def generate_report(): # lets examine statistics for the last 3 weeks of 3 large indices (Nasdaq, S+P 500, DJIA) for_date = spy = HistoricAlphaVantageAPI().get_data_window('SPY', for_date, 15) dow = HistoricAlphaVantageAPI().get_data_window('DOW', for_date, 15) qqq = HistoricAlphaVantageAPI().get_data_window('QQQ', for_date, 15) print(spy) print(dow) print(qqq) net_change = [] dates = [] sentiment = [] for index in range(len(spy)): dates.append(str(date.fromordinal(spy[index]['date']))) net_change.append(get_net_change(spy[index], dow[index], qqq[index])) dd = DailyDiscussion().get_daily_discussion(spy[index]['date']) sentiment.append( SentimentAnalyzer.get_average_discussion_sentiment(dd)) print(sentiment) # get the average sentiment ratio over the time period for normalization ratio_avg = sum([sent[2] for sent in sentiment]) / len(sentiment) # reverse dates.reverse() sentiment.reverse() net_change.reverse() ds = DataSet() ds.set_x(dates) ds.set_y1_name('Index % Change') ds.append_y_set({'data': net_change, 'label': 'Major Indices Avg Change'}) ds.set_y2_name('Sentiment Ratio') ds.append_secondary_axis_y_set({ 'data': [sent[2] for sent in sentiment], 'label': 'WSB Sentiment' }) ds.append_secondary_axis_y_set({ 'data': [ratio_avg] * len(dates), 'label': 'Average Sentiment' }) chart = ChartBuilder(title='Major Index Change vs Sentiment', data_set=ds, x_label='Date', chart_type='line') # Build the actual report from our parsed data report = Reporter() report.set_title('DD Sentiment Report') report.set_body(chart) report.compile()
def generate_report(): # Build the actual report from our parsed data report = Reporter() report.set_title('Historic Sensitivity Report') # set up a table table_header = ['Ticker', 'Sentiment', '10 day Result'] report.set_body(TableBuilder(headers=table_header, rows=table_values)) report.compile() return report.title
from api.local_stocks.Ticker import Ticker from client.util.html.ListBuilder import ListBuilder from client.Reporter import Reporter t = Ticker() stocks = t.get_n_stocks(n=10) values = [] for stock in stocks: values.append(stock[0] + ' - ' + stock[1]) r = Reporter() r.set_title('Sample Stock List Report') r.set_body(ListBuilder(values, list_header="Stock tickers").compile()) r.compile()
from api.local_stocks.Ticker import Ticker from client.util.html.TableBuilder import TableBuilder from client.Reporter import Reporter t = Ticker() acb = t.get_stock('ACB') hexo = t.get_stock('HEXO') tlry = t.get_stock('TLRY') values = [acb[:3], hexo[:3], tlry[:3]] r = Reporter() r.set_title('Sample Stock Report') r.set_body( TableBuilder(['Ticker', 'Company Name', 'Description'], values).compile()) r.compile()
t = Ticker() stocks = t.get_n_stocks(n=10) count = 0 values = [] for stock in stocks: values.append({ 'label': '$' + stock[0], 'data': [count, count + 5, count + 10, count + 5, count] }) count += 1 data = {'ys': values} r = Reporter() r.set_title('Sample Chart Report') r.set_body( ChartBuilder(chart_type='line', title='Sample Line Chart', data_set=data)) bar_data = {'ys': data['ys'][:3]} r.append_to_body( ChartBuilder(chart_type='bar', title='Sample Bar Chart', data_set=bar_data)) # Note that pie charts require x labels for its data, and can only accept one data set, otherwise weird things happen pie_data = { 'x': ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five'], 'ys': data['ys'][2:3] } r.append_to_body(
table_values.append([ ticker, tickers_found[ticker]['count'], tickers_found[ticker]['name'], desc[:200] + '...', addendum ]) table_values.sort(key=sort_by_mentions, reverse=True) # and then mutate the data again to match the data format for bar charts x = [] y = [] for arr in table_values: x.append(arr[0]) y.append(arr[1]) ds = DataSet() ds.set_x(x) ds.append_y_set({'data': y, 'label': ''}) # Build the actual report from our parsed data report = Reporter() report.set_title('Sample Wall Street Bets Report') # set up a table table_header = ['Ticker', 'Mentions', 'Name', 'Description', 'Links'] report.set_body(TableBuilder(headers=table_header, rows=table_values)) # and a chart report.append_to_body( ChartBuilder(title='WSB Mentions', chart_type='bar', data_set=ds)) report.compile()
