def test_write_report_missing_key(mock_opened_file): """Tests that writing a report for an example with a missing key skips the example but does not otherwise fail.""" path = '' service = 'testsvc' cleanup_report.write_report( [{ 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'wrong_key': [{ 'path': path, 'services': [service] }] }, { 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'files': [{ 'path': path, 'services': [service] }] }], [cleanup_report.make_github_url('', path)], 'test.csv') calls = make_expected_calls(1, 1, 1, [ ','.join([cleanup_report.make_github_url('', path), 'Python', service]) ]) handle = mock_opened_file() handle.write.assert_has_calls(calls)
def test_write_report_dup_files(mock_opened_file): """Tests writing a report when a file is listed twice in the metadata.""" handle = mock_opened_file() cleanup_report.write_report([{ 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'files': [ { 'path': '', 'services': ['example_svc'] }, { 'path': '', 'services': ['example_svc'] }, ] }], [ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), ], 'test.csv') calls = make_expected_calls(1, 1, 1, [ ','.join([ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), 'Python', 'example_svc' ]) ]) handle.write.assert_has_calls(calls)
def test_write_report_unclean_files(mock_opened_file): """Tests writing a report when files exist in the repo that have not been cleaned.""" handle = mock_opened_file() cleanup_report.write_report( [{ 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'files': [ { 'path': '', 'services': ['example_svc'] }, ] }], [ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), cleanup_report.make_github_url('', '') ], 'test.csv') calls = make_expected_calls(1, 1, 3, [ ','.join([ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), 'Python', 'example_svc' ]) ]) handle.write.assert_has_calls(calls)
def test_write_report_missing_file(mock_opened_file): """Tests writing a report where a file is listed in the metadata but does not exist in the repo.""" handle = mock_opened_file() cleanup_report.write_report([{ 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'files': [{ 'path': '', 'services': ['example_svc'] }, { 'path': '', 'services': ['example_svc'] }, { 'path': '', 'services': ['example_svc'] }] }], [ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), cleanup_report.make_github_url('', '') ], 'test.csv') calls = make_expected_calls(1, 2, 2, [ ','.join([ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), 'Python', 'example_svc' ]), ','.join([ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), 'Python', 'example_svc' ]) ]) handle.write.assert_has_calls(calls)
def test_write_report_unclean_files(mock_opened_file, clean_files, repo_files, dirty): """Tests writing a report when files exist in the repo that have not been cleaned.""" handle = mock_opened_file() cleanup_report.write_report([{ 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'files': [{ 'path': file, 'services': ['example_svc'] } for file in clean_files] }], [cleanup_report.make_github_url('', file) for file in repo_files], 'test.csv', summarize=False, dirty=dirty) calls = make_expected_calls(1, len(clean_files), len(repo_files), [ ','.join([ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', file), 'Python', 'example_svc' ]) for file in clean_files ]) if dirty: repo_lookup = [file.lower() for file in repo_files] clean_lookup = [file.lower() for file in clean_files] dirty_files = sorted( [file for file in repo_lookup if file not in clean_lookup]) calls.append(call("\n")) if dirty_files: calls.append(call("**Dirty files found:**\n")) calls.append( call('\n'.join([ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', file) for file in dirty_files ]))) else: calls.append(call("**No dirty files found!**")) handle.write.assert_has_calls(calls)
def test_write_single_report(mock_opened_file): """Tests writing a report of a single file.""" path = '' service = 'testsvc' cleanup_report.write_report( [{ 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'files': [{ 'path': path, 'services': [service] }] }], [cleanup_report.make_github_url('', path)], 'test.csv') handle = mock_opened_file() calls = make_expected_calls( 1, 1, 1, [','.join([cleanup_report.GITHUB_URL + path, 'Python', service])]) handle.write.assert_has_calls(calls)
def test_write_multi_report(mock_opened_file): """Tests writing a report for a list of examples.""" examples = [] files = [] lines = [] for count in range(1, 5): path = f'test_path_{count}.cpp' service = f'testsvc{count}' examples.append({ 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'files': [{ 'path': path, 'services': [service] }] }) lines.append(','.join( [cleanup_report.GITHUB_URL + path, 'C++', service])) files.append(cleanup_report.make_github_url('', path)) cleanup_report.write_report(examples, files, 'test.csv') handle = mock_opened_file() calls = make_expected_calls(len(lines), len(lines), len(lines), lines) handle.write.assert_has_calls(calls)
}], [cleanup_report.make_github_url('', path)], 'test.csv') calls = make_expected_calls(1, 1, 1, [ ','.join([cleanup_report.make_github_url('', path), 'Python', service]) ]) handle = mock_opened_file() handle.write.assert_has_calls(calls) @pytest.mark.parametrize("examples,repo_files,lines", [ ([{ 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'files': [{ 'path': '', 'services': ['test_svc'] }] }], [cleanup_report.make_github_url('', '')], [ ','.join([ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), 'Python', 'test_svc' ]) ]), ([{ 'metadata_path': 'metadata.yaml', 'files': [{ 'path': '', 'services': ['test_svc1', 'test_svc2', 'test_svc3'] }] }], [cleanup_report.make_github_url('', '')], [ ','.join([ cleanup_report.make_github_url('', ''), 'Python',