def test_natural_key_output(self):
        rails_n00b = Competency.objects.create(framework='Ruby on Rails', level=1)
        cake_adept = Competency.objects.create(framework='CakePHP', level=2)
        spring_master = Competency.objects.create(framework='Spring', level=3)
        django_guru = Competency.objects.create(framework='Django', level=4)

        rails_job = JobPosting.objects.create(title='Rails Intern', main_competency=rails_n00b)
        django_job = JobPosting.objects.create(title='Elder Django Deity', main_competency=django_guru)
        misc_job = JobPosting.objects.create(title='A man of many talents', main_competency=spring_master)

        misc_job.additional_competencies.add(cake_adept, rails_n00b)

        with string_stdout() as output:
            call_command('dumpdata', 'tests', format='class', exclude=[
                'tests.Party', 'tests.Politician'])

        lines = output.getvalue().split('\n')
        self.assertEqual(lines[4], "from tests.models import Competency, JobPosting")
        self.assertEqual(lines[6], "tests_competency_fixture = Fixture(Competency)")
        self.assertEqual(lines[7], "tests_jobposting_fixture = Fixture(JobPosting)")
        # Django 1.4+ returns these lines in order, but Django 1.3 doesn't, so just check
        # that they're included rather than included in order
        self.assertTrue("tests_competency_fixture.add(1, **{'framework': u'Ruby on Rails', 'level': 1})" in lines)
        self.assertTrue("tests_competency_fixture.add(2, **{'framework': u'CakePHP', 'level': 2})" in lines)
        self.assertTrue("tests_competency_fixture.add(3, **{'framework': u'Spring', 'level': 3})" in lines)
        self.assertTrue("tests_competency_fixture.add(4, **{'framework': u'Django', 'level': 4})" in lines)

