Пример #1
def getarpentry(ip=None, vrf='all'):
    # Check the output of the ARP table for the IP address in question
    if ip:
        arpoutput = json.loads(clid('show ip arp {0} vrf {1}'.format(ip, vrf)))
        arpoutput = json.loads(clid('show ip arp vrf {0}'.format(vrf)))
    rowadjlist = findkey(arpoutput, 'ROW_adj')
    if not rowadjlist:
        return None

    # flatten out the data received from show ip arp into a list of dicts
    arpentries = []
    for rowadj in rowadjlist:
        if isinstance(rowadj, dict):
        elif isinstance(rowadj, list):

    arplist = []
    for arp in arpentries:
                [arp['ip-addr-out'], arp['time-stamp'], arp['mac'], arp['intf-out']])
        except KeyError:
    return arplist
Пример #2
def main():
    """Main method to configure VLANs on interfaces."""
    interface_data = {}
    interfaces = [(interface['interface'], interface['state'],
                  for interface in json.loads(cli.clid("show interface brief"))
                  if 'Eth' in interface['interface']]
    vlans = [(vlan['vlanshowbr-vlanid-utf'], vlan['vlanshowplist-ifidx'])
             for vlan in json.loads(cli.clid("show vlan"))['TABLE_vlanbrief']
             ['ROW_vlanbrief'] if 'vlanshowplist-ifidx' in vlan.keys()]
    macs = [(mac['disp_mac_addr'], mac['disp_port'])
            for mac in json.loads(cli.clid("show mac address-table"))
            if 'Eth' in mac['disp_port']]

    for interface in interfaces:
        int_info = [interface[1], interface[2]]
        interface_data[interface[0]] = {'int_info': int_info}

        vlan_ids = [vlan[0] for vlan in vlans if interface[0] in vlan[1]]
        interface_data[interface[0]].update({'vlan_ids': vlan_ids})

        mac_addrs = [mac[0] for mac in macs if interface[0] in mac[1]]
        interface_data[interface[0]].update({'mac_addresses': mac_addrs})

Пример #3
def getarpentry(ip=None, vrf='all'):
    # Check the output of the ARP table for the IP address in question
    if ip:
        arpoutput = json.loads(clid('show ip arp {0} vrf {1}'.format(ip, vrf)))
        arpoutput = json.loads(clid('show ip arp vrf {0}'.format(vrf)))
    rowadjlist = findkey(arpoutput, 'ROW_adj')
    if not rowadjlist:
        return None

    # flatten out the data received from show ip arp into a list of dicts
    arpentries = []
    # print "TITU   :  ", arpoutput
    for rowadj in rowadjlist:
        if isinstance(rowadj, dict):
        elif isinstance(rowadj, list):

    arplist = []
    for arp in arpentries:
            # print "TITU Int : ", arp['intf-out']
                arp['ip-addr-out'], arp['time-stamp'], arp['mac'],
        except KeyError:
    return arplist
Пример #4
def main():
    import json
    # Python module names vary depending on nxos version
        from cli import clid
        from cisco import clid
    data = {}

        all = json.loads(clid('show snmp'))
        data['snmp'] = all

        community = json.loads(clid('show snmp community'))
        data['community'] = community

        host = json.loads(clid('show snmp host'))
        data['host'] = host

        group = json.loads(clid('show snmp group'))
        data['group'] = group

    return data
Пример #5
def cdpneigh():

	u"""Getting CDP neighbours information """

	cmd = 'show cdp neighbor'
	cdp_dict = {}
	cdp = json.loads(cli.clid(cmd))['TABLE_cdp_neighbor_brief_info']['ROW_cdp_neighbor_brief_info']
	patern = re.compile('xen|kvm|esx|ubuntu|vmware', re.IGNORECASE)

