Пример #1
    def __init__(self, evManager, text, events_attrs=[], rect=None, txtcolor=(255, 0, 0), bgcolor=None):

        Widget.__init__(self, evManager)

        # When receiving an event containing text,
        # replace self.text by that event's text.
        # events_attrs maps event classes to event text attributes.
        self.events_attrs = events_attrs
        if events_attrs:
            for evtClass in events_attrs:
                self._em.reg_cb(evtClass, self.on_textevent)

        # gfx
        self.font = Font(None, config_get_fontsize())
        if rect:
            self.rect = rect
            self.rect = Rect((0, 0), (100, config_get_fontsize() + 4))
            # default width = 100px,
            # 4px from 1px each of  border bottom,
            # padding bottom, padding top, and border top

        self.txtcolor = txtcolor
        self.bgcolor = bgcolor

        self.text = text
        self.image = Surface(self.rect.size)
Пример #2
    def __init__(
        self, evManager, text, rect=None, onDownClickEvent=None, onUpClickEvent=None, onMouseMoveOutEvent=None
        Widget.__init__(self, evManager)
        # Widget init sets dirty to true, hence the actual text rendering
        # will be done in ButtonWidget.update(), called by the view renderer.

        self._em.reg_cb(DownClickEvent, self.on_downclick)
        self._em.reg_cb(UpClickEvent, self.on_upclick)
        self._em.reg_cb(MoveMouseEvent, self.on_mousemove)

        # the events to be triggered when the button is clicked or mouse moved
        self.onDownClickEvent = onDownClickEvent
        self.onUpClickEvent = onUpClickEvent
        self.onMouseMoveOutEvent = onMouseMoveOutEvent

        self.text = text
        self.font = Font(None, config_get_fontsize())  # default font, 40 pixels high

        if rect:
            self.rect = rect
            self.image = Surface(self.rect.size)  # container size from specified rect
            # if txtimg does not fit in rect, it'll get cut (good thing)
            txtimg = self.font.render(self.text, True, (0, 0, 0))
            self.rect = txtimg.get_rect()
            self.image = Surface(self.rect.size)  # container size from rendered text
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, evManager, numlines=3, rect=(0, 0, 100, 20), txtcolor=(255, 0, 0), bgcolor=None):
        Widget.__init__(self, evManager)

        self._em.reg_cb(ChatlogUpdatedEvent, self.on_remotechat)
        self._em.reg_cb(MGameAdminEvt, self.on_gameadmin)
        self._em.reg_cb(MNameChangeFailEvt, self.on_namechangefail)
        self._em.reg_cb(MMyNameChangedEvent, self.on_namechangesuccess)
        self._em.reg_cb(MNameChangedEvt, self.on_namechangesuccess)
        self._em.reg_cb(MdHpsChangeEvt, self.on_updatehps)

        self.font = Font(None, config_get_fontsize())
        self.rect = rect
        size = rect.size
        self.txtcolor = txtcolor
        self.bgcolor = bgcolor
        if bgcolor:  # completely opaque bg
            img = Surface(size)
            img = img.convert()
        else:  # more or less transparent
            img = Surface(self.rect.size, SRCALPHA)  # handles transparency
            transparency = 50  # 0 = transparent, 255 = opaque
            img.fill((0, 0, 0, transparency))  # black
            img = img.convert_alpha()
        self.image = img

        self.maxnumlines = numlines
        self.linewidgets = deque(maxlen=numlines)  # deque of TextLabelWidgets
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, evManager, numlines=3, rect=(0, 0, 100, 20), txtcolor=(255, 0, 0), bgcolor=None):
        Widget.__init__(self, evManager)

        # When receiving an event containing text,
        # add or remove that text to the widget's set of text lines to display.

        # addevents_attrs maps event classes to the text attr of events
        # that add text to display.
        self.addevents_attrs = {MdAddPlayerEvt: "pname", MNameChangedEvt: "newname", MMyNameChangedEvent: "newname"}
        for evtClass in self.addevents_attrs:
            self._em.reg_cb(evtClass, self.on_addtextevent)

        # rmevents_attrs maps event classes to the text attributes of events
        # that remove text to display.
        self.rmevents_attrs = {MPlayerLeftEvt: "pname", MNameChangedEvt: "oldname", MMyNameChangedEvent: "oldname"}
        for evtClass in self.rmevents_attrs:
            self._em.reg_cb(evtClass, self.on_rmtextevent)

        self.texts = []  # Each text is a player name.

