Пример #1
def section_pub(SITE):
    print('FUNCTION -> system-> calalog -> section -> pub/unpub')
    type = SITE.p[2]
    id = SITE.p[3]

    SECTION = Section(SITE)
    cat_id = SECTION.pub(type, id)

    if 'cancel' in SITE.post:
        return {'redirect': '/system/catalog/cat/' + str(cat_id)}
    return {'redirect': '/system/catalog/cat/' + str(cat_id)}
Пример #2
def section_delete(SITE):
    print('FUNCTION -> system-> calalog -> section -> delete')

    id = SITE.post['id']

    SECTION = Section(SITE)

    if 'agree' in SITE.post and SITE.post['agree'] == 'yes':
        cat_id = SECTION.delete(id)
        cat_id = SECTION.getSection(id)['catalog_id']

    return {'redirect': '/system/catalog/cat/' + str(cat_id)}
Пример #3
def section_list(SITE):
    print('FUNCTION -> system-> calalog -> section -> list')

    section_id = SITE.p[2]

    CATALOG = Catalog(SITE)
    SECTION = Section(SITE)
    section = SECTION.getSection(section_id)
    catalog = CATALOG.getItem(section['catalog_id'])

    row_out = '<tr><td>* * ТЕСТ * *<td><tr>'

    SITE.content += f'''<div class="bg_gray">
Пример #4
def section_insert(SITE):
    print('FUNCTION -> system-> calalog -> section -> insert')

    if 'cancel' in SITE.post:
        return {'redirect': '/system/catalog/cat/' + SITE.post['catalog_id']}

    SECTION = Section(SITE)
        'catalog_id': SITE.post['catalog_id'],
        'parent_id': SITE.post['parent_id'],
        'name': SITE.post['name'],
        'text': SITE.post['text'],
        'data': SITE.post['data'],
        'status': SITE.post['status'],
        'ordering': SITE.post['ordering']

    return {'redirect': '/system/catalog/cat/' + SITE.post['catalog_id']}
Пример #5
def section_update(SITE):
    print('FUNCTION -> system-> calalog -> section -> update')

    section_id = SITE.p[3]
    SECTION = Section(SITE)
    section = SECTION.getSection(section_id)  # Получаем текущий элемент
    catalog_id = section['catalog_id']

    if 'cancel' in SITE.post:
        return {'redirect': '/system/catalog/cat/' + str(catalog_id)}

        'id': section_id,
        'parent_id': SITE.post['parent_id'],
        'name': SITE.post['name'],
        'text': SITE.post['text'],
        'data': SITE.post['data'],
        'status': SITE.post['status'],
        'ordering': SITE.post['ordering']

    return {'redirect': '/system/catalog/cat/' + str(catalog_id)}
Пример #6
def cat_sec_list(SITE):
    print('FUNCTION -> system_> calalog -> cat -> sec_list')
    catalog_id = SITE.p[2]

    CATALOG = Catalog(SITE)
    catalog = CATALOG.getItem(catalog_id)
    SECTION = Section(SITE)

    rows = SECTION.tree(catalog_id)
    row_out = ''
    i = 1
    if (rows):
        for row in rows:
            level = '&nbsp;-&nbsp;' * row['level']
            status_tr_class = ''
            if row['status'] == 0:
                status_tr_class = 'class="admin_table_tr_unpub"' 

            row_out += f''' <tr { status_tr_class }>
                <td>{ i }</td>
                    <div class="flex_row contextmenu_wrap">
                        <svg class="contextmenu_ico" title="Действия" data-id="{ row['id'] }">
                            <use xlink:href="/templates/system/svg/sprite.svg#menu_3"></use>
                    <a href="/system/catalog/section/{ row['id'] }">{ level }{ row['name'] }</a>
            i += 1

    SITE.content += f'''<div class="bg_gray">
Пример #7
def load_sections(settings, session):
    Reads sections from the phpIpam API and creates Section objects
    :param settings:
    :param session:
    :return: session
    logging.debug('------- ENTERING FUNCTION: load_sections() -------')
    url_sections = settings.url_app + '/sections/'
    headers = {
                'app_id': str(settings.app),
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'token': str(session.token)  # calling token will auto-validate freshenss