	for row in cdp:
		if (re.search(patern, str(row)) != None):
			int_id = row['intf_id']
			if int_id not in cdp_dict:
				cdp_dict[int_id] = {}
			cdp_dict[int_id]['intf_id'] = int_id
			cdp_dict[int_id]['platform_id'] = row['platform_id']
			cdp_dict[int_id]['port_id'] = row['port_id']
				for key, value in cdp_dict.items():
					if 'port_id' in value and 'device_id' in value and 'intf_id' in value:
			except AttributeError:
				print ('There are not such attributes')
				for key, value in cdp_dict.items():
					neighbour = cli.cli('show cdp neighbors interface ' + value['intf_id'] + ' detail')
					ip = re.findall(r'(?:[\d]{1,3})\.(?:[\d]{1,3})\.(?:[\d]{1,3})\.(?:[\d]{1,3})', neighbour)[0]
					ipadd = str(ip)
					print ('{0:15} \t\t {1:10}  {2:25}  {3:10}  {4:15}'.format (value['platform_id'].ljust(15), value['port_id'].ljust(29) , str(ip).ljust(34), 'CDP'.ljust(27), value['intf_id']))
Пример #6
def cdpneigh():
    u"""Getting CDP neighbours information """

    cmd = 'show cdp neighbor'
    cdp_dict = {}
    cdp = json.loads(cli.clid(
    patern = re.compile('xen|kvm|esx|ubuntu|vmware', re.IGNORECASE)

    for row in cdp:
        if (re.search(patern, str(row)) != None):
            int_id = row['intf_id']
            if int_id not in cdp_dict:
                cdp_dict[int_id] = {}
            cdp_dict[int_id]['intf_id'] = int_id
            cdp_dict[int_id]['platform_id'] = row['platform_id']
            cdp_dict[int_id]['port_id'] = row['port_id']
                for key, value in cdp_dict.items():
                    if 'port_id' in value and 'device_id' in value and 'intf_id' in value:
            except AttributeError:
                print('There are not such attributes')
                for key, value in cdp_dict.items():
                    neighbour = cli.cli('show cdp neighbors interface ' +
                                        value['intf_id'] + ' detail')
                    ip = re.findall(
                    ipadd = str(ip)
                    print('{0:15} \t\t {1:10}  {2:25}  {3:10}  {4:15}'.format(
                        str(ip).ljust(34), 'CDP'.ljust(27), value['intf_id']))
Пример #7
def check_cpu():

    # below example using cli method
    # o = cli('show proc cpu | in "CPU util"').split(',')[2].strip().split(' ')[0].strip('%')
    # below example much better using clid method

    o = json.loads(clid('show proc cpu'))['idle_percent'].encode('UTF-8')
    return float(o)
Пример #8
def getcdpentry(port):
    # Next use the interface we found the device on from CAM and look it up in
    # CDP
    cdp = json.loads(clid('show cdp neighbor interface {0}'.format(port)))
    cdp = findkey(cdp, 'ROW_cdp_neighbor_brief_info')
    if not cdp:
        raise Exception('Unable to find {0} in CDP output'.format(port))
    if len(cdp) > 0:
        cdp = cdp[0]
    return cdp
Пример #9
def getcdpentry(port):
    # Next use the interface we found the device on from CAM and look it up in
    # CDP
    cdp = json.loads(clid('show cdp neighbor interface {0}'.format(port)))
    cdp = findkey(cdp, 'ROW_cdp_neighbor_brief_info')
    if not cdp:
        raise Exception('Unable to find {0} in CDP output'.format(port))
    if len(cdp) > 0:
        cdp = cdp[0]
    return cdp
Пример #10
def getmacentry(mac, vlanfilter=None):
        macaddroutput = json.loads(
            clid('show mac address-table address {0}'.format(mac)))
    except UnstructuredOutput:
        return None

    macaddrlist = findkey(macaddroutput, 'ROW_mac_address')
    if not macaddrlist:
        return None

    macentries = []
    for macaddr in macaddrlist:
        if isinstance(macaddr, dict):
        elif isinstance(macaddr, list):

    entries = []
    # print "TITU:mac,   ", mac
    # print "TITU: ", macaddroutput
    # print "TITU", macentries
    for macaddr in macentries:
        vlan = macaddr['disp_vlan']
        mac = macaddr['disp_mac_addr']
        entrytype = macaddr['disp_type']
        age = macaddr['disp_age']
        secure = macaddr['disp_is_secure']
        ntfy = macaddr['disp_is_ntfy']
        port = macaddr['disp_port']
        # print "TITU", port

        if vlanfilter and vlan != vlanfilter:

