def createGTUnique(classesDict, length, gtList):
    Create ground truth array where only one label is allowed per point

    @param classesDict:
    @param length: length of the final array (=length of prediction array)
    @param gtList:

    y_GT = np.empty([length])
    y_GT.fill(-1) #-1 corresponds to no label given

    classesNotTrained = []
    for i in range(len(gtList)):
        """ Fill array from start to end of each ground truth label with the correct label: """
        if gtList[i][2] == "start":
            tmpContext = gtList[i][1]
            start = getIndex(float(gtList[i][0]))

            # Find the end time of this context:
            for j in range(i,len(gtList)):
                if ((gtList[j][1] == tmpContext) and (gtList[j][2] == "end")):

                    end = getIndex(float(gtList[j][0]))
                    if end >= y_GT.shape[0]:
                        end = y_GT.shape[0] - 1

                    """ Fill ground truth array, and check if our classifier was 
                    trained with all labels of the test file, if not give warning: """

                    if gtList[i][1] not in classesDict.keys():
    if classesNotTrained:
        for el in set(classesNotTrained):
            print("The classifier wasn't trained with class '" + 
            el + "'. It will not be considered for testing.")
    return y_GT
def createGTMulti(classesDict, length, gtList):
    Create ground truth array that allows multiple labels per point
    @param classesDict:
    @param length: length of the final array (=length of prediction array)
    @param gtList:

    """ Create array containing label for sample point: """
    n_maxLabels = 5 #maximum number of labels that can be assign to one point
    y_GT = np.empty([length,n_maxLabels])
    y_GT.fill(-1) #-1 corresponds to no label given

    classesNotTrained = []
    for i in range(len(gtList)):
        """ Fill array from start to end of each ground truth label with the correct label: """

        if gtList[i][2] == "start":
            tmpContext = gtList[i][1]
            start = getIndex(float(gtList[i][0]))

            # Find the end time of this context:
            for j in range(i,len(gtList)):
                if ((gtList[j][1] == tmpContext) and (gtList[j][2] == "end")):

                    end = getIndex(float(gtList[j][0]))
                    if end >= y_GT.shape[0]:
                        end = y_GT.shape[0] - 1

                    """ Fill ground truth array, and check if our classifier was 
                    trained with all labels of the test file, if not give warning: """

                    if (gtList[i][1] not in classesDict.keys()):
                        # Check if we can write into the first column of the y_GT array:
                        if ((len(np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,0])) == 1) and 
                        (np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,0])[0] == -1)):


                        # Check if we can write into the second column of the y_GT array:
                        elif ((len(np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,1])) == 1) and 
                        (np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,1])[0] == -1)):

                        # Check if we can write into the third column of the y_GT array:
                        elif ((len(np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,2])) == 1) and 
                        (np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,2])[0] == -1)):

                        # Check if we can write into the third column of the y_GT array:
                        elif ((len(np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,3])) == 1) and 
                        (np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,3])[0] == -1)):

                        # Check if we can write into the third column of the y_GT array:
                        elif ((len(np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,4])) == 1) and 
                        (np.unique(y_GT[start:end+1,4])[0] == -1)):


                            print("Problem occurred when filling ground truth array!")
    if classesNotTrained:
        for el in set(classesNotTrained):
            print("The classifier wasn't trained with class '" + 
            el + "'. It will not be considered for testing.")
    return y_GT