def set_map(self, name='', data=None): if name: self.datamap = self.load_mapdata(name) elif data: self.datamap = data else: return = gamemap.GameMap(self.datamap) #create cursor self.cursor = EditorCursor(
class EditorIso(): def __init__(self, name=''): self.datamap = self.load_mapdata(name) def main(self): """main loop of editor""" self.load_new_map() screen = pygame.display.get_surface() map_screenrect = Rect((12,44),mapsize) map_screen = screen.subsurface(map_screenrect) screen_w, screen_h = screen.get_size() map_w, map_h = mapsize continuer = True horloge = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.event.clear() pygame.key.set_repeat(200, 50) pygame.display.flip() #thumb tile window windows = {} windows['thumb'] = WindowTile( #windows['thumb'].draw(screen) self.cursor = EditorCursor(windows['thumb'].tile) = screen_rect = map_screenrect.copy() real_x, real_y = 16*screen_rect.x, 16*screen_rect.y windows['tilesets'] = WindowTileset( for window in windows.values(): window.draw(screen) #Name of the map title_rect = self.write_name(screen, map_w, map_screenrect.y) pygame.display.flip() while continuer: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or\ event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: continuer = False pygame.quit() return elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[1]: screen_rect.move_ip(event.rel) if map_screenrect.collidepoint(event.pos): x, y = event.pos x -= screen_rect.x + map_screenrect.x y -= screen_rect.y + map_screenrect.y pos =, y) if pos: self.cursor.pos = pos elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: key = event.button if windows['tilesets'].onclick(event): tset = windows['tilesets'].tileset ref = windows['tilesets'].tileref windows['tilesets'].draw(screen) windows['thumb'].update(tileset=tset, ref=ref) pygame.display.flip() elif event.button in [4, 5]: if windows['thumb'].rect.collidepoint(event.pos): dh = 1*(key == 5) - 1*(key == 4) h = windows['thumb'].h + dh windows['thumb'].update(h=h) self.cursor.h = h elif event.button == 1 and\ map_screen.get_rect().collidepoint(event.pos): #left clic on the map x, y = self.cursor.pos tset, tref, h = windows['thumb'].tile_infos, y, tset, tref, h) elif event.button == 3: if map_screenrect.collidepoint(event.pos): x, y = self.cursor.pos tileset, ref, h =, y) windows['thumb'].update(tileset, ref, h) elif title_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): name_input = WindowInput( new_name = name_input.main() if new_name: = new_name self.write_name(screen, map_w, map_screenrect.y) del name_input ## elif event.button == 7: ## print('gauche haut') ## elif event.button == 8: ## print('gauche bas') ## else: ## print(event.button) elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_s and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_LCTRL: text = "Enregistrer la carte %s ?"%('map001.pxs') if WindowConfirm(text).loop(): self.save_mapdata('map001.pxs') elif event.key in [K_DOWN, K_UP, K_LEFT, K_RIGHT]: self.cursor.key_move(event.key) elif event.key in [K_KP_PLUS, K_KP_MINUS]: self.modifie_height(event.key) elif event.key in [K_PAGEDOWN, K_PAGEUP]: #modifie le sol self.modifie_sol(event.key) elif event.key == K_c: x, y = self.cursor.pos tileset, ref, h =, y) windows['thumb'].update(tileset, ref, h) elif event.key == K_v: x, y = self.cursor.pos tset, tref, h = windows['thumb'].tile_infos, y, tset, tref, h) #draw sprites on map map_screen.fill((211, 188,100)) ox, oy = screen_rect.topleft for tile in tile_rect = tile.rect.move(ox, oy) if tile.x == self.cursor.x and\ tile.y == self.cursor.y: map_screen.blit(tile.image, tile_rect, tile.source_rect) map_screen.blit(self.cursor.image,tile_rect) else: map_screen.blit(tile.image, tile_rect, tile.source_rect) pygame.display.flip() horloge.tick(60) def write_name(self, screen, w, h): "write the name of the map and return rect" screen.fill((212,191,18), (0,0, w, h)) title_font = pygame.font.SysFont("timesnewroman", 40, bold=True, italic=True) title_surf = title_font.render(, 1, (115,58,179)) wt, ht = title_surf.get_size() title_rect = screen.blit(title_surf, ((w-wt)/2, (h-ht)/2)) return title_rect def load_new_map(self): """load a new_map from data""" = gamemap.GameMap(self.datamap) ## def create_cursor(self): ## "create cursor, return None" ## self.cursor = EditorCursor() ## def center_screen(self, real_x, real_y, screen_rect, scroll_speed=12): ## "parametre le scrolling de la vue" ## #accélère le scrolling si le curseur est trop loin ## map_diag = ( ## screen_w, screen_h = screen_rect.size ## calc_dim = (32*map_diag-screen_w, 16*map_diag-screen_h) ## scroll_x = 16*(min(calc_dim[0], max(0, self.cursor.rect.x\ ## - (screen_w-64)//2))) - real_x ## scroll_y = 16*(min(calc_dim[1], max(0, self.cursor.rect.y\ ## - (screen_h-32)//2))) - real_y ## if scroll_x or scroll_y: ## dblex = abs(scroll_x)//(60*scroll_speed) +1 ## dbley = abs(scroll_y)//(60*scroll_speed) +1 ## real_x += dblex * max(-scroll_speed, min(scroll_speed, scroll_x)) ## real_y += dbley * max(-scroll_speed, min(scroll_speed, scroll_y)) ## #return screen_x, screen_y ## screen_rect.topleft = real_x//16, real_y//16 ## ## return real_x, real_y def modifie_sol(self, key): "modifie le sol avec PAGEUP et PAGEDOWN" dref = (pygame.K_PAGEUP == key) - (pygame.K_PAGEDOWN == key) ref =, self.cursor.y) + dref, self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y) def modifie_height(self, key): "modifie la hauteur avec les touches PLUS et MINUS" dh = (K_KP_PLUS == key) - (K_KP_MINUS == key) h =, self.cursor.y) + dh, self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y) ## def draw_fps(self, screen, delai, fps_bmp): ## if 0: return ## fps = str(int(delai))#int(horloge.get_fps())) ## fps_bmp.fill((0,0,0)) ## txt = FPS_FONT.render(fps, 1, (255,255,255)) ## fps_bmp.blit(txt, (1,1)) ## screen.blit(fps_bmp, (0, 0)) def load_mapdata(self, name): filename = os.path.join('data', 'maps', name) with open(filename, 'r') as f: data_map = pickle.load(f) return data_map def save_mapdata(self, name): data = filename = os.path.join('data', 'maps', name) with open(filename, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(data, f)
class EditorIso(object): COLOR_BGD=0x60a7ff SCREEN_MAP_POS = (12, 44) DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZE = (1024, 768) DEFAULT_MAP_SCREEN_SIZE = (728, 600) def __init__(self, screen_size=None, mapsize=None): if not screen_size: screen_size = EditorIso.DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZE if not mapsize: mapsize = EditorIso.DEFAULT_MAP_SCREEN_SIZE #set the display screen self.init_display(screen_size) #map frame self.mapsize = mapsize self.map_screen_rect = Rect(EditorIso.SCREEN_MAP_POS, self.mapsize) def init_display(self, screen_size): screen = pygame.display.get_surface() if screen: self.screen = screen else: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size, #pygame.FULLSCREEN |\ pygame.HWSURFACE |\ pygame.DOUBLEBUF, 32) self.screen_size = screen_size def set_map(self, name='', data=None): if name: self.datamap = self.load_mapdata(name) elif data: self.datamap = data else: return = gamemap.GameMap(self.datamap) #create cursor self.cursor = EditorCursor( def new_map(self, screen): #create a new map new_data = DataMap() win_new_map = WindowNewMap(new_data) pygame.display.get_surface() pygame.event.clear() result = None while result == None: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN and\ event.key == K_ESCAPE: return else: result = win_new_map.update(event) win_new_map.