Пример #1
    def test_glyph_lib_componentsAlignment_and_componentsLocked(self):
        font = generate_minimal_font()
        add_glyph(font, "a")
        add_glyph(font, "b")
        composite_glyph = add_glyph(font, "c")
        add_component(font, "c", "a", (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
        add_component(font, "c", "b", (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 100))
        comp1 = composite_glyph.layers[0].components[0]
        comp2 = composite_glyph.layers[0].components[1]

        self.assertEqual(comp1.alignment, 0)
        self.assertEqual(comp1.locked, False)

        ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]

        # all components have deault values, no lib key is written
        self.assertNotIn(GLYPHS_PREFIX + "componentsAlignment", ufo["c"].lib)
        self.assertNotIn(GLYPHS_PREFIX + "componentsLocked", ufo["c"].lib)

        comp2.alignment = -1
        comp1.locked = True
        ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]

        # if any component has a non-default alignment/locked values, write
        # list of values for all of them
        self.assertIn(GLYPHS_PREFIX + "componentsAlignment", ufo["c"].lib)
        self.assertEqual(ufo["c"].lib[GLYPHS_PREFIX + "componentsAlignment"],
                         [0, -1])
        self.assertIn(GLYPHS_PREFIX + "componentsLocked", ufo["c"].lib)
        self.assertEqual(ufo["c"].lib[GLYPHS_PREFIX + "componentsLocked"],
                         [True, False])
Пример #2
 def test_GDEF(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     for glyph in ('space', 'A', 'A.alt', 'wigglylinebelowcomb',
                   'wigglylinebelowcomb.alt', 'fi', 'fi.alt', 't_e_s_t',
         add_glyph(font, glyph)
     add_anchor(font, 'A', 'bottom', 300, -10)
     add_anchor(font, 'wigglylinebelowcomb', '_bottom', 100, 40)
     add_anchor(font, 'fi', 'caret_1', 150, 0)
     add_anchor(font, 't_e_s_t.alt', 'caret_1', 200, 0)
     add_anchor(font, 't_e_s_t.alt', 'caret_2', 400, 0)
     add_anchor(font, 't_e_s_t.alt', 'caret_3', 600, 0)
     ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]
     self.assertEqual(ufo.features.text.splitlines(), [
         'table GDEF {',
         '  # automatic',
         '  GlyphClassDef',
         '    [A], # Base',
         '    [fi t_e_s_t.alt], # Liga',
         '    [wigglylinebelowcomb wigglylinebelowcomb.alt], # Mark',
         '    ;',
         '  LigatureCaretByPos fi 150;',
         '  LigatureCaretByPos t_e_s_t.alt 200 400 600;',
         '} GDEF;',
Пример #3
 def test_category(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'foo')['category'] = 'Mark'
     add_glyph(font, 'bar')
     ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]
     category_key = GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + 'category'
     self.assertEqual(ufo['foo'].lib.get(category_key), 'Mark')
     self.assertFalse(category_key in ufo['bar'].lib)
Пример #4
 def test_subCategory(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'foo')['subCategory'] = 'Nonspacing'
     add_glyph(font, 'bar')
     ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]
     subCategory_key = GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + 'subCategory'
     self.assertEqual(ufo['foo'].lib.get(subCategory_key), 'Nonspacing')
     self.assertFalse(subCategory_key in ufo['bar'].lib)
Пример #5
 def test_GDEF_fractional_caret_position(self):
     # Some Glyphs sources happen to contain fractional caret positions.
     # In the Adobe feature file syntax (and binary OpenType GDEF tables),
     # caret positions must be integers.
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'fi')
     add_anchor(font, 'fi', 'caret_1', 499.9876, 0)
     self.assertIn('LigatureCaretByPos fi 500;',
Пример #6
 def test_GDEF_custom_category_subCategory(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'foo')['subCategory'] = 'Ligature'
     add_anchor(font, 'foo', 'top', 400, 1000)
     bar = add_glyph(font, 'bar')
     bar['category'], bar['subCategory'] = 'Mark', 'Nonspacing'
     baz = add_glyph(font, 'baz')
     baz['category'], baz['subCategory'] = 'Mark', 'Spacing Combining'
     features = to_ufos(font)[0].features.text
     self.assertIn('[foo], # Liga', features)
     self.assertIn('[bar baz], # Mark', features)
Пример #7
 def test_set_glyphOrder_no_custom_param(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'C')
     add_glyph(font, 'B')
     add_glyph(font, 'A')
     add_glyph(font, 'Z')
     glyphOrder = to_ufos(font)[0].lib[PUBLIC_PREFIX + 'glyphOrder']
     self.assertEqual(glyphOrder, ['C', 'B', 'A', 'Z'])
    def test_fail_during_anchor_propagation(self):
        """Fix https://github.com/googlei18n/glyphsLib/issues/317"""
        font = generate_minimal_font()

