def __update(self): Database.macrosdb().commit( """UPDATE macros SET name=?, code=?, class_name=?, is_button_macros=?, on_board=?, picture=?, guid=?, page=?, description=?, zindex=?, timer_guid=?, plugin_guid=?, namespace=?, page=?, custom_event_guid=?, type=? WHERE id=?""", (, self.code, self.class_name, self.is_button_macros, self.on_board, self.macros_picture, self.guid,, self.description, self.zindex, self.timer_guid, self.plugin_guid, self.namespace,, self.custom_event_guid, self.type, return self
def __update(self): Database.macrosdb().commit( """UPDATE custom_event SET name=?, guid=?, plugin_guid=? WHERE id=?""", (, self.guid, self.plugin_guid, self.update_custom_event() return self
def __update(self): Database.macrosdb().commit( """UPDATE timer SET name=?, period=?, guid=?, plugin_guid=? WHERE id=?""", (, self.period, self.guid, self.plugin_guid, self.update_timer() return self
def delete(self): from class_macro import Macros macros_list = Macros.get_macros_by_custom_event_guid(self.guid) for macros in macros_list: macros.class_name = "NULL" macros.custom_event = "NULL" macros.is_button_macros = "1" macros.on_board = "0" self.unregister() Database.macrosdb().commit("""DELETE FROM custom_event WHERE id=?""", (, ))
def get_all_button(self): db_rows = Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( _SQL_SELECT_HEADER + "WHERE is_button_macros='1' AND on_board='0'", ) return [self().__fill_from_row(row) for row in db_rows] if db_rows else []
def get_macros_by_custom_event_guid(self, custom_event_guid): db_rows = Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( _SQL_SELECT_HEADER + "WHERE custom_event_guid=?", (custom_event_guid, )) return [self().__fill_from_row(row) for row in db_rows] if db_rows else []
def delete(self, keep_storage=False): macros_list = self.get_macros() for macro in macros_list: macro.delete() timer_list = self.get_timer() for timer in timer_list: timer.delete() custom_event_list = self.get_custom_event() for cevent in custom_event_list: cevent.delete() Database.macrosdb().commit("""DELETE FROM plugin WHERE id=?""", (, )) if not keep_storage: Database.macrosdb().commit( """DELETE FROM kv_macro_storage WHERE namespace=?""", (self.guid, ))
def __update(self): Database.macrosdb().commit( """UPDATE plugin SET name=?, description=?, author=?, picture=?, guid=?, zindex=?, version=?, protected=? WHERE id=?""", (, self.description,, self.picture, self.guid, self.zindex, self.version, self.protected, return self
def __insert(self): self.guid = str(uuid4()) if self.guid is None else self.guid = Database.macrosdb().commit( """INSERT INTO timer (name, period, guid, plugin_guid) VALUES (?,?,?,?)""", (, self.period, self.guid, self.plugin_guid)) self.register() return self
def clear_all(): # clear database Database.maindb().clean() Database.maindb().commit('VACUUM') Database.macrosdb().clean() Database.macrosdb().commit('VACUUM') # clear ProAdmin scheme ProAdmin.scheme().delete() # clear application storage'.') # clear all listeners and timers in VEE_core engine.clear_all()
def __insert(self): self.guid = str(uuid4()) if self.guid is None else self.guid #raise Exception(self.guid, = Database.macrosdb().commit( """INSERT INTO custom_event (name, guid, plugin_guid) VALUES (?,?,?)""", (, self.guid, self.plugin_guid)) self.register() return self
def update_all_macro_with_library(cls, library): db_rows = Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( _SQL_SELECT_HEADER + """WHERE plugin_guid=? and code LIKE "%'#include("||?||")%" """, (library.plugin_guid, return map(register_macro, [cls().__fill_from_row(row) for row in db_rows] if db_rows else [])
def get_custom_event_by_plugin_guid(self, plugin_guid): db_rows = Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( """ SELECT,, custom_event.guid, custom_event.plugin_guid FROM `custom_event` WHERE custom_event.plugin_guid=?""", (plugin_guid, )) return [self().__fill_from_row(row) for row in db_rows]
def get_timer_by_plugin_guid(self, plugin_guid): db_rows = Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( """ SELECT,, timer.period, timer.guid, timer.plugin_guid FROM `timer` WHERE timer.plugin_guid=?""", (plugin_guid, )) return [self().__fill_from_row(row) for row in db_rows]