def generate_report(): dd_object = DailyDiscussion() alpha_vantage = AlphaVantageAPI() tickers = dd_object.get_daily_discussion( temp_dict = {k: v['count'] for (k, v) in tickers[0].get('tickers').items() if k != 'misc'} c = collections.Counter(temp_dict) report = Reporter() report.set_title('Markov Chain Report') for tuple_c in c.most_common(20): ticker = tuple_c[0] mc = MarkovChain(ticker) mc.build_markov_chain() x, y = mc.predict() if x is None or y is None: continue mu = mc.expected_value(x, y) var = mc.var(x, y) prev_day_change = alpha_vantage.get_quote(ticker) prev_day_change = prev_day_change['Global Quote']['10. change percent'] ds = DataSet() ds.set_x(x.tolist()) ds.append_y_set({'data': y.tolist(), 'label': ''}) report.append_to_body(ChartBuilder(title='Markov Chain: ' + ticker, chart_type='line', data_set=ds, y_label=ticker)) report.append_to_body(HTMLUtil.wrap_in_tag("Expected Value: " + str(round(mu, 3)) + "%", 'p')) report.append_to_body(HTMLUtil.wrap_in_tag("Variance: " + str(round(var, 3)) + "%", 'p')) report.append_to_body(HTMLUtil.wrap_in_tag("Previous day's change: " + prev_day_change, 'p')) report.compile() return report.title
def generate_report(table_date=None): reddit = RedditAPI() epochs = reddit.get_new('wallstreetbets', limit=1000, cast_to='epoch') epoch_meta = {} most_recent_date = None epoch_count = 0 for epoch in epochs: epoch_count += 1 if most_recent_date is None: most_recent_date = epoch epoch_data = epochs[epoch] if epoch == table_date: print(epoch_data) tickers_found = {} total_posts = 0 for sub in epoch_data: total_posts += 1 ticker = NLUSubjectTickerEstimator.estimate( sub['title'], sub['body']) if ticker is None: continue ticker_symbol = ticker[0] url = sub['url'] title = sub['title'] score = sub['score'] # if it is, write down information about the ticker and how many times we've seen it if ticker_symbol in tickers_found: tickers_found[ticker_symbol]['count'] += 1 tickers_found[ticker_symbol]['submissions'].append({ 'link': url, 'title': title, 'score': score }) else: tickers_found[ticker_symbol] = { 'count': 1, 'submissions': [{ 'link': url, 'title': title, 'score': score }], 'name': LinkBuilder(ticker[1], ticker[-3]), 'description': ticker[2] } # sort the tickers we found for tf in tickers_found: tickers_found[tf]['submissions'].sort(reverse=True, key=Sorting.sort_by_score) tickers_found = { k: v for k, v in sorted(tickers_found.items(), key=lambda it: it[1]['count'], reverse=True) } epoch_meta[epoch] = { 'tickers': tickers_found, 'post_count': total_posts } table = '' print(epoch_meta) x = [] y_dict = {} ds = DataSet() epoch_counter = 0 for meta in epoch_meta: epoch_counter += 1 metadata = epoch_meta[meta] # if you specify a date, allow generating a table for dates in the past if table_date is None and meta == most_recent_date: table = AlbinsonianHTML.get_ticker_table( metadata['tickers'], force_reload=FORCE_CACHE_RELOAD) elif table_date is not None and table_date == meta: table = AlbinsonianHTML.get_ticker_table( metadata['tickers'], force_reload=FORCE_CACHE_RELOAD) x.append(meta) for ticker in metadata['tickers']: ticker_meta = metadata['tickers'][ticker] if ticker in y_dict: y_dict[ticker].append(ticker_meta['count']) else: # correct if a ticker was missing for a few epochs, but then blips in y_dict[ticker] = [0] * (epoch_counter - 1) y_dict[ticker].append(ticker_meta['count']) for ticker in y_dict: if len(y_dict[ticker]) < epoch_counter: y_dict[ticker].append(0) x.reverse() ds.set_x(x) for ticker_ds in y_dict: ticker_data = y_dict[ticker_ds] if len(ticker_data) < epoch_count or sum(ticker_data) < TRIM_THRESH: continue ticker_data.reverse() ds.append_y_set({"label": ticker_ds, "data": ticker_data}) report = Reporter() report.set_title(REPORT_TITLE) report.append_to_body(table, section_id='ticker-table') report.append_to_body( ChartBuilder(title="Mentions over Time", data_set=ds, chart_type='line')) report.compile() return report.title