        glyphs = (
            # This glyph has components that don't exist in the font
            ('yodyod', [('yod', 0, 0), ('yod', 100, 0)], []),
        for name, component_data, anchor_data in glyphs:
            add_glyph(font, name)
            for n, x, y, in anchor_data:
                add_anchor(font, name, n, x, y)
            for n, x, y in component_data:
                add_component(font, name, n, (1, 0, 0, 1, x, y))

        # We just want the call to `to_ufos` to not crash
        assert to_ufos(font)
Пример #9
 def test_set_glyphOrder_with_custom_param(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     font.customParameters['glyphOrder'] = ['A', 'B', 'C']
     add_glyph(font, 'C')
     add_glyph(font, 'B')
     add_glyph(font, 'A')
     # glyphs outside glyphOrder are appended at the end
     add_glyph(font, 'Z')
     glyphOrder = to_ufos(font)[0].lib[PUBLIC_PREFIX + 'glyphOrder']
     self.assertEqual(glyphOrder, ['A', 'B', 'C', 'Z'])
Пример #10
    def test_glyph_lib_metricsKeys(self):
        font = generate_minimal_font()
        glyph = add_glyph(font, "x")
        glyph.leftMetricsKey = "y"
        glyph.rightMetricsKey = "z"
        assert glyph.widthMetricsKey is None

        ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]

        self.assertEqual(ufo["x"].lib[GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + "leftMetricsKey"], "y")
        self.assertEqual(ufo["x"].lib[GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + "rightMetricsKey"],
        self.assertNotIn(GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + "widthMetricsKey", ufo["x"].lib)
Пример #11
    def test_glyph_lib_Export(self):
        font = generate_minimal_font()
        glyph = add_glyph(font, "a")

        self.assertEqual(glyph.export, True)

        ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]

        self.assertNotIn(GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + "Export", ufo["a"].lib)

        glyph.export = False
        ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]

        self.assertEqual(ufo["a"].lib[GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + "Export"], False)
Пример #12
    def test_mark_nonspacing_zero_width(self):
        font = generate_minimal_font()

        add_glyph(font, 'dieresiscomb').layers[0].width = 100

        foo = add_glyph(font, 'foo')
        foo.category = 'Mark'
        foo.subCategory = 'Nonspacing'
        foo.layers[0].width = 200

        bar = add_glyph(font, 'bar')
        bar.category = 'Mark'
        bar.subCategory = 'Nonspacing'
        bar.layers[0].width = 0

        ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]

        originalWidth_key = GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + 'originalWidth'
        self.assertEqual(ufo['dieresiscomb'].width, 0)
        self.assertEqual(ufo['dieresiscomb'].lib.get(originalWidth_key), 100)
        self.assertEqual(ufo['foo'].width, 0)
        self.assertEqual(ufo['foo'].lib.get(originalWidth_key), 200)
        self.assertEqual(ufo['bar'].width, 0)
        self.assertFalse(originalWidth_key in ufo['bar'].lib)
    def test_propagate_anchors(self):
        """Test anchor propagation for some relatively complicated cases."""

        font = generate_minimal_font()

        glyphs = (
            ('sad', [], [('bottom', 50, -50), ('top', 50, 150)]),
            ('dotabove', [], [('top', 0, 150), ('_top', 0, 100)]),
            ('dotbelow', [], [('bottom', 0, -50), ('_bottom', 0, 0)]),
            ('dad', [('sad', 0, 0), ('dotabove', 50, 50)], []),
            ('dadDotbelow', [('dad', 0, 0), ('dotbelow', 50, -50)], []),
            ('yod', [], [('bottom', 50, -50)]),
            ('yodyod', [('yod', 0, 0), ('yod', 100, 0)], []),
        for name, component_data, anchor_data in glyphs:
            glyph = add_glyph(font, name)
            for n, x, y, in anchor_data:
                add_anchor(font, name, n, x, y)
            for n, x, y in component_data:
                add_component(font, name, n, (1, 0, 0, 1, x, y))