def get_custom_event_by_guid(self, guid): db_row = Database.macrosdb().fetch_one( """ SELECT,, custom_event.guid, custom_event.plugin_guid FROM `custom_event` WHERE custom_event.guid=?""", (guid, )) return self().__fill_from_row(db_row) if db_row else None
def get_timer_by_guid(self, guid): db_row = Database.macrosdb().fetch_one( """ SELECT,, timer.period, timer.guid, timer.plugin_guid FROM `timer` WHERE timer.guid=?""", (guid, )) return self().__fill_from_row(db_row) if db_row else None
def __insert(self): self.guid = str(uuid4()) if self.guid is None else self.guid = Database.macrosdb().commit( "INSERT INTO macros (name, code, class_name, is_button_macros," "on_board, picture, guid, page, description, zindex, timer_guid," "plugin_guid, namespace, page, custom_event_guid,type) VALUES" "(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" "", (, self.code, self.class_name, self.is_button_macros, self.on_board, self.macros_picture, self.guid,, self.description, self.zindex, self.timer_guid, self.plugin_guid, self.plugin_guid,, self.custom_event_guid, self.type)) return self
def get_all(self): db_rows = Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( """ SELECT,, plugin.description,, plugin.picture, plugin.guid, plugin.zindex, plugin.version, plugin.protected FROM `plugin`""", ) return [self().__fill_from_row(row) for row in db_rows]
def get_by_guid(self, guid): db_row = Database.macrosdb().fetch_one( """ SELECT,, plugin.description,, plugin.picture, plugin.guid, plugin.zindex, plugin.version, plugin.protected FROM `plugin` WHERE guid=?""", (guid, )) return self().__fill_from_row(db_row) if db_row else None
def libraries(self): lib_names = LIB_NAME_REGEXP.findall(self.code) if not lib_names: return [] lib_names = OrderedDict.fromkeys([n.lower() for n in lib_names]) db_rows = Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( _SQL_SELECT_HEADER + "WHERE plugin_guid=? and type=?", (self.plugin_guid, self.MacrosType.LIBRARY)) libraries = [Macros().__fill_from_row(row) for row in db_rows] if db_rows else [] for lib in libraries: if in lib_names: lib_names[] = lib return [lib for lib in lib_names.values() if lib is not None]
def get_config_macro(self, plugin_guid): db_row = Database.macrosdb().fetch_one( _SQL_SELECT_HEADER + "WHERE plugin_guid=? AND name='config'", (plugin_guid, )) return self().__fill_from_row(db_row) if db_row else None
def v_items( self ): return [ (row[0], row[1] ) for row in Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( "SELECT key, value FROM `{0}` WHERE namespace=?".format( v_dbdictionary.__DB_NAME ), ( self.__namespace, ) ) ]
def v_keys( self ): return [ row[0] for row in Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( "SELECT key FROM `{0}` WHERE namespace=?".format( v_dbdictionary.__DB_NAME ), ( self.__namespace, ) ) ]
def __contains__( self, key ): return bool( Database.macrosdb().fetch_one( "SELECT value FROM `{0}` WHERE key=? AND namespace=?".format( v_dbdictionary.__DB_NAME ), ( key , self.__namespace ) ) )
def erase( self, key ): Database.macrosdb().commit( "DELETE FROM `{0}` WHERE key=? AND namespace=?".format( v_dbdictionary.__DB_NAME ), ( key, self.__namespace ) )
def let( self, key = None, *arguments, **keywords ): if not key: raise errors.wrong_number_of_arguments Database.macrosdb().commit( "REPLACE INTO `{0}` (key, value, namespace) VALUES (?, ?, ?)".format( v_dbdictionary.__DB_NAME ), ( key , keywords[ "let" ], self.__namespace ) )
def get( self, key ): row = Database.macrosdb().fetch_one( "SELECT value FROM `{0}` WHERE key=? AND namespace=?".format( v_dbdictionary.__DB_NAME ), ( key , self.__namespace ) ) return row[0] if row else None
def get_all_event_macros(self): db_rows = Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( _SQL_SELECT_HEADER + "WHERE class_name<>''", ) return [self().__fill_from_row(row) for row in db_rows] if db_rows else []
def get_all_non_library(self): db_rows = Database.macrosdb().fetch_all( _SQL_SELECT_HEADER + "WHERE type<>?", (self.MacrosType.LIBRARY, )) return [self().__fill_from_row(row) for row in db_rows] if db_rows else []
def get_by_guid(self, guid): db_row = Database.macrosdb().fetch_one( _SQL_SELECT_HEADER + "WHERE guid=?", (guid, )) return self().__fill_from_row(db_row) if db_row else None