Пример #1
def test_Bot():

    test = Bot(5, 11, 5)
    assert isinstance(test, Bot)
    assert test.last_move == None
    assert test.double_num == 5
    assert test.grid_size == 11
Пример #2
def make():
    """Функция покдлючения к базе данных и авторизации vk_api
       Возвращает словарь с ключами vk, longpoll, cursor"""
            cursor, conn = connect_database('heroku')
        except Exception as e:
            cursor, conn = connect_database()

        vk, longpoll = connect_vk()
        print("\tVK and Database is connected")
    except Exception as e:
        print("\tVK and Database can't be connected", e)
        return make()
    bot = Bot(vk, longpoll, cursor, conn)
    return bot
Пример #3
        #load the background image
        background = pim.load(c.bgPicture).convert()
        #define the door position
        door = (14, 14)

        #generate the level
        level = Level(choice)
        #create the utilities objects
        #and append them to a table
        tabUtilities = []
        tabUtilities.append(Utility('S', level))
        tabUtilities.append(Utility('E', level))
        tabUtilities.append(Utility('N', level))
        #create the character
        bot = Bot(c.heroPicture, level)
        #print the labyrinth
        level.show(bot, windows)

    #game loop
    while repeatGame:
        #limit the clock speed

        for even in pygame.event.get():

            #If the user leaves, we put the variable
            #that continues the game AND the general variable
            #to false to close the window
            if even.type == QUIT:
                repeatGame = False
Пример #4
map = ""

def output_func(val):
    global map
    map += ascii_dict[val]

computer = IntcodeComputer(intcode, input, output_func)

grid = Grid([list(row) for row in map[:-2].split("\n")])

# Get bot pos

bot = Bot()
for y, row in enumerate(grid):
    for x, v in enumerate(row):
        if v == "^":
            bot.pos = np.array((x, y))

# Get bot path

bot_path = []
new_dir = None
while new_dir != "END":
    grid[bot.pos] = "B"
    new_dir = bot.change_dir(grid)
    if new_dir != "END":
        steps = bot.move_forward(grid)
Пример #5
from classes import Bot, Config

print("Loading da bot...")

config = Config.Config()
bot = Bot.YadBot(config, config.prefix, "At least you can help yourself :/")
Пример #6
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import argparse
from classes import Cmok
import logging
from classes import Bot

TOKEN = '983511418:AAHNxHWuQvJfAxvmDelinu5F8lGJXo1ryVc'

bot = Bot(TOKEN)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description='Скрипт для брутфорса хешей sha-512')
    help='Хеш искомого пароля в кавычках, или путь к файлу с хешем')
    'Путь к словарю. Если указать словарь, подбор будет только по словарю. Не указывайте, если нужен полный перебор по символам.'
                    help='Минимальная длина пароля для подбора',
Пример #7
def Main():
    my_bot = Bot()

    # [ITA] Creo il dizionario che verrà scritto su file
    # [ENG] I create the dictionary that will be written on file
    currencies_data = {}

    # [ITA] Richiesta 1) La criptovaluta con il volume maggiore ($) nelle ultime 24 ore
    # [ENG] Request 1) The cryptocurrency with the highest volume ($) over the last 24 hours

    # [ITA] Recupero la criptovaluta in questione 24 e aggiungo le informazioni al dizionario
    # [ENG] I retrieve the aforementioned cryptocurrency and add the information to the dictionary
    largest_24h_volume_currency = my_bot.fetch_currencies_data(sort="volume_24h", limit=1)[0]

    currencies_data["largest_24h_volume_currency"] = curr_op.get_main_info(largest_24h_volume_currency)

    # [ITA] Richiesta 2) Le migliori e peggiori 10 criptovalute per incremento in percentuale nelle ultime 24
    # [ITA] Request 2) The best and worst 10 cryptocurrencies by percentage increase in the last 24 hours

