Пример #1
def placepiecebutton(rep, x, y, w, h, i, a):
    place pieces for self setup
    :param rep: rep of piece
    :param x: x pos
    :param y: y pos
    :param w: width
    :param h: height
    :param i: initial color
    :param a: active color
    :return: newx, newy
    mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos()
    click = pg.mouse.get_pressed()
    if x < mouse[0] < x + w and y < mouse[1] < y + h:
        pg.draw.rect(screen, a, (x, y, w, h))
        if click[0] == 1:
            message("Select a location for the piece")
            newx, newy = getpos()
            recentx = newx
            recenty = newy
            board[newy][newx] = Piece(rep, 1)
    pg.draw.rect(screen, i, (x, y, w, h))
    smallText = pg.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20)
    TextSurf, TextRect = textobjects(rep, smallText)
    TextRect.center = ((x + (w / 2)), (y + (h / 2)))
    screen.blit(TextSurf, TextRect)
Пример #2
def createemptyboard():
    initializes the empty board and prints the board
    :return: none
    for y in range(dim):
        for x in range(dim):
            board[x][y] = Piece(empty, 3)
    board[4][2] = Piece(water, 3)
    board[4][3] = Piece(water, 3)
    board[4][6] = Piece(water, 3)
    board[4][7] = Piece(water, 3)
    board[5][2] = Piece(water, 3)
    board[5][3] = Piece(water, 3)
    board[5][6] = Piece(water, 3)
    board[5][7] = Piece(water, 3)
Пример #3
def autofillp2():
    board[0][0] = Piece(miner, 2)
    board[0][1] = Piece(miner, 2)
    board[0][2] = Piece(bomb, 2)
    board[0][3] = Piece(flag, 2)
    board[0][4] = Piece(bomb, 2)
    board[0][5] = Piece(miner, 2)
    board[0][6] = Piece(scout, 2)
    board[0][7] = Piece(bomb, 2)
    board[0][8] = Piece(miner, 2)
    board[0][9] = Piece(scout, 2)
    board[1][0] = Piece(sergeant, 2)
    board[1][1] = Piece(captain, 2)
    board[1][2] = Piece(lieutenant, 2)
    board[1][3] = Piece(bomb, 2)
    board[1][4] = Piece(lieutenant, 2)
    board[1][5] = Piece(colonel, 2)
    board[1][6] = Piece(major, 2)
    board[1][7] = Piece(sergeant, 2)
    board[1][8] = Piece(bomb, 2)
    board[1][9] = Piece(sergeant, 2)
    board[2][0] = Piece(scout, 2)
    board[2][1] = Piece(colonel, 2)
    board[2][2] = Piece(major, 2)
    board[2][3] = Piece(major, 2)
    board[2][4] = Piece(scout, 2)
    board[2][5] = Piece(general, 2)
    board[2][6] = Piece(spy, 2)
    board[2][7] = Piece(bomb, 2)
    board[2][8] = Piece(sergeant, 2)
    board[2][9] = Piece(lieutenant, 2)
    board[3][0] = Piece(captain, 2)
    board[3][1] = Piece(scout, 2)
    board[3][2] = Piece(marshal, 2)
    board[3][3] = Piece(miner, 2)
    board[3][4] = Piece(captain, 2)
    board[3][5] = Piece(scout, 2)
    board[3][6] = Piece(lieutenant, 2)
    board[3][7] = Piece(scout, 2)
    board[3][8] = Piece(scout, 2)
    board[3][9] = Piece(captain, 2)
Пример #4
def autofillp1():
    board[6][0] = Piece(marshal, 1)
    board[6][1] = Piece(captain, 1)
    board[6][2] = Piece(lieutenant, 1)
    board[6][3] = Piece(miner, 1)
    board[6][4] = Piece(scout, 1)
    board[6][5] = Piece(captain, 1)
    board[6][6] = Piece(scout, 1)
    board[6][7] = Piece(scout, 1)
    board[6][8] = Piece(scout, 1)
    board[6][9] = Piece(captain, 1)
    board[7][0] = Piece(sergeant, 1)
    board[7][1] = Piece(scout, 1)
    board[7][2] = Piece(colonel, 1)
    board[7][3] = Piece(colonel, 1)
    board[7][4] = Piece(general, 1)
    board[7][5] = Piece(scout, 1)
    board[7][6] = Piece(sergeant, 1)
    board[7][7] = Piece(bomb, 1)
    board[7][8] = Piece(bomb, 1)
    board[7][9] = Piece(lieutenant, 1)
    board[8][0] = Piece(major, 1)
    board[8][1] = Piece(scout, 1)
    board[8][2] = Piece(major, 1)
    board[8][3] = Piece(spy, 1)
    board[8][4] = Piece(captain, 1)
    board[8][5] = Piece(lieutenant, 1)
    board[8][6] = Piece(bomb, 1)
    board[8][7] = Piece(sergeant, 1)
    board[8][8] = Piece(lieutenant, 1)
    board[8][9] = Piece(scout, 1)
    board[9][0] = Piece(major, 1)
    board[9][1] = Piece(miner, 1)
    board[9][2] = Piece(miner, 1)
    board[9][3] = Piece(miner, 1)
    board[9][4] = Piece(sergeant, 1)
    board[9][5] = Piece(bomb, 1)
    board[9][6] = Piece(flag, 1)
    board[9][7] = Piece(bomb, 1)
    board[9][8] = Piece(bomb, 1)
    board[9][9] = Piece(miner, 1)
Пример #5
def playerplacepiece(x, y, piece):
    place pieces for player 1
    totalpiecesplaced = 0
    bombtotal = 0
    flagtotal = 0
    marshaltotal = 0
