self.onChar, ) max_item_width = 0 for item in items: if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple): item = item[0] item_width = self.getStringWidth(item) if item_width > max_item_width: max_item_width = item_width window_width = max_item_width window_height = len(items) if statusbar_handler: window_height += 1 window_width = min(window_width, max_width) window_height = min(window_height, max_height) window_width = max(window_width, min_width) window_height = max(window_height, min_height) self.setPosSize(x=x, y=y, width=window_width, height=window_height, origin=ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER) self.title = title self.items = items self.scroll_info = ckit.ScrollInfo() = initial_select self.result_mod = 0 self.onekey_search = onekey_search self.onekey_decide = onekey_decide self.return_modkey = return_modkey self.keydown_hook = keydown_hook self.statusbar_handler = statusbar_handler self.status_bar = None self.status_bar_layer = None self.skin_statusbar = None self.isearch = None self.skin_isearch = None if statusbar_handler: self.status_bar = keyhac_statusbar.StatusBar() self.status_bar_layer = keyhac_statusbar.SimpleStatusBarLayer() self.status_bar.registerLayer(self.status_bar_layer) self.skin_statusbar = ckit.ThemePlane3x3(self, 'bar.png') client_rect = self.getClientRect() pos1 = self.charToClient(0, self.height() - 1) char_w, char_h = self.getCharSize() self.skin_statusbar.setPosSize(pos1[0] - char_w // 2, pos1[1], self.width() * char_w + char_w, client_rect[3] - pos1[1]) self.skin_isearch = ckit.ThemePlane3x3(self, 'edit.png', 1) self.skin_isearch.setPosSize(pos1[0] - char_w // 2, pos1[1], self.width() * char_w + char_w, client_rect[3] - pos1[1]) self.scroll_info.makeVisible(, self.itemsHeight()) self.configure() self.paint()
def paint(self): # テキスト if 1: x, y, width, height = self.rectText() attr = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("fg") ) attr_selected = ckit.Attribute( fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg") ) selection_left, selection_right = self.selection if selection_left > selection_right: selection_left, selection_right = selection_right, selection_left for i in range(height): if self.scroll_info.pos+i < self.log.numLines(): if selection_left[0] <= self.scroll_info.pos+i <= selection_right[0]: s = self.log.getLine( self.scroll_info.pos + i ) if selection_left[0]==self.scroll_info.pos+i: left = selection_left[1] else: left = 0 if selection_right[0]==self.scroll_info.pos+i: right = selection_right[1] else: right = len(s) s = [ s[0:left], s[left:right], s[right:len(s)] ] line_x = x self.putString( line_x, y+i, width-line_x, 1, attr, s[0] ) line_x += self.getStringWidth(s[0]) self.putString( line_x, y+i, width-line_x, 1, attr_selected, s[1] ) line_x += self.getStringWidth(s[1]) self.putString( line_x, y+i, width-line_x, 1, attr, s[2] ) line_x += self.getStringWidth(s[2]) self.putString( line_x, y+i, width-line_x, 1, attr, " " * (width-line_x) ) else: s = self.log.getLine( self.scroll_info.pos + i ) self.putString( x, y+i, width, 1, attr, s ) w = self.getStringWidth(s) space_x = x + w space_width = width - w self.putString( space_x, y+i, space_width, 1, attr, " " * space_width ) else: self.putString( x, y+i, width, 1, attr, " " * width ) # スクロールバー if 1: x, y, width, height = self.rectScrollbar() for i in range(height): self.putString( x, y+i, width, 1, attr, " " * width ) client_rect = self.getClientRect() scrollbar_left, tmp = self.charToClient( self.width()-2, 0 ) scrollbar0_rect = [ scrollbar_left, 0, client_rect[2]-scrollbar_left, client_rect[3]-0 ] scrollbar1_height = client_rect[3] * self.height() // self.log.numLines() scrollbar1_height = min( scrollbar1_height, client_rect[3] ) scrollbar1_height = max( scrollbar1_height, 12 ) scrollbar1_pos = (client_rect[3]-scrollbar1_height) * self.scroll_info.pos // max((self.log.numLines()-self.height()),1) scrollbar1_rect = [ scrollbar_left, scrollbar1_pos, client_rect[2]-scrollbar_left, scrollbar1_height ] self.plane_scrollbar0.setPosSize( *scrollbar0_rect ) self.plane_scrollbar1.setPosSize( *scrollbar1_rect )
def updateColor(self): self.setBGColor( ckit.getColor("bg") ) self.setCursorColor( ckit.getColor("cursor0"), ckit.getColor("cursor1") ) self.paint()
