Пример #1
def merge_with_defaults(provider, feature_kind, config_selector):
    files = load_all_yaml_objs(types.DEFAULT, provider, feature_kind)
    config_spec = select_first(files, lambda x: x.name == config_selector)
    if config_selector != 'default':
        default_config = select_first(files, lambda x: x.name == 'default')
        merge_objdict(default_config, config_spec)
        return default_config
    return config_spec
Пример #2
    def run(self):
        merged_docs = []

        for doc in self.docs:
            files_with_defaults = load_all_yaml_objs(types.DEFAULT,
                                                     doc.provider, doc.kind)
            self.logger.info('Merging: ' + doc.kind + ' name: ' + doc.name)
            merged = self.merge_parent(files_with_defaults, doc)

        return merged_docs
Пример #3
    def init(self):
        defaults = load_all_yaml_objs(types.DEFAULT, self.provider,
        defaults[0].specification.name = self.name

        for i in range(len(defaults)):
            defaults[i]['version'] = VERSION

        if self.is_full_config:
            defaults = self.get_full_config(defaults)

        save_manifest(defaults, self.name, self.name + '.yml')

        self.logger.info('Initialized user configuration and saved it to "' +
                         os.path.join(get_build_path(self.name), self.name +
                                      '.yml') + '"')
        return 0
Пример #4
    def get_infra_docs(self, input_docs):
        if self.provider == 'any':
            # For any we can include the machine documents from the minimal-cluster-config
            infra = select_all(
                lambda x: x.kind.startswith('infrastructure/machine'))
            # VMs are curently the infrastructure documents the user might interact with for:
            # - type/size
            # - distro
            # - network security rules
            # ...
            # So we add the defaults here.
            # TODO: Check if we want to include possible other infrastructure documents.
            infra = load_all_yaml_objs(types.DEFAULT, self.provider,

        return infra
Пример #5
    def run(self):
            defaults = load_all_yaml_objs(
                types.DEFAULT, self.provider,
            defaults[0].specification.name = self.name

            if self.is_full_config:
                defaults = self.get_full_config(defaults)

            save_manifest(defaults, self.name, self.name + '.yml')

                'Initialized user configuration and saved it to "' +
                os.path.join(get_build_path(self.name), self.name + '.yml') +
            return 0
        except Exception as e:
                e, exc_info=True
            )  # TODO extensive debug output might not always be wanted. Make this configurable with input flag?
            return 1
Пример #6
    def init(self):
        input = load_all_yaml_objs(types.DEFAULT, self.provider,
        input[0].specification.name = self.name

        if self.is_full_config:
            config = self.get_config_docs(input)
            config_only = select_all(
                config, lambda x: not (x.kind.startswith('epiphany-cluster')))
            if self.provider == 'any':
                # for any provider we want to use the default config from minimal-cluster-config
                cluster_model = select_single(
                    input, lambda x: x.kind == 'epiphany-cluster')
                # for azure|aws provider we want to use the extended defaults cluster-config after dry run.
                # TODO: We probably wants this comming from seperate documents since Azure and AWS overlap now...
                cluster_model = select_single(
                    config, lambda x: x.kind == 'epiphany-cluster')
            infra = self.get_infra_docs(input)
            docs = [cluster_model, *config_only, *infra]
            docs = [*input]

        # set the provider and version for all docs
        for doc in docs:
            doc['provider'] = self.provider
            doc['version'] = VERSION

        # remove SET_BY_AUTOMATION fields
        remove_value(docs, 'SET_BY_AUTOMATION')

        # save document
        save_manifest(docs, self.name, self.name + '.yml')

        self.logger.info('Initialized new configuration and saved it to "' +
                         os.path.join(get_build_path(self.name), self.name +
                                      '.yml') + '"')
        return 0