    generaltotal = 0
    coloneltotal = 0
    majortotal = 0
    captaintotal = 0
    lieutenanttotal = 0
    sergeanttotal = 0
    minertotal = 0
    scouttotal = 0
    spytotal = 0
    print("Player 1, SETUP YOUR BOARD FOR BATTLE!!!")
    while totalpiecesplaced < numpieces:
        if 0 <= y <= 3 and 0 <= x <= 9:
            if board[y][x].rep == empty:
                if piece == bomb or piece == flag or piece == marshal or piece == general or piece == colonel or \
                                piece == major or piece == captain or piece == lieutenant or piece == sergeant or \
                                piece == miner or piece == scout or piece == spy:
                    if piece == bomb and bombtotal < bomballowed:
                        bombtotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(bombtotal) + " out of " + str(bomballowed) +
                            " bombs have been placed")
                    elif piece == flag and flagtotal < flagallowed:
                        flagtotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(flagtotal) + " out of " + str(flagallowed) +
                            " flags have been placed")
                    elif piece == marshal and marshaltotal < marshalallowed:
                        marshaltotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(marshaltotal) + " out of " +
                            str(marshalallowed) + " marshals have been placed")
                    elif piece == general and generaltotal < generalallowed:
                        generaltotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(generaltotal) + " out of " +
                            str(generalallowed) + " generals have been placed")
                    elif piece == colonel and coloneltotal < colonelallowed:
                        coloneltotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(coloneltotal) + " out of " +
                            str(colonelallowed) + " colonels have been placed")
                    elif piece == major and majortotal < colonelallowed:
                        majortotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(majortotal) + " out of " + str(majorallowed) +
                            " majors have been placed")
                    elif piece == captain and captaintotal < captainallowed:
                        captaintotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(captaintotal) + " out of " +
                            str(captainallowed) + " captains have been placed")
                    elif piece == lieutenant and lieutenanttotal < lieutenantallowed:
                        lieutenanttotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(lieutenanttotal) + " out of " +
                            str(lieutenantallowed) +
                            " lieutenants have been placed")
                    elif piece == sergeant and sergeanttotal < sergeantallowed:
                        sergeanttotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(sergeanttotal) + " out of " +
                            str(sergeantallowed) +
                            " sergeants have been placed")
                    elif piece == miner and minertotal < minerallowed:
                        minertotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(minertotal) + " out of " + str(minerallowed) +
                            " miners have been placed")
                    elif piece == scout and scouttotal < scoutallowed:
                        scouttotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(scouttotal) + " out of " + str(scoutallowed) +
                            " scouts have been placed")
                    elif piece == spy and spytotal < spyallowed:
                        spytotal += 1
                        totalpiecesplaced += 1
                        board[y][x] = Piece(piece, 1).rep
                            str(spytotal) + " out of " + str(spyallowed) +
                            " spies have been placed")
                            "There are too many pieces of that type -- Try Again"
                    print("Invalid piece -- Try Again")
                print("There is already a piece there -- Try Again")
                "Player 1 can only place pieces (0 <= x <= 9) and (0 <= y <= 3) -- Try Again"
Пример #6
def attack(origx, origy, newx, newy):
    Determines valid piece moves, then executes accordingly.
