Пример #1
def two_loop_bubble_temperature(model, mixture, pressure, bounds=None):
    """ Calculates the bubble temperature at a given pressure, uses Raoult's law
    for an initial guess of the bubble temperature, unless otherwise specified.
    Requires that the mixture have an overall composition, this is the assumed
    composition of the liquid at the bubble point.
    Returns a mixture with the vapor and liquid compositions at the bubble point
    and all state values and departure functions completed.
    This algorithm is unstable in the region close to the mixture critial point.
    model: model that implements the Model interface
    mixture: instance of Mixture
    pressure: float in Pascals
    bounds: tuple, boundary of temperature region to search, in Kelvin
    mixture.pressure = pressure
    mixture.quality = 1.0
    mixture.composition['liquid'] = mixture.composition['overall']

    def temperature_loop(temperature):
        """ Uses fixed point iteration with Aitkens sequence acceleration to
        find the vapor phase composition """
        assert temperature > 0, "Temperature must be greater than zero"
        mixture.temperature = temperature
        lnphiL = model.logfug(mixture, 'liquid')
        y0 = mixture.composition['liquid'] * psatguess(mixture.critical['acentric'], mixture.reduced['temperature']) / mixture.reduced['pressure']

        for count in range(MAX_ITER):
            mixture.composition['vapor'] = y0 / y0.sum()
            lnphiV = model.logfug(mixture, 'vapor')
            y1 = mixture.composition['liquid'] * np.exp(lnphiL - lnphiV)

            mixture.composition['vapor'] = y1 / y1.sum()
            lnphiV = model.logfug(mixture, 'vapor')
            y2 = mixture.composition['liquid'] * np.exp(lnphiL - lnphiV)

            d = y2 - 2.0 * y1 + y0
            y = np.where(np.absolute(d) < 1e-16, y2, y2 - (y2 - y1)**2 / d)

            if np.allclose(y, y2, atol=ERROR_TOL):
                mixture.composition['vapor'] = y2 / y2.sum()
                return 1 - y.sum()
            y0 = y

        raise SearchError("Temperature loop ({} K) failed to converge after {} iterations".format(temperature, MAX_ITER))

    # Find bracket for temperature loop zero and solve for bubble temperature
    if bounds is None:
        # Use Raoult's Law to get an initial guess of the bubble temperature
            # This uses Newton's method and may fail spectacularly
            t0 = _rt_bt(mixture)
        except SearchError:
            t0 = np.dot(tsatguess(mixture.critical['acentric'], mixture.reduced['pressure']) * mixture.critical['temperature'], mixture.composition['liquid'])
            y0 = temperature_loop(t0)
            dt = +0.2 * t0 if y0 > 0 else -0.2 * t0
            bounds = bounds_search(temperature_loop, t0, dt)

    mixture.temperature = bounds[0]
    if np.all(mixture.reduced['temperature'] > Trcrit):
        msg = "Temperature {} is too high, bubble point routine is unstable in this region".format(t0)
        warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)

    mixture.pressure = opt.brentq(temperature_loop, *bounds)
    return model(mixture)