def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PRM Path Planning Algorithm') parser.add_argument('--numSamples', type=int, default=1000, metavar='N', help='Number of sampled points') args = parser.parse_args() numSamples = args.numSamples env = open("environment.txt", "r") l1 = env.readline().split(";") current = list(map(int, l1[0].split(","))) destination = list(map(int, l1[1].split(","))) print("Current: {} Destination: {}".format(current, destination)) print("****Obstacles****") allObs = [] for l in env: if (";" in l): line = l.strip().split(";") topLeft = list(map(int, line[0].split(","))) bottomRight = list(map(int, line[1].split(","))) obs = Obstacle(topLeft, bottomRight) obs.printFullCords() allObs.append(obs) utils = Utils() utils.drawMap(allObs, current, destination) prm = PRMController(numSamples, allObs, current, destination) # Initial random seed to try initialRandomSeed = 0 prm.runPRM(initialRandomSeed)
def process(): #Inicializar imagen img = cv.imread('..\cameraControllerPython\Image\map.jpg') OrigImag = img.copy() # Load image image_bgr = img # Convert to RGB image_rgb = cv.cvtColor(image_bgr, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Rectange values: start x, start y, width, height rectangle = (25, 25, img.shape[1] - 50, img.shape[0] - 50) # Create initial mask mask = np.zeros(image_rgb.shape[:2], np.uint8) # Create temporary arrays used by grabCut bgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64) fgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64) # Run grabCut cv.grabCut( image_rgb, # Our image mask, # The Mask rectangle, # Our rectangle bgdModel, # Temporary array for background fgdModel, # Temporary array for background 5, # Number of iterations cv.GC_INIT_WITH_RECT) # Initiative using our rectangle # Create mask where sure and likely backgrounds set to 0, otherwise 1 mask_2 = np.where((mask == 2) | (mask == 0), 0, 1).astype('uint8') # Multiply image with new mask to subtract background image_rgb_nobg = image_rgb * mask_2[:, :, np.newaxis] # Show image plt.imshow(image_rgb_nobg), plt.axis("off") img = cv.cvtColor(image_rgb_nobg, cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR) imgray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ret, thresh = cv.threshold(imgray, 5, 255, 0) contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(thresh, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) ctrs = img.copy() cv.drawContours(ctrs, contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3) ###cv.imshow('Images', ctrs) #print(contours) #print(hierarchy) decode_preds = { 0: 'car', 1: 'destination', 2: 'house', 3: 'origin', 4: 'tree', 5: 'truck', 6: 'windmill' } model = load_model('drone_vision_vgg16.h5') xL = OrigImag.shape[0] / 100 yL = OrigImag.shape[1] / 100 current = str(round(153 / xL)) + ", " + str(round(478 / yL)) destination = str(round(1034 / xL)) + ", " + str(round(184 / yL)) obstacles = np.array(["empty"]) contoursNew = np.array([[1, 2, 3]]) divisions = img.copy() i = 0 #print(len(contours)) while i < len(contours): #print(hierarchy[0][i][3]) (x, y, w, h) = cv.boundingRect(contours[i]) #print((x,y,w,h)) if (hierarchy[0][i][3] == -1 and contours[i].shape[0] > 3 and w > 10 and h > 10): #print(cont) print("Number: " + str(i)) divisions = cv.rectangle(divisions, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2) #imagTopredict = OrigImag[round(x+w/2-75):round(x+w/2+75), round(y+h/2-75):round(y+h/2+75), :].copy() imagTopredict = OrigImag[y:y + h, x:x + w, :].copy() #print(imagTopredict.shape) imagTopredict = cv.resize(imagTopredict, (150, 150)) #imagTopredict = array_to_img(imagTopredict) # prepare the image for the VGG model imagTopredict = imagTopredict / 255 imagTopredict = np.array(imagTopredict)[:, :, 0:3] # convert the image pixels to a numpy array ###imagTopredict = img_to_array(imagTopredict) # reshape data for the model # if(imagTopredict.shape[0]<imagTopredict.shape[1]): # extension = imagTopredict.shape[0] # else: # extension = imagTopredict.shape[1] #imagTopredict = np.stack([imagTopredict], axis=0) imagTopredict = imagTopredict.reshape(-1, 150, 150, 3) #imagTopredict = imagTopredict.reshape((1, 150, 150, 3)) #{'DecodeJpeg:0': imagTopredict} # predict the probability across all output classes prediction = model.predict(imagTopredict) if (contours[i].shape[0] == 4): prediction[0][3] = 1 strPred = decode_preds[np.argmax(prediction)] strMsg = strPred + ' (' + str( round(prediction[0][np.argmax(prediction)] * 100, 2)) + '%)' #print(strMsg) divisions = cv.putText(divisions, strMsg, (x - 40, y), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 0, 0), 2) print( f'{decode_preds[np.argmax(prediction)]} ({round(prediction[0][np.argmax(prediction)] * 100, 2)}%)' ) print(cv.HuMoments(cv.moments(contours[i])).flatten()) if (strPred == 'origin'): current = str(round( (x + w / 2) / xL)) + "," + str(round((y + h / 2) / yL)) elif (strPred == 'destination'): destination = str(round( (x + w / 2) / xL)) + "," + str(round((y + h / 2) / yL)) else: temp = str(round(x / xL)) + "," + str(round( y / yL)) + ";" + str(round( (x + w) / xL)) + "," + str(round((y + h) / yL)) obstacles = np.concatenate((obstacles, [temp]), axis=0) contoursNew = np.concatenate( (contoursNew, [[x + w / 2, y + h / 2, math.sqrt(w**2 + h**2) / 2]]), axis=0) divisions =, (round(x + w / 2), round(y + h / 2)), int(math.sqrt(w**2 + h**2) / 2), (255, 0, 0), 2) i = i + 1 else: contours.pop(i) hierarchy = np.delete(hierarchy, i, 1) ctrs = img.copy() cv.drawContours(ctrs, contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3) #print ###cv.imshow('Images 2', ctrs) cv.imshow('Divisions', divisions) cv.imwrite("images\divisions.png", divisions) ''' Probabilistic Road Map ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PRM Path Planning Algorithm') parser.add_argument('--numSamples', type=int, default=500, metavar='N', help='Number of sampled points') args = parser.parse_args() numSamples = args.numSamples current = list(map(int, current.split(","))) destination = list(map(int, destination.split(","))) print("Current: {} Destination: {}".format(current, destination)) print("****Obstacles****") allObs = [] for l in obstacles: if (";" in l): line = l.strip().split(";") topLeft = list(map(int, line[0].split(","))) bottomRight = list(map(int, line[1].split(","))) obs = Obstacle(topLeft, bottomRight) obs.printFullCords() allObs.append(obs) utils = Utils() utils.drawMap(allObs, current, destination) numSamples = 250 prm = PRMController(numSamples, allObs, current, destination) # Initial random seed to try initialRandomSeed = 0 xSol, ySol = prm.runPRM(initialRandomSeed) xSol = xL * np.array(xSol) ySol = yL * np.array(ySol) #Print Solution maps solutionImg = divisions.copy() j = 0 for j in range(len(ySol) - 1): solutionImg = cv.line(solutionImg, (int(xSol[j]), int(ySol[j])), (int(xSol[j + 1]), int(ySol[j + 1])), (255, 0, 0), 2) ###cv.imwrite("images\solution.png", solutionImg) solutionImgO = OrigImag.copy() j = 0 for j in range(len(ySol) - 1): solutionImgO = cv.line(solutionImgO, (int(xSol[j]), int(ySol[j])), (int(xSol[j + 1]), int(ySol[j + 1])), (255, 0, 0), 2) ###cv.imwrite("images\solutionMap.png", solutionImgO) #xSol = -0.064637985309549*(xSol-157) #ySol = -0.065317919075145*(ySol-539) contoursNew = np.delete(contoursNew, 0, axis=0) print("contoursNew") print(contoursNew) i = 0 while i < len(ySol): j = i + 2 iteration = 0 while j < len(ySol): mI = ySol[i] b = xSol[i] k = (ySol[j] - ySol[i]) / (xSol[j] - xSol[i]) freeObst = True for cN in range(len(contoursNew)): x = (contoursNew[cN, 0] + contoursNew[cN, 1] * k - mI * k + b * k**2) / (1 + k**2) y = mI + (x - b) * k distObs = math.sqrt((contoursNew[cN, 0] - x)**2 + (contoursNew[cN, 1] - y)**2) - 2 interX = (x < xSol[j] and x > xSol[i]) or (x > xSol[j] and x < xSol[i]) interY = (y < ySol[j] and y > ySol[i]) or (y > ySol[j] and y < ySol[i]) if (contoursNew[cN, 2] > distObs and interX and interY): freeObst = False if (freeObst): xSol = np.delete(xSol, range(i + 1, j), axis=0) ySol = np.delete(ySol, range(i + 1, j), axis=0) j = i + 2 else: j = j + 1 iteration = iteration + 1 i = i + 1 j = 0 for j in range(len(ySol) - 1): solutionImg = cv.line(solutionImg, (int(xSol[j]), int(ySol[j])), (int(xSol[j + 1]), int(ySol[j + 1])), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv.imshow('Soution', solutionImg) ###cv.imwrite("images\solution.png", solutionImg) solutionImgO = OrigImag.copy() j = 0 for j in range(len(ySol) - 1): solutionImgO = cv.line(solutionImgO, (int(xSol[j]), int(ySol[j])), (int(xSol[j + 1]), int(ySol[j + 1])), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv.imshow('Soution Map', solutionImgO) Sol = np.concatenate(([xSol], [ySol], np.ones((1, np.size(xSol, axis=0)))), axis=0) #Sol = np.array([[-0.56648, 0.022008, -2.96859],[0.362136, 0.932125,-559.271],[0,0,1]])*Sol Sol = np.matmul( np.array([[-0.064717, -0.000218, 10.2782], [0.000218, -0.064717, 34.8483], [0, 0, 1]]), Sol) cv.waitKey(0) return Sol[0, :], Sol[1, :]
pygame.display.set_caption("Dungeon Crawler") # Player playerX = 400 playerY = 480 player = Player(playerX, playerY) playerX_change = 0 playerY_change = 0 # crate crateX = 400 crateY = 300 crates = [] crate1 = Obstacle(crateX, crateY) spikes = Trap(80, 80, "spikes") x = 300 y = 480 # Enemy enemies = [] """ num_enemies = 5 enemies = [] for i in range(num_enemies): enemyX = random.randint(0, 800) enemyY = random.randint(0, 600) enemy = Enemy(enemyX, enemyY) enemy.x_change = 0.3
def game_loop(self): #setting up the game screen screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500)) pygame.display.set_caption('Taxi Driver') #setting up all the objects and writing font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 30) gameObjs = {} gameObjs['mytaxi'] = Taxi() gameObjs['obstacle'] = Obstacle(0, 10) gameObjs['obstacle2'] = Obstacle(0, 10) objectList = pygame.sprite.Group() objectList.add(gameObjs['mytaxi']) obstacleList = pygame.sprite.Group() obstacleList.add(gameObjs['obstacle']) obstacleList.add(gameObjs['obstacle2']) game_over = False mytaxi = gameObjs['mytaxi'] obstacles = gameObjs['obstacle'] obstacles2 = gameObjs['obstacle2'] score = 0 mylane0 = Lane(130) mylane = Lane(230) mylane2 = Lane(330) mylane3 = Lane(430) # the game loop while not game_over: score_counter_text = font.render('Score: ' + str(score), True, green) # the event loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: game_over = True if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: mytaxi.move('left') if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: mytaxi.move('right') screen.fill(black) #accumulating the score, score goes up by 1 every run through the loop score = score + 1 #drawing everything on screen pygame.draw.rect(screen, yellow, mylane.rect) pygame.draw.rect(screen, yellow, mylane2.rect) pygame.draw.rect(screen, yellow, mylane0.rect) pygame.draw.rect(screen, yellow, mylane3.rect) objectList.draw(screen) obstacleList.draw(screen) obstacles.update() obstacles2.update() #detecting a collision between the taxi and an obstacle