        ufos = to_ufos(font)
        ufo = ufos[0]

        glyph = ufo['dadDotbelow']
        self.assertEqual(len(glyph.anchors), 2)
        # check propagated anchors are appended in a deterministic order
            [anchor.name for anchor in glyph.anchors],
            ['bottom', 'top']
        for anchor in glyph.anchors:
            self.assertEqual(anchor.x, 50)
            if anchor.name == 'bottom':
                self.assertEqual(anchor.y, -100)
                self.assertEqual(anchor.name, 'top')
                self.assertEqual(anchor.y, 200)

        glyph = ufo['yodyod']
        self.assertEqual(len(glyph.anchors), 2)
        for anchor in glyph.anchors:
            self.assertEqual(anchor.y, -50)
            if anchor.name == 'bottom_1':
                self.assertEqual(anchor.x, 50)
                self.assertEqual(anchor.name, 'bottom_2')
                self.assertEqual(anchor.x, 150)
Пример #14
 def test_postscript_name_from_glyph_name(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     # in GlyphData (and AGLFN) without a 'production' name
     add_glyph(font, 'A')
     # not in GlyphData, no production name
     add_glyph(font, 'foobar')
     # in GlyphData with a 'production' name
     add_glyph(font, 'C-fraktur')
     ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]
     postscriptNames = ufo.lib.get('public.postscriptNames')
     self.assertEqual(postscriptNames, {'C-fraktur': 'uni212D'})
Пример #15
    def test_load_kerning(self):
        """Test that kerning conflicts are resolved correctly.

        Correct resolution is defined as such: the last time a pair is found in
        a kerning rule, that rule is used for the pair.

        font = generate_minimal_font()

        # generate classes 'A': ['A', 'a'] and 'V': ['V', 'v']
        for glyph_name in ('A', 'a', 'V', 'v'):
            glyph = add_glyph(font, glyph_name)
            glyph.rightKerningGroup = glyph_name.upper()
            glyph.leftKerningGroup = glyph_name.upper()

        # classes are referenced in Glyphs kerning using old MMK names
        font.kerning = {
                     ('@MMK_R_V', -250),
                     ('v', -100),
                ('a', collections.OrderedDict((('@MMK_R_V', 100), ))),

        ufos = to_ufos(font)
        ufo = ufos[0]

        # these rules should be obvious
        self.assertEqual(ufo.kerning['public.kern1.A', 'public.kern2.V'], -250)
        self.assertEqual(ufo.kerning['a', 'public.kern2.V'], 100)

        # this rule results from breaking up (kern1.A, v, -100)
        # due to conflict with (a, kern2.V, 100)
        self.assertEqual(ufo.kerning['A', 'v'], -100)
Пример #16
 def setUp(self):
     self.font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(self.font, "a")
     self.logger = logging.getLogger(
Пример #17
 def test_GDEF_mark(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'eeMatra-gurmukhi')
     self.assertIn('[eeMatra-gurmukhi], # Mark',
Пример #18
 def test_GDEF_ligature_with_nonattaching_anchor(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'fi')
     add_anchor(font, 'fi', '_top', 400, 1000)
     self.assertEqual('', to_ufos(font)[0].features.text)
Пример #19
 def test_GDEF_ligature_with_attaching_anchor(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'fi')
     add_anchor(font, 'fi', 'top', 400, 1000)
     self.assertIn('[fi], # Liga', to_ufos(font)[0].features.text)
Пример #20
 def test_GDEF_base_with_attaching_anchor(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'A.alt')
     add_anchor(font, 'A.alt', 'top', 400, 1000)
     self.assertIn('[A.alt], # Base', to_ufos(font)[0].features.text)
Пример #21
 def test_postscript_name_from_data(self):
     font = generate_minimal_font()
     add_glyph(font, 'foo')['production'] = 'f_o_o.alt1'
     ufo = to_ufos(font)[0]
     postscriptNames = ufo.lib.get('public.postscriptNames')
     self.assertEqual(postscriptNames, {'foo': 'f_o_o.alt1'})