def generate_report(): # gather the current hot 1000 posts from WSB reddit = RedditAPI() submissions = reddit.get_hot('wallstreetbets', limit=1000) # loop through and try to pick out tickers tickers_found = {} for sub in range(0, len(submissions['title'])): title = submissions['title'][sub] self_text = submissions['body'][sub] url = submissions['url'][sub] score = submissions['score'][sub] ticker = NLUSubjectTickerEstimator.estimate(title, self_text) if ticker is None: continue ticker_symbol = ticker[0] # if it is, write down information about the ticker and how many times we've seen it if ticker_symbol in tickers_found: tickers_found[ticker_symbol]['count'] += 1 tickers_found[ticker_symbol]['submissions'].append({ 'link': url, 'title': title, 'score': score }) else: tickers_found[ticker_symbol] = { 'count': 1, 'submissions': [{ 'link': url, 'title': title, 'score': score }], 'name': LinkBuilder(ticker[1], ticker[-3]), 'description': ticker[2] } # sort the submissions by score for tf in tickers_found: tickers_found[tf]['submissions'].sort(reverse=True, key=Sorting.sort_by_score) # then reformat the result so that we can put it in a tabular format table_values = [] horizontal_x = [] horizontal_y = [] mentions_to_movement = [] for tf in tickers_found: addendum = '' counter = 0 for submission in tickers_found[tf]['submissions']: addendum += LinkBuilder('[%d] - %d' % (counter, submission['score']), '' + submission['link']).compile() + \ '<br />' counter += 1 addendum = ScrollableDiv(addendum, '5rem').compile() desc = '...' if 'description' in tickers_found[tf] and tickers_found[tf][ 'description'] is not None: desc = tickers_found[tf]['description'] if tickers_found[tf]['count'] > 2: print('crawling AV for %s' % tf) pct_change = AlphaVantageAPI().get_parsed_quote(tf).get( '10. change percent') if pct_change is None: pct_change = "0%" horizontal_y.append(pct_change.replace('%', '')) horizontal_x.append(tf) mentions_to_movement.append({ 'data': [{ 'x': tickers_found[tf]['count'], 'y': pct_change.replace('%', '') }], 'label': tf }) pct_in_tag = HTMLUtil.wrap_in_tag( pct_change, 'div', attributes={ 'class': 'negative' if '-' in pct_change else 'positive' }) else: pct_in_tag = 'N/A' table_values.append([ tf, tickers_found[tf]['count'], tickers_found[tf]['name'], desc[:200] + '...', pct_in_tag, addendum ]) horizontal_ds = DataSet() horizontal_ds.set_x(horizontal_x) horizontal_ds.append_y_set({'label': 'Sample', 'data': horizontal_y}) table_values.sort(key=Sorting.sort_by_mentions, reverse=True) # and then mutate the data again to match the data format for bar charts x = [] y = [] for arr in table_values: x.append(arr[0]) y.append(arr[1]) ds = DataSet() ds.set_x(x) ds.append_y_set({'data': y, 'label': ''}) # Build the actual report from our parsed data report = Reporter() report.set_title('NLU Report') # set up a table table_header = [ 'Ticker', 'Mentions', 'Name', 'Description', 'Movement', 'Links' ] report.set_body(TableBuilder(headers=table_header, rows=table_values)) # and a chart report.append_to_body( ChartBuilder(title='WSB Mentions', chart_type='bar', data_set=ds, y_label='# of Mentions')) # and another chart report.append_to_body( ChartBuilder(title='Stock % Change', chart_type='horizontal-bar', data_set=horizontal_ds, x_label='% Change')) # and another ds_scatter = DataSet() ds_scatter.set_ys(mentions_to_movement) report.append_to_body( ChartBuilder(title='Mentions vs Movement', chart_type='scatter', data_set=ds_scatter, x_label='Mentions', y_label='Movement (%)')) report.compile() return report.title