if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(mytaxi, obstacleList, True): #using json to keep track of highscore jfile = open('high_score.json', 'r') jstr = jdictionary = json.loads(jstr) jfile.close() if jdictionary["High_Score"] < score: jfile = open('high_score.json', 'w') jdictionary["High_Score"] = score jstr2 = json.dumps(jdictionary) jfile.write(jstr2) jfile.close() #exits the loop and calls the exit_menu function after the collision game_over = True Taxidriver.exit_menu(self, score, jdictionary["High_Score"]) screen.blit(score_counter_text, [10, 10]) pygame.display.flip()
def prepare_obstacles(self, level): patterns = self.patterns x = 0 y = 0 if len(patterns) == 0: return if patterns[0] == 1: x = 370 y = 396 for i in range(13): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) y -= 16 x = 430 y = 396 for i in range(13): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) y -= 16 x = 370 y = 300 for i in range(7): x -= 16 o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x = 430 y = 300 for i in range(7): x += 16 o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) if patterns[1] == 1: x = 274 y = 316 for i in range(3): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) y += 16 x = 526 y = 284 for i in range(3): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) y -= 16 x = 490 y = 348 for i in range(8): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x += 16 x = 310 y = 252 for i in range(8): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x -= 16 x = 262 for i in range(7): y -= 16 o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x = 538 y = 348 for i in range(7): y += 16 o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) if patterns[2] == 1: x = 384 y = 464 for i in range(3): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x += 16 x = 602 y = 412 for i in range(4): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x += 16 o = Obstacle(x - 16, y + 16) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x = 198 y = 172 for i in range(4): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x -= 16 o = Obstacle(x + 16, y - 16) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x = 640 y = 284 for i in range(3): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) y += 16 x = 592 y = 236 for i in range(4): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) y -= 16 x = 544 y = 172 for i in range(6): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x += 16 x = 160 y = 284 for i in range(3): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) y += 16 x = 208 y = 348 for i in range(4): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) y += 16 x = 176 y = 412 for i in range(6): o = Obstacle(x, y) self.obstacle_group.add(o) x += 16
def update(): # Main Loop - Game Paused if player_car.paused: menu_light.color = color.rgb(100, 50, 50) driving_light1.color = driving_light2.color = driving_light3.color = # Entity(billboard=True, scale=Vec3(10, 10, 10),, model="plane", rotation=(-90, 0, 0)) if not inMenu: invoke(menu.show_main_menu) dis_able_menu() # Main Loop - Game Running else: camera.rotation = Vec3(25, 0, 0) camera.position = Vec3(0, 10, -10) menu_light.color = driving_light1.color = color.rgb(196, 196, 196) driving_light2.color = color.rgb(128, 128, 128) driving_light3.color = color.rgb(64, 64, 64) driving_light1.position = player_car.ent.position driving_light1.rotation_x = -90 driving_light2.rotation_x = -90 driving_light3.rotation_x = -90 driving_light2.position = player_car.ent.position + player_car.ent.forward * 15 + Vec3(0, 5, 0) driving_light3.position = player_car.ent.position + player_car.ent.forward * 40 + Vec3(0, 5, 0) if inMenu: dis_able_menu() Menu.clear_menu() if