Пример #1
  def model_train(self):
    Train a TF graph
    :param sess: TF session to use when training the graph
    :param x: input placeholder
    :param y: output placeholder (for labels)
    :param predictions: model output predictions
    :param X_train: numpy array with training inputs
    :param Y_train: numpy array with training outputs
    :param hparams.save: boolean controlling the save operation
    :param predictions_adv: if set with the adversarial example tensor,
                            will run adversarial training
    :param evaluate: function that is run after each training iteration
                    (typically to display the test/validation accuracy).

    assert self.runner is not None, (
        """Runner is not initialized. TrainerSingleGPU or TrainerMultiGPU
            instantiate a Runner object at initialization time.""")
    hparams = self.hparams
    batch_size = hparams.batch_size
    nb_epochs = hparams.nb_epochs
    train_dir = hparams.save_dir
    filename = 'model.ckpt'
    X_train = self.X_train
    Y_train = self.Y_train

    sess = self.sess

    with sess.as_default():
      X_batch = X_train[:batch_size]
      Y_batch = Y_train[:batch_size]
      self._init_tf(X_batch, Y_batch)

      for epoch in six.moves.xrange(nb_epochs):
        logging.info("Epoch " + str(epoch))

        # Compute number of batches
        nb_batches = int(math.ceil(float(len(X_train)) / batch_size))
        assert nb_batches * batch_size >= len(X_train)

        # Indices to shuffle training set
        index_shuf = list(range(len(X_train)))

        prev = time.time()
        for batch in range(nb_batches):
          # Compute batch start and end indices
          start, end = batch_indices(
              batch, len(X_train), batch_size)

          # Perform one training step

          # Train step
          X_batch = X_train[index_shuf[start:end]]
          Y_batch = Y_train[index_shuf[start:end]]

          self._run({'x_pre': X_batch, 'y': Y_batch})

        # Clean up the queue
        while not self.runner.is_finished():


        assert end >= len(X_train), (
            'Not all training examples are used.')
        cur = time.time()
        logging.info("\tEpoch took " + str(cur - prev) + " seconds")
        prev = cur


        # Save model
        cond = ((epoch+1) % hparams.save_steps == 0
                or epoch == nb_epochs)
        if hparams.save and cond:
          save_path = os.path.join(train_dir, filename)
          saver = tf.train.Saver()
          saver.save(sess, save_path)
          logging.info("Model saved at: " + str(save_path))
    logging.info("Completed model training.")
Пример #2
    def model_train(self):
        Train a TF graph
        :param sess: TF session to use when training the graph
        :param x: input placeholder
        :param y: output placeholder (for labels)
        :param predictions: model output predictions
        :param X_train: numpy array with training inputs
        :param Y_train: numpy array with training outputs
        :param hparams.save: boolean controlling the save operation
        :param predictions_adv: if set with the adversarial example tensor,
                                will run adversarial training
        :param evaluate: function that is run after each training iteration
                        (typically to display the test/validation accuracy).

        assert self.runner is not None, (
            """Runner is not initialized. TrainerSingleGPU or TrainerMultiGPU
            instantiate a Runner object at initialization time.""")
        hparams = self.hparams
        batch_size = hparams.batch_size
        nb_epochs = hparams.nb_epochs
        train_dir = hparams.save_dir
        filename = 'model.ckpt'
        X_train = self.X_train
        Y_train = self.Y_train

        sess = self.sess

        with sess.as_default():
            X_batch = X_train[:batch_size]
            Y_batch = Y_train[:batch_size]
            self._init_tf(X_batch, Y_batch)

            for epoch in six.moves.xrange(nb_epochs):
                logging.info("Epoch " + str(epoch))

                # Compute number of batches
                nb_batches = int(math.ceil(float(len(X_train)) / batch_size))
                assert nb_batches * batch_size >= len(X_train)

                # Indices to shuffle training set
                index_shuf = list(range(len(X_train)))

                prev = time.time()
                for batch in range(nb_batches):
                    # Compute batch start and end indices
                    start, end = batch_indices(
                        batch, len(X_train), batch_size)

                    # Perform one training step

                    # Train step
                    X_batch = X_train[index_shuf[start:end]]
                    Y_batch = Y_train[index_shuf[start:end]]

                    self._run({'x_pre': X_batch, 'y': Y_batch})

                # Clean up the queue
                while not self.runner.is_finished():


                assert end >= len(X_train), (
                    'Not all training examples are used.')
                cur = time.time()
                logging.info("\tEpoch took " + str(cur - prev) + " seconds")
                prev = cur


                # Save model
                cond = ((epoch+1) % hparams.save_steps == 0
                        or epoch == nb_epochs)
                if hparams.save and cond:
                    save_path = os.path.join(train_dir, filename)
                    saver = tf.train.Saver()
                    saver.save(sess, save_path)
                    logging.info("Model saved at: " + str(save_path))
        logging.info("Completed model training.")