Пример #1
	def should_construct_matrix_from_multiline_string(self):
		data = textwrap.dedent("""\
		m = Matrix.fromstring(data)
		self.assertEqual(m.width, 5)
		self.assertEqual(m.height, 2)
		self.assertEqual(m.data, [
			'.', 'X', '.', 'X', '.',
			'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X',

		with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

		data = textwrap.dedent("""\
		m = Matrix.fromstring(data, transformer=lambda c: -1 if c == '.' else ord(c) - ord('a'))
		self.assertEqual(m.width, 5)
		self.assertEqual(m.height, 2)
		self.assertEqual(m.data, [
			-1, 0, -1, 1, -1,
			2, 0, 1, 2, 3,
Пример #2
	def should_iterate_over_indexes(self):
		m = Matrix((2, 2))
		m.data = list('abcd')
		indexes = ' '.join(''.join(map(str, index)) for index in m)
		self.assertEqual(indexes, '00 10 01 11')
		indexes = ' '.join(''.join(map(str, index)) for index in m.keys())
		self.assertEqual(indexes, '00 10 01 11')
		values = ' '.join(m.values())
		self.assertEqual(values, 'a b c d')
Пример #3
	def should_construct_matrix_from_iterable(self):
		with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
			Matrix.from_iterable( (range(3), range(4)) )

		m = Matrix.from_iterable( (range(4), range(4, 8)) )
		self.assertEqual(m.width, 4)
		self.assertEqual(m.height, 2)
		self.assertEqual(m.data, [
			0, 1, 2, 3,
			4, 5, 6, 7,
Пример #4
	def should_set_cell_value(self):
		m = Matrix((2, 2), default=' ')
		m.set_cell((0, 0), '*')
		self.assertEqual(m.cell((0, 0)), '*')
		with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
			m.set_cell((-1, -1), 'a')
		with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
			m.set_cell((1, 10), 'a')
Пример #5
	def should_fill_rectangle(self):
		m = Matrix((10, 5), '.')
		m.fill(Point(3, 1), Point(8, 3), 'X')
		expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
		actual = m.tostring()
		self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Пример #6
	def should_find_value_in_matrix(self):
		a = Matrix.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""\
		self.assertEqual(list(a.find('a')), [Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)])
		self.assertEqual(list(a.find('X')), [])
		self.assertEqual(list(a.find_if(lambda c:c>'a')), [Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1)])
		self.assertEqual(list(a.find_if(lambda c:c<'a')), [])
Пример #7
	def should_transform_matrix(self):
		original = Matrix.fromstring('01\n23')
		processed = original.transform(int)
		self.assertEqual(processed.width, 2)
		self.assertEqual(processed.height, 2)
		self.assertEqual(processed.data, [
			0, 1,
			2, 3,
Пример #8
	def __init__(self, level_id=None,
			rooms=None, tunnels=None,
			items=None, monsters=None, objects=None,
			): # pragma: no cover
		self.level_id = level_id
		self.rooms = rooms or Matrix( (3, 3) )
		self.tunnels = tunnels or []
		self.items = items or []
		self.monsters = monsters or []
		self.objects = objects or []
Пример #9
	def should_get_neighbours(self):
		m = Matrix.fromstring('01\n23')
		neighbours = list(clckwrkbdgr.math.get_neighbours(m, (0, 0)))
		self.assertEqual(neighbours, [Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1)])
		neighbours = list(clckwrkbdgr.math.get_neighbours(m, (0, 0), with_diagonal=True))
		self.assertEqual(neighbours, [Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)])

		neighbours = list(clckwrkbdgr.math.get_neighbours(m, (0, 0), check=lambda c: int(c) > 1))
		self.assertEqual(neighbours, [Point(0, 1)])
		neighbours = list(clckwrkbdgr.math.get_neighbours(m, (0, 0), with_diagonal=True, check=lambda c: int(c) > 1))
		self.assertEqual(neighbours, [Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)])
Пример #10
	def should_compare_matrices(self):
		a = Matrix((2, 3), default='*')
		with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
			a == 'something that is not matrix'
		b = Matrix((5, 6), default='*')
		self.assertNotEqual(a, b)

		a = Matrix.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""\
		b = Matrix.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""\
		c = Matrix.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""\
		self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
		self.assertEqual(a, c)
Пример #11
	def should_recognize_invalid_coords(self):
		m = Matrix((2, 2), default='*')
		self.assertTrue(m.valid((0, 0)))
		self.assertTrue(m.valid((0, 1)))
		self.assertTrue(m.valid((1, 0)))
		self.assertTrue(m.valid((1, 1)))
		self.assertFalse(m.valid((2, 2)))
		self.assertFalse(m.valid((-1, 0)))
Пример #12
	def grid_of_rooms(self, room_class, map_size, grid_size, min_room_size, margin):
		""" Returns Matrix of grid_size with random sized and positioned Rooms
		within evenly spaced grid cells.
		Margin is a Size (width+height) from _both_ sides to leave space for tunnels (room walls included into room size).
		Min room size also includes walls.
		map_size, grid_size, min_room_size, margin = map(Size, (map_size, grid_size, min_room_size, margin))
		grid = Matrix(grid_size)
		cell_size = Size(map_size.width // grid_size.width, map_size.height // grid_size.height)
		max_room_size = cell_size - margin * 2
		if max_room_size.width < min_room_size.width:
			max_room_size.width = min_room_size.width
		if max_room_size.height < min_room_size.height:
			max_room_size.height = min_room_size.height
		for cell in grid:
			room_size = self.size(min_room_size, max_room_size)
			topleft = Point(cell.x * cell_size.width, cell.y * cell_size.height)
			topleft += self.point(
					cell_size.width - room_size.width - 1,
					cell_size.height - room_size.height - 1,
			grid.set_cell(cell, room_class(topleft, room_size))
		return grid
Пример #13
 def should_parse_layout_correctly(self):
     gridmap = self._map()
     result = Matrix.fromstring(MockGenerator.MAIN_LEVEL)
     result.clear(' ')
     for room in gridmap.rooms.values():
         for x in range(room.left, room.right + 1):
             result.set_cell((x, room.top), '#')
             result.set_cell((x, room.bottom), '#')
         for y in range(room.top, room.bottom + 1):
             result.set_cell((room.left, y), '#')
             result.set_cell((room.right, y), '#')
     for tunnel in gridmap.tunnels:
         cells = list(tunnel.iter_points())
         for cell in cells:
             result.set_cell(cell, '.')
         result.set_cell(cells[0], '+')
         result.set_cell(cells[-1], '+')
     for pos, obj in gridmap.objects:
         result.set_cell(pos, obj.sprite)
     self.assertEqual(result.tostring(), MockGenerator.MAIN_LEVEL)
Пример #14
	def should_convert_matrix_to_string(self):
		m = Matrix((5, 2))
		m.data = [
			'.', 'X', '.', 'X', '.',
			'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X',
		expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
		self.assertEqual(m.tostring(), expected)

