def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ # Parse command line arguments. psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Visualize a simulation's features.") psr.add_argument("--training-data", help="The path to the parsed training data.", required=True, type=str) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(psr) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) dat_flp = args.training_data assert path.exists(dat_flp), f"File does not exist: {dat_flp}" # Read data. dat = np.load(dat_flp) num_arrays = len(dat.files) assert num_arrays == 5, f"Expected 5 arrays, but found: {dat.files}" dat_in = dat["dat_in"] # Generate graphs. for fet in dat_in.dtype.names: print(f"Plotting feature: {fet}") pyplot.hist(dat_in[fet], bins=50, density=True) pyplot.xlabel(fet) pyplot.ylabel("histogram") pyplot.savefig( path.join(args.out_dir, f"{fet.replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '-')}.pdf")) pyplot.close()
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ # Parse command line arguments. psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Parses the output of CloudLab experiments.") psr.add_argument( "--exp-dir", help=("The directory in which the experiment results are stored " "(required)."), required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument( "--untar-dir", help=("The directory in which the untarred experiment intermediate " "files are stored (required)."), required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument("--random-order", action="store_true", help="Parse experiments in a random order.") psr.add_argument("--skip-smoothed-features", action="store_true", help="Do not calculate EWMA and windowed features.") psr.add_argument("--parallel", default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), help="The number of files to parse in parallel.", type=int) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(psr) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) exp_dir = args.exp_dir untar_dir = args.untar_dir out_dir = args.out_dir skip_smoothed = args.skip_smoothed_features # Find all experiments. pcaps = [(path.join(exp_dir, exp), untar_dir, out_dir, skip_smoothed) for exp in sorted(os.listdir(exp_dir)) if exp.endswith(".tar.gz")] if args.random_order: random.shuffle(pcaps) print(f"Num files: {len(pcaps)}") tim_srt_s = time.time() if defaults.SYNC: smallest_safe_wins = {parse_exp(*pcap) for pcap in pcaps} else: with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=args.parallel) as pol: smallest_safe_wins = set(pol.starmap(parse_exp, pcaps)) print(f"Done parsing - time: {time.time() - tim_srt_s:.2f} seconds") # Remove return values from experiments that were not parsed. smallest_safe_wins = [win for win in smallest_safe_wins if win != -1] if 0 in smallest_safe_wins: print("Some experiments had no safe window sizes.") print( "Smallest globally-safe window size:", max(smallest_safe_wins) if smallest_safe_wins else "No experiments parsed!")
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ utils.set_rand_seed() psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( "Merges parsed experiment files into unified training, validation, " "and test data.")) psr.add_argument( "--data-dir", help="The path to a directory containing the experiment files.", required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument( "--train-split", default=50, help="Training data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr.add_argument( "--val-split", default=20, help="Validation data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr.add_argument( "--test-split", default=30, help="Test data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_sample_percent(*cl_args.add_out( *cl_args.add_warmup(*cl_args.add_num_exps(psr)))) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) split_fracs = { "train": args.train_split / 100, "val": args.val_split / 100, "test": args.test_split / 100} tot_split = sum(split_fracs.values()) assert tot_split == 1, \ ("The sum of the training, validation, and test splits must equal 100, " f"not {tot_split * 100}") tim_srt_s = time.time() # Determine the experiment filepaths. exps_dir = args.data_dir exp_flps = [ path.join(exps_dir, fln) for fln in os.listdir(exps_dir) if not fln.startswith(defaults.DATA_PREFIX) and fln.endswith(".npz")] random.shuffle(exp_flps) num_exps = len(exp_flps) if args.num_exps is None else args.num_exps exp_flps = exp_flps[:num_exps] print(f"Selected {num_exps} experiments") warmup_frac = args.warmup_percent / 100 sample_frac = args.sample_percent / 100 exp_flps, num_pkts, dtype = survey(exp_flps, warmup_frac) print( f"Total packets: {num_pkts}\nFeatures ({len(dtype.names)}):\n\t" + "\n\t".join(sorted(dtype.names))) # Create the merged training, validation, and test files. merge( exp_flps, args.out_dir, num_pkts, dtype, split_fracs, warmup_frac, sample_frac) print(f"Finished - time: {time.time() - tim_srt_s:.2f} seconds") return 0
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ # Parse command line arguments. psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Visualize a simulation's features.") psr.add_argument("--parsed-data", help="The path to the parsed simulation data.", required=True, type=str) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(psr) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) dat_flp = args.parsed_data out_dir = args.out_dir assert path.exists(dat_flp), f"File does not exist: {dat_flp}" if not path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) with np.load(dat_flp) as fil: num_unfair = len(fil.files) assert num_unfair == 1, \ ("This script supports simulations with a single unfair flow only, " f"but the provided simulation contains {num_unfair} unfair flows!") dat = fil[fil.files[0]] sim = utils.Sim(dat_flp) queue_fair_occupancy = 1 / (sim.unfair_flws + sim.fair_flws) for fet in dat.dtype.names: if fet == "arrival time us": continue print(f"Plotting feature: {fet}") pyplot.plot(dat["arrival time us"], np.where(dat[fet] == -1, np.nan, dat[fet])) pyplot.xlabel("arrival time (us)") pyplot.ylabel(fet) # Adjust plot limits. pyplot.ylim(bottom=0) if "queue" in fet: pyplot.ylim(top=1.1) pyplot.hlines(queue_fair_occupancy, 0, dat["arrival time us"][-1], colors="k", linestyles="dashdot") if ("mathis model label" in fet or "loss" in fet) and "sqrt" not in fet: pyplot.ylim(top=1.1) pyplot.tight_layout() pyplot.savefig( path.join(out_dir, ("arrival_time_us_vs_" f"{fet.replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '-')}.pdf"))) pyplot.close()
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ # Parse command line arguments. psr = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generates training data.") psr.add_argument( "--log-dst", default=EMAIL_DST, help="The email address to which updates will be sent.", type=str) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(psr) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) # The ID of the experiment. eid = str(round(time.time())) # Create a new output directory based on the current time. out_dir = path.join(args.out_dir, eid) # For organization purposes, store the pcap files in a subdirectory. sim_dir = path.join(out_dir, "sim") # This also creates out_dir. os.makedirs(sim_dir) # Set up logging. numeric_level = getattr(logging, LOG_LVL.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): raise ValueError(f"Invalid log level: {LOG_LVL}") logging.basicConfig(level=numeric_level) log = logging.getLogger(LOGGER) # Assemble the configurations. cnfs = [{"bottleneck_bandwidth_Mbps": bw_Mbps, "bottleneck_delay_us": dly_us, # Calculate queue capacity as a multiple of the BDP. If the BDP is # less than a single packet, then use 1 packet as the BDP anyway. "bottleneck_queue_p": int(round( que_p * max(1, bdp_bps(bw_Mbps, dly_us * 6) / float(PACKET_SIZE_B)))), "unfair_flows": UNFAIR_FLOWS, "other_flows": flws, "other_proto": OTHER_PROTO, "unfair_edge_delays_us": f"[{dly_us}]", "other_edge_delays_us": f"[{dly_us}]", "payload_B": PACKET_SIZE_B, "enable_mitigation": "false", "duration_s": DUR_s, "pcap": "true" if PCAP else "false", "out_dir": sim_dir} for bw_Mbps, dly_us, que_p, flws in itertools.product( BWS_Mbps, DELAYS_us, QUEUE_p, OTHER_FLOWS)] sim.sim(eid, cnfs, out_dir, log_par=LOGGER, log_dst=args.log_dst, dry_run=DRY_RUN, sync=defaults.SYNC)"Results in: %s", out_dir) log.critical("Finished.")