        # If a MAC is on a port channel, dereference it and use the first entry
        if 'po' in port.lower():
            members = getportchannelmembers(port)
            if not members:
                raise Exception(
                    'Unable to find any member interfaces in {0}'.format(port))

                [[vlan, mac, entrytype, age, secure, ntfy, memberport,
                    port] for memberport in members])
        elif 'vlan' in port.lower():
                [vlan, mac, entrytype, age, secure, ntfy, port, port])

    return entries
Пример #11
def getmacentry(mac, vlanfilter=None):
        macaddroutput = json.loads(
            clid('show mac address-table address {0}'.format(mac)))
    except UnstructuredOutput:
        return None

    macaddrlist = findkey(macaddroutput, 'ROW_mac_address')
    if not macaddrlist:
        return None

    macentries = []
    for macaddr in macaddrlist:
        if isinstance(macaddr, dict):
        elif isinstance(macaddr, list):

    entries = []
    # print "TITU:mac,   ", mac
    # print "TITU: ", macaddroutput
    # print "TITU", macentries
    for macaddr in macentries:
        vlan = macaddr['disp_vlan']
        mac = macaddr['disp_mac_addr']
        entrytype = macaddr['disp_type']
        age = macaddr['disp_age']
        secure = macaddr['disp_is_secure']
        ntfy = macaddr['disp_is_ntfy']
        port = macaddr['disp_port']
        # print "TITU", port

        if vlanfilter and vlan != vlanfilter:

        # If a MAC is on a port channel, dereference it and use the first entry
        if 'po' in port.lower():
            members = getportchannelmembers(port)
            if not members:
                raise Exception(
                    'Unable to find any member interfaces in {0}'.format(port))

                [[vlan, mac, entrytype, age, secure, ntfy, memberport, port]
                 for memberport in members])
        elif 'vlan' in port.lower():
                [vlan, mac, entrytype, age, secure, ntfy, port, port])

    return entries
Пример #12
def get_user_desc( intf):
	txt = cli.clid('show interface %s desc' %intf)
		if type(txt) == str:
			d = json.loads(txt)
			desc = d['TABLE_interface']['ROW_interface']['desc']
			desc = txt['TABLE_interface']['ROW_interface']['desc']
		if desc != None and len(desc) > 1:
			msg = desc.split(':')                                 
			return msg[0].strip() if len(msg) > 1 else ''  
	return ''
def main():
    import json
    # Python module names vary depending on nxos version
        from cli import clid
        from cisco import clid
    data = {}

        data = json.loads(clid('show version'))

    return data
Пример #14
def connports():
    u"""Gathering information about connected ports"""

    cmd = 'show interface brief'
    out = json.loads(cli.clid(cmd))
    i = 0
    connectedports = []

    while i < len(out['TABLE_interface']['ROW_interface']):
        interf = out['TABLE_interface']['ROW_interface'][i]
        i = i + 1
        if interf['state'] == 'up':

    return connectedports
Пример #15
def deviceinfo():
    u"""Getting information about current device"""

    info = json.loads(cli.clid('show version'))
    print(color.CYAN + '\nSwitch information:\n' + color.ENDCOLOR)
        if 'kickstart_ver_str' in info.keys() and 'host_name' in info.keys(
        ) and 'kern_uptm_mins' in info.keys():
            print('NXOS version: '.upper() + info.get('kickstart_ver_str'))
            print('Device name: '.upper() + info.get('host_name') + '\n\t')
            print('General device info: ')
            for k in info.keys():
                print "%30s = %s" % (k, out[k])
    except AttributeError:
        print('No such attribute...')
Пример #16
def deviceinfo():

	u"""Getting information about current device"""

	info=json.loads(cli.clid('show version'))
	print (color.CYAN + '\nSwitch information:\n' + color.ENDCOLOR)
		if 'kickstart_ver_str' in info.keys() and 'host_name' in info.keys() and 'kern_uptm_mins' in info.keys():
			print ('NXOS version: '.upper() + info.get('kickstart_ver_str') )
			print ('Device name: '.upper() + info.get('host_name') + '\n\t')
			print ('General device info: ')
			for k in info.keys():
				print "%30s = %s" % (k, out[k])			
	except AttributeError:
			print ('No such attribute...')
Пример #17
def connports():

	u"""Gathering information about connected ports"""

	cmd = 'show interface brief'
	out = json.loads(cli.clid(cmd))
	connectedports = []

	while i < len(out['TABLE_interface']['ROW_interface']):
		if interf['state'] == 'up':

	return connectedports
Пример #18
def main():
    import json
    # Python module names vary depending on nxos version
        from cli import clid
        from cisco import clid
    data = {}