player_car.new_game: while player_car.audio_list: print(player_car.audio_list) player_car.audio_list.pop().stop(destroy=True) player_car.ent.position = Vec3(0, 0, 0) player_car.new_game = False player_car.story = new_story() player_car.story_time = time.time() + 10 player_car.score = 0 # HUD speed_text.text = f"{round(abs(player_car.speed) * 80, 1)} km/h" # pos_text.text = f"Pos: {round(player.position[0], 2), round(player.position[1], 2), round(player.position[2], 2)}" score_text.text = f"SCORE {round(player_car.score)}" if player_car.story: if time.time() < player_car.story_time: story_text.text = f"Solve the case : {player_car.story[0]}, follow the clues..." story_text.position = (-.8, .45) story_text.scale = 1.5 else: story_text.text = '' health_bar_1.value = round(player_car.hp) siren_bar_1.value = round(player_car.light_time) # Arrow arrow.position = player.position + Vec3(0, 5, 0) arrow.rotation = arrow.look_at(CheckPoint.checkpoints[0], axis="forward") if held_keys['w']: for car in cars: car.w() elif held_keys['s']: for car in cars: car.s() if held_keys['space']: for car in cars: car.brake(False) if held_keys['a'] and held_keys['d']: player_car.steering = None elif not (held_keys['a'] or held_keys['d']): player_car.steering = 0 elif held_keys['d']: for car in cars: car.d() elif held_keys['a']: for car in cars: car.a() if player_car.lights: player_car.light_time -= 1 if player_car.light_time < 0: player_car.lights = False siren_audio.stop() else: if player_car.light_time < 100: player_car.light_time += .1 crash_speed = player_car.move([*ignore_list, *CheckPoint.checkpoints]) if crash_speed: if player_car.hp < 1: print("end crash") if not player_car.audio_list: if crash_speed < (10 / 80): player_car.audio_list.append(Audio('assets/sfx/slow_crash_end')) else: player_car.audio_list.append(Audio('assets/sfx/fast_crash_end')) player_car.audio_list[-1].play() else: if crash_speed > (10 / 80): print("big crash", crash_speed) Audio('assets/sfx/short_crash') player_car.rotate() if not (held_keys['w'] or held_keys['s]']): player_car.speed = 0 for checkpoint in CheckPoint.checkpoints: if checkpoint.is_cleared([]): player_car.score += checkpoint.lastpoint Obstacle.shuffle() player.position = player_car.ent.position if player_car.lights: if int(time.time() * 5) % 2 == 0: siren_light.color = else: siren_light.color = else: siren_light.color = color.black33 if player_car.hp <= 0: player_car.paused = True reset_game(player_car, Obstacle, CheckPoint, menu) siren_audio.stop() dis_able_menu()
) siren_light = Lighting(player, player.position + Vec3(1, 7, 0),, rotation=player.down) CheckPoint.init_light(Entity('cube', color=color.rgba(255,5,5,128), scale=(25,25,25))) city = Entity(model='assets/models/city800', color=COLOR_RUST, position =(0, .1, 0), collider='mesh', reload=True) car = Entity(model='assets/models/80scop', texture='assets/models/cars', position = (0, 0, 4), scale=1, collider='box', name='player_car' ) CheckPoint.init_car(car) Obstacle.init_car(car) CheckPoint.spawn_new() arrow = Arrow() player_car = TheCar(car) menu = Menu(player, player_car) cars = [player_car] camera.parent = player_car.ent speed_text = Text(text=f"", position=(0, -.4), color=color.white66) pos_text = Text(text=f"", position=(.3, .5), score_text = Text(text=f"", position=(-.8, -.35), color=COLOR_RUST_2X) story_text = Text(text=f"", position=(-.3, .2), color=COLOR_RUST_2X) health_bar_1 = health_bar.HealthBar(bar_color=COLOR_RUST_2X, roundness=.1, value=100, position=(-.8, -.40), animation_duration=0) siren_bar_1 = health_bar.HealthBar(bar_color=color.rgb(40, 40, 70), roundness=.1, value=100, position=(-.8, -.4375), animation_duration=0)