    r = requests.get(url_sections, headers=headers, verify=False)
    if r.json().get('success'):
        for j_section in r.json().get('data'):
            s_id = j_section.get('id')
            s_name = j_section.get('name')
            s_description = j_section.get('description')
            s_mastersection = j_section.get('masterSection')
            s_permissions = j_section.get('permissions')
            s_strictmode = j_section.get('strictMode')
            s_subnetordering = j_section.get('subnetOrdering')
            s_order = j_section.get('order')
            s_showvlan = j_section.get('showVLAN')
            s_showvrf = j_section.get('showVRF')
            s_dns = j_section.get('DNS')
            # now build the Section object
            w_section = Section(s_name)
            w_section.id = s_id
            w_section.name = s_name
            w_section.description = s_description
            w_section.masterSection = s_mastersection
            w_section.permission = s_permissions
            w_section.strictMode = s_strictmode
            w_section.subnetOrdering = s_subnetordering
            w_section.order = s_order
            w_section.showVLAN = s_showvlan
            w_section.showVRF = s_showvrf
            w_section.DNS = s_dns
            # now add section to working session data
        for section in session.sections:
            if section.name == settings.default_section:
                session.default_section_id = section.id
    return session
Пример #8
def section_edit(SITE):
    print('PATH -> system/catalog/section/edit')

    CATALOG = Catalog(SITE)
    SECTION = Section(SITE)

    if SITE.p[2] == 'edit':
        section = SECTION.getSection(SITE.p[3])
        catalog_id = section['catalog_id']
        catalog = CATALOG.getItem(catalog_id)
        title = 'Редактировать раздел'
        action = 'update/' + SITE.p[3]
        catalog_id = SITE.p[3]
        catalog = CATALOG.getItem(catalog_id)
        title = 'Добавить  раздел'
        action = 'insert'
        # ordering = SECTION.getMaxOrdering() + 1
        ordering = 1
        section = {'id': 0, 'parent_id': 0, 'name': '', 'text': '', 'data': '', 'status': 1, 'ordering': ordering}

    rows = SECTION.tree(catalog_id)
    sec_options = ''
    tabu_level = 1000  # Уровень, ниже которого опускаться нельзя для дочерних пунктов нашего раздела
    if (rows):
        for row in rows:

            if row['id'] == section['id']:
                # Если это текущий раздел, не отображать его и дочерние разделы
                tabu_level = row['level']
            if row['level'] <= tabu_level:
                # Вышли из дочерних разделов текущего раздела - всё сбрасываем
                tabu_level = 1000
                level = '&nbsp;-&nbsp;' * row['level']
                selected = 'selected' if row['id'] == section['parent_id'] else ''
                sec_options += f'''<option { selected } value="{ row['id'] }">{ level }{ row['name'] }</option>'''

    SITE.content += '''<div class="bg_gray">
        <h1>''' + title + '''</h1>
        <div class="breadcrumbs">
            <a href="/system/"><svg class="home"><use xlink:href="/templates/system/svg/sprite.svg#home"></use></svg></a> 
            <svg><use xlink:href="/templates/system/svg/sprite.svg#arrow_right_1"></use></svg>
            <a href="/system/catalog/cat">Каталог</a>
            <svg><use xlink:href="/templates/system/svg/sprite.svg#arrow_right_1"></use></svg>
			<a href="/system/catalog/cat/''' + str(catalog_id) + '''">''' + catalog['name'] + '''</a>
            <svg><use xlink:href="/templates/system/svg/sprite.svg#arrow_right_1"></use></svg>
            <span>''' + title + '''</span>
		<form method="post" action="/system/catalog/section/''' + action + '''">
			<div class="tc_container">
				<div class="flex_row p_5_20">
					<div class="tc_item_l">Наименование</div>
					<div class="tc_item_r flex_grow">
						<input class="input" name="name" placeholder="Раздел 1" required value="''' + section['name'] + '''">
				<div class="flex_row p_5_20">
					<div class="tc_item_l">Родительский раздел</div>
					<div class="tc_item_r flex_grow">
						<select class="input" name="parent_id">
                            <option value="0">Нет</option>
                            ''' + sec_options + '''
				<div class="flex_row p_5_20">
					<textarea class="input" name="text" style="width:100%;height:100px;">''' + section['text'] + '''</textarea>
                <div class="flex_row p_5_20">
      				<div class="tc_item_l">Данные</div>
					<div class="tc_item_r flex_grow">          
					    <textarea class="input" name="data" style="width:100%;height:100px;">''' + section['data'] + '''</textarea>
				<div class="flex_row p_5_20">
					<div class="tc_item_l">Статус</div>
					<div class="tc_item_r flex_grow">
						<input class="input" name="status" type="number" value="''' + str(section['status']) + '''">
				<div class="flex_row p_5_20">
					<div class="tc_item_l">Порядок следования</div>
					<div class="tc_item_r flex_grow">
						<input class="input" name="ordering" type="number" value="''' + str(section['ordering']) + '''">
				<div class="flex_row p_5_20">
					<div class="tc_item_l"><input class="button_green" type="submit" name="submit" value="Сохранить"></div>
					<div class="tc_item_r flex_grow"><input class="button_white" type="submit" name="cancel" value="Отменить"></div>
            <input class="input" name="catalog_id" type="hidden" value="''' + str(catalog_id) + '''">