        # get the version in json form in a temporary string so we can manipulate it
        dataString = clid('show version')
        # The "as is" in the license header string from 'show version'
        # will cause json.dumps within taskrunner.py to produce an invalid json string
        # This is resolved by replacing the additional escapes (\) with a raw string
        dataString = dataString.replace("\\\"as is,\\\"", "as is")
        data = json.loads(dataString)

    return data
Пример #19
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script will gather details from the CDP database and generate
# interface descriptions based on the neighbor name and remote interface
# and then print out the configuration needed to apply these descriptions.

import cli
import json

cdp_dict = {}

cdp = json.loads(
    cli.clid('show cdp neighbor'
for entry in cdp:
    intf_id = entry['intf_id']
    if intf_id not in cdp_dict:
        cdp_dict[intf_id] = {}
    cdp_dict[intf_id]['intf_id'] = intf_id
    cdp_dict[intf_id]['device_id'] = entry['device_id']
    cdp_dict[intf_id]['port_id'] = entry['port_id']

for key, value in cdp_dict.items():
    if 'port_id' in value and 'device_id' in value and 'intf_id' in value:
        cli.cli('conf t ; interface ' + value['intf_id'] + ' ; description ' +
                value['device_id'] + ' ' + value['port_id'])
Пример #20
#!/usr/bin/env python## Copyright (C) 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at##      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.## This script demonstrates how you can write a single script that runs on both# on box and off box, using the same APIs on Nexus 9000.## The workflow will gather details from the CDP database and generate# interface descriptions based on the neighbor name and remote interface# and then print out the configuration needed to apply these descriptions.# This version executes via the NX-API, and will simply print out the# generated configuration output, as opposed to applying it#
# Define your list of switches here, with their IP addresses and credentialsswitches = [    ['', 'admin', 'cisco123'],    ['', 'admin', 'cisco123']]

import sysimport pprintimport jsonsys.path.append("./cisco")sys.path.append("./utils")
onbox = Falsetry: from cli import clid, cliexcept ImportError: try: from nxapi_utils import NXAPITransport from cisco.interface import Interface        onbox = False except ImportError: print 'Script is unsupported on this platform' raise
from nxapi_utils import NXAPITransportfrom cisco.interface import Interfacedef findkey(dct, key, value=None): """This method recursively searches through a JSON dict for a key name    and returns a list of the matching results """    found = [] if isinstance(dct, list): for item in dct:            f = findkey(item, key, value) if f:                found.extend(f) if isinstance(dct, dict): for k, v in dct.items(): if isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, dict):                f = findkey(v, key, value) if f:                    found.extend(f) if str(k) == str(key): if (value and str(v) == str(value)) or not value:                    found.append(v) return found if len(found) > 0 else None
for switch in switches:    cdp_dict = {} if not onbox:        target_url = "http://%s/ins" % switch[0]        username = switch[1]        password = switch[2]        NXAPITransport.init( target_url=target_url, username=username, password=password)
 def smartcli(*args): """This wrapper function provides a less intrusive way to call the            appropriate msg_type for configuration based commands """            cmd = args[0] if cmd[:4] == 'conf':                NXAPITransport.send_cmd(cmd, msg_type='cli_conf') else:                NXAPITransport.cli(cmd)        cli = smartcli        clid = NXAPITransport.clid
    cdp_dict = {}
    cdp = json.loads(clid('show cdp neighbor'))    cdp = findkey(cdp, 'ROW_cdp_neighbor_brief_info')[0] for entry in cdp:        intf_id = entry['intf_id'] if intf_id not in cdp_dict:            cdp_dict[intf_id] = { 'intf_id': intf_id, 'device_id': entry['device_id'], 'port_id': entry['port_id']            }
 for key, value in cdp_dict.items(): if 'port_id' in value and 'device_id' in value and 'intf_id' in value:            fields = { 'interface': value['intf_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8'), 'device_id': value['device_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8'), 'port_id': value['port_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8')            }            cmd = 'conf t ; interface {interface} ; description {device_id} {port_id}'.format( **fields) print(cmd)            cli(cmd)
# collect a other command outputs in that case

