Пример #1
    def setSambaPassword(self, user, object_dn, password):
        Set a new samba-password for a user

        # Do we have read permissions for the requested attribute
        env = Environment.getInstance()
        topic = "%s.objects.%s.attributes.%s" % (env.domain, "User", "sambaNTPassword")
        aclresolver = PluginRegistry.getInstance("ACLResolver")
        if not aclresolver.check(user, topic, "w", base=object_dn):
                "user '%s' has insufficient permissions to write %s on %s, required is %s:%s"
                % (user, "isLocked", object_dn, topic, "w")
            raise ACLException(C.make_error("PERMISSION_ACCESS", topic, target=object_dn))

        topic = "%s.objects.%s.attributes.%s" % (env.domain, "User", "sambaLMPassword")
        aclresolver = PluginRegistry.getInstance("ACLResolver")
        if not aclresolver.check(user, topic, "w", base=object_dn):
                "user '%s' has insufficient permissions to write %s on %s, required is %s:%s"
                % (user, "isLocked", object_dn, topic, "w")
            raise ACLException(C.make_error("PERMISSION_ACCESS", topic, target=object_dn))

        # Set the password and commit the changes
        lm, nt = smbpasswd.hash(password)
        user = ObjectProxy(object_dn)
        user.sambaNTPassword = nt
        user.sambaLMPassword = lm