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.Clock().tick(60) if result: data = win_new_map.new_data self.set_map(data=data) def init_windows(self): windows = {} windows['tilesets'] = WindowTileset( windows['thumb'] = WindowThumbTile(windows['tilesets']) windows['map'] = WindowMap(self.map_screen_rect.size, windows['name'] = WindowNameMap(self.map_screen_rect.w, 40) for window in windows.values(): window.draw(self.screen) return windows def write_name(self): "write the name of the map and return rect" w = self.map_screen_rect.w h = self.map_screen_rect.y x = self.map_screen_rect.x self.screen.fill((212,191,18), (x, 0, w, h)) title_font = pygame.font.SysFont("timesnewroman", 40, bold=True, italic=True) title_surf = title_font.render(, 1, (115,58,179)) wt, ht = title_surf.get_size() title_rect = self.screen.blit(title_surf, ((w-wt)/2, (h-ht)/2)) return title_rect def load_map(self): maps_names = [] for datamap in DataBase.maps: maps_names.append( n = WindowChoices(maps_names).loop() self.set_map(data=DataBase.maps[n]) def load_mapdata(self, name): filename = os.path.join('data', 'maps', name) with open(filename, 'r') as f: data_map = pickle.load(f) return data_map def save_mapdata(self): filename = text = "Enregistrer la carte %s ?"%(filename[:-4]) if WindowConfirm(text).loop(): def rename_map(self): screen = pygame.display.get_surface() name_input = WindowInput( new_name = None while new_name == None: name_input.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.Clock().tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): result = name_input.update(event) if result != None: new_name = result break if new_name: = new_name return new_name def set_tile_infos(self, win_thumb): "set cursor square infos to win_thumb infos" win_thumb.tile_infos = self.cursor.square_infos ## def modifie_sol(self, key): ## "modifie le sol avec PAGEUP et PAGEDOWN" ## dref = (pygame.K_PAGEUP == key) - (pygame.K_PAGEDOWN == key) ## ref =, y) ## + dref, x, y) def main(self): """main loop of editor""" #screen initialise screen = self.screen map_screen = self.screen.subsurface(self.map_screen_rect) #rect of the view screen_rect = self.map_screen_rect.copy() #orange background self.screen.fill(EditorIso.COLOR_BGD) #initialise event pygame.event.clear() pygame.key.set_repeat(200, 50) #thumb & tile window windows = self.init_windows() #Name of the map pygame.display.flip() continuer = True #initialise state button map_left_button_pressed = False start_time = time.time() horloge = pygame.time.Clock() while continuer: for event in pygame.event.get(): ctrl = pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_CTRL if event.type == pygame.QUIT or\ event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: continuer = False return elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: if self.map_screen_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[1]: screen_rect.move_ip(event.rel[0], event.rel[1]) elif not('last_roll'in locals() and\ time.time() - last_roll < 0.5): x, y = event.pos x -= screen_rect.x x -= windows['map'].contents_rect.x y -= screen_rect.y y -= windows['map'].contents_rect.y self.cursor.move_to_screen(x, y) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: button = event.button if windows['tilesets'].onclick(event) or\ windows['thumb'].update_onclick(event): pass elif windows['map'].rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if button in [4, 5]: last_roll = time.time() dh = (5 == button) - (4 == button) self.cursor.h += dh x, y = event.pos y -= 8*dh pygame.mouse.set_pos([x,y]) elif button == 3: self.set_tile_infos(windows['thumb']) elif button == 1 : map_left_button_pressed = True elif windows['name'].rect.collidepoint(event.pos): self.rename_map() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1: map_left_button_pressed = False elif pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_SPACE]: map_left_button_pressed = True elif event.type == KEYDOWN: key = event.key if key == K_F11: pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen() elif event.key == K_s and ctrl: self.save_mapdata() elif event.key == K_l and ctrl: self.load_map() windows['map'].map = elif ctrl and event.key == K_n : self.new_map(screen) windows['map'].map = elif key == K_q and ctrl:, {})) elif key in [K_DOWN, K_UP, K_LEFT, K_RIGHT]: self.cursor.update(event) elif key in [K_KP_PLUS, K_KP_MINUS]: dh = (K_KP_PLUS == key) - (K_KP_MINUS == key) self.cursor.h += dh elif key == K_c: self.set_tile_infos(windows['thumb']) elif key == K_v: self.cursor.square_infos = windows['thumb'].tile_infos elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_SPACE: map_left_button_pressed = False if map_left_button_pressed: #left clic on the map tset, tref, h = windows['thumb'].tile_infos if not(ctrl): h = self.cursor.h self.cursor.square_infos = tset, tref, h windows['name'].update( windows['map'].update(screen_rect, self.cursor) for win in windows.values(): win.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() horloge.tick(60)