import cli
import json
import re
from argparse import ArgumentParser

# Perform some basic argument parsing for parameters passed to the script
parser = ArgumentParser('Supercommand')
args = parser.parse_args()
ip = args.ip

# Check the output of the ARP table for the IP address in question
arp = json.loads(cli.clid('show ip arp %s vrf all' % ip))['TABLE_vrf']['ROW_vrf']['TABLE_adj']['ROW_adj']
if len(arp) == 0:
    raise Exception('Unable to find %s in ARP output' % ip)

# Take the resulting output and collect the fields we want
ip, timer, mac, interface = arp['ip-addr-out'], arp['time-stamp'], arp['mac'], arp['intf-out']

# Now use the MAC address we extracted for the IP and look it up in the CAM table
for cam in cli.cli('show mac address-table address %s' % (mac)).split('\n'):
    if mac in cam: break
    raise Exception('Unable to find %s in CAM output' % mac)

cam_fields = cam.split()
if cam_fields[0] in ['*', 'G', 'R', '+']: cam_fields.pop(0)
Пример #22
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='run show interfaces and check tresholds in output')
    parser.add_argument('-c', action='store', dest='config', help='Path to config with tresholds',
                        metavar="config", required=True)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    with open(args.config, 'r') as content_file:
        content = content_file.readlines()

    params = {}
    for line in content:
        (param, threshold) = line.split(":")
        params[param] = threshold

    interfaces = json.loads(cli.clid("show interface"))
    ifaces_data = []
    for iface in interfaces["TABLE_interface"]["ROW_interface"]:
        data = {}
        thresh_reached = False
        for p in params:
            threshold = params[p]
            if p == "input rate" or p == "output rate":
                key = "vdc_lvl_in_avg_bits" if p == "input rate" else "vdc_lvl_out_avg_bits"
                value = iface.get(key)
                if not value:
                    key = "eth_inrate1_bits" if p =="input rate" else "eth_outrate1_bits"
                    value = iface.get(key)
                if value:
                    if long(value) >= long(threshold):
                        thresh_reached = True
Пример #23
import cli

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tryy = cli.clid('show vlan')
    print tryy
Пример #24
def getportchannelmembers(port):
    po = json.loads(clid('show port-channel summary int {0}'.format(port)))
    members = findkey(po, 'port')
    return members
Пример #25
        def smartcli(*args):
            """This wrapper function provides a less intrusive way to call the
            appropriate msg_type for configuration based commands
            cmd = args[0]
            if cmd[:4] == 'conf':
                NXAPITransport.send_cmd(cmd, msg_type='cli_conf')

        cli = smartcli
        clid = NXAPITransport.clid

    cdp_dict = {}

    cdp = json.loads(clid('show cdp neighbor'))
    cdp = findkey(cdp, 'ROW_cdp_neighbor_brief_info')[0]
    for entry in cdp:
        intf_id = entry['intf_id']
        if intf_id not in cdp_dict:
            cdp_dict[intf_id] = {
                'intf_id': intf_id,
                'device_id': entry['device_id'],
                'port_id': entry['port_id']

    for key, value in cdp_dict.items():
        if 'port_id' in value and 'device_id' in value and 'intf_id' in value:
            fields = {
                'interface': value['intf_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8'),
                'device_id': value['device_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8'),
Пример #26
		devices = [ neighbors['TABLE_cdp_neighbor_brief_info']['ROW_cdp_neighbor_brief_info'] ]
	for device in devices:
		desc = get_user_desc(device['intf_id']) + " : to %(port_id)s of %(device_id)s" %device
		r = cli.cli('conf t ; interface %s ; desc %s' %(device['intf_id'], desc))
		print r