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ # Parse command line arguments. psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Visualize a experiment's features.") psr.add_argument( "--parsed-data", help=("The path to the parsed experiment data generated by " ""), required=True, type=str) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(psr) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) dat_flp = args.parsed_data out_dir = args.out_dir assert path.exists(dat_flp), f"File does not exist: {dat_flp}" if not path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) with np.load(dat_flp) as fil: dat = [fil[flw] for flw in sorted(fil.files, key=int)] exp = utils.Exp(dat_flp) num_flws = exp.tot_flws found_flws = len(dat) assert num_flws == found_flws, \ (f"Experiment has {num_flws} flows, parsed data has {found_flws} " f"flows: {dat_flp}") if found_flws == 0: print("No flows to graph.") return bw_share_fair = 1 / num_flws bw_fair = exp.bw_bps * bw_share_fair labels = [f"Flow {flw}" for flw in range(num_flws)] x_min = min(flw_dat[0][features.ARRIVAL_TIME_FET] for flw_dat in dat) x_max = max(flw_dat[-1][features.ARRIVAL_TIME_FET] for flw_dat in dat) fets = dat[0].dtype.names print(f"Plotting {len(fets)} features...") with multiprocessing.Pool() as pol: pol.starmap( graph_fet, ((out_dir, dat, fet, bw_share_fair, bw_fair, x_min, x_max, labels) for fet in fets))
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ # Parse command line arguments. psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Visualize a simulation's features.") psr.add_argument( "--f1b", help=("The path to a directory contained parsed data files for figure " "1b."), required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument( "--f1c", help=( "The path to a directory containing a parsed data file for figure " "1c."), required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument("--variant", help="The TCP variant competing with BBR.", required=True, type=str) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(psr) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) f1b = args.f1b f1c = args.f1c var = args.variant out_dir = args.out_dir assert path.exists(f1b), f"Directory does not exist: {f1b}" assert path.exists(f1c), f"Directory does not exist: {f1c}" if not path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) plot_f1b([path.join(f1b, fln) for fln in os.listdir(f1b)], var, out_dir) if var == "Cubic": plot_f1c([path.join(f1c, fln) for fln in os.listdir(f1c)], var, out_dir)
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ # Parse command line arguments. psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Parses the output of") psr.add_argument( "--exp-dir", help=("The directory in which the experiment results are stored " "(required)."), required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument("--random-order", action="store_true", help="Parse the simulations in a random order.") psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(psr) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) exp_dir = args.exp_dir out_dir = args.out_dir # Find all simulations. pcaps = [(path.join(exp_dir, sim), out_dir) for sim in sorted(os.listdir(exp_dir))] if args.random_order: # Set the random seed so that multiple instances of this # script see the same random order. utils.set_rand_seed() random.shuffle(pcaps) print(f"Num files: {len(pcaps)}") tim_srt_s = time.time() if defaults.SYNC: for pcap in pcaps: parse_pcap(*pcap) else: with multiprocessing.Pool() as pol: pol.starmap(parse_pcap, pcaps) print(f"Done parsing - time: {time.time() - tim_srt_s:.2f} seconds")
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ utils.set_rand_seed() psr = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=( "Merges parsed simulation files into unified training, validation, " "and test data.")) psr.add_argument( "--data-dir", help="The path to a directory containing the simulation files.", required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument("--train-split", default=50, help="Training data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr.add_argument("--val-split", default=20, help="Validation data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr.add_argument("--test-split", default=30, help="Test data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(*cl_args.add_warmup( *cl_args.add_num_sims(psr))) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) split_prcs = { "train": args.train_split, "val": args.val_split, "test": args.test_split } tot_split = sum(split_prcs.values()) assert tot_split == 100, \ ("The sum of the training, validation, and test splits must equal 100, " f"not {tot_split}") tim_srt_s = time.time() # Determine the simulation filepaths. sims_dir = args.data_dir sim_flns = os.listdir(sims_dir) random.shuffle(sim_flns) num_sims = args.num_sims num_sims = len(sim_flns) if num_sims is None else num_sims print(f"Selected {num_sims} simulations") sim_flps = [ path.join(sims_dir, sim_fln) for sim_fln in sim_flns[:num_sims] ] warmup_frac = args.warmup_percent / 100 num_pkts, dtype = survey(sim_flps, warmup_frac) fets = dtype.names print(f"Total packets: {num_pkts}\nFeatures:\n " + "\n ".join(sorted(fets))) # Create the merged training, validation, and test files. merge(sim_flps, args.out_dir, num_pkts, dtype, split_prcs, warmup_frac) print(f"Finished - time: {time.time() - tim_srt_s:.2f} seconds") return 0