        self.assertEqual(lines[13], "tests_jobposting_fixture.add(1, **{'additional_competencies': [], 'main_competency': 1, 'title': u'Rails Intern'})")
        self.assertEqual(lines[14], "tests_jobposting_fixture.add(2, **{'additional_competencies': [1], 'main_competency': 4, 'title': u'Elder Django Deity'})")
        self.assertEqual(lines[15], "tests_jobposting_fixture.add(3, **{'additional_competencies': [1, 2], 'main_competency': 3, 'title': u'A man of many talents'})")
 def test_app_with_no_fixtures(self):
     When run against an app name with no fixtures, "No fixtures found.\n"
     should get printed.
     with string_stdout() as output:
         call_command('loaddata', 'testapp_no_fixtures', verbosity=1)
         self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), 'No fixtures found.\n')
 def test_correct_imports_in_output(self):
     band = Band.objects.create(name="Brutallica")
     musician = Musician.objects.create(name="Lars Toorich")
     membership = Membership.objects.create(band=band, musician=musician, instrument="Bongos", date_joined="1982-01-01")
     roadie = Roadie.objects.create(name="Ciggy Tardust")
     with string_stdout() as output:
         call_command('dumpdata', 'tests', format='class', exclude=[
             'tests.Party', 'tests.Politician'])
         lines = output.getvalue().split('\n')
         fixture_import, model_imports = lines[3], lines[4]
         self.assertEqual(fixture_import, "from class_fixtures.models import Fixture")
         self.assertEqual(model_imports, "from tests.models import Band, Membership, Musician, Roadie")
 def test_correct_fixture_populating(self):
     band = Band.objects.create(name="Brutallica")
     musician = Musician.objects.create(name="Lars Toorich")
     membership = Membership.objects.create(band=band, musician=musician, instrument="Bongos", date_joined="1982-01-01")
     roadie = Roadie.objects.create(name="Ciggy Tardust")
     with string_stdout() as output:
         call_command('dumpdata', 'tests', format='class', exclude=[
             'tests.Party', 'tests.Politician'])
         lines = output.getvalue().split('\n')
         self.assertEqual(lines[11], "tests_band_fixture.add(1, **{'name': u'Brutallica'})")
         self.assertEqual(lines[12], "tests_musician_fixture.add(1, **{'name': u'Lars Toorich'})")
         self.assertEqual(lines[13], "tests_membership_fixture.add(1, **{'band': 1, 'date_joined':, 1, 1), 'instrument': u'Bongos', 'musician': 1})")
         self.assertEqual(lines[14], "tests_roadie_fixture.add(1, **{'hauls_for': [1], 'name': u'Ciggy Tardust'})")
 def test_correct_fixtures_in_output(self):
     band = Band.objects.create(name="Brutallica")
     musician = Musician.objects.create(name="Lars Toorich")
     membership = Membership.objects.create(band=band, musician=musician, instrument="Bongos", date_joined="1982-01-01")
     roadie = Roadie.objects.create(name="Ciggy Tardust")
     with string_stdout() as output:
         call_command('dumpdata', 'tests', format='class', exclude=[
             'tests.Party', 'tests.Politician'])
         lines = output.getvalue().split('\n')
         self.assertEqual(lines[6], 'tests_band_fixture = Fixture(Band)')
         self.assertEqual(lines[7], 'tests_musician_fixture = Fixture(Musician)')
         self.assertEqual(lines[8], 'tests_membership_fixture = Fixture(Membership)')
         self.assertEqual(lines[9], 'tests_roadie_fixture = Fixture(Roadie)')
 def test_no_django_output_class_fixture_match_only(self):
     With verbosity > 1, if Django doesn't find a fixture with ``
     loaddata`` but django-class-fixtures does, Django's "No fixtures
     found" output must not get printed.
     with string_stdout() as output:
         # No extension, so both try to look for it, only a fixture module
         # is found. Django will print 'No fixtures found' but it must not
         # be printed.
         call_command('loaddata', 'other_fixtures', verbosity=1)
         self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), 'Installed 14 object(s) from 8 fixture(s)\n')
         # Test that "No fixtures found." is pruned out from Django's
         # output when using a higher verbosity.
         call_command('loaddata', 'other_fixtures', verbosity=2)
         self.assertNotEqual(output.getvalue().split('\n')[-3], 'No fixtures found.')
         self.assertEqual(output.getvalue().split('\n')[-2], 'Installed 14 object(s) from 8 fixture(s)')
 def test_escaped_characters_in_strings(self):
     band = Band.objects.create(name="The Apostrophe's Apostles")
     musician = Musician.objects.create(name="Ivan \"The Terrible\" Terrible")
     musician2 = Musician.objects.create(name="\\, aka the artist formerly known as Backslash")
     membership = Membership.objects.create(band=band, musician=musician, instrument="Bass", date_joined="2000-12-05")
     membership = Membership.objects.create(band=band, musician=musician2, instrument="Guitar", date_joined="2000-12-05")
     roadie = Roadie.objects.create(name='Simon \'Single Quote\' DeForestation')
     with string_stdout() as output:
         call_command('dumpdata', 'tests', format='class', exclude=[
             'tests.Party', 'tests.Politician'])
         lines = output.getvalue().split('\n')
         self.assertEqual(lines[11], """tests_band_fixture.add(1, **{'name': u"The Apostrophe's Apostles"})""")
         self.assertEqual(lines[12], """tests_musician_fixture.add(1, **{'name': u'Ivan "The Terrible" Terrible'})""")
         # Raw string to represent what's actually printed out, would be four backslashes without it
         self.assertEqual(lines[13], r"""tests_musician_fixture.add(2, **{'name': u'\\, aka the artist formerly known as Backslash'})""")
         self.assertEqual(lines[14], """tests_membership_fixture.add(1, **{'band': 1, 'date_joined':, 12, 5), 'instrument': u'Bass', 'musician': 1})""")
         self.assertEqual(lines[15], """tests_membership_fixture.add(2, **{'band': 1, 'date_joined':, 12, 5), 'instrument': u'Guitar', 'musician': 2})""")
         self.assertEqual(lines[16], """tests_roadie_fixture.add(1, **{'hauls_for': [1], 'name': u"Simon 'Single Quote' DeForestation"})""")
Пример #8
    def test_complex_model(self):
        import datetime
        from decimal import Decimal
        cm = ComprehensiveModel.objects.create(
            bigint = 9223372036854775807,
            boolean = True,
            char = 'Hey hey now',
            date =, 6, 6),
            datetime = datetime.datetime(2011, 5, 5, 12, 30, 7),
            decimal = Decimal('1234.56'),
            floatf = 2345.67,
            integer = 345678,
            nullboolean = None,
            text = "Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet ham eiusmod cupidatat, "\
"hamburger voluptate non dolor. Pork belly excepteur chuck, shankle ullamco "\
"fugiat meatloaf est quis meatball sint dolore. Shank drumstick sint, tri-tip "\
"deserunt proident in. Pancetta laboris culpa beef, pork chop venison magna "\
"duis tail. Nulla in sirloin, minim bresaola ham cupidatat drumstick spare ribs "\
"eiusmod ut. Shankle mollit ut, short ribs pork chop drumstick meatloaf duis "\
"""elit reprehenderit. Cillum short loin flank est beef.