    # [ITA] Recupero le criptovalute con maggiore incremento percentuale nelle ultime 24h
    # [ENG] I retrieve the cryptocurrencies with the highest percentage increase in the last 24h

    # [ITA] Aggiungo le informazioni al dizionario
    # [ENG] I add the informations to the dictionary
    best_currencies_by_24h_percent_change = my_bot.fetch_currencies_data(sort="percent_change_24h",
                                                                         limit=10, sort_dir="desc")

    # [ITA] Creo un dizionario temporaneo per gestire con comodità la lista di criptovalute ottenuta
    # [ENG] I create a temporary dictionary to easily manage the list of cryptocurrencies obtained
    best_currencies_data = []

    for currency in best_currencies_by_24h_percent_change:

    currencies_data["best_currencies_by_24h_percent_change"] = best_currencies_data

    # [ITA] Recupero le criptovalute con maggiore decremento percentuale nelle ultime 24h
    # [ENG] I retrieve the cryptocurrencies with the greatest percentage decrease in the last 24h

    # [ITA] Aggiungo le informazioni al dizionario
    # [ENG] I add the informations to the dictionary
    worst_currencies_by_24h_percent_change = my_bot.fetch_currencies_data(sort="percent_change_24h",
                                                                          limit=10, sort_dir="asc")

    # [ITA] Creo un dizionario temporaneo per gestire con comodità la lista di criptovalute ottenuta
    # [ENG] I create a temporary dictionary to easily manage the list of cryptocurrencies obtained
    worst_currencies_data = []

    for currency in worst_currencies_by_24h_percent_change:

    currencies_data["worst_currencies_by_24h_percent_change"] = worst_currencies_data

    # [ITA] Richiesta 4) La quantità di denaro necessaria per acquistare una unità di tutte le criptovalute
    #                    il cui volume delle ultime 24 ore sia superiore a 76.000.000$
    # [ENG] Request 4) The amount of money required to purchase one unit of all cryptocurrencies
    #                  whose volume of the last 24 hours exceeds $ 76,000,000

    currencies_by_min_volume = my_bot.fetch_currencies_data(volume_24h_min="76000000")

    # [ITA] Trasformo la lista ottenuta in un array numpy composto dai prezzi di ciascuna criptovaluta
    # [ITA] In questo modo, le operazioni sono estramemente più veloci

    # [ENG] I transform the resulting list into a numpy array made up of the prices of each cryptocurrency
    # [ENG] In this way, the operations are extremely faster
    currencies_by_min_volume_np = numpy.array([curr_op.get_price(currency) for currency in currencies_by_min_volume])

    # [ITA] Aggiungo le informazioni al dizionario
    # [ENG] I add the informations to the dictionary
    currencies_data["76mln+_volume_currencies_total_price"] = numpy.sum(currencies_by_min_volume_np)

    # [ITA] Richiesta 3) La quantità di denaro necessaria per acquistare un'unità
    #                    di ciascuna delle prime 20 criptovalute
    # [ENG] Request 3) The amount of money needed to purchase one unit of each of the top 20 cryptocurrencies

    top_20_currencies = my_bot.fetch_currencies_data(limit=20)

    # [ITA] Trasformo la lista ottenuta in un array numpy composto dai prezzi di ciascuna criptovaluta
    # [ITA] In questo modo, le operazioni sono estramemente più veloci

    # [ENG] I transform the resulting list into a numpy array made up of the prices of each cryptocurrency
    # [ENG] In this way, the operations are extremely faster
    top_20_prices = numpy.array([curr_op.get_price(currency) for currency in top_20_currencies])

    # [ITA] Aggiungo le informazioni al dizionario
    # [ENG] I add the informations to the dictionary
    currencies_data["top_20_total_price_now"] = numpy.sum(top_20_prices)

    # [ITA] Richiesta 5) La percentuale di guadagno o perdita che avreste realizzato
    #                    se aveste comprato una unità di ciascuna
    #                    delle prime 20 criptovalute il giorno prima (ipotizzando che la classifca non sia cambiata)
    # [ENG] Request 5) The percentage of gain or loss you would have made if you had bought one unit of each
    #                  of the top 20 cryptocurrencies the day before (assuming the ranking hasn't changed)