def update_desc_with_cdp_neighbors_nexus72( neighbors):
	mydevices = {}
	for item in neighbors.keys():
		keys = item.split('/')
		if keys[1] in ['intf_id', 'port_id', 'device_id'] :
			if not mydevices.has_key( keys[2]):
				dev = {}
			dev[ keys[1]] = neighbors[item]
			mydevices[ keys[2]] = dev

	for idx in mydevices.keys():
		desc = "to %(port_id)s of %(device_id)s" %mydevices[idx]
		r = cli.cli('conf t ; interface %s ; desc %s' %(mydevices[idx]['intf_id'], desc))
		print r

if __name__ == '__main__':
	txt = cli.clid('show cdp nei')
	print txt
	if type(txt) == str:
		update_desc_with_cdp_neighbors_nexus72 (txt)

Пример #27
def getportchannelmembers(port):
    po = json.loads(
        clid('show port-channel summary int {0}'.format(port)))
    members = findkey(po, 'port')
    return members
Пример #28
 def data(self, **kwargs):
     s = kwargs['s']
     ip = s.client_address[0]
     r = json.loads(cli.clid('show ip route %s vrf management' % ip))
     return self.printroute(r)
Пример #29
        def smartcli(*args):
            """This wrapper function provides a less intrusive way to call the
            appropriate msg_type for configuration based commands
            cmd = args[0]
            if cmd[:4] == 'conf':
                NXAPITransport.send_cmd(cmd, msg_type='cli_conf')
        cli = smartcli
        clid = NXAPITransport.clid

    cdp_dict = {}

    cdp = json.loads(clid('show cdp neighbor'))
    cdp = findkey(cdp, 'ROW_cdp_neighbor_brief_info')[0]
    for entry in cdp:
        intf_id = entry['intf_id']
        if intf_id not in cdp_dict:
            cdp_dict[intf_id] = {
                'intf_id': intf_id,
                'device_id': entry['device_id'],
                'port_id': entry['port_id']

    for key, value in cdp_dict.items():
        if 'port_id' in value and 'device_id' in value and 'intf_id' in value:
            fields = {
                'interface': value['intf_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8'),
                'device_id': value['device_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8'),
Пример #30
 def data(self, **kwargs):
     s = kwargs['s']
     ip = s.client_address[0]
     r = json.loads(cli.clid('show ip route %s vrf management' % ip))
     return self.printroute(r)
Пример #31
import syslog
from cli import clid
import json

data = json.loads(clid("show ip route"))
route = [
    x["ipprefix"] for x in data['TABLE_vrf']['ROW_vrf']['TABLE_addrf']

if " ".join(route) == "":
    syslog.syslog(3, "We got 3 routes , mission completed!!!")
Пример #32
import argparse
import sys
import time
import re
import smtplib

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check icmp-echo from IP SLA')
    parser.add_argument("--email", help="Send alert to this email", action="store", required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--smtp_server", help="SMTP server for email", action="store", default="")
    parser.add_argument('--threshold', action='store', type=int, help='Number of failed attempts before shutdown the interface', default=100)
    parser.add_argument("--verbosity", help="Increase output verbosity", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--dest_ip", help="IP-adders to ping", action="store", required=True)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    res = json.loads( cli.clid("show ip sla configuration") )
    maxindex = 0
    for r in res["TABLE_oper"]:
        row = r["ROW_oper"]
        if "index" in row:
            indx = int(row["index"])
            if indx > maxindex:
                maxindex = indx
            # if row["oper-type"] == "icmp-echo" and row["dest-ip"] == args.dest_ip:
            #     print "ip sla operaion already exists"
            #     sys.exit(1)
    maxindex += 1
    cli.cli("configure terminal ; feature sla sender ; ip sla %d ; icmp-echo %s ; threshold 1 ; timeout 1 ; frequency 1 ; end" % (maxindex, args.dest_ip) )
    cli.cli("configure terminal ; ip sla schedule %d life forever start-time now" % maxindex )
Пример #33
# collect a other command outputs in that case

import cli
import json
import re
from argparse import ArgumentParser

# Perform some basic argument parsing for parameters passed to the script
parser = ArgumentParser('Supercommand')
args = parser.parse_args()
ip = args.ip

