Пример #1
def wa_skill_processor_grepbot(msg):

    # Confidence remains at 0 unless an intent has been detected
    confidence = 0.0
    data = {}


        match_string = re.findall(r'\"(.+?)\"', msg)[0]
        msg = msg.replace('\"{}\"'.format(match_string), "")

        match_string = "<string>"

    response, success = call_wa_skill(msg, __self)
    if not success: return {"text": response}, 0.0

    if msg.startswith('grep for'): confidence = 1.0
        confidence = max([item['confidence'] for item in response['intents']])

    filename = "<filename>"
    dirname = None

    for item in response['entities']:
        if item['entity'] == 'directory':
            dirname = "<directory>"

        if item['entity'] == 'starts-with':
            match_string = '^' + match_string

        if item['entity'] == 'ends-with':
            match_string = match_string + '$'

    flags = "-"
    if dirname:
        flags += 'r'

    for intent in response['intents']:
        if intent['confidence'] > 0.25 and intent['intent'] != 'find':
            flags += __flags[intent['intent']]

    if flags == "-":
        flags = ""

    command = 'grep {} \"{}\"'.format(flags, match_string)

    if dirname: command += " {}".format(dirname)
    else: command += " {}".format(filename)

    data = {"text": "Try >> " + command}
    return data, confidence
Пример #2
def wa_skill_processor_cloudbot(msg):

    # Make sure we are not intercepting real IBM Cloud CLI commands
    if msg.startswith('ibmcloud'):
        return None, 0.0

    response, success = call_wa_skill(msg, __self)
    if not success: return {"text" : response}, 0.0

    # Identify the intent in the user message

        intent = response["intents"][0]["intent"]
        confidence = response["intents"][0]["confidence"]

    except IndexError or KeyError:

        intent = "generic"
        confidence = 0.0

    data = { "text" : "Try >> ibmcloud " + __intents[intent] } 
    return data, confidence
Пример #3
def wa_skill_processor_tarbot(msg):

    # Confidence remains at 0 and data is None unless an intent has been detected
    confidence = 0.0
    data = None

    # Make sure we are not intercepting real tar commands
    if msg.startswith('tar'):
        return None, 0.0

    response, success = call_wa_skill(msg, __self)
    if not success: return {"text": response}, 0.0

    # Identify the intent in the user message

        intent = response["intents"][0]["intent"]
        confidence = response["intents"][0]["confidence"]

    except IndexError or KeyError:

    # Identify entities in the user message
    entities = {}
    for item in response["entities"]:
        if item['entity'] in entities:
            entities[item['entity']] = [item['value']]

    # Identify file and directory name if present
    filename = "<archive-file>"
    dirname = "<directory>"

    # Fixed supported extensions
    extensions = {
        "images": ['.png, .bmp, .jpg'],
        "documents": [".doc", ".docx", ".txt", ".pdf", ".md"]

    # Configure flags based on entities
    flags = ""
    if 'verbose' in entities:
        flags += "v"

    if 'tar-type' in entities:

        if "gz" in entities['tar-type']:
            flags += "z"
        elif "bz2" in entities['tar-type']:
            flags += "j"

    # Configure command based on intent

    intents = {
        'check-size': {
            "text": "Try >> tar -czf - {} | wc -c".format(filename)
        'check-validity': {
            "text": "Try >> tar tvfW {}".format(filename)
        'tar-usage': {
            "Tar Usage and Options: \nc - create a archive file. "
            "\nx - extract a archive file. \nv - show the progress of archive file. "
            "\nf - filename of archive file. \nt - viewing content of archive file.  "
            "\nj - filter archive through bzip2.  \nz - filter archive through gzip. "
            "\nr - append or update files or directories to existing archive file.  "
            "\nW - Verify a archive file.  wildcards - Specify patterns in unix tar "

    if intent in intents:
        data = intents[intent]

    elif intent == "tar-directory-to-file":
        flags = "c{}f".format(flags)
        data = {
            "text": "Try >> tar -{} {} {}".format(flags, filename, dirname)