And the second paragraph looks like this.""",
            time = datetime.time(14, 45, 30)
        with string_stdout() as output:
            call_command('dumpdata', 'tests', format='class', exclude=[
                'tests.Party', 'tests.Politician'])
            lines = output.getvalue().split('\n')
            self.assertEqual(lines[2], "from tests.models import ComprehensiveModel")
            self.assertEqual(lines[4], "tests_comprehensivemodel_fixture = Fixture(ComprehensiveModel)")
            self.assertEqual(lines[6], "tests_comprehensivemodel_fixture.add(1, "
                "**{'bigint': 9223372036854775807L, 'boolean': True, 'char': u'Hey hey now', "
                "'date':, 6, 6), 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2011, 5, 5, 12, 30, 7), "
                "'decimal': Decimal('1234.56'), 'floatf': 2345.67, 'integer': 345678, 'nullboolean': None, "
                "'text': u'Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet ham eiusmod cupidatat, hamburger voluptate non dolor. "
                    "Pork belly excepteur chuck, shankle ullamco fugiat meatloaf est quis meatball sint dolore. "
                    "Shank drumstick sint, tri-tip deserunt proident in. Pancetta laboris culpa beef, pork chop "
                    "venison magna duis tail. Nulla in sirloin, minim bresaola ham cupidatat drumstick spare ribs "
                    "eiusmod ut. Shankle mollit ut, short ribs pork chop drumstick meatloaf duis elit reprehenderit. "
                    r"Cillum short loin flank est beef.\n\nAnd the second paragraph looks like this.', "
                "'time': datetime.time(14, 45, 30)})")
 def test_encoding_declaration(self):
     with string_stdout() as output:
         call_command('dumpdata', 'tests', format='class')
         self.assertTrue(output.getvalue().startswith('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n'))
Пример #10
    def test_complex_model(self):
        import datetime
        from decimal import Decimal

        bigintfield_max = 9223372036854775807
        cm = ComprehensiveModel.objects.create(
            bigint = bigintfield_max,
            boolean = True,
            char = 'Hey hey now',
            date =, 6, 6),
            datetime = datetime.datetime(2011, 5, 5, 12, 30, 7),
            decimal = Decimal('1234.56'),
            floatf = 2345.67,
            integer = 345678,
            nullboolean = None,
            time = datetime.time(14, 45, 30),
            text = "Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet ham eiusmod cupidatat, "
"hamburger voluptate non dolor. Pork belly excepteur chuck, shankle ullamco "
"fugiat meatloaf est quis meatball sint dolore. Shank drumstick sint, tri-tip "
"deserunt proident in. Pancetta laboris culpa beef, pork chop venison magna "
"duis tail. Nulla in sirloin, minim bresaola ham cupidatat drumstick spare ribs "
"eiusmod ut. Shankle mollit ut, short ribs pork chop drumstick meatloaf duis "
"""elit reprehenderit. Cillum short loin flank est beef.