# Check the output of the ARP table for the IP address in question
arp = json.loads(cli.clid('show ip arp %s vrf all' %
if len(arp) == 0:
    raise Exception('Unable to find %s in ARP output' % ip)

# Take the resulting output and collect the fields we want
ip, timer, mac, interface = arp['ip-addr-out'], arp['time-stamp'], arp[
    'mac'], arp['intf-out']

# Now use the MAC address we extracted for the IP and look it up in the CAM table
for cam in cli.cli('show mac address-table address %s' % (mac)).split('\n'):
    if mac in cam: break
    raise Exception('Unable to find %s in CAM output' % mac)

cam_fields = cam.split()
if cam_fields[0] in ['*', 'G', 'R', '+']: cam_fields.pop(0)
Пример #34
Author: Alex Feng
email: [email protected]

scheduler job name check_rt
python bootflash:/check_routes.py


scheduler schedule name check_rt_sch
  job name check_rt
  time start 2019:11:29:11:27 repeat 0:0:1

import syslog
import json
import cli

expected_routes = ["","",""]

route_table = cli.clid('sh ip route')
route_table_json = json.loads(route_table)
count = 0

for prefix in route_table_json['TABLE_vrf']['ROW_vrf']['TABLE_addrf']['ROW_addrf']['TABLE_prefix']['ROW_prefix']:
    if prefix['ipprefix'] in expected_routes:
        count +=1

if count == 3:
    syslog.syslog(1,'We got 3 routes , mission completed!')
Пример #35
        return dirname

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check the nexus for overall health')
    parser.add_argument('--cpu_hogs_limit', action='store', type=int, help='How many CPU hogs save to log', default=5)
    parser.add_argument('--mem_hogs_limit', action='store', type=int, help='How many memory hogs save to log', default=5)
    parser.add_argument('--cpu_threshold', action='store', type=int, help='CPU hog\'s threshold, %', default=50)
    parser.add_argument('--mem_threshold', action='store', type=int, help='Memory hog\'s threshold, %', default=70)
    parser.add_argument("--logdir", help="Where logs store", action="store", required=True, type=is_dir)
    parser.add_argument("--threshold_script", help="Where threshold_monitor_nexus.py script located", action="store", default = "./threshold_monitor_nexus.py", required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--threshold_script_conf", help="Where config located", default = "./config.txt", action="store" )
    args = parser.parse_args()

    sys_res = json.loads(cli.clid("show system resources"))
    user_cpu = sys_res["cpu_state_user"]
    kernel_cpu = sys_res["cpu_state_kernel"]
    cpu_load = float(user_cpu) + float(kernel_cpu)

    cpu_hogs = []
    if cpu_load > args.cpu_threshold:
        proc_cpu = json.loads(cli.clid("show processes cpu sort"))
        rows = proc_cpu["TABLE_process_cpu"]["ROW_process_cpu"]
        i = 0
        while i < len(rows):
            cpu_hogs.append( rows[i]["process"] )
            i += 1
            if i > args.cpu_hogs_limit:
Пример #36
## This entire block of code is aimed at detecting of we have access to cli and# the clid command. If we do not have them, we attempt to import cli from the# cisco package (which is present on other NXOS platforms). If that fails, we# cannot proceed further. However, if it does succeed, then we need to create# an equivalent of clid(), so we introduce an external dependency on xmltodict# which is used to convert the XML output of the commands into a JSON dict.## Finally, after that we check to see if cli() returns a tuple, if so that means# we are on a 5K or similar, and we need to patch the output to return it as# just the command output, and not the two-tuple

class UnstructuredOutput(Exception): pass
try: from cli import clid, cliexcept ImportError: try: from cisco import cli except ImportError: print 'Script is unsupported on this platform' raise
 def clid(cmd): try: import xmltodict except ImportError: print 'Script is unsupported on this platform: requires xmltodict' raise        tag = '__readonly__'        starttag, endtag = '<' + tag + '>', '</' + tag + '>'        output = cli('{0} | xml'.format(cmd))        start_index, end_index = output.find(starttag), output.find(endtag) if start_index == -1 or end_index == -1: raise UnstructuredOutput( 'Command {0} does not support structured output: {1}'.format(                    cmd, output))        output = xmltodict.parse(            output[start_index:end_index + len(endtag)])        json_output = json.dumps(output[tag]) return json_output