        # gfx
        self.font = Font(None, config_get_fontsize())
        self.rect = rect
        self.txtcolor = txtcolor
        self.bgcolor = bgcolor
        img = Surface(rect.size)
        if bgcolor:
            img.set_alpha(0, RLEACCEL)  # fully transparent
        self.image = img

        self.maxnumlines = numlines
        self.linewidgets = deque(maxlen=numlines)  # deque of TextLabelWidgets
Пример #5
    def build_gui(self):
        """ Add widgets to the screen.
        Widgets on the left need only be reblitted when they get dirty.
        Widgets that overlay the world screen need to be reblitted every frame.

        # start adding widgets
        leftgui = LayeredDirty() # only reblit when dirty=1
        overlaygui = LayeredUpdates() # reblit every frame
        w, h = self.win_size
        line_h = config_get_fontsize()
        gui_w = self.gui_offset
        # -- name label at top-left of the screen
        rec = pygame.Rect(0, 0, gui_w - 1, line_h - 1)
        evt_txt_dict = {MMyNameChangedEvent: 'newname', MGreetNameEvt:'newname'}
        txtcol = config_get_txtlabel_txtcolor()
        bgcol = config_get_txtlabel_bgcolor()
        namebox = TextLabelWidget(self._em, '', events_attrs=evt_txt_dict,
                                  rect=rec, txtcolor=txtcol, bgcolor=bgcol)
        # -- list of connected players, until middle of the screen
        rec = pygame.Rect(0, line_h, gui_w - 1, line_h - 1)
        txt = 'Connected players:'
        txtcol = config_get_txtlabel_txtcolor()
        bgcol = config_get_txtlabel_bgcolor()
        whosonlinetitle = TextLabelWidget(self._em, txt, rect=rec,
                                          txtcolor=txtcol, bgcolor=bgcol)
        rec = pygame.Rect(0, 2 * line_h, gui_w - 1, h / 2 - 2 * line_h - 1)
        numlines = int(rec.height / line_h)
        txtcol = config_get_chatlog_txtcolor()
        bgcol = None #config_get_chatlog_bgcolor()
        whosonlinebox = PlayerListWidget(self._em, numlines, rect=rec,
                                         txtcolor=txtcol, bgcolor=bgcol)
        # -- chat window overlay at bottom of the world screen
        chat_height = h / 4  
        numlines = int(chat_height / line_h)
        if numlines > 0: # text input field
            rec = pygame.Rect(gui_w + 1, h - line_h, w - gui_w - 1, line_h - 1) 
            chatbox = InputFieldWidget(self._em, rect=rec)
        if numlines > 1: # text display line
            rec = pygame.Rect(gui_w + 1, h * 3 / 4,
                              w - gui_w - 1, h / 4 - line_h - 1)            
            txtcol = config_get_chatlog_txtcolor()
            # no bg color to disply on top of world screen
            chatwindow = ChatLogWidget(self._em, numlines=numlines, rect=rec,
        self.left_gui_sprites = leftgui
        self.overlay_gui_sprites = overlaygui
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, evManager, rect=None):
        Widget.__init__(self, evManager)
        # Widget init sets dirty to true, hence the actual rendering
        # will be done in InputFieldWidget.update(), called by the view renderer.

        self._em.reg_cb(NonprintableKeyEvent, self.on_invisiblekeypushed)
        self._em.reg_cb(UnicodeKeyPushedEvent, self.on_visiblekeypushed)
        self._em.reg_cb(DownClickEvent, self.on_downclick)

        self.text = ""
        self.font = Font(None, config_get_fontsize())

        if rect:
            self.rect = rect
            self.rect = Rect((0, 0), (100, config_get_fontsize() + 4))
            # 100px = default width,
            # 25px = font height, 4px = 1 px for each of border-bottom,
            # padding bottom, padding top, and border top.

        # rectangle to be drawn around the box as border
        border_rect = Rect((0, 0), self.rect.size)
        # draw and store unfocused empty box
        emptyboxImg = Surface(self.rect.size)
        self.unfocused_bgcolor = config_get_unfocusedinput_bgcolor()
        self.unfocused_txtcolor = config_get_unfocusedinput_txtcolor()
        pygame.draw.rect(emptyboxImg, self.unfocused_txtcolor, border_rect, 2)
        self.unfocused_emptyboxImg = emptyboxImg.convert_alpha()
        self.image = emptyboxImg
        # draw and store focused empty box
        emptyboxImg = Surface(self.rect.size)
        self.focused_bgcolor = config_get_focusedinput_bgcolor()
        self.focused_txtcolor = config_get_focusedinput_txtcolor()
        pygame.draw.rect(emptyboxImg, self.focused_txtcolor, border_rect, 2)
        self.focused_emptyboxImg = emptyboxImg.convert_alpha()

        self.textPos = (4, 2)  # 4px padding-left and 2px padding-top