Пример #1
    def close_level_overlay(self, reset = False):
        self.has_level_overlay = False

        if (reset):
            self.lunar = self.set_lunar(CONSTANTS.GAME_WIDTH, CONSTANTS.GAME_HEIGHT)
            self.level = level.Level(self.gameboard)
            current_handicap = self.level.handicap
            self.level = level.Level(self.gameboard, current_handicap + 1)
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, width = CONSTANTS.GAME_WIDTH, height = CONSTANTS.GAME_HEIGHT):
     self.__gameboard = self.set_gameboard(super(), width, height)
     self.__level = level.Level(self.gameboard)
     self.__player = player.Player("")
     self.__lunar = self.set_lunar(width, height)
     self.__key_control = control.KeyControl()
     self.__has_level_overlay = False
     self.__started = False
     self.__vocab_map = vcm.VocabularyMap()
Пример #3
def calculate_rankings(team_manager, alg):
    # reset team points before calculations
    teams = team_manager.get_teams()

    # print progress bar line

    # loop through teams
    for i, team in enumerate(teams):
        # create a level_manager for the current team
        level_manager = Level(team, alg)

        # get first level
        level = level_manager.get_next_level()

        # while levels still exist calculate points
        while len(level_manager.current_level) > 0:
            for team_info in level:
                points = 0

                if alg == "win": # points = the sum of the wins (+1 for win -1 for loss) / games played
                    points += sum(team_info["won"])/len(team_info["won"])

                    if points == 0:
                        points += team_info["prev_streak"]

                elif alg == "score": # points = the sum of the points earned by the team
                    points += sum(team_info["score"])/len(team_info["score"])

                elif alg == "score_win":
                    points = sum(team_info["score"])/len(team_info["score"])

                    if points != 0:
                        points/= abs(points)

                team.points += points # add calculated points

            level = level_manager.get_next_level() # get next level

        if i % 4 == 0:
            print("█", end="")

    return team_manager.get_rankings() # return list of ranked teams
Пример #4
                    repeatMenu = False  # quit the menu
                    choice = 'maps/level1.txt'  # define the level to load
                elif event.key == K_2:
                    repeatMenu = False
                    choice = 'maps/level2.txt'

    #we check that the player has made a level choice
    #to not load if he leaves
    if choice is not 0:
        #load the background image
        background = pim.load(c.bgPicture).convert()
        #define the door position
        door = (14, 14)

        #generate the level
        level = Level(choice)
        #create the utilities objects
        #and append them to a table
        tabUtilities = []
        tabUtilities.append(Utility('S', level))
        tabUtilities.append(Utility('E', level))
        tabUtilities.append(Utility('N', level))
        #create the character
        bot = Bot(c.heroPicture, level)
        #print the labyrinth
        level.show(bot, windows)

    #game loop
    while repeatGame:
        #limit the clock speed
Пример #5
def main(width, height):
    # import modules
    import pygame
    import os
    import random
    import time

    from classes import PowerUp
    from classes import Level
    from classes import Character
    from classes import Cloud
    from classes import Obtainium

    # Death counter
    deaths = 0
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    font = pygame.font.SysFont("OSP-DIN", 48)

    # create the screen
    dimensions = (width, height)
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(dimensions)

    # helps with making the close button in the corner work
    running = 1

    # The ground
    level = Level(screen, width, height, "resources/Level 1.png")

    # The character, who's sprite is a gingerbread man
    gingerman = Character(screen, width, height)

    coin_imgs = ["resources/Coin2.png", "resources/Coin.png"]
    # The clouds. We put them into a list so we can iterate through them
    clouds = [Cloud(), Cloud(), Cloud()]
    coins = []
    powerups = []
    rocks = Obtainium(screen, width, height, "resources/stone.png", width / 2, 50, True)
    for x in range(7):
                (random.randint(-400, 4000)) - (10 * x) + width,
                height - 150,
                (random.randint(-400, 4000)) - (10 * x) + width,
                height - 150,

        # If the arrow keys are held down, we want the character to continously move. This helps with that.
    pygame.key.set_repeat(100, gingerman.speed)

    # Gameloop, executes all the actions
    while running:

        # Gets a list of what's happening
        events = pygame.event.get()

        # Reads the list of what's happening
        for event in events:

            # Exits program if red X cliked
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                running = 0

                # Moves the character if the keys are pressed
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                    gingerman.move(level, "left", coins, powerups)
                if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                    gingerman.move(level, "right", coins, powerups)
                if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    gingerman.move(level, "up", coins, powerups)

                    # makes the background blue
        screen.fill((135, 206, 235))

        # Shows the level

        for coin in coins:
            coin.display(gingerman, level)
        for thing in powerups:
            thing.display(gingerman, level)

        deathtext = font.render("Score:" + str(gingerman.deaths), 1, (255, 255, 255))
        rocktext = font.render("Rocks:" + str(gingerman.rocks), 1, (255, 255, 255))
        rocks.display(gingerman, level)

        # Makes sure physics applies
        gingerman.move(level, "forward", coins)
        # Shows and moves the cloud
        for cloud in clouds:

        screen.blit(deathtext, (0, 0))
        screen.blit(rocktext, (0, 48))

        # Shows everything

Пример #6
#Author : Simon Maciag

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

import classes.Player as p
import classes.Level as l
import classes.Mob as m
import threading as t
import multiprocessing as multi
import random
import time

level1 = l.Level(1)
level2 = l.Level(2)
level3 = l.Level(3)
level4 = l.Level(4)
level5 = l.Level(5)

menu = l.Menu()
perso = p.Player([level1, level2, level3, level4, level5])
level1.player = perso
level2.player = perso
level3.player = perso
level4.player = perso
level5.player = perso

boss1 = m.Officer(10, 16, level1, 1)
boss2 = m.Officer(7, 1, level2, 2)
Пример #7
from classes import Level

level_list = {
    1: Level(level=1, exp=0),
    2: Level(level=2, exp=83),
    3: Level(level=3, exp=174),
    4: Level(level=4, exp=276),
    5: Level(level=5, exp=388),
    6: Level(level=6, exp=512),
    7: Level(level=7, exp=650),
    8: Level(level=8, exp=801),
    9: Level(level=9, exp=969),
    10: Level(level=10, exp=1154),
    11: Level(level=11, exp=1358),
    12: Level(level=12, exp=1584),
    13: Level(level=13, exp=1833),
    14: Level(level=14, exp=2107),
    15: Level(level=15, exp=2411),
    16: Level(level=16, exp=2746),
    17: Level(level=17, exp=3115),
    18: Level(level=18, exp=3523),
    19: Level(level=19, exp=3973),
    20: Level(level=20, exp=4470),
    21: Level(level=21, exp=5018),
    22: Level(level=22, exp=5624),
    23: Level(level=23, exp=6291),
    24: Level(level=24, exp=7028),
    25: Level(level=25, exp=7842),
    26: Level(level=26, exp=8740),
    27: Level(level=27, exp=9730),
    28: Level(level=28, exp=10824),