def main(self): """main loop of editor""" self.load_new_map() screen = pygame.display.get_surface() map_screenrect = Rect((12,44),mapsize) map_screen = screen.subsurface(map_screenrect) screen_w, screen_h = screen.get_size() map_w, map_h = mapsize continuer = True horloge = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.event.clear() pygame.key.set_repeat(200, 50) pygame.display.flip() #thumb tile window windows = {} windows['thumb'] = WindowTile( #windows['thumb'].draw(screen) self.cursor = EditorCursor(windows['thumb'].tile) = screen_rect = map_screenrect.copy() real_x, real_y = 16*screen_rect.x, 16*screen_rect.y windows['tilesets'] = WindowTileset( for window in windows.values(): window.draw(screen) #Name of the map title_rect = self.write_name(screen, map_w, map_screenrect.y) pygame.display.flip() while continuer: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or\ event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: continuer = False pygame.quit() return elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[1]: screen_rect.move_ip(event.rel) if map_screenrect.collidepoint(event.pos): x, y = event.pos x -= screen_rect.x + map_screenrect.x y -= screen_rect.y + map_screenrect.y pos =, y) if pos: self.cursor.pos = pos elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: key = event.button if windows['tilesets'].onclick(event): tset = windows['tilesets'].tileset ref = windows['tilesets'].tileref windows['tilesets'].draw(screen) windows['thumb'].update(tileset=tset, ref=ref) pygame.display.flip() elif event.button in [4, 5]: if windows['thumb'].rect.collidepoint(event.pos): dh = 1*(key == 5) - 1*(key == 4) h = windows['thumb'].h + dh windows['thumb'].update(h=h) self.cursor.h = h elif event.button == 1 and\ map_screen.get_rect().collidepoint(event.pos): #left clic on the map x, y = self.cursor.pos tset, tref, h = windows['thumb'].tile_infos, y, tset, tref, h) elif event.button == 3: if map_screenrect.collidepoint(event.pos): x, y = self.cursor.pos tileset, ref, h =, y) windows['thumb'].update(tileset, ref, h) elif title_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): name_input = WindowInput( new_name = name_input.main() if new_name: = new_name self.write_name(screen, map_w, map_screenrect.y) del name_input ## elif event.button == 7: ## print('gauche haut') ## elif event.button == 8: ## print('gauche bas') ## else: ## print(event.button) elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_s and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_LCTRL: text = "Enregistrer la carte %s ?"%('map001.pxs') if WindowConfirm(text).loop(): self.save_mapdata('map001.pxs') elif event.key in [K_DOWN, K_UP, K_LEFT, K_RIGHT]: self.cursor.key_move(event.key) elif event.key in [K_KP_PLUS, K_KP_MINUS]: self.modifie_height(event.key) elif event.key in [K_PAGEDOWN, K_PAGEUP]: #modifie le sol self.modifie_sol(event.key) elif event.key == K_c: x, y = self.cursor.pos tileset, ref, h =, y) windows['thumb'].update(tileset, ref, h) elif event.key == K_v: x, y = self.cursor.pos tset, tref, h = windows['thumb'].tile_infos, y, tset, tref, h) #draw sprites on map map_screen.fill((211, 188,100)) ox, oy = screen_rect.topleft for tile in tile_rect = tile.rect.move(ox, oy) if tile.x == self.cursor.x and\ tile.y == self.cursor.y: map_screen.blit(tile.image, tile_rect, tile.source_rect) map_screen.blit(self.cursor.image,tile_rect) else: map_screen.blit(tile.image, tile_rect, tile.source_rect) pygame.display.flip() horloge.tick(60)