def classify_pages(in_path, out_path): classifier = Classifier() with open(out_path, 'wb') as f: for site, html in utils.read_file_multiple(in_path): if classifier.classify(html): pickle.dump((site, html), f)
class Annotator: def __init__(self, db): self.db = db = self.db["area"].find_one({ "name": configuration.AREA }) self.classifier = Classifier(self.db) def tokenize(self,tweet): stop_words_list = get_stop_words("en") tweet_text = tweet["text"] if tweet["truncated"]: tweet_text = tweet["extended_tweet"]["full_text"] tweet_text = re.sub(r"(?:\@|https?\://)\S+", "", tweet_text) tokens = [token for token in utils.simple_preprocess( tweet_text, deacc=False, min_len=3) if token not in stop_words_list] tweet["tokens"] = tokens return tweet def add_date(self,tweet): tweet["date"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(tweet["timestamp_ms"]) // 1000) return tweet def annotate_tweet_location(self, tweet): if tweet["geo"] is None and tweet["place"] is None: return tweet point = None if tweet["geo"] is not None: point = Point(tweet["geo"]["coordinates"][1], tweet["geo"]["coordinates"][0]) for a in["geojson"]["features"]: area = shape(a["geometry"]) if (point is not None and area.contains(point)) or a["properties"]["name"] == tweet["place"]["name"]: tweet["area_name"] = a["properties"]["name"] #tweet["area_id"] = a["id"] print("Found a tweet in",tweet["area_name"]) break return tweet def classify_tweet(self, tweet): return self.classifier.classify(tweet) def classify_offline(self): tweets = list(self.db["tweet"].find()) print("Classifying tweets") for t in tweets: print(t["id"]) c_tweet = self.classifier.classify(t) self.db["tweet"].update({"id": t["id"]}, {"$set": {"categories": c_tweet["categories"]}}) print("Done") def tokenize_offline(self): tweets = list(self.db["tweet"].find()) print("Updating tweets") for t in tweets: stop_words_list = get_stop_words("en") tweet_text = t["text"] if t["truncated"]: tweet_text = t["extended_tweet"]["full_text"] tweet_text = re.sub(r"(?:\@|https?\://)\S+", "", tweet_text) tokens = [token for token in utils.simple_preprocess( tweet_text, deacc=False, min_len=3) if token not in stop_words_list] query = { "_id": t["_id"] } update = { "$set": { "tokens": tokens } } self.db["tweet"].update(query, update) print("Done")
def classify_pattern(cls, pattern): prediction = Classifier.classify(pattern) return cls.PATTERN_MAPPING[int(np.argmax(prediction))]
__author__ = 'dungdt' import time from classifier.classifier import Classifier from import Dictionary from classifier.data_reader import DataReader if __name__ == '__main__': dictionary = Dictionary() dataReader = DataReader(dictionary) classifier = Classifier(dataReader, trainingDataPath='data/training', testDataPath='data/test') print 'Training...' t = time.time() classifier.train() print 'Training time: %d' %(time.time() - t) t = time.time() print 'Testing...' print 'Accuracy: %s%%' % ('{:4.2f}'.format(classifier.test() * 100)) print 'Testing time: %d' %(time.time() - t) testData = classifier.dataReader.readTestData(classifier.testDataPath) print classifier.classify(testData[0][0])