		m = Matrix((5, 2))
		m.data = [
			-1, 0, -1, 1, -1,
			2, 0, 1, 2, 3,
		expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
		self.assertEqual(m.tostring(transformer=lambda c: '.' if c < 0 else chr(c + ord('a'))), expected)
Пример #15
    def _parse_layout(layout):
        layout = Matrix.fromstring(layout)

        rects = []
        for x in range(layout.width):
            for y in range(layout.height):
                if layout.cell((x, y)) != '#':
                if not layout.valid((x + 1, y)):
                if not layout.valid((x, y + 1)):
                if layout.cell((x + 1, y)) not in '#+' or layout.cell(
                    (x, y + 1)) not in '#+':
                right = min([
                    _ for _ in range(x, layout.width)
                    if layout.cell((_, y)) not in '#+'
                ] + [layout.width])
                bottom = min([
                    _ for _ in range(y, layout.height)
                    if layout.cell((x, _)) not in '#+'
                ] + [layout.height])
                rects.append(((x, y), (right - x, bottom - y)))

        rects = sorted(rects, key=lambda rect: (rect[0][1], rect[0][0]))
        if len(rects) == 4:
            rooms = Matrix((2, 2))
            rooms.set_cell((0, 0), Room(*(rects[0])))
            rooms.set_cell((1, 0), Room(*(rects[1])))
            rooms.set_cell((0, 1), Room(*(rects[2])))
            rooms.set_cell((1, 1), Room(*(rects[3])))
            rooms = Matrix((1, 1))
            rooms.set_cell((0, 0), Room(*(rects[0])))

        tunnels = []
        for y in range(layout.height):
            for x in range(layout.width):
                if layout.cell((x, y)) != '+':
                if any(tunnel.contains((x, y)) for tunnel in tunnels):
                current = Point(x, y)
                path = [current]
                for _ in range(layout.width * layout.height):
                    neighs = get_neighbours(layout,
                                            check=lambda p: p in '.+')
                    neighs = [p for p in neighs if p not in path]
                    if not neighs:
                    current, = neighs
                direction = ''
                bending = 0
                for prev, current in zip(path, path[1:]):
                    h, v = abs(prev.x - current.x), abs(prev.y - current.y)
                    if not direction:
                        direction = 'H' if h > v else 'V'
                    elif not bending:
                        if (direction == 'H') != (h > v):
                            bending = max(
                                abs(current.x - path[0].x),
                                abs(current.y - path[0].y),
                    Tunnel(path[0], path[-1], direction, bending or 1))

        objects = []
        for y in range(layout.height):
            for x in range(layout.width):
                if layout.cell((x, y)) == '>':
                    objects.append((Point(x, y), Elevator(None, None)))
                elif layout.cell((x, y)) == '<':
                    objects.append((Point(x, y), Ladder('roof', 'roof')))
                elif layout.cell((x, y)) == '=':
                    objects.append((Point(x, y), Ladder('top', 'roof')))

        return rooms, tunnels, objects
Пример #16
	def should_resize_matrix(self):
		m = Matrix((2, 3), default='*')
		self.assertEqual(m.size, (2, 3))
		m.resize((3, 2), default='_')
		self.assertEqual(m.size, (3, 2))
Пример #17
	def should_create_matrix_from_other_matrix(self):
		original = Matrix((2, 2))
		original.set_cell((0, 0), 'a')
		original.set_cell((0, 1), 'b')
		original.set_cell((1, 0), 'c')
		original.set_cell((1, 1), 'd')

		copy = Matrix(original)
		self.assertEqual(copy.cell((0, 0)), 'a')
		self.assertEqual(copy.cell((0, 1)), 'b')
		self.assertEqual(copy.cell((1, 0)), 'c')
		self.assertEqual(copy.cell((1, 1)), 'd')

		copy.set_cell((0, 0), '*')
		self.assertEqual(original.cell((0, 0)), 'a')

		original.set_cell((0, 0), '#')
		self.assertEqual(copy.cell((0, 0)), '*')
Пример #18
	def should_create_matrix(self):
		m = Matrix((2, 3), default='*')
		self.assertEqual(m.size, (2, 3))
		self.assertEqual(m.width, 2)
		self.assertEqual(m.height, 3)