def __init__( self, debug=False ): self.initialized = False self.loadState() self.font_name = "MS Gothic" self.font_size = 12 # ウインドウの左上位置のDPIによってをフォントサイズ決定する dpi_scale = ckit.TextWindow.getDisplayScalingFromPosition( self.window_normal_x, self.window_normal_y ) scaled_font_size = round( self.font_size * dpi_scale ) ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x = self.window_normal_x, y = self.window_normal_y, width = self.window_normal_width, height = self.window_normal_height, font_name = self.font_name, font_size = scaled_font_size, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), border_size = 2, title_bar = True, title = "Keyhac", show = keyhac_ini.getint( "CONSOLE", "visible", 1 ), sysmenu=True, activate_handler = self._onActivate, close_handler = self._onClose, move_handler = self._onMove, size_handler = self._onSize, dpi_handler = self._onDpi, keydown_handler = self._onKeyDown, lbuttondown_handler = self._onLeftButtonDown, lbuttonup_handler = self._onLeftButtonUp, mbuttondown_handler = self._onMiddleButtonDown, mbuttonup_handler = self._onMiddleButtonUp, rbuttondown_handler = self._onRightButtonDown, rbuttonup_handler = self._onRightButtonUp, lbuttondoubleclick_handler = self._onLeftButtonDoubleClick, mousemove_handler = self._onMouseMove, mousewheel_handler= self._onMouseWheel, ) # モニター境界付近でウインドウが作成された場合を考慮して、DPIを再確認する dpi_scale2 = self.getDisplayScaling() if dpi_scale2 != dpi_scale: self._updateFont( x_center = True ) self.theme_enabled = False try: self.createThemePlane() except: traceback.print_exc() self.debug = debug self.log = Log() self.scroll_info = ckit.ScrollInfo() self.mouse_click_info = None self.selection = [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] self.initialized = True self.paint()
def paint(self, window, x, y, width, height): attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("bar_fg")) window.putString(x, y, width, height, attr, " " * width)
def paint(self, window, x, y, width, height): if len(self.layer_list) > 0: self.layer_list[0].paint(window, x, y, width, height) else: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("bar_fg")) window.putString(x, y, width, height, attr, " " * width)
def paint(self): if self.focus == CommandWindow.FOCUS_NAME: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) else: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) self.putString(2, 1, self.width() - 2, 1, attr, "名前") self.name_edit.enableCursor(self.focus == CommandWindow.FOCUS_NAME) self.name_edit.paint() if self.focus == CommandWindow.FOCUS_FILE: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) else: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) self.putString(2, 3, self.width() - 2, 1, attr, "ファイル") self.file_edit.enableCursor(self.focus == CommandWindow.FOCUS_FILE) self.file_edit.paint() if self.focus == CommandWindow.FOCUS_PARAM: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) else: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) self.putString(2, 5, self.width() - 2, 1, attr, "パラメタ") self.param_edit.enableCursor(self.focus == CommandWindow.FOCUS_PARAM) self.param_edit.paint() if self.focus == CommandWindow.FOCUS_DIRECTORY: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) else: attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) self.putString(2, 7, self.width() - 2, 1, attr, "ディレクトリ") self.directory_edit.enableCursor( self.focus == CommandWindow.FOCUS_DIRECTORY) self.directory_edit.paint()
def paint(self): # テキスト if 1: x, y, width, height = self.rectText() attr = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("fg")) attr_selected = ckit.Attribute(fg=ckit.getColor("select_fg"), bg=ckit.getColor("select_bg")) selection_left, selection_right = self.selection if selection_left > selection_right: selection_left, selection_right = selection_right, selection_left for i in range(height): if self.scroll_info.pos + i < self.log.numLines(): if selection_left[ 0] <= self.scroll_info.pos + i <= selection_right[ 0]: s = self.log.getLine(self.scroll_info.pos + i) if selection_left[0] == self.scroll_info.pos + i: left = selection_left[1] else: left = 0 if selection_right[0] == self.scroll_info.pos + i: right = selection_right[1] else: right = len(s) s = [s[0:left], s[left:right], s[right:len(s)]] line_x = x self.putString(line_x, y + i, width - line_x, 1, attr, s[0]) line_x += self.getStringWidth(s[0]) self.putString(line_x, y + i, width - line_x, 1, attr_selected, s[1]) line_x += self.getStringWidth(s[1]) self.putString(line_x, y + i, width - line_x, 1, attr, s[2]) line_x += self.getStringWidth(s[2]) self.putString(line_x, y + i, width - line_x, 1, attr, " " * (width - line_x)) else: s = self.log.getLine(self.scroll_info.pos + i) self.putString(x, y + i, width, 1, attr, s) w = self.getStringWidth(s) space_x = x + w space_width = width - w self.putString(space_x, y + i, space_width, 1, attr, " " * space_width) else: self.putString(x, y + i, width, 1, attr, " " * width) # スクロールバー if 1: x, y, width, height = self.rectScrollbar() for i in range(height): self.putString(x, y + i, width, 1, attr, " " * width) client_rect = self.getClientRect() scrollbar_left, tmp = self.charToClient(self.width() - 2, 0) scrollbar0_rect = [ scrollbar_left, 0, client_rect[2] - scrollbar_left, client_rect[3] - 0 ] scrollbar1_height = client_rect[3] * self.height( ) // self.log.numLines() scrollbar1_height = min(scrollbar1_height, client_rect[3]) scrollbar1_height = max(scrollbar1_height, 12) scrollbar1_pos = (client_rect[3] - scrollbar1_height) * self.scroll_info.pos // max( (self.log.numLines() - self.height()), 1) scrollbar1_rect = [ scrollbar_left, scrollbar1_pos, client_rect[2] - scrollbar_left, scrollbar1_height ] if self.theme_enabled: self.plane_scrollbar0.setPosSize(*scrollbar0_rect) self.plane_scrollbar1.setPosSize(*scrollbar1_rect)
def reloadTheme(self): self.destroyThemePlane() self.createThemePlane() self.setBGColor(ckit.getColor("bg")) self.paint()
def __init__( self, x, y, width, height, parent_window, ini, title, left_item, right_item, edit_handler=None ): ckit.TextWindow.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, origin= ORIGIN_X_CENTER | ORIGIN_Y_CENTER, parent_window=parent_window, bg_color = ckit.getColor("bg"), cursor0_color = ckit.getColor("cursor0"), cursor1_color = ckit.getColor("cursor1"), resizable = True, title = title, show = False, minimizebox = True, maximizebox = True, sysmenu=True, close_handler = self.onClose, size_handler = self._onSize, keydown_handler = self.onKeyDown, ) self.command = ckit.CommandMap(self) class Pane: pass self.left = Pane() self.right = Pane() self.img = ckit.createThemeImage('lineno.png') client_rect = self.getClientRect() offset_x, offset_y = self.charToClient( 0, 0 ) char_w, char_h = self.getCharSize() self.plane_statusbar = ckit.ThemePlane3x3( self, 'statusbar.png' ) self.status_bar = cfiler_statusbar.StatusBar() self.status_bar_layer = cfiler_statusbar.SimpleStatusBarLayer() self.status_bar.registerLayer(self.status_bar_layer) self.job_queue = ckit.JobQueue() self.edit_handler = edit_handler def initializePane( pane, item ): pane.plane = ckit.ImagePlane( self, (0,0), (10,10), 1 ) pane.plane.setImage(self.img) pane.item = item def jobLoad( job_item ): try: = except MemoryError: print( "ERROR : メモリ不足" ) = "" except Exception as e: cfiler_debug.printErrorInfo() print( e ) = "" text_encoding = ckit.detectTextEncoding( pane.encoding = text_encoding.encoding if =[len(] if pane.encoding==None: pane.lines = [] else: unicode_data = encoding=pane.encoding, errors='replace' ) pane.lines = unicode_data.splitlines() def jobLoadFinished( job_item ): pass job_item = ckit.JobItem( jobLoad, jobLoadFinished ) self.job_queue.enqueue(job_item) pane.scroll_info = ckit.ScrollInfo() pane.scroll_info.makeVisible( 0, self.height() ) pane.diff = [] initializePane( self.left, left_item ) initializePane( self.right, right_item ) try: self.wallpaper = ckit.Wallpaper(self) self.wallpaper.copy( parent_window ) self.wallpaper.adjust() except AttributeError: self.wallpaper = None self.load_finished = False def jobDiff( job_item ): diff_object = difflib.unified_diff( self.left.lines, self.right.lines, n=0 ) color = 0 re_pattern = re.compile( "@@ -([0-9]+)(,([0-9]+))? \+([0-9]+)(,([0-9]+))? @@" ) for line in diff_object: if line.startswith("@@"): re_result = re_pattern.match(line) begin1 = int( if not delta1 = 1 elif'0': begin1 += 1 delta1 = 0 else: delta1 = int( self.left.diff.append( ( begin1, delta1, color ) ) begin2 = int( if not delta2 = 1 elif'0': begin2 += 1 delta2 = 0 else: delta2 = int( self.right.diff.append( ( begin2, delta2, color ) ) color += 1 if color>=3: color=0 def jobDiffFinished( job_item ): if job_item.isCanceled() : return self.load_finished = True self.paint() if self.left.encoding==None or self.right.encoding==None: self.destroy() if == cfiler_msgbox.popMessageBox( parent_window, MessageBox.TYPE_OK, "ファイル比較", "ファイルの内容は同一です。" ) else: cfiler_msgbox.popMessageBox( parent_window, MessageBox.TYPE_OK, "ファイル比較", "ファイルの内容には差異があります。" ) else: self.setTitle( "%s - [ %s : %s ]" % ( cfiler_resource.cfiler_appname,, ) ) job_item = ckit.JobItem( jobDiff, jobDiffFinished ) self.job_queue.enqueue(job_item) self.configure()