    :param origx: original x position
    :param origy: original y position
    :param newx: new x position
    :param newy: new y position
    :return: none
    attacker = board[origy][origx].rep
    defender = board[newy][newx].rep
    piece = board[origy][origx]
    new = board[newy][newx]
    if piece.player != new.player:
        # reveal AI piece when player attacks
        if new.player == 2:
            showpiece(defender, newx * piecespacing, newy * piecespacing)
        # reveal AI piece when AI attacks
        if new.player == 1:
            showpiece(attacker, origx * piecespacing, origy * piecespacing)
        if defender == empty:
            board[origy][origx] = Piece(
                empty, 3)  # replace old piece location with an empty spot
            board[newy][newx] = Piece(
                piece.player)  # update the new location with the piece
        if (attacker != spy) and (defender != bomb and defender != flag
                                  and defender != spy and defender != empty
                                  and defender != water):
            if int(attacker) > int(defender):
                piece = board[origy][origx]
                board[origy][origx] = Piece(
                    empty, 3)  # replace old piece location with an empty spot
                board[newy][newx] = Piece(
                    piece.player)  # update the new location with the piece
            if int(attacker) < int(defender):
                board[origy][origx] = Piece(empty, 3)
            if int(attacker) == int(defender):
                board[origy][origx] = Piece(empty, 3)
                board[newy][newx] = Piece(empty, 3)
        if attacker == spy:
            if defender == marshal:
                board[origy][origx] = Piece(
                    empty, 3)  # replace old piece location with an empty spot
                board[newy][newx] = Piece(
                    piece.player)  # update the new location with the piece
                board[origy][origx] = Piece(empty, 3)
        if defender == bomb:
            if attacker == miner:
                board[origy][origx] = Piece(
                    empty, 3)  # replace old piece location with an empty spot
                board[newy][newx] = Piece(
                    piece.player)  # update the new location with the piece
                board[origy][origx] = Piece(empty, 3)
                board[newy][newx] = Piece(empty, 3)
        if defender == flag:
            board[origy][origx] = Piece(
                empty, 3)  # replace old piece location with an empty spot
            board[newy][newx] = Piece(
                piece.player)  # update the new location with the piece
            running = False
            if piece.player == 1:
                p1flag = True
                print("Player 1 won!")
            if piece.player == 2:
                p2flag = True
                print("Player 2 won!")
        if defender == spy:
            if attacker == marshal:
                board[origy][origx] = Piece(empty, 3)
                board[origy][origx] = Piece(
                    empty, 3)  # replace old piece location with an empty spot
                board[newy][newx] = Piece(
                    piece.player)  # update the new location with the piece
Пример #7
colonelallowed = 2
majorallowed = 3
captainallowed = 4
lieutenantallowed = 4
sergeantallowed = 4
minerallowed = 5
scoutallowed = 8
spyallowed = 1
misc. globals
p1flag = False  # True = p1 win
p2flag = False  # True = p2 win
dim = 10
numpieces = 40  # 40
board = [[Piece() for x in range(dim)] for y in range(dim)]
pygame colors
aqua = (0, 255, 255)
black = (0, 0, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
fuchsia = (255, 0, 255)
gray = (128, 128, 128)
green = (0, 128, 0)
lime = (0, 255, 0)
maroon = (128, 0, 0)
navy = (0, 0, 128)
olive = (128, 128, 0)
purple = (128, 0, 128)
red = (255, 0, 0)