And the second paragraph looks like this.""")

        with string_stdout() as output:
            call_command('dumpdata', 'tests', format='class', exclude=[
                'tests.Party', 'tests.Politician'])
            lines = output.getvalue().split('\n')

        self.assertEqual(lines[4], "from tests.models import ComprehensiveModel")
        self.assertEqual(lines[6], "tests_comprehensivemodel_fixture = Fixture(ComprehensiveModel)")

        # Write-only code that turns the dumpdata output into a dictionary of
        # keys and values to be tested individually
        model_fields = dict([(j[0].strip("'"), j[1].strip(" ")) for j in
            [i.split(':') for i in re.split(", '|\{|\}\)", lines[8]) if ':' in i]

        # Depending on the platform where the test is being run, bigintfield_max
        # may be an integer or a long, depending on the value of sys.maxint.
        # The repr() result on the field will vary accordingly (L suffix or not),
        # so assertEqual instead repr()'s the value (like the serializer does)
        # because we can't have a single string representation for the value
        # that would work across all platforms.
        # There's one more complication: on some systems, Python sees the
        # bigintfield_max value as an integer, but after it comes back from the
        # database, it is transformed into a long, presumably due to the SQLite
        # configuration. So, we retrieve the object from the database and repr()
        # its bigint field instead of the original value.
        db_cm = ComprehensiveModel.objects.get(

        self.assertEqual(model_fields['bigint'], repr(db_cm.bigint))
        self.assertEqual(model_fields['boolean'], 'True')
        self.assertEqual(model_fields['char'], "u'Hey hey now'")
        self.assertEqual(model_fields['date'], ', 6, 6)')
        self.assertEqual(model_fields['datetime'], 'datetime.datetime(2011, 5, 5, 12, 30, 7)')
        self.assertEqual(model_fields['decimal'], "Decimal('1234.56')")
        # Float representations are tricky prior to Python 2.7, hopefully this
        # is a good enough test for correctness of repr(2345.67) there
        self.assertRegexpMatches(model_fields['floatf'], '^2345.6(70*|69*)\d?$')
        self.assertEqual(model_fields['integer'], '345678')
        self.assertEqual(model_fields['nullboolean'], 'None')
        self.assertEqual(model_fields['time'], 'datetime.time(14, 45, 30)')
        self.assertEqual(model_fields['text'], "u'Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet ham eiusmod cupidatat, "
            "hamburger voluptate non dolor. Pork belly excepteur chuck, shankle ullamco fugiat meatloaf "
            "est quis meatball sint dolore. Shank drumstick sint, tri-tip deserunt proident in. Pancetta "
            "laboris culpa beef, pork chop venison magna duis tail. Nulla in sirloin, minim bresaola ham "
            "cupidatat drumstick spare ribs eiusmod ut. Shankle mollit ut, short ribs pork chop drumstick "
            "meatloaf duis elit reprehenderit. Cillum short loin flank est beef.\\n\\n"
            "And the second paragraph looks like this.'")
Пример #11
 def test_correct_initial_data_fixture_counts(self):
     with string_stdout() as output:
         call_command('loaddata', 'initial_data')
         self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), 'Installed 4 object(s) from 3 fixture(s)\n')
Пример #12
 def test_correct_fixture_counts(self):
     with string_stdout() as output:
         call_command('loaddata', 'other_fixtures')
         self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), 'Installed 14 object(s) from 8 fixture(s)\n')