def cli_decorator(target_function): def wrapper(cmd): return target_function(cmd)[1] return wrapper
if isinstance(cli('show version'), tuple):    cli = cli_decorator(cli)

def findkey(dct, key, value=None):    found = [] if isinstance(dct, list): for item in dct:            f = findkey(item, key, value) if f:                found.extend(f) if isinstance(dct, dict): for k, v in dct.items(): if isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, dict):                f = findkey(v, key, value) if f:                    found.extend(f) if str(k) == str(key): if (value and str(v) == str(value)) or not value:                    found.append(v) return found if len(found) > 0 else None

def getarpentry(ip=None, vrf='all'): # Check the output of the ARP table for the IP address in question if ip:        arpoutput = json.loads(clid('show ip arp {0} vrf {1}'.format(ip, vrf))) else:        arpoutput = json.loads(clid('show ip arp vrf {0}'.format(vrf)))    rowadjlist = findkey(arpoutput, 'ROW_adj') if not rowadjlist: return None
 # flatten out the data received from show ip arp into a list of dicts    arpentries = [] # print "TITU   :  ", arpoutput for rowadj in rowadjlist: if isinstance(rowadj, dict):            arpentries.append(rowadj) elif isinstance(rowadj, list):            arpentries.extend(rowadj)
    arplist = [] for arp in arpentries: try: # print "TITU Int : ", arp['intf-out']            arplist.append(                [arp['ip-addr-out'], arp['time-stamp'], arp['mac'], arp['intf-out']]) except KeyError: continue return arplist

def getmacentry(mac, vlanfilter=None): try:        macaddroutput = json.loads(            clid('show mac address-table address {0}'.format(mac))) except UnstructuredOutput: return None
    macaddrlist = findkey(macaddroutput, 'ROW_mac_address') if not macaddrlist: return None
    macentries = [] for macaddr in macaddrlist: if isinstance(macaddr, dict):            macentries.append(macaddr) elif isinstance(macaddr, list):            macentries.extend(macaddr)
    entries = [] # print "TITU:mac,   ", mac # print "TITU: ", macaddroutput # print "TITU", macentries for macaddr in macentries:        vlan = macaddr['disp_vlan']        mac = macaddr['disp_mac_addr']        entrytype = macaddr['disp_type']        age = macaddr['disp_age']        secure = macaddr['disp_is_secure']        ntfy = macaddr['disp_is_ntfy']        port = macaddr['disp_port'] # print "TITU", port
 if vlanfilter and vlan != vlanfilter: continue
 # If a MAC is on a port channel, dereference it and use the first entry if 'po' in port.lower():            members = getportchannelmembers(port) if not members: raise Exception( 'Unable to find any member interfaces in {0}'.format(port))
            entries.extend(                [[vlan, mac, entrytype, age, secure, ntfy, memberport,                    port] for memberport in members]) elif 'vlan' in port.lower(): continue else:            entries.append(                [vlan, mac, entrytype, age, secure, ntfy, port, port])
 return entries

def getportchannelmembers(port):    po = json.loads(        clid('show port-channel summary int {0}'.format(port)))    members = findkey(po, 'port') return members

def getcdpentry(port): # Next use the interface we found the device on from CAM and look it up in # CDP    cdp = json.loads(clid('show cdp neighbor interface {0}'.format(port)))    cdp = findkey(cdp, 'ROW_cdp_neighbor_brief_info') if not cdp: raise Exception('Unable to find {0} in CDP output'.format(port)) if len(cdp) > 0:        cdp = cdp[0] return cdp

def main():
 # Perform some basic argument parsing for parameters passed to the script    parser = ArgumentParser('Supercommand')    parser.add_argument( 'ip', help='IP address to query. Use all for every IP in arp')    args = parser.parse_args()    ip = args.ip
    output = []