    elif intent == "untar-file-to-directory":
        flags = "x{}f".format(flags)
        if 'directory-name' in entities:
            data = {
                "Try >> tar -{} {} -C {}".format(flags, filename, dirname)
            data = {"text": "Try >> tar -{} {}".format(flags, filename)}

    elif intent == "untar-group-of-files":
        flags = "x{}f".format(flags)
        ext = []

        if 'file-extension' in entities:
            ext += entities['file-extension']
        elif 'file-type' in entities:
            ext += extensions[entities['file-type'][0]]

        if not ext:
            ext = [".ext"]

        if 'directory-name' in entities:
            data = {
                "Try >> tar -{} {} --wildcards {} -C {}".format(
                    flags, filename, ' '.join(["*" + e for e in ext]), dirname)
            data = {
                "Try >> tar -{} {} --wildcards {}".format(
                    flags, filename, ' '.join(["*" + e for e in ext]))

    elif intent == "untar-single-file":
        flags = "x{}f".format(flags)

        if 'directory-name' in entities:
            data = {
                "Try >> tar -{} {} -C {}".format(flags, filename, dirname)
            data = {"text": "Try >> tar -{} {}".format(flags, filename)}

    elif intent == "add-to-file":
        flags = "{}rf".format(flags)

        if 'tar-type' in entities:
            if "gz" in entities['tar-type'] or "bz2" in entities['tar-type']:
                data = {
                    "The tar command don't have a option to add files or directories to an existing "
                    "compressed tar.gz and tar.bz2 archive file."
                data = {"text": "Unrecognized option."}

            data = {"text": "Try >> tar -{} {} <file>".format(flags, filename)}

    elif intent == "list-contents":

        flags = "{}tf".format(flags)
        ext = []

        if 'file-extension' in entities:
            ext += entities['file-extension']
        elif 'file-type' in entities:
            ext += extensions[entities['file-type'][0]]

        if not ext:
            data = {"text": "Try >> tar -{} {}".format(flags, filename)}
            data = {
                "Try >> tar -{} {} '{}'".format(
                    flags, filename, ' '.join(["*" + e for e in ext]))


    return data, confidence
Пример #4
def wa_skill_processor_zosbot(msg):

    # Confidence remains at 0 and data is None unless an intent has been detected
    confidence = 0.0
    data = None

    response, success = call_wa_skill(msg, __self)
    if not success: return {"text": response}, 0.0

    # Identify the intent in the user message

        intent = response["intents"][0]["intent"]
        confidence = response["intents"][0]["confidence"]

    except IndexError or KeyError:

    # Identify entities in the user message
    entities = {}
    for item in response["entities"]:
        if item['entity'] in entities:
            entities[item['entity']] = [item['value']]

    if intent == "bpxmtext":
        data = {"text": "Try >> bpxmtext [reasoncode]"}

    elif intent == "compile-c-code":
        data = {"text": "Try >> xlc"}

    elif intent == "extattr":
        data = {"text": "Try >> extattr [+alps] [-alps] [-Fformat] [file] ..."}

    elif intent == "obrowse":
        data = {"text": "Try >> obrowse -r xx [file]"}

    elif intent == "oedit":
        data = {"text": "Try >> oedit -r xx [file]"}

    elif intent == "oget":
        data = {
            "text": "Try >> OGET [pathname] mvs_data_set_name(member_name)"

    elif intent == "oput":
        data = {
            "text": "Try >> OPUT mvs_data_set_name(member_name) [pathname]"

    elif intent == "oeconsol":

        if 'iplinfo' in entities:
            data = {"text": "Try >> oeconsol [d iplinfo]"}
        elif 'command' in entities:
            data = {"text": "Try >> oeconsol [command]"}
            data = {"text": "Try >> oeconsol [d parmlib]"}

    elif intent == "tso":
        data = {"text": "Try >> tso [-o] [-t] TSO_command"}

    return data, confidence