    # [ITA] Recupero il prezzo delle criptovalute in top 20 nella giornata di ieri
    # [ITA] L'operazione viene svolta basandosi sull'incremento percentuale nelle ultime 24 ore
    # [ITA] Viene usata la formula (prezzo_oggi * (100 + incremento_percentuale)) / 100

    # [ENG] I retrieve the price of cryptocurrencies in the top 20 yesterday
    # [ENG] The operation is carried out based on the percentage increase in the last 24 hours
    # [ENG] The formula (price_ today * (100 + percentage_increase)) / 100 is used
    top_20_yesterday_prices = numpy.array([curr_op.get_price(currency) *
                                           ((100 + (curr_op.get_24h_percent_change(currency))) / 100)
                                           for currency in top_20_currencies])

    # [ITA] Aggiungo le informazioni al dizionario
    # [ENG] I add the informations to the dictionary
    currencies_data["top_20_total_price_yesterday"] = numpy.sum(top_20_yesterday_prices)

    # [ITA] Uso la proporzione top_20_total_price_yesterday : 100 = top_20_total_price_now : x
    # [ENG] I use the proportion top_20_total_price_yesterday: 100 = top_20_total_price_now: x
    gain_from_yesterday_to_now = (100.0 * numpy.sum(top_20_yesterday_prices)) / (numpy.sum(top_20_prices)) - 100

    # [ITA] Aggiungo le informazioni al dizionario
    # [ENG] I add the information to the dictionary
    currencies_data["gain_from_yesterday_to_now"] = gain_from_yesterday_to_now

    # [ITA] Creo il del nome file in base alla data attuale
    # [ENG] I create the file name based on the current date
    now = str(datetime.now().date()) + ".json"

    # [ITA] Scrivo le informazioni sul file
    # [ENG] I write the informations on the file
    with open(now, "w") as outfile:
        json.dump(currencies_data, outfile, indent=INDENT_LEVEL)

    print("Report just created: {}".format(datetime.now()))
    print("Another report will be created in 24 hours")

    seconds = 24 * 60 * 60
Пример #8
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from discord.ext import commands
from helpers import sendError
from pathlib import Path
from classes import Bot
import os

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # change working directory to file's path

    bot = Bot(command_prefix=('-'), pm_help=None)

    cogs = ("corona",)

    async def on_ready():
        print('Logged in as {}\n'.format(bot.user))

    async def on_command_error(ctx, e):
        # Check if command has custom error handler
        if hasattr(ctx.command, 'on_error'):
        cog = ctx.cog
        if cog:
            attr = '_{0.__class__.__name__}__error'.format(cog)
            if hasattr(cog, attr):
Пример #9
from yowsup.layers.network import YowNetworkLayer
from yowsup.env import YowsupEnv
from classes import Bot
import logging

# set up logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.addHandler(logging.FileHandler('debug.log', encoding='utf-8'))

# Obtain password using `yowsup-cli registration -C COUNTRY_CODE -p PHONE_NUMBER -r sms`.
# Then: `yowsup-cli registration -C COUNTRY_CODE -p PHONE_NUMBER -R VERIFICATION_CODE`.
# This will return a base64 encoded password. DO NOT DECODE THIS, JUST PUT THAT AS PASSWORD
CREDENTIALS = ("phone", "password")

bot = Bot(prefix="owo!")

@bot.command("help", desc="get help", alias="?", unprefixed=True)
def help_(message):
    args = message.body.split()
    if len(args) > 1:
            res = bot.commands[args[1]].desc
        except IndexError:
            res = "Command '{}' not found!".format(args[1])
        res = "Use '? <command>' for help on a specific command\nUse {0.prefix}commands for a list of commands".format(
    bot.layer.reply(message, res)